What's everybody doing today?

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June is one of my completely-go-through-the-pantries month. So freezing stuff, moving stuff, rearranging stuff preparing to restock.

Also potted up some Rose of Sharon cuttings. Trying to propagate things through cuttings is my focus this year. Last year was growing everything from seed for the first time. IT's good to have a project.
Weeding weeding weeding and some planting.

The most recent bed was were I keep my grape vines. What is in there are a mix of vines in the ground and potted vines. The vines in the ground seem ok. The potted vines not so much.

Ok its Monday June 3rd ...
But I wish it was Winter right now :p
You know cold and snow ...wooohoooo 🥰

I know I know... you probably think I am crazy
But goodness... lets say in 4 months about

Merry Christmas guys and sleep well ❄️

I thought you were anxious for snow to melt and spring to arrive just a couple weeks ago 🧐
I thought you were anxious for snow to melt and spring to arrive just a couple weeks ago 🧐
Yeah I was ....but its because I dont like the in between season

I was happy when it did start to be green then I was thinking
*starting a little garden with tomatoes-cucumbers rhubarb ...
then my perennial flowers to open*
Taking care of the place outside

But when it starts daytime to become over 45f to 90f
humidity and flying bugs like mosquitoes and deer flies
* you know that kind of crap ...the sweat..too much sun... :(
It just makes me think and wish for early cold Fall and Winter
Had to put the cat down this afternoon. 22 years old, so it was time. The last survivor of the pets in our lives. This is the first time either of us have been pet free, other than brief stints in the dorms at college (although both our families still had pets at home during the college years). Maybe we will do some traveling before getting another animal.
Ok its Monday June 3rd ...
But I wish it was Winter right now :p
You know cold and snow ...wooohoooo 🥰

I know I know... you probably think I am crazy
But goodness... lets say in 4 months about

Merry Christmas guys and sleep well ❄️

Hope this Helps You Sleep Better :

... ☃️

Today? Got a wood burner...small one...for my wing of the house. The old one's just not working...so...I have all the chimney pipes/etc, already.

Managed to get it out of the pickup (ute) and onto the ground with some help...but...there it sits! It's pretty cold, here...into winter Down Unda!

I call my youngest "Hercules" for good reason. He's a way for a few days but will get it set up...soon...I hope!
Its turned quite cold here suddenly, and very windy. Just had rain also. Some northern parts are being warned of a ground frost! Mad.
Anyway having clean up today - my room doubles as an office at the minute, so a big clean up. Even down to the photos I've taken of recipes I want to make, or scribbled notes- everything will have a home by the end of the day. Sorting through recipes is resulting in a shopping list. A few hours at the desk and some gardening lined up, and just booked a skip for Thursday. There's an area of the wood shed that has been building up with rubbish like broken buckets and bits that cant be reused or burnt, and I've been offered some trees for firewood for free. Worth paying for the skip to get them in.
Its turned quite cold here suddenly, and very windy. Just had rain also. Some northern parts are being warned of a ground frost! Mad.
when we were in Dublin I thought it was very cold and windy, more than Germany and definitely more than here. I took some winter coats that were really nice and belonged to my mom and actually wore one of them there
so my mouth feels ok today but I think I am sick again, just like son ( who is finally better) . Maybe the stress of the dentist was too much, or having my mouth open for that long. I sort of feel like I have the flu now, but no temp. Just body aches, tired, coughing, sore throat

traveling is dangerous :(

we have to take some animals to the meat processing today. Another trip. I guess I have to either send husband on his own and write a list of what cuts to order or take a advil or something and come along
I still have plants to get into the ground too . We did some of the peppers but I have some cucumbers and tomatoes I still have in starter pots that need to go into the garden, plus have to plant some more green beans since this is now twice they either didn't come up or got eaten while I was gone. I will start them in little pots this time. Green beans are a huge sales item at the market, I almost never have any left regardless of how many I take
Just Chilling to Start the Day, Hope All Here Have a Good One... ☃️

👻 👻
so my mouth feels ok today but I think I am sick again, just like son ( who is finally better) . Maybe the stress of the dentist was too much, or having my mouth open for that long. I sort of feel like I have the flu now, but no temp. Just body aches, tired, coughing, sore throat

traveling is dangerous :(

we have to take some animals to the meat processing today. Another trip. I guess I have to either send husband on his own and write a list of what cuts to order or take a advil or something and come along
I still have plants to get into the ground too . We did some of the peppers but I have some cucumbers and tomatoes I still have in starter pots that need to go into the garden, plus have to plant some more green beans since this is now twice they either didn't come up or got eaten while I was gone. I will start them in little pots this time. Green beans are a huge sales item at the market, I almost never have any left regardless of how many I take
I’ve had to replant green beans too—same problems as yours. I did string some of that holographic Mylar streamers over them and everything is giving them a wide berth—even my dog.
Woke up to the sun coming thru the window again, nice, it has bee overcast horizons for most of the spring. Coffee,
Coffee----Coffeeeee- Some more too. Three this morning and gonna get a water next.

lawn mower-truck-tractor- rain,,,,,, ready for an energy pill!!!

Uh oh @Pearl sounds like pool time and still only the donkey pictures,,,, Heheheh!

I think I am gonna chill with a GOOD Old Charter in a bit, and then after two or three Highball glasses I may even get the Garage door Insulation started if it rains anymore.
Watching the silly pup climb up the stairs. Little granddaughter went up to take her shower, and he waits outside the door and yips at her. Going down the stairs is something he can't figure out yet.
Trying to housebreak him. He is having accidents half the time. Any ideas?
Patchouli is correct in her house training your pup. You have to go out with him, praise him and give him a treat when he pottied outside. I never punished for accidents in the house. He just needs to know what you expect of him. Most dogs want to follow the rules. They just need to clearly understand what the rules are.
I've had better luck raising them from keets. There's a number of adults sold at our local sales, but they take off. The 23 I released on our farm a few months ago...probably have about half. Some walk across the road to the wheat field and get hit. The neighbor dogs get a few, raccoons got a number. I always keep my eye out for keets and just keep raising them. They really help with the ticks and chiggers. I do keep out feed and water in a couple of places and I think that helps them stick around.
I will be getting keets. I’ll brood them inside until they are old enough to go in the coop outside. I’m going to try to train them to go into the coop every night by feeding them or giving them treats in the coop and shutting them in. I think I’m going to start out with 5 and see how it goes. Im hoping my own dogs see them as my pets. I think brooding the keets inside the house will help with that.
Patchouli is correct in her house training your pup. You have to go out with him, praise him and give him a treat when he pottied outside. I never punished for accidents in the house. He just needs to know what you expect of him. Most dogs want to follow the rules. They just need to clearly understand what the rules are.

I will be getting keets. I’ll brood them inside until they are old enough to go in the coop outside. I’m going to try to train them to go into the coop every night by feeding them or giving them treats in the coop and shutting them in. I think I’m going to start out with 5 and see how it goes. Im hoping my own dogs see them as my pets. I think brooding the keets inside the house will help with that.
I charm my chickens n turkeys with tortillas often..they love them..maybe it will work on your Guineas
@Hooch when you get the chance, maybe you could share that sweet relish coleslaw recipe?
A whole $1.95. I chopped half a red onion in it too..
I made way too much but it is really good..


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so I am really sick now. temp of 102.4
haven't had anything like this in probably 30 years. Is this the covid?
Symptoms: fever , super tired, not hungry , coughing
I really don't have time for this crap :((
Can be pneumonia and influenza ....... if 105f and up see a doctor
You will get antibiotics
Sounds like you need antibiotics, now. Feel better, Sonya. Yikes.

Little granddaughter to the zoo for the day. Chores around the house. Bringing pup in to the vet for first shots this afternoon. Picking up little granddaughter later. She'll text when she's had enough. She was very wiped out yesterday, but getting her up at 6:30 to help with animal chores does it, too.
Relaxing before I have to get ready for work.
Not real happy that I'm scheduled to work 10 hour days. I DONT want overtime. 8 hours running a old POS machine is bad enough. Night shift is usually 9 hours with a short day on friday.
We are on a pine 4 quarter run and the volume is overwhelming so they are running my machine more than the rest of the mill.
We will see what happens friday. My forklift driver said he had previously took friday off and it appears the person who does the schedule forgot. The other driver is likely quitting next week after well over a decade. Tired of the schedule all over the place and trying to have a home life too...I get it.
Work woes..never ends. I've got a plan at least..
Finished my rug..
My friends are on their way with my truck to the dealership a hr n half away. I cant get down there in time to get back to work to drop it off . So they will drop it off 4 me n carpool back in their car.
Gah..its only Tuesday...
so I am really sick now. temp of 102.4
haven't had anything like this in probably 30 years. Is this the covid?
Symptoms: fever , super tired, not hungry , coughing
I really don't have time for this crap :((

I assume you are already taking Tylenol for the fever? You'd be surprised how many people answer "no" when asked this question. My rule of thumb is at 104, call your doctor. At 105, head for the emergency room. Once an adult tops about 105.5, they are moving into the danger zone. Cooling pads can help when you're still on your own at home - areas: forehead, neck, armpits, groin, and kidneys.
so I am really sick now. temp of 102.4
haven't had anything like this in probably 30 years. Is this the covid?
Symptoms: fever , super tired, not hungry , coughing
I really don't have time for this crap :((

I call it the travel crud!! You’ve been exposed to all the local variants of the flu where you live. When you travel, especially across an ocean, you get exposed to new variants. Normally your immune system would handle them. But because of travel your immune system is weakened from stress and other factors. The travel, different foods, sleep patterns disrupted, all this weakens you. A fairly short trip across 6 or 7 time zones is the worst. For me even 10 time zones wasn’t an issue on a long trip, 2 or 3 weeks. My body had time to recover from the 1st travel stress before traveling back home. The same travel in less than a week was much harder on my body. I tended to get the flu when I got back home. Sorry you have the crud. :(

Nothing major planned today, just a few outside chores.
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