What's everybody doing today?

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Had Estelle this evening, just four 4 hours.
Totally different child when it's just her, Strawberry and me.
We played, colored for the third time.
For her daddy's Christmas I am framing her first artwork to hang on his apartment walls.
Making him a cross stitched,embrodiery birth announcement and framing it too.
Making a collage of pictures in frames.
Finally got 2 balls of yarn untangled and rerolled. Whew!
Only got 8 more to untangle and reroll into balls.
Amish Heart hope your husband improves and you get home safely.
Hope everybody stays safe and warm.
Going back to our hotel in a little bit to shower and get clean clothes, pack all of our stuff and check out. Daughter is driving back home soon. Snow is forecasted tomorrow and we have to travel over a pass to get back into New Mexico, so she needs to leave today. Thinking husband will be released tomorrow morning and we can beat it out of here in the morning. Just now arranging for IV antibiotics to be delivered to us when we get home. He's on continuous right now, but they would be switching to a one a day type. Hopefully it'll all come together. Not much sleep happening when I'm sleeping at the hospital.
Be careful coming over the pass.
@Patchouli saw GC today we get it a week after you televised in our chapels. The bit about social media rest was about places on the internet that are negative or unsavory so I think we are safe talking in here. I think they are more referring to Facebook and various open forums that may have negative influences and comments in them, but particularly that statement was aimed at the youth more so. I don't know in your ward the youth are constantly on social media chatting away even through sacrament but in our ward it is rife :eek:. Some good messages in conference though.
@Patchouli I agree that most of the messages seemed to be directed at me also :) . It is interesting that the focus is more on a mixture of shorter times at church and more an emphasis on strengthening our homes too as of January. Read most of Saturday am sessions and went and saw R.S session at the chapel.

I think as we hear back about at the end of the week if we have our housing loan that our emphasis will definitely be on the home and what is in it :) , organising and "preparing every needful thing".
I've got the last coat of paint on the dog house. I got it from Walmart so the walls and everything was already made I just had to bolt them together and put the latches for the roof on which didn't have pre-drilled holes so I had to figure that out myself. In the process of testing the 1st hinge the top back corner pulled the metal screw insert right out of the wall so I had to put a long wood screw in it to hold it back together. For the $115 I spent on it I probably could've built 1 from scratch cheaper that would have been better weather proof but I didn't know that until I got it,1 disadvantage of ordering online.




As you can see from the light between the boards there's gaps that will let wind through very easily,it might be fine for warmer areas like Southern Texas or Florida but not up here in Indiana so I'm going to put plywood covered with plastic on the inside of the walls and floor. If they'd made them out of plywood it wood have been better but they probably thought the way it is "looked better to the eye" and would sell better :rolleyes:. It's a "dog house" for crying out loud not a hotel :rolleyes:.



I'm also going to put a small partition in it so she can go around it and help keep the wind coming through the door from hitting her,I learned that trick from a guy in Kentucky that built 1 for me. I'm also going to put a partition in my Mountain Cur's house.

I probably won't have the 2x2s and plywood to do the partitions until next month but I should have enough to do the walls and floor to get her by until then. Plus the plywood I have is real rough and doesn't paint very good and I want to paint the partition side that's facing the door so I need smoother plywood for those.
Its a cold rainy sunday here. Have hubby's work clothes to wash. Plan on making chili for supper today.
Switched out the sheets for flannel ones this morning and added a fleece blanket. Its supposed to get down into the 30's at night here and only low 50's during the day.
We took down the rest of the awnings this morning so we're all ready for the colder weather now
Took the dog for a walk this am. Its sunny but not warm and just a slight wind made it not so fun for me. But now he is content so I can get stuff done.
Going to clean up poop..yea..
try not to get a ************* from my buck as I clean the area. He can be a sneeky goat, act like he is just watching and he starts his smelly style of flirting.
I'm going to knock out outside chores now that its warmed up a tad, then inside stuff and get a nice toasty fire going and read a bit.
have a great day folks!
I've got the last coat of paint on the dog house. I got it from Walmart so the walls and everything was already made I just had to bolt them together and put the latches for the roof on which didn't have pre-drilled holes so I had to figure that out myself. In the process of testing the 1st hinge the top back corner pulled the metal screw insert right out of the wall so I had to put a long wood screw in it to hold it back together. For the $115 I spent on it I probably could've built 1 from scratch cheaper that would have been better weather proof but I didn't know that until I got it,1 disadvantage of ordering online.




As you can see from the light between the boards there's gaps that will let wind through very easily,it might be fine for warmer areas like Southern Texas or Florida but not up here in Indiana so I'm going to put plywood covered with plastic on the inside of the walls and floor. If they'd made them out of plywood it wood have been better but they probably thought the way it is "looked better to the eye" and would sell better :rolleyes:. It's a "dog house" for crying out loud not a hotel :rolleyes:.



I'm also going to put a small partition in it so she can go around it and help keep the wind coming through the door from hitting her,I learned that trick from a guy in Kentucky that built 1 for me. I'm also going to put a partition in my Mountain Cur's house.

I probably won't have the 2x2s and plywood to do the partitions until next month but I should have enough to do the walls and floor to get her by until then. Plus the plywood I have is real rough and doesn't paint very good and I want to paint the partition side that's facing the door so I need smoother plywood for those.

its cute but yea..wont do much good in a colder climate. bummer..
Finished the chili last week. Friday I think.
Had meatloaf sandwich for lunch.
Think the oven is trying to quit again. Bummer.
At least the burners work for right now.
Will have hot meatloaf,mp, gb for supper.
Will wash a few dishes, clean top of table off again.
Rainy and cold here today.
Been foggy, rainy, chilly all day.
Will start getting things together to put plastic on the window on the inside.
In the next day or two. Suppose to rain for several more days.
Turned on the baseboard heaters on in bathroom, sewing room.
Thermostat is set for 58*. Still got air conditioner in window in my bedroom.
Will have to figure out if I can move freezer in the kitchen from in front of baseboard heater.
Have to figure out where to put Estelle's toys, so can turn on baseboard heater in living room.
Piddle jobs actually.
Round 1 for the day is I and DH have put on a load of washing each, hung it on the line and brought it back in just before it rained again. Then DH washed the dishes and cleaned the benches and I wiped them and put them away.

We then headed out into the back yard and dismantled the old wardrobes that were falling apart we had in the garage and put them in the trailer ready to go to the tip. We have 2 more to load that we will donate as we have purchased new garage shelving. Currently we are culling big bulky items we don't need prior to hopefully moving into our own home. I have also watered all the fruit trees and vegetable seedlings on the back veranda with rain water from the tanks.
Round 2 of today is we separated out the French lavender we had drying and separated the lavender seeds off them as well. DH then had a nap and while he was laying down I trimmed the grape vines so we can get the mower under them and weeded some of the garden beds and put all the weeds and trimmings in the bin. When DH woke up I then watered the new lavender cuttings that are growing nicely in 4 pots and also changed the water in the rosemary cuttings.

Tonight's dinner will be long life tinned meat and vegetables on rice for something a little easier.
Got up at 3 a.m. for husband's meds that I put in his midline. It's every 8 hrs for a couple of weeks, and they started us on a weird schedule, so we need to get it to normal times over the next few days. Would prefer 10pm, 6am, and 2pm. I work a mile away from home, so I'm flexible. The grandkids just got off for school. Husband is doing all of his breathing treatments, and I need to get his breakfast going, figure out what's going on here laundry wise, fresh grocery wise, and animal wise. The brooder babies have grown considerably since we've been gone. There's a turkey and 6 baby silkies inside still. Ducklings are in that awkward stage...loud and stinky, ok to go out if the weather is ok, but back in tubs at night. They are still indoors, quacking their heads off , with the African Grey parrot quacking and whistling back. It's going to be tricky introducing them into the main duck area.
Already got laundry started, First load in dryer. Wrapped eBay sales and put out for Post. Going to check out and use my new meat grinder today with some chicken breasts. Also grill one for salads for me and bake one to cut up into little pieces for dog treats. Going to list 3 pairs of shoes and a pair of jeans from my closet clean out last week on eBay today. Need to make my list for ingredients for dog food so I can can it later in the week.
Good news; hubby got released from this heart doctor. He has an appoimtment with the other one in january. Hope the same thing happens there also. We went to a RURAL KING store; kinda like a tractor supply . Hubby bought a 5 gallon gas jug for 19.00. He said he liked this one because it was vented.
Just got home from up in Colorado where we spent the weekend with our kids. Everyone had a good time. Got rain here today and supposed to be snow tonight (I hate that white stuff!).
In Colorado just like here, you see all the rivers and lakes were way low due to the drought.
We were there as well. We rode the Cumbres and Toltec train through the Toltec mountain range. Beautiful! It was dry though. I want to go back in the spring when the wild flowers are in bloom.
We bought a half bushel of Hatch peppers. I spent all afternoon roasting, peeling and chopping all of them. I tried making chili rellanoes. They were very good but very messy to fry. I will use the rest of them in a casserole.
I got almost a gallon of okra from my garden. I’m hoping for tomatoes before it frosts. I’m all done in from our trip, so I’m just chilling.
work, I smashed part of my hand today..its not broken..I can move it but it is fairly swollen and sore. I had a unit of wood , actually 2 units of wood go sideways on the chains. Dang red fir never wants to come out of its bin right, once it hits the chains all squirrely, it can go funky in a jiffy. The only way to fix it is to manually put all the wood back on the chain properly so they can travel to my machine to be stacked. Or, let them fall off the chains in a I don't give a _hit manner..but I do..give a poo.. so I go to fix them and crunch..a 16 foot 2x8 bundle lands on top of my hand over the chain rail.
I think I made up a few new curse words for the record..
could have been worse...just a new bruise to show off the next few days I guess..lol..
dog walk in the field,
pretty sunset again..
My dog has fleas! We have been flea free for years so I'm thinking the stray cat that hangs around is the carrier. Bath in Dawn today and goes for haircut Tuesday. I hate to use flea meds but that seems like the only way to get rid of them for good. And vacuuming, of course.

Anyway, went to Church this morning, need to take eBay photos, need to tear out old tomato plants and plant flowers in their container, wash dog and then Church tonight.

Try peppermint and eucalyptus oils with water in a spray bottle, not permanent, but lasts a few days between "treatments."

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