What's everybody doing today?

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Hooray, Sewing!
It will be so cool for you to have the land to grow on, this spring.
And I bet the house is bigger than the cottage so you won't be so squished in.
Spent the day with mom, my very old uncle, and family from Florida that all came to our farm. They were here for the reunion. They are in a bit of a culture shock, but doing ok. Had dinner at my favorite cousins house with her kids and grands, and now winding down for our drive to Colorado tomorrow. It's been raining solidly here. 7" so far. Some flooding in low areas.
Thank you @NannyPatty, @Amish Heart, @MoBookworm1957, @snappy1 and @Terri9630 :) .

@Terri9630 the house is not the same house as the one that our offer was knocked back on. It is one we have been keeping an eye on on the internet for some time but they had way to high of a price on it for our budget. The sellers reduced the sales price by $50 000 so we decided to have a look at it and took an offer with us and it was accepted.

It has a pre war built and built like a tank 3 bedroom home with huge bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a large rumpus room (food storage heaven), a double garden shed, rain water tanks, a meat room, an outhouse toilet (yes seriously operational), big shed with 2 car storage room plus a big lean to off the back of it and 2 large enclosed garden beds with kangaroo and rabbit proof fencing on it to set up our vegetable patch in. It is on 1.21 acres of land and backs onto a creek so we could pump water from the creek also for personal use if necessary and is on town water too. It was under $200 000 which is a steal on any property market around here.

Not celebrating yet as we have only done the initial paperwork with the bank for the housing loan and we have to wait for a signed contract to take back to the bank to get a final approval on financing the housing loan. We go in to sign the contract tomorrow morning with the solicitor and have to wait for the seller to sign it and get it back to us to take to the bank.

What we have done today so far is got quotes for house and contents and car insurance and come home and DH got a loaf of bread on.
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@Terri9630 yes only in Australia for the largest kangaroos. To explain they eat all your vegetables and strip your fruit trees and eat the twigs if they are saplings but not if the fruit trees are over about 6 ft high. To tell a story the real estate agent (over 6 ft tall) who took us out to look at the property saw a large (male buck) kangaroo on the property and thought to shew it away until it stood up and was about the same height as him and shaped up to him. He decided the better part of safety was to back away and let the kangaroo have right of way. If scared kangaroos stand on their tails and use their back paws with large claws on them to open your stomach and or whole body, to say the least they are a force to be re conned with and can put you in hospital sooner than look at you .

The ones bred in captivity in zoos are brought up around people and are relatively friendly but out in the wild they can quite literally disembowel and stomp you to death if they take flight and they can knock a person out with their tail.

To say the least I will give them the respect they deserve and put all our vegetables and fruit trees in totally enclosed cages with wire.
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OK we had a very good canning marathon yesterday. We got all of those #10 cans cut down s0 we can manage them . also ckeaned out a big hole in the pantry. we will get back on cleaning the pantry today. never would have gotten that much done that quick without the additional pair of hands. Daughter said in a couple if weeks she would have a few more days to spend with us. So we will get to work on the freezers and grind meat that weekend.
This morning I felt a rub on my skin. I'm not sure how it got there, but it's about the size of a silver dollar and has a burn feel to it. Quite irritating actually. So, I'm at work and I go to the lounge area to find a first aid kit, and low and behold, a kit is no where to be found. My next thought was to go to my car to get my first aid kit, but since I have a meeting, in less than a hour, I just wouldn't be able to get back on time. Long story short, I mentioned to a co-worker that I have this irritation on my skin and ask what would she do? She said, in all sincerity, "pee on it", I repeat back to her, "pee on it?" and she just looks back at me with that sincerity. Well... guess what I haven't done yet this morning...
This morning I felt a rub on my skin. I'm not sure how it got there, but it's about the size of a silver dollar and has a burn feel to it. Quite irritating actually. So, I'm at work and I go to the lounge area to find a first aid kit, and low and behold, a kit is no where to be found. My next thought was to go to my car to get my first aid kit, but since I have a meeting, in less than a hour, I just wouldn't be able to get back on time. Long story short, I mentioned to a co-worker that I have this irritation on my skin and ask what would she do? She said, in all sincerity, "pee on it", I repeat back to her, "pee on it?" and she just looks back at me with that sincerity. Well... guess what I haven't done yet this morning...
I'm finding two quotes online about urine (pee)
"Urine is not sterile, and neither is the rest of you. DON'T DO IT Urinating on a wound to clean it in an emergency has become fodder for urban legend, but new research debunks the idea that urine is sterile."
"Urine "is relatively clean," says Goldfarb. "Most people don't have urinary tract infections." This may be the source of the belief that urine makes a good antiseptic— and that urinating on a wound can disinfect it, a practice purportedly going back to the Aztecs."
I'm finding two quotes online about urine (pee)
"Urine is not sterile, and neither is the rest of you. DON'T DO IT Urinating on a wound to clean it in an emergency has become fodder for urban legend, but new research debunks the idea that urine is sterile."
"Urine "is relatively clean," says Goldfarb. "Most people don't have urinary tract infections." This may be the source of the belief that urine makes a good antiseptic— and that urinating on a wound can disinfect it, a practice purportedly going back to the Aztecs."
I never thought pee was sterile, but I remember hearing once that something in human pee does have a small, soothing effect on some skin irritation. I havent tried it though...
Left the intense rain in Kansas (flooding, really) and had to drive through snow to get to Denver. Of course, forgot a jacket (ha, ha, Weedy...I've done that before) and had to get a touristy Colorado sweatshirt at a truckstop. Ordering Chinese food. Need to be at the hospital first thing in the morning for husband's stuff.
But...watching the news and very glad I'm not in Portland. Antifa needs to be arrested.
Weather permiting , I'm going to visit with my Mother and see if she needs anything before the storm hits.Alsp I did order the weston tomato strainer. I liked this one because it has 2 different ways to fasten to the table. Also ordered the accessory pack with the berry strainer. Now I think I'll be ready when tomato and berry season 2019 gets here.
So far today DH started off the morning with watering part of one side of the house lawns with saved grey water from our showers and washing machine. While he did that I stain removed some clothing and put on a load of washing.

Just as the washing was half way (I paused the cycle before we left) through our solicitor rang and said the house contract was ready to sign so he was really good and explained it thoroughly to us and we put another clause in that the seller would pay a surveyor to have the boundaries of the property clearly pegged and defined. The real estate consultant said the owners were going to do that but it was not in the contract so we added that clause too. Turns out looking at the boundaries that the poor neighbour on one side will be blocked out of his property as we have 2 driveways one of which the neighbour has been using to get into his home. Not to worry though he does have a designated road on the other side of him that he can build a driveway from but a temporary arrangement will have to be made with him though so we can fence our property properly on one side.

Got home and put the washing machine back on and when the cycle finished hung it on the clothes line to dry and DH watered the fruit trees and vegetable seedlings on there too. Shortly DH is going to continue to ring around for house, contents, cars, and life insurance to get quotes so we are ready to do it when the house is settled.

Sitting down relaxing now with the fan on in the lounge room until it gets cooler.
Cleaned out the medicine closet yesterday and that was about it for productivity! This morning, I am making cookies to serve after Church tonight. It's youth night and the last night of the revival. May do some eBay today in between baking and serving. Tomorrow, I have to go to Walmart for a few things and Dollar Tree for frozen fruit, then pick up DH at the train station. Glad he will be home and glad I got as much done as I did while he was gone!
10 day fast from social media starting tomorrow, midnight tonight actually. Hope I don't starve, but if I'm filling my mind and my time with all the right things I wonder....
that didn't last long.
But I think I'm not ready to come back yet anyway. I really have a lot to do. Halloween costume (mine). Exercising. Clean the carpet. Sewing. Cleaning out the garage.
Yall are awesome people though.
:huggs::lil guy::comp bullet:waiting:
Strawberry ran through house this morning like chicken with no head.
Grand daughter was full of P&V.
So the two of them tormented each other.
Granny's got crockpot of chili on simmer going now.
Got meatloaf half ready for the oven in the morning.
Will throw sweet potatoes and red potatoes in oven with meatloaf.
Just about finished my mom's crocheted doily thread collar for Christmas.
Then will start on another one in different colors for her.
After that will work on daughter in laws shawl also crocheted out of doily thread.
If I have time will make Grand daughter's big sister a shawl for Christmas too.
She was sighing over the one I made myself last year after Christmas.
Hope to be done making Christmas by the 15th of December.
That will be a first, to be done before Christmas. lol..lol..
Neighbors are fighting, I hear them through the walls.
I'm clear across the room with the TV on, hear them over the TV.
Going to be long night, I think.
Saw my first Missouri Badger walking across my back yard this morning.
Thank goodness Strawberry was inside. She would have tried to take it and got tore up bad.
Probably me too trying to protect her.
Sewing will you be able to take your gardens with you when you get your house?
Or do you have to leave them?
Dishes are done, kitchen is cleaned.
Bathroom is cleaned.
Just got to vacuum in the morning after my walk.
Walked 4450 steps today about 1.8 miles.
Feel pretty good, kinda nippy with the wind blowing.
Everybody stay safe.
@MoBookworm1957 most of the important things will come with us from the gardens as we have taken cuttings of most of the herbs, lavender and lemon grass. The rest will hopefully be ready for us to harvest before we leave and will be frozen. We also have a full freezer of frozen vegetables we have blanched and frozen which will last us for a while until we get settled enough to start the gardens again.
Today has been a really madly busy day. I started off the morning with visiting my friend in the aged care facility and we are doing scripture study and reading of 1 Chronicles and had a great time discussing lots of subjects. She is still tired from a change in her medication and sleeping a lot but has a doctors appointment with one of the aged care doctors there and no doubt they will sort out a medication regime that works better for her.

Got home and DH was getting combined home, contents, life and car insurance quotes and we think we have figured out the cheapest company to go with but still our bank will be giving us yet another quote so we can compare. DH while I was out got a phone call from the solicitor that we had completely signed contracts to pick up and that he had faxed the signed house contract through to the bank and the loans manager wanted to see us too. So barely enough time for me to get ready and out the door we went and while in town went and saw the loans officer and we have conditional approval with full unconditional approval coming through at the end of next week. Got to the solicitors office and picked up our copy of the signed house contract and went to the post office to pick up more postage stamps as I was completely out.

We just folded up 2 loads of clean washing and it hasn't stopped raining since we got it off the line yesterday. DH washed up the dishes and cleaned the benches and I dried them and put them away. Now just relaxing for a while before we get some wood from under the house and then we will have nice warm showers.

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