Ugly day today, sleet, rain, ice pellets and supposed to later snow
so animals will definitely all stay in
Oh yeah, we had a really bad thing happen yesterday , one of the small bucks somehow go over the fence ( we do not know how, it's a newer fence, no holes, 48 inches) so he was with ALL the girls, including of course the many little ones we did not want to breed yet, and the ones that are supposed to go to the meat processor in April. I hope he didn't get anyone pregnant, but he probably did. Nothing I can do about it now.
I am not going to try the Ryanair thing again today, will try again next week.
I had a similar happening once, but it was my neighbors buck that escaped their barn, busted through the fence between our property then somehow managed to tear down my gate into the female pen with my retired doe and her last daughter.
I already had one of her bucks on my property for like a year..another escaped boy but he was a sweet buck and really very entertaining. He ended up keeping my buck company AND I knew my neighbor was having major health issues so I told her not to worry about it. However, i didnt know she had not banded another young buckling who was trouble n likely ran this older one off.
By the time he made it to my place he was big , aggressive and a problem.
I'm sure someone breed the females. I got home n it was a circus. Now all 3 bucks had access to the buck was trying to chase away the other two. The wethers were all running around not really knowing what to do. The horse was completely watching the whole circus unfold. Everyone was panting n stressed except the horse.
I called my sick neighbor to see if she knew who's buck it was and when I found out it was hers , I was pretty pissed. And she admitted the buck I had been taking care of wasnt actually hers ..she wanted to use him for breeding eventually and was her friends.
I thought It was hers n helping her out untill she got better. She should have returned the friends buck n banded her own buckling when she got sick.
It was frustrating..I then told her she had a hour to come get her bucks before I shot them. I was angry but she was a friend too n I know she never made great decisions regarding the management of her animals. She was older n had a big heart n always took on more than she could physically handle. Me n her daughter who became friends would usually help her make things doable but her daughter had moved n I didnt have the time, finances or energy to do both.
After I cooled off, I walked the nice buck back to her place. He went back to his real home soon after. And roped n draped the ornery one back..he escaped again because he had destroyed what was left of her barn gate, so she sold him like a day later and we managed to get him loaded up from my property since he came back down since I didnt have time to repair the gate n fence yet good enough to keep him out.