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I was going to paint, but it’s raining. The wife and I will be dragging a couple snow machine sleds up a hill behind our cabin the bring home birch rounds that we cut and stacked two years ago. They should be ready to burn this winter. We’ve been dreading retrieving them as we know it will be a challenge keeping the sleds under control coming down the steep hill. But we need to do it now before the vegetation starts to grow making it more difficult. We have 2 sleds and figure we need to make three trips.
Is there a reason your wanting Guinea hens as opposed to chickens?
I've never had any of the guineas, my friends have had them though twice and lost both flocks.
My take away from their experiences was they are bigger birds, alarms are loud, they tend to roam and venture out more , not as friendly as the chickens and they had a hard time getting them to go in the coop as opposed to trees. Unfortunately, this experience didnt last long because they got picked off by predators at night even up in trees. They were all hand raised.
They did do a great job eating bugs..but didnt work out well for the other reasons once they were adults.
My small flock of chickens n turkeys do a great job with the bugs , mice and snakes, they are friendly and I get eggs and garden fertilizer from them.
I dont know if my friends experience with Guinea hens are the norm or just how their place is set up and how they did it. It just seemed that chickens were a better fit.
Has anyone had similar experiences with Guinea hens?
I'm wondering if chickens or turkeys would be better for you but it all depends on your set up and what your wanting in the end.
I just hope starting out first time with these birds doesn't end in disappointment and turn you off to experiencing the joys of other types of birds that can do bug patrol just as well n not be such a pita to manage.
I want guineas because I think they are better tick control than chickens. I just hope they leave enough bugs (caterpillars and grasshoppers) for my bluebirds. I think there is a process to train them to go back in the coop with treats and food. If I lose them, then I lose them. I think I want to get be them a try. Thanks for your insight.
I want guineas because I think they are better tick control than chickens. I just hope they leave enough bugs (caterpillars and grasshoppers) for my bluebirds. I think there is a process to train them to go back in the coop with treats and food. If I lose them, then I lose them. I think I want to get be them a try. Thanks for your insight.
Keep us posted on how that goes..I'm curious to hear what they are like from another perspective.
I want guineas because I think they are better tick control than chickens. I just hope they leave enough bugs (caterpillars and grasshoppers) for my bluebirds. I think there is a process to train them to go back in the coop with treats and food. If I lose them, then I lose them. I think I want to get be them a try. Thanks for your insight.
Maybe you can supplement your bluebirds with mealworms in a feeder close by where they nest too?
Training new pup today out with animal chores. He had a good night weaseling his way into little granddaughter's bed. One big mishap...the cat that takes down squirrels and protects our property (Princess Fluff fa fa) stalked him when we were outside and tried to take him down, and little granddaughter got pretty cat injured intervening in that. So 6 bandaids later, peroxide, steristrips, amoxicillan as a precaution....she will now grab the pup and not the cat. Back from Walmart for his new indoor bed, toys, collar. We'll be driving to the airport soon, our daughter returns to Washington today.
Maybe you can supplement your bluebirds with mealworms in a feeder close by where they nest too?
I do have a mealworm colony going. But this year they didn’t eat them because there have been a ton of bugs here. But you are right. That would be the answer. Thank you.
I want guineas because I think they are better tick control than chickens. I just hope they leave enough bugs (caterpillars and grasshoppers) for my bluebirds. I think there is a process to train them to go back in the coop with treats and food. If I lose them, then I lose them. I think I want to get be them a try. Thanks for your insight.
Guinea hens can’t be beat for bugs. But, they’re like cats and will do as they wish. They like to get on parked vehicles and do leave scratch marks. Hopefully your neighbors aren’t close, because they’re loud.
Edit 6/3 My bad! I was thinking of peacocks. Senior moment.😔. Guinea hens are feral, but great!
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Trying to get motivated to get my desktop computer center organized and setup with an older PC that needs to be re-programed with a Linux OS. And, hoping that PC will be as reliable as my laptop that I programmed with a Linux distro about 6 years ago and haven't any problems or issues with it.
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Put some Apples out for Them also... :lightbulb:
Usually do when I have some. Neighbor has a apple tree and pear tree but the apple tree never produced and he never does anything with the pears. I put some of those out but they don't care much for them. Been thinking about buying me an apple tree to see how that works.
Hey !!
June did just started today
Saturday June 1st 2024 ;)

Right now its 7.27 pm at my place 65f

All the fur babies are fed I did eat too
Besides I stayed home all day..home sweet home :)

Dinner: Ate leftover of pork and mashed potatoes with beets
Dessert: Vanilla iced cream

Now my reward :p a glass of Shiraz 🍷

Later later : When ever my bed will call me

Sleep well ...whenever...enjoy your evening too

Painted more today,😞😞cut grass neglected my garden again. I did find a old army canteen complete with cup and handle and pouch, 1944, needs cleaning inside, looks like a little rust or just discolored, any suggestions on cleaning it?
Painted more today,😞😞cut grass neglected my garden again. I did find a old army canteen complete with cup and handle and pouch, 1944, needs cleaning inside, looks like a little rust or just discolored, any suggestions on cleaning it?
Brasso to the rescue :

Had a blast playing music today. Not a lot of pickers there, only 15 or so but a lot of fun. The event was at small un-incorparated community. Held in an old school built in 1939. The classrooms still had desks and blackboards. It’s a community center now. I thought the church pews in the gym was interesting… 😁

I was to meet up with a couple I met on Pine mtn two weeks ago. They lived 5min from the school and were gonna show me some crossvine I could harvest. It rained all day, the woods were a soggy mess. So instead they brought me a gift. They potted 2 crossvine sprouts and brought them to me. Very nice of them. 😍

I played about 4hrs, enough to get my fingers sore. The backroom picking stopped at 4pm then the bands started on the stage. I was tired and had a 100mile drive back home… so I left.

Oh, the pics, these two young guys were really good pickers. Already playing professionally at 17. The guy with the mandolin brought me the crossvine, last.

No plans this evening but rest, I’m wiped out

I have a bit
coffee, then stuff, thinking that I am witnessing a higher degree of anxiety in every body the inflation is beyond stupid, but the gov say no inflation, and the TV news believers just keep on believing.
of a saying (not original but can’t remember where I heard it) “You can tell a person’s IQ if their TV is larger than their bookshelf.
I have a bit

of a saying (not original but can’t remember where I heard it) “You can tell a person’s IQ if their TV is larger than their bookshelf.
What TV? LMAO!
Burn the box!
Outside isn't so bad. The cup has some rust on the handle but very minor. Don't think I can get a picture of inside the canteen.
Love Brasso, been using it since 1979 when I joined the Marines.
Enlisted in '68, Semper fi...

1/4 full of Pea gravel and coarse sand for the inside of the canteen.

Boiling water will usually take Brasso out of something if it has not been in there too long, If it is in the pores of the metal it will be different.

@Snowman has a brother in arms, Salute "MARINES" BEST of the best.

View attachment 153635
Semper Fi Actually, I believe back then it was called dura glit, or something like that.
I heard to use that. I don't think I will use it either way, I think it will be best just to invest in the plastic ones!
My Father was a Marine, his Father was a Marine and his Father was a Marine! If you're going to join might as well join the Best!
Ugh, that avatar, Hashbrown.
We drove daughter all the way to the airport, well, five minutes out, and she gets a text from United Airlines saying the plane is delayed because weather in Houston is bad. So a two hr delay, would get her to Houston, but stuck there, missing her flight to Seattle and no more available for the evening. So back home with her. An hr and a half of driving. So, we'll be trying again tomorrow, leaving at 730 am, her layover in Denver, then into Seattle. She did say she was happy to come back and have dinner. The roast was smelling good.
A pretty low key day. I like quiet. Hubby went up clearing trail on his motorcycle. I made him rhubarb pie 🥧 and homemade icecream. Also got a little stitching done 😊. Doddled around in the garden a little. I finally got a bayberry to sprout 😁
Made a mess of tacos for supper and now sitting.

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