Went to follow up appointment with Orthopedic surgeon.
Have to go back next month, had pinprick area seeping a little bit.
But after that then every 3 months. Until the surgery on right knee is done.
Went and seen Physical Therapist too.
7 more visit at local county hospital and done with that Physical Therapist.
Had to do the Flamingo test and hold it for 2 long minutes today.
But passed, the Flamingo test. ( stand on left leg, with right knee bent, foot off the ground for 2 minutes. )
Balance beam test kinda wobbly there.
Had another x ray of left knee area. All the way around, it's official my left leg is 1 inch and a quarter inch shorter than my right leg.
I expected that. Actually I expected it to be even shorter. That's how much they sawn off my left leg to attach the new knee too.
On both bones(thigh and tibia), so I'm happy.
When got home from doctor's appointments, went and walked, but not as far today.
Official count of steps last week was :18923 starting Monday thru Sunday.
Walked 8 miles during that time frame. Dr. Physical Therapist was happy. Local Physical Therapist not so much.
She thinks they are pushing me too hard.
I'm retired military. I'm used to this.
Guess I'm the first military personnel she's had to deal with.
The other therapists told her we military personnel aren't like civilians that she deals with everyday.
0300 hours came early today, got up and walked half my goal before I left for Orthopedic Doctor appointment.
Will have to find a place, I can walk in this winter especially if we do the right knee after the holidays.
Everybody have blessed days,afternoon,evening or night.