What's everybody doing today?

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Good morning, H&CL! I'm about to have a lazy Sunday. Yesterday we put the final touch on my daughter's high school days by having a graduation party down in Ledges State Park. I was a little apprehensive about having it down there, but it turned out really well. I'm spending today with my GF and Ruby the dog. I don't know what's on the agenda - GF went to the gym but I didn't get up early enough to go with her. Hopefully it's a long day of relaxation...
5 am Cat went off on time :p. Now its time for coffee and comics :D

I feel like an old Rambler, pull the choke 1/2 way out and let me Idle till I warm up:p

Funny, I had a old ford pickup when I moved to a small town near buffalo ny one winter. The automatic choke on the carb failed as soon as I moved there. The only choke, at the only auto parts store in this town was manual. And for some forgotten reason I had to hook it up backwards. Pull out the knob to turn off the choke.

I moved to socal that spring. No one in la knew what a choke was. First night there someone tried to steal my truck… flooded it royally!!! Needless to say they didn’t take anything!!! I was laughing when I called 911, watching them through the window trying to get it started. 🤣🤣

No plans today, completely exhausted from yesterday’s trip to play music.
Trippple baby shower today for the second set of cousins,

My princess is getting a sibling,,,, her same age cousins are also getting siblings all in short order.

The central family in this will have 6 great grands born in (2022 March to April) and (2024 June to Aug)

HEHEHEHE there are a lot of people in this circle, HUNDREDS!!!!
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I forgot to make coffee last night..ahh!!
I will get some ribs going in the slow cooker. I got a jar of homemade Billy Bob's bbq sauce from the small country store down the hwy a bit. head out for a pup walk AND grab a coffee..
Today..after pup walk..I'm feeling like a few chill chores, make some coleslaw from the cookbook I got yesterday to go with my ribs tonight..work on my rug..maybe paint a bit.
I feel like being in my lazy chair all day tho..


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Took Dad out for breakfast this morning. Stopped at the garden center for some parsley, peppermint and petunias. Work some more in the garden, weeding and stuff. Made ice cream — vanilla with homemade vanilla extract. One of my friends made me. It’s delicious. Pick some strawberries and have them macerating for on top of the ice cream after dinner tonight. Will be roasting a chicken and asparagus.
almost 3 in the afternoon here. Started the day slow with a little bfast at the local restaurant and bar...thats where I find out what is going on in my area...
Then dumped the pickup load of rose bush trimming at the dump (next time have heavier gloves}
Since I was already on the west side of town i took a little detour over one of the dirt roads that cross over the continental divide. It makes a nice loop and comes back to my place on a back road. I passed by the parked trailers and trucks that the side by sides and bikes were hauled in on and proceeded to wave at folks as I slowly bumped over the interesting roads in my old 96 toyota PU.
Now it is time to get some plants in the ground and do some more spring cleaning done around the place.
Airport this morning, and daughter has finally made it home. Puppy is keeping us busy, and he is a good boy. Housebreaking him is the big deal right now. Spent a couple of hours out in the garden. Have alot of snap peas to get ready for the freezer, then cook some dinner. We have an early morning tomorrow...little granddaughter and her zoo classes, husband's two doc appts, pharmacy pickup, and the new pup thrown in the mix. Hoping to get animal chores done early, early. Pup goes into the vet Tuesday, and all the girl cats (5) go in the next week for their surgery. The two boys will go a few weeks after.
Was cleaning gutters ( hate pecan trees) have screens on gutters. Wife comes out and says turn the ladder the other way or you are going g to fall. Tell her to get her azz back in the house. Go to backside of house and sure enough fell off ladder. Only about 10 ft but the outside of my knee is killing me. Trying not limp in front of wife.
Sitting at the kitchen table, chopping onion, bell peppers, jalapeno, celery for some cabbage dish my wife is making ... listening to the thunder and rain, sipping a Buchanans Bourbon.

I mowed and trimmed the yard this morning finally, so great timing!!

Pups sitting at the window watching the rain ...
I forgot to make coffee last night..ahh!!
I will get some ribs going in the slow cooker. I got a jar of homemade Billy Bob's bbq sauce from the small country store down the hwy a bit. head out for a pup walk AND grab a coffee..
Today..after pup walk..I'm feeling like a few chill chores, make some coleslaw from the cookbook I got yesterday to go with my ribs tonight..work on my rug..maybe paint a bit.
I feel like being in my lazy chair all day tho..
I’m so sorry- having to make coffee before you’ve had your coffee is a rough way to start the day 🤭
Was cleaning gutters ( hate pecan trees) have screens on gutters. Wife comes out and says turn the ladder the other way or you are going g to fall. Tell her to get her azz back in the house. Go to backside of house and sure enough fell off ladder. Only about 10 ft but the outside of my knee is killing me. Trying not limp in front of wife.
Knee, leg are hurting really bad. Have never been to an ER but it is in the back of my mind. One bad thunderstorm going on right now. Might just take a shot of shine and go to bed.
Worked today, again. We got both Hi-vols installed this weekend. Also got all the coax pulled thru the 20' high ceiling in the cafeteria for the BDA system and got another long coax run installed including going thru a firewall and having to seal it up. Overall very happy with progress. 2 of the 3 facilities we are under the gun on we have done all we can do and are waiting on the facility electricians to do their parts so we can finish up connecting everything, firing them up, and testing. I much prefer to do the full installation our self, but for those 2 we are working under the facility rules.

Got home and took a short nap, had supper, then sat on the porch and had a cigar. Goin to bed soon and hit it again tomorrow
I wish the ladies on this thread could bottle some of the Underdog super energy pills they have!!!!
I would buy a ton of them.
It gives me hope there are still strong vibrant wonderful girls out there and they are what makes or breaks the future of the world.

Heheh I been working on the 10 year old BAD BOY mower.

I took a ride over the bank on it one day last season, and it was a real ride, I didnt know it but it bent the exhaust up a little and it heated up the throttle cable made it start to slip and it hung up.

Been a lot of things to do to it lately, I am going to have to rebuild the deck and put a stator ring on it, it is not charging.

Oh well things wear out EVEN ME heheheheh.
Oh boy !!!
Another week starting ..
we can see if its true they say the 3 makes the month

I always did hate weekends I dont know why
but I always been that way ...whatever !

It went up 80f today I was feeling miserable ..😥
tonight will drop to 53f I would love 20f
Two more months of that .... sigh

Grocery shopping tomorrow for the whole furry family and myself

My friend George phoned he was in good mood

Anyway ...hope all of you had fun / goodtime



I wish the ladies on this thread could bottle some of the Underdog super energy pills they have!!!!
I would buy a ton of them.
It gives me hope there are still strong vibrant wonderful girls out there and they are what makes or breaks the future of the world.

I was blessed by @ThePrincess agreeing to marry me. I have to satisfy her definition of progress everyday. Even in retirement! So no room to doddle for me as long as I want to stay in her good graces. ;)

Worked today, again. We got both Hi-vols installed this weekend. Also got all the coax pulled thru the 20' high ceiling in the cafeteria for the BDA system and got another long coax run installed including going thru a firewall and having to seal it up. Overall very happy with progress. 2 of the 3 facilities we are under the gun on we have done all we can do and are waiting on the facility electricians to do their parts so we can finish up connecting everything, firing them up, and testing. I much prefer to do the full installation our self, but for those 2 we are working under the facility rules.

Got home and took a short nap, had supper, then sat on the porch and had a cigar. Goin to bed soon and hit it again tomorrow
Hope you get a break soon. Let those cigar rings float slowly.
Guinea hens can’t be beat for bugs. But, they’re like cats and will do as they wish. They like to get on parked vehicles and do leave scratch marks. Hopefully your neighbors aren’t close, because they’re loud.
I’m on 7.5 acres. No nearby neighbors. But I can hear their donkeys braying, their roosters crowing so I think they can tolerate my noisy guineas.

Cleaning out another closet.
Find any skeletons? 🤣
"The Cleaning Lady" wasn't at my house either.
I think she's falling down on the job.
I probably wouldn't like how she cleans any hoo.
I clean Army style
Is that with a toothbrush?
Oh boy !!!
Another week starting ..
we can see if its true they say the 3 makes the month

I always did hate weekends I dont know why
but I always been that way ...whatever !

It went up 80f today I was feeling miserable ..😥
tonight will drop to 53f I would love 20f
Two more months of that .... sigh

Grocery shopping tomorrow for the whole furry family and myself

My friend George phoned he was in good mood

Anyway ...hope all of you had fun / goodtime



Beautiful song. One of my favorites. Thank you.
Think about this :

Good Sleeping Schedule also...!!! ☃️

Dolly Parton is such a sweet lady.

So,the good news is that I think I now have everything I need to get the pump up and running. I went through the fittings multiple times and have them all in a single bin. I was able to return an item that I got by mistake. It was in the PEX B bin but was for PEX A. Spotted my friend for gas at the gas station bc his employers haven't given him his full paycheck yet and he was running on E. Discussed plans for tomorrow a bit.

Went to HD to get some stuff and saw the same clerk from yesterday. She's really sweet, but some customers were being rude to her. I understood and said people are just idiots. Went to Lowes but the thing I wanted that was supposed to be in stock according to the website was not. Got something different.

Grabbed Chinese takeout food. Got home and fed Mom and ate.

Currently resting and waiting to hear back from the idiots at AT&T-- brings me to the bad news-- my landline is out again and they told me to call them.... I used some foul language when relaying it to my best friend.

Hoping everything goes well tomorrow.
Watching the silly pup climb up the stairs. Little granddaughter went up to take her shower, and he waits outside the door and yips at her. Going down the stairs is something he can't figure out yet.
Trying to housebreak him. He is having accidents half the time. Any ideas?
One thing about Guinea Foul is they have no range, they will travel a long way and very quick, they may home range your place, they may share it or they may leave it completely.

You need to have something to hold them if you want them to home range at your place.

Here is a good place for the majority of the things you need to know, BUT you will find some for yourself every separate group is different..


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