What's everybody doing today?

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I've had better luck raising them from keets. There's a number of adults sold at our local sales, but they take off. The 23 I released on our farm a few months ago...probably have about half. Some walk across the road to the wheat field and get hit. The neighbor dogs get a few, raccoons got a number. I always keep my eye out for keets and just keep raising them. They really help with the ticks and chiggers. I do keep out feed and water in a couple of places and I think that helps them stick around.
Watching the silly pup climb up the stairs. Little granddaughter went up to take her shower, and he waits outside the door and yips at her. Going down the stairs is something he can't figure out yet.
Trying to housebreak him. He is having accidents half the time. Any ideas?
only feed and water him at specific times and take him out half hour or so later, give him a treat if he goes outside
put him in a crate , dogs don't want to pee on their beds
Knee, leg are hurting really bad. Have never been to an ER but it is in the back of my mind. One bad thunderstorm going on right now. Might just take a shot of shine and go to bed.
you have never been to the ER? WOw, you are lucky ( or I am accident prone) , I have been there so many times I lost count ( for myself and the kids when they were younger)
Hope your leg feels better
Well, a solo day at work as the boss is on a fishing trip. It should be a slow day, just enough work to keep busy as long as the people stay away, but odds are there will be several drop offs as this is the start of the busy season for off road vehicles. Yesterday I did nothing and enjoyed a restful day in bed watching movies and napping. I could have done some yard work but I knew I just needed a day off so I took advantage of it. However I woke up at 3am and couldn't go back to sleep so here I am surfing the web. I will probably get another hour or two sleep here in a bit.
Dang weather morons are predicting mid-90's here, it is too early for this crap. I will make sure to keep the doors closed at work to keep the shop as cool as possible. I may hook up the tree top sprinklers this evening to water the yard and cool things off. It has been a few weeks since we had rain and the ground is really starting to warm up. I have one more drip irrigation line to connect to a timer so I may do that this evening as well.
HEHEHEH Looking for a good day the left arm is healing well probably done in a few days so I decided to do the right hand a little favor and get a chunk out of it, washed it and stuck it back down, it will be good in a couple days.

Gonna try to get some stuff from the local parts store for the Bad Boy, Owner is a good friend even though he's not politically sane.

I need to work with a suit of armor on or watch what I am doing one, the latter seems to be the best way, I had a Kevlar glove on when I got the hand yesterday.

Hope everyone has a good day and @Peepaw from Tex Them women have a way of hexing you if you don't do what they say, when the wife tells you to do something, do it and your life will be much easier in the long run!!!!
@Amish Heart house breaking the puppy. Dogo we have now has been a good girl. Started with her at 6 weeks. When we’d wake up first thing, took her outside. Walked around with her, praised her big time for doing her business. Back inside fixed her breakfast, she’d eat and usually within a short amount of time (5 minutes or less) she’d have to do #2. Back outside. You have to stay with your puppy and go overboard on praising and petting. Exercise her, be outside at least 15 minutes. She might then be ready for a nap.
Our training was to get her outside when she wakes up and after she eats. Run her and outside play at certain times.
How old is your pup? Be sure she has several toys. Get her used to being on a leash and collar at least once a day. Still a puppy, if you’re gone for long periods she can only hold it for so long and if her crate is big enough she will mess in it.
Wear her out playing or traveling so she’ll sleep good. Those are things that worked for us. She’s a shepherding dog.
@poltiregist , how is your clean up going? I hope well!

Yesterday was Church, set up my vitamins for the month and went to lunch with friends.

Bo and I already walked.
Second load of laundry drying.
Will set up DH's pills for the month in a little while.
Will work on putting cat tower together, later.
Coffee.. everything fed n watered. I still have to make a lunch.
Ribs were a disappointment last night. Very little eatable meat on them. Mostly fat n the connective stuff.
My sweet relish coleslaw from the 1961 sunset cookbook was good tho!
It raining n windy..so I'll get everything ready for work n finish my rug.
No pup walk today
Watched daughter at the swearing-in ceremony this morning.
It was on Zoom and DW was able to pull it up on the big-screen TV :).
She is now a bonified attorney.
I am one proud daddy!😍
I think DW ordered this t-shirt for me 😀:
Listening to a Radio and Heard this :

Like the Music of it...!!! Jack Benny Would 🐝 Proud...!! :thumbs:
Woke up, worked out, cleaned up, went to work, left work, stopped at the store, got pulled over again, unloaded the car, checked the cams and now I am just wasting time until the lady stops home for chow. I should be mowing some grass, but I am not feeling it right now. Might wait til it drops below 80 then go out.
Need to put a "Check to see what you found out the last two times you pulled me over" sign on the back of the vehicle.

I swear its like I have a flashing sign on my car that says "pull me over!". Do I have a heavy foot, yup. Do I drive like its a competition, yup. But it seems I am just one of the many many drivers trying to make time everywhere I go, but the only one who gets stopped all the time. Fortunately these tax collectors officers/deputies do not seem to share info because I get warnings more than tickets. Maybe I am just pretty.
Can't get in to see orthopedic Dr. until Thursday. Left work at 2 and now have knee and hip iced. Pain is not getting any better. Have pain pills but don't like taking them. I think I would have been better to just hang onto ladder and fall than jumping. E=MC2, didn't do any good jumping just before ladder hit the ground.
so we were gone all day, but we got chicks ( hens and cornish cross) and I got my tooth fixed!
Dentist checked and measured tooth, told me to come back after lunch, so we had lunch too ( WHAT?? $17 for 2 sandwiches??>) , went back and he ground down the old tooth. That was not fun and took what I thought a long time ( it was about 10 minutes). Then we went and bought chicks at RK, cornish cross and some saphire hens, husband got them, I sat in the car recouperating with a numb mouth. Then back to the dentist to glue on the crown. That was done in about 5 minutes.
Glad I didn't have to get it pulled
but I am exhausted and the drugs are wearing off ( took an anxiety pill and smoked some weed before)
Left home at 0430 and drove 2 hours to the depot in Mason City for work this morning. When I got there the boss said get back in your vehicle and drive up to Albert Lea, Minnesota, because we'll be using the depot there as a home base for a couple weeks. So I hopped back in the truck and drove another 45 minutes up here. We got a few welds shot in the heat before the dispatcher kicked us off the track. I was able to score a single bed room at the Ramada in town for a really good price so I just checked in. There's a Perkins restaurant two doors down so I think I'll head over there after I get a shower. Looks like it's going to be both hot and wet this week so we'll be broiled out on the tracks. The rails reached over 110° in the sun today and it's going to get warmer. The rails expanded so much in the heat that we had to torch cut them before we could saw them. One rail grew four inches during the torch cut and kicked out to the side. It almost hit our foreman's leg when it kicked. It was a good reminder to be careful out there. A moment's lapse of attention can get you hurt, not just on the tracks but everywhere else too. Stay safe out there, everybody!
Yet another coffee, cause the sky keeps falling, at least wet parts of it, rain and welds don't mix so well
We stopped at a Panera for breakfast sandwiches yesterday morning after the airport. That was a rip off. Mine was an egg and bacon breakfast sandwich. It had obvious cooked egg product with one thin strip of bacon on some bread for $6.59. It did not taste great. Husband wanted to stop. He had some asiago egg product thing for thirty cents more. Never again
Thinking about the last couple months.
Grandson-in-law . Took their 3 kids to Disney World in Florida . While they were there he choaked to death , they found an abscess in his throat (32 yrs. old )
The burial ! They were lowering him down and got the casket wedged sideways in the vault and had to get a backhoe to get it out (in front of his kids . Found out iy was the wrong size vault , put him back in storage until the new vault comes. Look below the picture

Chrissy , close friend fell and hit her head and was pronounced brain dead (pulled the plug.Shes on the right. Middle pic. is a Puorto Rican sandwich

Been busy today.
Picked up Estelle at 0730 hours.
We went had coffee with the Veterans at the building this morning.
Signed her, Reign. Charlie and Nyx up for American Legion Auxiliary Junior Members under my PUFL.
Estelle and I came back to my place, where we made pancakes and waffles from scratch.
She got to use old time kitchen tools this morning, first time using those.
She used old fashion egg beater, flour sifter.
We got a dozen each of plain pancakes and waffles.
Then we got a dozen of chocolate chip pancakes and waffles.
All the waffles and pancakes are going in my freezer.
Dishes are done and put away.
Planted a junior size raised bed with flowers.
She went with me to look at house.
She was getting tired about 1630 hours, so I took her home.
Reading forums, sipping tea, resting.

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