What's everybody doing today?

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Good Luck on your new home. I was thrilled when we finally paid ours off ( it meant I didn't have to work. I was tired to my bones)

Rain here from Michael then a cold front moves in from the great lakes and we're in the 60's during the day. Can't wait. I prefer the cooler/cold weather.
Ever since as a child I had the Hong Kong flu back in the 60's pandemic, I also contracted Rheumatic Fever and because of that I have a heart murmur. I haven't been able to handle the heat ever since then. But I just deal with it like most things lol

Gonna make hubby some cookies. Have some laundry to wash and dry, the bed to change the sheets and wash them and as always theres some things to clean. Floors get done tomorrow

Started Anne McCaffery's Freedom series

Have a pound of ground beef and need to figure out what to make with it
We didn't get out yesterday because of the heavy rain, so I guess we will today. I feel kinda ruff.,aches and sniffles. I would love to stay in bed, but I need to check on parents. So I will force myself and get back home and in the bed and maybe I will feel better later this afternoon.
@Amish Heart , hope he can catch his breath, catch a break. Stay safe.
@timmie sounds like a long day for you. No fair getting sick. I hope you get over it quickly.
@Terri9630 I was thinking about some people we knew who wanted an addition put on. They gathered materials, prepped what was needed, alerted their friends. Since they erected the framing, exterior walls and roof in a weekend they never had to get permits for it, etc. The foundation (actually a basement) had already been done. All with a little help from their friends.
@WVDragonlady I still haven't read any of her books.
I dont remember a pandemic in the 60s but i was just little so...a classmate had rheumatic fever too.
@Sewingcreations15 sounds like things are moving along quickly. It can be very stressful here trying to buy or sell a home. I hope you have smooth sailing.
@WVDragonlady I still haven't read any of her books.
I dont remember a pandemic in the 60s but i was just little so...a classmate had rheumatic fever too.

1968-69 I was 11 and in junior high school.

Making an Impossible cheeseburger pie for supper. Its pretty low carb. I was surprised. Only 11g of carbs per serving.
I'll add some peas and carrots on the side. I don't have any salad makings in the house which would go good with it
Temps are supposed drop this weekend so I went ahead and harvested all my jalapeno peppers and all my Thia peppers. I got them all sliced and finished up the dehydrating today. I ended up with a pint jar full of dried jalapeno and two table spoons of dried Thia peppers.

I cleaned all the mystery items out of the fridge so I could have some room finally.
Temps are supposed drop this weekend so I went ahead and harvested all my jalapeno peppers and all my Thia peppers. I got them all sliced and finished up the dehydrating today. I ended up with a pint jar full of dried jalapeno and two table spoons of dried Thia peppers.

I cleaned all the mystery items out of the fridge so I could have some room finally.
Missed you @Peanut . Glad you're back!!!
@WVDragonlady thank you for the well wishes and I can understand the relief when your home was paid off too. DH and I are in the unique situation of paying off the house with neither of us working. DH is still employed by the Defence Dept on a pension so he is still considered working for them and I am his carer. That gives us time to be able to prep, homestead and improve the property although if we were working it would have course have been easier and quicker to pay off the loan. But never fear we are very good at budgeting and save a lot so will pay off the loan in half the amount of time we have taken the loan over. The repayments will also be $134 less per fortnight than what we are paying in rent currently :) .

@Patchouli yes I agree the process of buying a home is stressful here as well, but if you have a good solicitor who knows what he is doing it makes the process a lot simpler. Having a business background myself price haggling, figures and checking out what the real estate market is doing in regards to prices comes naturally to me more so than a lot of people so I am very blessed and I also have a background and knowledge in building construction and hardware to know and recognise building faults. We got the home $20 000 - $40 000 cheaper than the median house price in the area going on recent sales mainly because the owners had it sitting on the market for 6 months and just wanted it sold and even took a loss on it. The story on this house is it was owned by an elderly couple and the husband got sick and needed to go into a home, his friend purchased the property so he could go into the home to give his wife some money to live on and paid too much for it. DH and I recognised what a bargain it was and leapt on it and put an immediate offer in on it after 1 long look at it.

@Amish Heart praying your husband improves and his pain levels get better shortly.
Thanks, Sewing. He ended up being transported to the bigger hospital and admitted. So, we are set up here for a few days at least. Cracking up, though, trying to find wifi and there was a public schools wifi available and I got on to that. It'll let me on CNN and MSM (liberal news) but not Fox News or Drudge (conservative news). And I couldn't get on gdonna, either. Hah. Liberal Schools. They bronch he had showed a problem with his left good lung. He is on antibiotic drips. They stuck a line in his arm, so after a few days I'm hoping we can drive back home and I can do the meds for him. I've done it before.
Both stores I went to this morning were out of frozen fruit so I will try again tomorrow. Have to get ink for the printer anyhow. I freeze my own pineapple as it is cheaper in the can than frozen, but it is less expensive to buy the rest frozen from Dollar Tree or Walmart. Also picked up DH at the train station and got him home. He is very tired but glad to be home! That's it. Need to get back to listing eBay soon.
@MoBookworm1957 most of the important things will come with us from the gardens as we have taken cuttings of most of the herbs, lavender and lemon grass. The rest will hopefully be ready for us to harvest before we leave and will be frozen. We also have a full freezer of frozen vegetables we have blanched and frozen which will last us for a while until we get settled enough to start the gardens again.
Thank you was just wondering
Tired tonight so will be heading bed soon.
Strawberry and Grand daughter were both full of P&V today.
Strawberry got sent to her room(kennel) twice this morning.
Picked up and put in her room(kennel) twice.
Estelle got stood in corner for 5 minutes twice this morning.
Picked up and put in corner with Granny standing right behind her twice.
Dad got to go to bathroom by himself finally while everybody else was dealing with time outs.
My parents finally got to see Estelle throw tissy fit.
It wasn't pretty, but Granny stood her ground.
Great grand parents cried with her.
I do the vacuuming at their house twice a week.
Granny made her sit in high chair to eat lunch.
Mommy and daddy in their homes let her walk around and eat.
Which gets Strawberry in trouble a lot of the time.
Granny's house, Granny's rules.
You eat at the kitchen table in the high chair.
Strawberry doesn't get yelled at quite so much.
And she actually eats like little pig and gets full finally.
Today was a day of a lot of first time trying new foods.
She loved deep fried onion blossom, fried potatoes, green beans.
Fish not so much.
Loved Great Grandma's home made chocolate chip cookie.
pineapple applesauce not so much.
Haven't been on for a while. Spent 4 days mowing pastures, Monday my daughter carried her heifers and my heifers to vet. I had mine branded, vaccinated and wormed. She had hers vaccinated, de horned and wormed. She had 7 and I have 3. Vet said I had some really nice heifers. Went to work Tuesday and did a presentation at a school. Signed contract on 14 acres we are selling and buyer is paying cash with closing next Thursday. Praise God on this blessing! Worked Wednesday and today cleaned a house and went to work. Came home and mowed on yard for 1 1/2 hours. Clean a house tomorrow and work rest of day. Gender reveal for twins on Saturday. Piano at Methodist church Sunday and family coming over for husband 65th and 6 yr old grandson birthday party. Hello Medicare! Struggle in finding right supplemental as his meds are not generic and cost 1200.00 without insurance and 500.00 with insurance. Can't pay that. Doctor cannot find an alternative med. I am paying 400.00 for his health insurance now and his meds this year cost 3200.00 for 6 months. Had to put on card. His truck was repossessed and paid to get it back. Foreclosure on house, clear for right now and served papers for not paying taxes yet which is cleared now. My cards are maxed out as we had no choices. I am so ready to sell this house and get out of debt. But I know, believe and expect my God will take care of this. Hope you all have had a grat week and are safe from storms and enjoy this cooler weather. Gotta start moving plants soon.
Haven't been on for a while. Spent 4 days mowing pastures, Monday my daughter carried her heifers and my heifers to vet. I had mine branded, vaccinated and wormed. She had hers vaccinated, de horned and wormed. She had 7 and I have 3. Vet said I had some really nice heifers. Went to work Tuesday and did a presentation at a school. Signed contract on 14 acres we are selling and buyer is paying cash with closing next Thursday. Praise God on this blessing! Worked Wednesday and today cleaned a house and went to work. Came home and mowed on yard for 1 1/2 hours. Clean a house tomorrow and work rest of day. Gender reveal for twins on Saturday. Piano at Methodist church Sunday and family coming over for husband 65th and 6 yr old grandson birthday party. Hello Medicare! Struggle in finding right supplemental as his meds are not generic and cost 1200.00 without insurance and 500.00 with insurance. Can't pay that. Doctor cannot find an alternative med. I am paying 400.00 for his health insurance now and his meds this year cost 3200.00 for 6 months. Had to put on card. His truck was repossessed and paid to get it back. Foreclosure on house, clear for right now and served papers for not paying taxes yet which is cleared now. My cards are maxed out as we had no choices. I am so ready to sell this house and get out of debt. But I know, believe and expect my God will take care of this. Hope you all have had a grat week and are safe from storms and enjoy this cooler weather. Gotta start moving plants soon.
Welcome back
You are a busy lady, txcatlady! We learned all about medicare and supplements when we moved my mom last year. She's on some pricey meds and we found a supplement through Cigna for $240 a month that covers medical that medicare won't 100%. Prescriptions we had to go thru AARP (who I dislike) on their Walgreens plan. Pay $25 a month for that but it doesn't cover her RX completely, just some.
Thanks, Sewing. He ended up being transported to the bigger hospital and admitted. So, we are set up here for a few days at least. Cracking up, though, trying to find wifi and there was a public schools wifi available and I got on to that. It'll let me on CNN and MSM (liberal news) but not Fox News or Drudge (conservative news). And I couldn't get on gdonna, either. Hah. Liberal Schools. They bronch he had showed a problem with his left good lung. He is on antibiotic drips. They stuck a line in his arm, so after a few days I'm hoping we can drive back home and I can do the meds for him. I've done it before.

Try and see if the wifi will let you on this site:

Its conservative like drudge but a lot places don't know about yet. I use it instead of drudge
Wave at me when you get to Colorado. I hear the weather will be better today. Still cool enough, though, to wear my "tourist truckstop" Colorado hoodie.
Daughter coming in the hospital soon to take day shift with husband while I go back to the hotel and nap and shower.
It is cool, but warmer than it has been. It is supposed to get really cold on Sunday.
Son had half scheduled play date with cousin's daughters for today.
Before his schedule changed.
He didn't stop to let anybody know his hours changed.
One set of little girls showed up 2 hours to early(got me out of bed,no coffee, no medicine yet).
One set of little girls showed up 4 hours to late.
5 little girls ranging in age 0f 16 months(my grand daughter) to 4 years old.
4 year old gave everybody her Christmas list.
3 year old gave you her birthday list(her birthday is in April)
2 year olds (as more than 1) just cried the whole time.
Strawberry barking,somebody rang the door bell,Estelle crying.
Missed Physical Therapy completely.
Never ever again.
At least not at my house.
Strawberry is sleep in recliner sprawled out.
After Estelle calmed down, Strawberry quit barking.
I got medicine, coffee and dressed it was time for him to take Estelle home.
I run the cousins and kids off.
I hate being a grump all the time.
But I have had Estelle almost everyday this week.
Wasn't suppose to have her today.
So I could get my work caught back up.
In all fairness one set of little girls are moving to Colo. for daddy's job right before Christmas.
The other set of little girls are moving to California with their mom about the same time.
Just wished the play date was better planned out.
Now I need to go untangle my yarn basket all of it.
Thank you all for letting me rant.
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