What's everybody doing today?

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Sitting here watching the mountains sit there when this walks by the front window.
Storms are blowing through so I am taking any chance to get laundry done in case the power goes out. So far so good as it hasn't been too wet or too windy. We have seen a few lights flicker but no outages as of yet.

Sorted through some more boxes and purged more stuff I didn't know I didn't want or need.
Storms are blowing through so I am taking any chance to get laundry done in case the power goes out. So far so good as it hasn't been too wet or too windy. We have seen a few lights flicker but no outages as of yet.

Sorted through some more boxes and purged more stuff I didn't know I didn't want or need.
I'm just getting ready to get hit hard on the other side of DFW! Coming your way middle of the night, early morning!! The light show to my west is incredible!!
black forest cake

thanks, turns out i am not in one piece exactly....one of my back teeth broke off
I had a problem with both of my back lower molars at different times....not much money and options were limited so I had them pulled.
I really have to watch out when eating now years later because i tend to have food go down my throat with out fully chewing and then choke on it. Also for some reason I now tend to drool out of both sides of my mouth on occasion...
If I had it to do over I would have put off something else or worked more and had implants or something. Years later now on other teeth I have had one implant and will probably have another.....a bit over $5K each.
I hung out with my daughter all day, picked her up at car repair shop & eat breakfast. Then took her shopping for plants, she got a pencil cactus & I got a spotted Agave, that may be hardy to zone 8a.
Went to sleep in a recliner, did not get much sleep last night, so daughter took pics & texted some people.
Can't trust anyone anymore! :rolleyes: :)
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I had a problem with both of my back lower molars at different times....not much money and options were limited so I had them pulled.
I really have to watch out when eating now years later because i tend to have food go down my throat with out fully chewing and then choke on it. Also for some reason I now tend to drool out of both sides of my mouth on occasion...
If I had it to do over I would have put off something else or worked more and had implants or something. Years later now on other teeth I have had one implant and will probably have another.....a bit over $5K each.
I don't have $5 k to spend on one tooth....besides, I have been missing the same one on the other side since I was a teenager and it hasn't caused me any problems. Don't they make dentures that attach to your missing teeth ? I guess I will wait and see what the dentist says . Hate getting teeth pulled. Last time I had one pulled ( wisedom tooth in the back) it hurt for several days
today we are going to be really busy have to tag, band and CDT shot the goat kids, then seperate out the older animals we are sending to the auction tomorrow ( one extra goat buck, the goat with the continuous pale eyelids and 3 old sheep) . I feel bad about the goat she is one of my favorites but don;t think she is healthy enough to breed again

Garden is a huge mess, I pulled some of the weeds yesterday but no time for that today. I only have 1 pea plant left, the rest are just gone
I think the garden is going to be mostly a fail this year.
Spent the morning writing, then a over lunchtime made my first pesto, a pot of chicken noodle soup for the girls, put together a pizza using up bits in the fridge for the boys when they come in late tonight after a gig, and some blackcurrant jam from fruit I had in the freezer. Feeling productive, so back to the desk until later when I'll go some weeding.
I'm just getting ready to get hit hard on the other side of DFW! Coming your way middle of the night, early morning!! The light show to my west is incredible!!
It ended up just being mild rain when it got to us. After it passed we could hear the thunder in the distance.
Walked early this morning.
Took my jeep to have wiring looked at as blower motor doesn't work at all and has been replaced twice. Won't get it back until, well, right now. LOL Just got a call. Wiring harness.
So back to repair shop in a few.
Should walk dogs in a bit.
Bike with bad tires to local mechanic.
Reading forums, Drinking coffee, eating Honey Granola bar.
Internet went out at noon yesterday, came back on about 2030 hours last night.
Was in middle of final when internet went down.
I think I did pretty good.
Had answered 250 questions about How to retrieve trace evidence off a body.
Was answering the bonus questions when the Internet went down.
Instructor suggested I take a couple of "fun" classes to rest my mind for a bit.
So I'm thinking leather work, basic carpentry.
Things I am beginning to tinker in anyway.
Feel like a proud parent this morning… A friend I’ve known since we were kids called and asked me about yellowroot in may of ‘22. I showed her where her grandfather had harvested it. Afterwards she decided she wanted to learn some plant medicine from me. I’ve heard that one before. :rolleyes:

Fast forward… today she harvested elderberry blooms here at the house. Then, since she didn’t know what it looked like… we went to see water hemlock a few miles away. There were more than a dozen medicinal species within sight at the location where we stopped. She saw all of them without prompting from me, amazing. She’s seeing individual wild medicinal species against a mass of foliage, took me several years.

She’s even seeing them while driving at highway speed. It takes practice to do that safely. This morning she’d harvested 2 species before she got to my house, plants she saw while driving. She was correct in identification and technique. I’d seen those plants in the last week, both locations were safe to harvest from too! Proud of that girl... 😊

I’m going to play music tomorrow. Have to get my clothes ready and pre-load the truck with some gear I might need. No other plans today.
Just hanging around, gonna make the wife go see doc Monday if I have to tie her up, she is better but still not well.

I may need some help so I am calling My daughter to tie while I hold her HEHEHEH.
I do hope she will go for real.

Other than that waiting to see how the day is going to go.

I have to change a spindle on the lawn mower or get the 5 Foot Woods and the tractor it will cut like a mower@ two and a half inches. I really need both and the box blade from the farm. may get the boom load them and drive the tractor from BIL's farm.

Man I need the other trailer out from under the torn apart S10 bad. Been loaded for THREE YEARS.
Worked out, went to the gun shop and bakery, got pulled over for speeding and somehow got a warning, did some organizing in the gun room, threw a 3x magnifier on an Aero Precision middy behind a Romeo 4T and contemplated what color I want to rattle can it, cooked up some dinner, talked to my pops on the phone, wasted some time on the internet, watched my cameras for a while waiting for a black van to show up and shoot the dogs and now I am waiting for my bunk buddy to come home and eat a BLT before she has to go back to work. Someone has to pay the bills and remind me I'm handsome.

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