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SC, we’re finding out the same thing stateside. On both sides. I thought our place would be worth way more than it was appraised for, but by looking at similar properties , we’re getting more ideas on what the prices should be selling and buying. When we we get ready to sell, we’ll ask 15,000 to 20,000 more just to be able to negotiate a little. It’s discouraging at best.
Yesterday I went and visited my friend in an aged care facility and we had a great time. She is now getting tot he stage where an hour visit is enough for her and starts nodding off so I keep an eye out for that and leave if she is looking tired. While I was away DH watered the fruit trees and newly planted seedlings on the back veranda and partially put together the second set of stainless steel garage shelving units we purchased.

When I got home I helped DH finish assembling the second shelving unit and we tightened up the bolts in it. We emptied 2 of the wardrobes that were falling apart in there and put it all on the 2 new sets of shelves and moved the old wardrobes outside ready to go to the tip. After we buy a few more shelves we can get rid of the other old shelving in there and compact everything on new shelves. Our idea is to get rid of all the big bulky had it shelves before we leave here so there is less to move.

Last night's dinner was bacon and egg sandwiches as neither of us felt like cooking a big meal.

Exciting news is that we are seeing the house on 2.4 acres again today and are going armed with an offer to purchase it, keep your fingers crossed for us everyone that we get it at the right price so we don't have to borrow too much. So here is the start of the negotiation process.
Good luck!! Oops, I'm late. Sorry it didn't work.
Already been to a yard sale and got a 6 qt. crockpot, the local grocery store for sales, and paid the water bill as well as animal chores. Might clean out the medicine closet as that is the only one not done yet. Taking it kind of easy today since tomorrow, I am cleaning out the goat shed and dragging all straw and poop up to the rose garden in the front yard. I had a friend give me a pitch fork so it will be easier than using a shovel like last time. May go to Dollar Tree for frozen fruit since their truck didn't come in on time yesterday.
Went and got my new glasses, but they aren’t the right prescription. That’s what I get for using a different optometrist that didn’t know me. It was kind of a have to though. I’m going to use them this weekend to see if my eyes will adjust. If not then I’ll have him look at them. Okla has the vote for Sams Club and WM to be able to have optometry and that’s where I get my glasses so he won’t be happy about it. I’m afraid he’ll say that it was their fault. I guess I’ll see.
Ok our 2 daughters cleaned out and organized one row of kitchen cabinets. One more row and they will have the bottom cabinets done. They also got a lot of vacuum sealed stuff and dehydrated stuff put up and organized . They said tonight and tomorrow they were going to start working on our everyday pantry.
At granddaughter's singing recital of the Star Spangled Banner
Been very busy today put veggie [zuchinni] lasagna caserole's together and 2 in oven.
went to ER to get BP down yesterday so no more politicing for awhile or dogs dying,I hope.

All in all I have got a lot of things done nothing like work to get down stress. Getting ready for fall is almost as hard as Spring.
Life is good.:lil guy:
Busy morning here also! Young man came and helped me clean goat shed and use straw, etc. to mulch entire rose garden. So glad that is done! I still have a little straw to pick up by shed but it was just too hot to finish today. I have next week for that. Found a small book case/ end table for the living room and had my helper take the never used coffee table out to the shed. That will give DH something to complain about when he gets back. My helper is also willing to come help in the future, so that's a win! I'm going to make a big veggie sandwich for my meal and watch tv for a while with my sweet pups!
Fed animals and kid breakfast then took kid to the fair to care for animals, then ran her to the parade float, ran back home to make cookies and lunch and then back to fair grounds to set up for buyers dinner and wash sale animal. I need a nap and we still have the buyers dinner and auction ahead of us.
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My son and I removed the roof from our future kitchen (an old small block milk house) to prep for a new roof. We also worked to get a broken water line fixed (we were unsuccessful). And we cleaned on the building while planning on how to build our living quarters.
My dad showed up and took us to dinner. Roof goes on Monday!
Just got home from my cousins house. We had chili beans and cinnamon rolls for dinner. They are getting ready to host church tomorrow, so everything is in its place in the big house...benches, hymnbooks, and we had dinner in the little house (dawdy house). It's a communion Sunday, so they are expecting about 300, with lunch being served in shifts. And then the youth (16 yrs and older) come from 7-9 p.m. for supper and singing. We'll be going to a family reunion tomorrow, a potluck supper.
My son and I removed the roof from our future kitchen (an old small block milk house) to prep for a new roof. We also worked to get a broken water line fixed (we were unsuccessful). And we cleaned on the building while planning on how to build our living quarters.
My dad showed up and took us to dinner. Roof goes on Monday!

Hello @Family Tree Homestead , nice to see another new friend. We did what your doing now almost 21 years ago and still doing it now at times. :D. We lived in tents for almost 3 months while clearing land and building sheds. Have fun and :welcome:
Made it through the dinner and sale. Kid got $1250 for her chicken. Her heart rate was low and she felt horrible but refused to let anyone else go through the ring for her. Said that if she fainted she'd just have to catch her chicken and get back to the sale when she woke up.... Half an hr later her bp dropped to 83/31 and her heart rate jumped to 139. Darn kid.
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Made it through the dinner and sale. Kid got $1250 for her chicken. Her heart rate was low and she felt horrible but refused to let anyone else go through the ring for her. Said that if she fainted shed just have to catch her chicken and get back to the sale when she woke up.... Half an hr later her bp dropped to 83/31 and her heart rate jumped to 139. Darn kid.
Tell your daughter Congratulations on the chicken price.
Nice job!
Went to Wal-Mart this morning to walk.
We got rain for the next 10 days or there about.
Ground is squishy, but got about 4. 5 inches yesterday, last night.
We had been in drought for so long.
Missouri river and local creeks are getting close to flood stage in several areas.
Walked about 4100 steps in Wal-Mart today.
Had Grand daughter today, wasn't supposed to but did.
Had her about 4 hours today.
But before she got here, I had walked, taken out trash, washed dishes, let Strawberry out several times.
Just got to sort laundry, vacuum tomorrow after walk and Physical Therapy.
And take care of Strawberry needs too.
6 more visits then finished with local PT.
Got the cake(made from scratch) out of oven before grand daughter got to my house this morning.
Cake didn't have sugar in it, but kinda sweet with dried fruit in it.
I don't eat sugar if I can help it. Grand daughter doesn't like sweets, she would rather have watermelon or fruit.
Strawberry and grand daughter aggravated each other today.
Thinking of making small crock pot of beef, vegetable soup up for lunch and supper tomorrow.

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