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I HAVE SURVIVED UNEXPECTED UNPLANNED PLAY DATE!...Thank you all for letting me rant.

On a smaller scale family member asked me a month ago to reserve tomorrow. They will let me know what time, they may not need me. Here we are a month later and no word from the family member, wife has committed my Saturday evening for me, a morning to mid afternoon Saturday opportunity is available for me to have some fun.

Today I call the family member, "Do you still need me to..."

"No that was canceled."

"OK. That will lighten my loaded for tomorrow" ("Why didn't you let me know earlier?", is what I'm thinking).

"But you still coming. I told **** that you'd be here at **** to help with something else.
Just got home from the mtn place. We got the microwave installed. In the bathroom we got the cabinets in and the framing for the shower part way done. We left early because the forecast calls for rain turning to snow this weekend and my truck isn't 4wd.
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Sounds like you got wrangled for a lot of babysitting today, Mo! I don't see how you managed all of those different ages.
Thank you, but after the kids calmed down.
Strawberry finally stopped barking.
Estelle bless her little heart, tossed a ball of yarn at one of the 1 year olds.
Hence why I'm untangling yarn now.
It was game on after that.
She almost completely unraveled a crochet collar, I had made for my mom Christmas.
Everybody left at 1:30 pm.
I finally got a whole hot cup of coffee.
Got some chili for very late lunch.
had a great am walk with the dog,
beautiful views of the snow covering just the tippy tops of the mountains
fairly unproductive run into town, vet closed due to something, feed store out of tarps But
I got a coffee ...so...
back to the homestead to do a few hours of chores
Hot spring soak...ahhh...water was a tad warm today at 102 couldn't stay in too long but regardless..I love my hot spring soaks
back to home for more chores
now catching up on here and news
beautiful stunning sunset tonight...brilliant orangy glowing light settling down against those cool blues of twilight as the stars start to shine ...hints of wood stove smoke linger in the crisp fall air.. love it.. :)
@Meerkat good to hear you are ok and hope you heal well you will be in our prayers.

@Terri9630 it looks good and all coming along you will be finished in no time.

Yesterday did the usual being vacuuming, deep cleaning bathroom and toilet, washing dishes, folding washing and remaking the bed.

Today we have not done much except to separate lavender we had drying and turn the rack of thyme we have drying in front of the slow combustion fireplace. It is cold wet and raining here with cold strong winds.
Going back to our hotel in a little bit to shower and get clean clothes, pack all of our stuff and check out. Daughter is driving back home soon. Snow is forecasted tomorrow and we have to travel over a pass to get back into New Mexico, so she needs to leave today. Thinking husband will be released tomorrow morning and we can beat it out of here in the morning. Just now arranging for IV antibiotics to be delivered to us when we get home. He's on continuous right now, but they would be switching to a one a day type. Hopefully it'll all come together. Not much sleep happening when I'm sleeping at the hospital.
Thanks! Still waiting to see when I can leave and pack the hotel stuff and take a shower. Just found out a home health care nurse is stopping by to give me refresher training on how to do his midline antibiotic. Doc had it wrong, it's to be done every 8 hours for 2 weeks. It's after 4 and I hate driving this city in the dark, so I hope she gets over here. Daughter left and should be arriving home about 1030. A cousin of mine from Kansas just arrived in Albuquerque for the balloon fiesta...just told her to grab the spare key and make herself at home. I'll see her when I see her. Our son is on a film shoot in some Santa Fe western film setup...for a Whiskey festival. He'll be home later with the kids to check on the cousin. Wonder how my ducklings are doing? Feel like we've been gone a very long time.
Going back to our hotel in a little bit to shower and get clean clothes, pack all of our stuff and check out. Daughter is driving back home soon. Snow is forecasted tomorrow and we have to travel over a pass to get back into New Mexico, so she needs to leave today. Thinking husband will be released tomorrow morning and we can beat it out of here in the morning. Just now arranging for IV antibiotics to be delivered to us when we get home. He's on continuous right now, but they would be switching to a one a day type. Hopefully it'll all come together. Not much sleep happening when I'm sleeping at the hospital.
It sounds as though he is making good progress! That is great to hear!
today I had plans to get up early and walk the dog before I left to go down to the valley to buy straw bales with a gal pal. Instead I slept in till the last moment and rushed over to her homestead. We both had to get a few supplies at Walmart and after found the farm selling the straw. We loaded up 30 bales and off we went back to our hilly mountain homesteads. Not far into the way back...the wind picked up and poof..off goes the top layer of our straw bales onto the highway..
yea..we both felt like ding dongs..we both knew we should have tied it down but both of us were thinking..it will work. It likely would have if the cross winds didn't pick up but..it's that time of year and we were luckly no vehicles took a hit..it was close with a car on her side. All I saw was my side, passenger and 3 bales explode on the highway behind us. We had about 6 bales take a hike in both lanes..yikes...
lesson learned...
So we stop and both run out to fetch bales out of the highway, or parts of bales. A nice truck stops as well and out saunters this tall good looking coyboy ( I love Idaho) asking can I help you ladies with a huge smile..I reply, batting my eyes realizing I'm in my grubby hay tossing garb, ponytail flying in the wind thinking damb..cute coyboy and I look shabby..but owell.."yes sir, seems we didn't account for the wind today" .
What a sweet guy..he helped up reload the salvageable bales and helped us tie it all down.
First thing my pal asked me when we hop in her massive truck is, " did you get his number??" Me, " NO, dammit..I was too busy with the bales and making sure the traffic wasn't going to hit us..I didn't get a chance to ..dang..."
I'm not real good at the getting the numbers part..and it wasn't like we really had good opportunity on the side of a busy 2 lane highway..but what a treat it was to meet this nice guy just helping out a few gals in distress..
we came home and unloaded her portion first and then mine. After we parked our tired hineys over a glass of red, looked at the recent snow capped mountains and chatted about a tall nice looking Idaho cowboy throwing straw bales up top a pile like it was childs play..ahh...lol..
chilvery is not dead here..

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