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So I am trying to get to Germany at some point this year, preferably in late spring or summer. But there are ALL these problems. I am seriously wondering if this will work at all.
First , flying is my #1 anxiety and panic attack causing fear. I do it, but I have to be drugged a lot. So someone has to come along, because I don't function at the airport, or shortly after.
We have close to 100 animals to take care of ( goats, sheep, chickens, dogs) , so someone has to absolutely stay here. And it is a LOT of work for one person.
Husband is going to stay , I plan on going with son after he graduates. His finals end after the first week of May
Took daughter last time ( about 6 years ago before she was married and in the Navy) , and it was no problem since both husband and son were here and we had less animals
So here are all my problems:
We can fly from Roanoke ( closest airport but still 2 hours away) or we can fly from DC ( 5 hours away) , or Charlotte ( 4 hours away)
Since husband needs to stay here we have to get to the airport somehow. Either take one vehicle and leave it ( and pay a huge amount of money to park it there) or rent one ( cheaper)
Almost all the flights land past the time we could potentially take a bus from the university, but that still requires an hour drive to get to it. Plus there are none really early or late, so if the plane is late, we are stuck
We would save about $1000 if we drove to DC but then the flight goes through Dublin Ireland and doesn't land until late on the way back , so we would have to stay in a hotel for one night and then drive home the next day
The easiest but most expensive way is to drive one of our cars to Roanoke and park it for a few weeks.
But then what if the car don't start after sitting for a few weeks?
The cheapest would be driving to DC
then there is the covid thing, we haven't had it. Are we going to get it on the plane? I always get sick on the plane

The thing I am starting to want to do is not go at all, but my dad is most likely not going to live much longer, plus I promised son a trip after graduating. *sigh*, this was so much easier in Orlando, we just took a taxi to the airport and there were plenty of flights to pick from .....

any input from you guys appreciated ( since sometimes if you are not directly involved you can see things better)

be aware too theres some new visa thingy you need after jan.1st,2024 to enter europe...a passport alone doesnt do it...i dont know if it got pushed back date wise but its when it was suppose to start...anyhow...sounds like things are not in your favor to travel...so stay home.
how do you make soup in a jar? I would love a recipe
Here's one:
If you search gift meals in a jar, I know Gooseberry Patch in particular has many. I have a few I have gathered here and there over the years. Another favorite, I got from my SIL Hardy Country Soup is a good HB soup recipe. Basically any dried ingredients and spices that can be measured ahead of time then I put a label on it that says how much of what to add ~ like 1# of cooked ground beef and 4 c. H2O etc.
So I am trying to get to Germany at some point this year, preferably in late spring or summer. But there are ALL these problems. I am seriously wondering if this will work at all.
First , flying is my #1 anxiety and panic attack causing fear. I do it, but I have to be drugged a lot. So someone has to come along, because I don't function at the airport, or shortly after.
We have close to 100 animals to take care of ( goats, sheep, chickens, dogs) , so someone has to absolutely stay here. And it is a LOT of work for one person.
Husband is going to stay , I plan on going with son after he graduates. His finals end after the first week of May
Took daughter last time ( about 6 years ago before she was married and in the Navy) , and it was no problem since both husband and son were here and we had less animals
So here are all my problems:
We can fly from Roanoke ( closest airport but still 2 hours away) or we can fly from DC ( 5 hours away) , or Charlotte ( 4 hours away)
Since husband needs to stay here we have to get to the airport somehow. Either take one vehicle and leave it ( and pay a huge amount of money to park it there) or rent one ( cheaper)
Almost all the flights land past the time we could potentially take a bus from the university, but that still requires an hour drive to get to it. Plus there are none really early or late, so if the plane is late, we are stuck
We would save about $1000 if we drove to DC but then the flight goes through Dublin Ireland and doesn't land until late on the way back , so we would have to stay in a hotel for one night and then drive home the next day
The easiest but most expensive way is to drive one of our cars to Roanoke and park it for a few weeks.
But then what if the car don't start after sitting for a few weeks?
The cheapest would be driving to DC
then there is the covid thing, we haven't had it. Are we going to get it on the plane? I always get sick on the plane

The thing I am starting to want to do is not go at all, but my dad is most likely not going to live much longer, plus I promised son a trip after graduating. *sigh*, this was so much easier in Orlando, we just took a taxi to the airport and there were plenty of flights to pick from .....

any input from you guys appreciated ( since sometimes if you are not directly involved you can see things better)
Do you have a friend willing if you paid fuel and maybe $100 who would drive you to DC - still less than paying for parking and your rig wouldn't be sitting there. On the plane - it's been a while since I've flown, but I put hand sanitizer on my schnazola every so often to help disinfect the air I am breathing since it's all recirculated air, you are subject to whatever cooties are in the plane. Oh, also start some serious vits. 3-4 weeks ahead. Or like Elk said, stay home :( I get how that could be a tough call with your dad being over there.

be aware too theres some new visa thingy you need after jan.1st,2024 to enter europe...a passport alone doesnt do it...i dont know if it got pushed back date wise but its when it was suppose to start...anyhow...sounds like things are not in your favor to travel...so stay home.
That's my thinking...
but if dad dies, I will regret it. He is 84 and has heart issues
things are not going to be any different next year , actually this is probably last year I can go because most likely son will have a job by then
Do you have a friend willing if you paid fuel and maybe $100 who would drive you to DC - still less than paying for parking and your rig wouldn't be sitting there. On the plane - it's been a while since I've flown, but I put hand sanitizer on my schnazola every so often to help disinfect the air I am breathing since it's all recirculated air, you are subject to whatever cooties are in the plane. Oh, also start some serious vits. 3-4 weeks ahead. Or like Elk said, stay home :( I get how that could be a tough call with your dad being over there.
nobody to drive us
I usually take airborn vitamins for flying, plus alcohol
I think if we do go, this time I will wear the best facemask I can find ( I know they don't work, but probably keep a little of the germs out)
Just chores as usual. Got the tractor warming up so I can move it closer to my welder. Need to weld up some cracks before I can use it on the road. After lunch I'm taking my truck in to town and pick up a load of diesel. I need to get about 3 loads to fill up our bulk tank. Then we'll be ready for any amount of snow. Normally by this time of year the snow is over the top of our fences. Now it's bearly ankle deep.
Trip to Lowes for more wire. It took longer to wait for someone to unlock the cage with the wire. $109 for 250' of 12/2 with ground. He was required to walk the wire to the register. Oh my!

That should cover my wire needs as I see it now.

I did some research into starting blackberry from seed. I am going to give them a try. $8/100 seeds is worth trying.

I have a regular Dr appt tomorrow for my blood pressure meds. I will also ask him about what may be a torn muscle in my upper right arm. It doesn't seem to be getting better.


I did a search in the box on you tube site and here is one of many results.. I used to have a ....Just Add Water... notebook of recipes I found and developed over several years of trial and error.. The 2 biggest criteria for my recipes were totally dry, freeze proof, long term storage ...no added ingredients.. all inclusive in the jar, just add water.. Many recipes in jars say things like ...add a can of chicken chunks... and the like to the in jar recipe...

Edit to add.... No mail order, exotic ingredients... As much local source ingredients as possible..

An example...

I'm going to have to look into this video and book...
Trip to Lowes for more wire. It took longer to wait for someone to unlock the cage with the wire. $109 for 250' of 12/2 with ground. He was required to walk the wire to the register. Oh my!

That should cover my wire needs as I see it now.

I did some research into starting blackberry from seed. I am going to give them a try. $8/100 seeds is worth trying.

I have a regular Dr appt tomorrow for my blood pressure meds. I will also ask him about what may be a torn muscle in my upper right arm. It doesn't seem to be getting better.


Or I could send you black berry starts. They are a weed here and overtake buildings if not kept in check. Of course that negates the fun of trying the seeds.
I put hand sanitizer on my schnazola every so often to help disinfect the air I am breathing since it's all recirculated air, you are subject to whatever cooties are in the plane.
Actually the planes circulate the air constantly with new outside (heated) air constantly, I think like once a minute or every few minutes. I believe the air intakes are at the floor, hidden behind the panels and the new air comes in at the top to push the "cooties" down to the floor. I am not the guy that designed the system but my GF is a flight attendant and knows this better than I do.
I am not trying to argue, just sharing what she constantly tells everyone that mentions airplane cooties to her.
A day of many interruptions- a few things got done but wowza wasn’t sure which way was up for a little while.
Not working tomorrow- oldest niece is stopping by to bring some things from my brother and SIL (Christmas).
I sure got on somebody’s list- received another garden catalog today. Shucky darn, guess I will have to browse.
Actually the planes circulate the air constantly with new outside (heated) air constantly, I think like once a minute or every few minutes. I believe the air intakes are at the floor, hidden behind the panels and the new air comes in at the top to push the "cooties" down to the floor. I am not the guy that designed the system but my GF is a flight attendant and knows this better than I do.
I am not trying to argue, just sharing what she constantly tells everyone that mentions airplane cooties to her.
Good to know! So I’ll correct myself and say my superstition is that I use sanitizer on my nose for good luck 😂
I didn’t realize they could safely bring in air above certain altitudes. (Not that I know anything about planes other than I prefer window seats)
Ordering more equipment. Tried to open a link to a part I need 110 of. Site won't open, not sure if it was just a site, or if they closed at this point. Started searching for other companies, price jumped from $40 to $119. Damn there goes the budget if that holds out. I've got 3 quote request out so hopefully someone else will be better priced and be in stock.
Talked to my contact at the reactor facility and he said they are progressing on getting things ready for us to start there. Hope that holds out.
Suppose to pour rain Saturday, so trying to plan options for the work we've gotta do this weekend. We've got a pop up canopy, hopefully the wind won't be blowing much. Still not gonna be much fun working in the rain in 40 degree temps.
nobody to drive us
I usually take airborn vitamins for flying, plus alcohol
I think if we do go, this time I will wear the best facemask I can find ( I know they don't work, but probably keep a little of the germs out)
Maybe you can find someone in your community, a loyal customer or close neighbor you could pay to drive you..maybe put a add in the local paper or on your social media page (s)?
See if there are any local carpools..you mentioned a close by college or university..look up n see if uber is there. Maybe a college kid can uber you?
Finally crawling out of my black tunnel a bit. A week or so of just not being able to cope with life.
Daughter was here for Christmas and went to church with me, that was wonderful. Mom had to go to hospital the 27th to have kidney stone removed; docs did all the stuff to her then said they couldn't find the stone. All that for nothing. Never trust hospitals. Why didn't they just do another xray before putting her under the sedative to confirm it was still there??? Sedative and hospitals are so dangerous for the elderly! God bless my Daughter for taking the entire day to be with Mom; I'm not capable of setting foot in a hospital anymore.
Catching up on a lot of details at work, only two field visits this month so it gives me time to handle more paperwork.
Painting the inside of a closet that I'll be using as a pantry, hopefully will get some shelves up this weekend.
Some details about the school shooting near me have been released. The shooter had a .22 pistol and a pump 12 Guage. There was one fatality, a sixth grader. 5 others were wounded, including the principal who apparently was shot in the head. All the wounded are expected to live, if not fully recover. The shooter took his own life. The motive was that the shooter had experienced intense bullying for some time. He had reported it but the school administration did nothing. So he took his revenge and a sixth grader paid the ultimate price for it...
I took advantage of my half day off work. My lunch break was almost over and the boss sent me a text to take the rest of the day off. It's the slow time of the year and I guess he decided to do something else, but I didn't mind. I took a nap and then got to work at home.

I emptied the last of the junk out of the walk in closet in the hallway. Sanded the mud on the drywall seams. Most look good and smooth but the last ones near the front of the closet are not smooth because..... I simple got tired of doing it and said "Good enough". Hung a few upper cabinets on one side wall at the ceiling, and with the 9 foot ceiling I can still walk under them without hitting my head. I plan to store all my DVD's in the cabinets, I will use a folding step stool to reach them but that isn't a problem. I only watch, or listen, to them when working in the garage. We painted the walls and ceiling white and I hung a shelf with a hanger bar on the back wall, low enough to store the large bundles of paper towel or TP on the shelf under the cabinet. I plan to put many coat hooks on the wall under the cabinets and below the coats will be a boot shelf, tall enough for cowboy boots to fit on the floor under the shelf that will be used for shoes.

I need to figure out what shelving I will put over the door and on the top of the other wall, but I need to figure out what we will stockpile on those shelves. Baby Wipes? Maybe light weight long term food storage stuff? Or if I decide to go with stronger shelves maybe a bunch of canned goods? Maybe gauze and bandages and other first aid supplies? I dunno, that can be decided another day.
Found a bargain at the local lumberyard, 8' 1x12 $19, regular price is $28. So I am back to woodworking. The last children's rocking chairs I made, my wife sold for $65 each. I will have about $25 in the new ones.
I'm working on chairs for children.
I have been making shaker style with webbed seats in bright colors.
I split the frames and spreaders out of ash .
It's been fun.
Found a bargain at the local lumberyard, 8' 1x12 $19, regular price is $28. So I am back to woodworking. The last children's rocking chairs I made, my wife sold for $65 each. I will have about $25 in the new ones.
I think you are underpricing your children rockers
65 minus 25 is 40
How many hours per chair?

Where is the profit ?
I am running into the same thing, that is why I am bringing it up
Maybe you can find someone in your community, a loyal customer or close neighbor you could pay to drive you..maybe put a add in the local paper or on your social media page (s)?
See if there are any local carpools..you mentioned a close by college or university..look up n see if uber is there. Maybe a college kid can uber you?
A rental car for a day is not very expensive around here. Driving is not really the problem.
My son is a college kid lOL, he is a good driver too, we can take turns
The big thing is NOT to spend $4000 on plane tickets and getting there and back....

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