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now I am waiting for the guy who has the F150 to get back to my nephew about some issue............

And having another coffee
made it home very late last night, after midnight
it took over 3 hours to get through security and immigration in Dublin, we got on the plane just as it was about to take off. Wow, was not expecting that! They have US immigration in Dublin instead of the US, so it took forever. If only they put in half as much effort to secure the borders and not let anyone just walk across.....they must have checked our passports like 7 times. Took everything out of my carryon luggage, shoes off etc etc. Do I look like a terrorist? Whatever, it took hours.
Then we got near NYC and the pilot says " there is bad weather in DC , we might have to divert to Philadelphia" NOOOOO!!! Well, he did a few loops and landed an hour late in DC. It was not fun, very bad turbulence all the way down but he didn't crash us
Then super long drive home in the dark, with lots of trucks on I-81. I hate that road. Son did most of the driving

returned rental today and did some grocery shopping

OH, and you won't believe what we found this morning!! An unexpected GOAT kid in the pasture!!! She is one of the one year olds that was not supposed to get pregnant yet. We forgot the goat boy got over the fence for maybe an hour or so , did not think he had time to get anyone pregnant , but obviously he did. Momma and baby goat boy are fine.

All that security and all in Dublin to get on the plane, but nobody said anything about the 2 bottles of Kirschwasser, a bottle of hazelnut schnapps and 2 bottles of Irish wiskey LOL
@Pearl Hope you don't have any garden damage from the hail!!!! Man I wonder when BIG T is gonna be clear for a bit.

Being as big as it is may mean it gets a little more but sometime BZZZZ enough for a bit.

My Favorite maternal uncle is buried In Dallas, the rest of the maternal family left After My Cousin Graduated from University of Texas.
You made it! hope you had a good time. Laughing at the Molly statue - I haven't seen it in ages, and forgot how shiny parts of her anatomy were from tourists rubbing them ;)
I would have liked to spend a few days in Ireland but we only had one afternoon and evening. Everything is very expensive there!! Even way more than Germany . Plus I was surprised just how many people were walking around.
The bus was cheap and easy to figure out so we took it to get from hotel to downtown ( the hotel was near the airport)
truth, no it is not my real name but my internet name LOL, but my real name is not my real name either ....
And no I am not small cute or blond either LOL

power restoration estimated time keeps getting pushed off into the future, it has now been 3 days
we are probably going to get home to no power
@Pearl Hope you don't have any garden damage from the hail!!!! Man I wonder when BIG T is gonna be clear for a bit.

Being as big as it is may mean it gets a little more but sometime BZZZZ enough for a bit.

My Favorite maternal uncle is buried In Dallas, the rest of the maternal family left After My Cousin Graduated from University of Texas.
Luckily the hail I've gotten had all been small! I'm ready for SUMMER!!
Had to forgo great granddaughter tomorrow,, 😞. Wife has a bad Migrane and is sick and weak from it.
She is slowly getting better, but I called for her and gave someone else in the family a wonderful day.

I will have to hunt them down and spend some time with them this weekend😁😁
Hope your wife feels better soon!!
Having a great day here. Everything went amazingly well at work, in fact everyone at work seemed to have a good day and in good mood. Something in the air? Still having a good day.

As for my dog… she had fun today too. Got into the garbage and a bag of canned goods I hadn’t put away yet. Licked clean a couple trashed cans of chili and played with an unopened can of tuna fish.

I’m feeling a bit mischievous too, though. Drinking beer and sipping on cinnamon whisky. Life is good. 😀
made it home very late last night, after midnight
it took over 3 hours to get through security and immigration in Dublin, we got on the plane just as it was about to take off. Wow, was not expecting that! They have US immigration in Dublin instead of the US, so it took forever. If only they put in half as much effort to secure the borders and not let anyone just walk across.....they must have checked our passports like 7 times. Took everything out of my carryon luggage, shoes off etc etc. Do I look like a terrorist? Whatever, it took hours.
Then we got near NYC and the pilot says " there is bad weather in DC , we might have to divert to Philadelphia" NOOOOO!!! Well, he did a few loops and landed an hour late in DC. It was not fun, very bad turbulence all the way down but he didn't crash us
Then super long drive home in the dark, with lots of trucks on I-81. I hate that road. Son did most of the driving

returned rental today and did some grocery shopping

OH, and you won't believe what we found this morning!! An unexpected GOAT kid in the pasture!!! She is one of the one year olds that was not supposed to get pregnant yet. We forgot the goat boy got over the fence for maybe an hour or so , did not think he had time to get anyone pregnant , but obviously he did. Momma and baby goat boy are fine.

All that security and all in Dublin to get on the plane, but nobody said anything about the 2 bottles of Kirschwasser, a bottle of hazelnut schnapps and 2 bottles of Irish wiskey LOL
Mmmmmmm kirschwasser. I use that in my chocolate covered cherries.

Sorry your return was so difficult, but very happy you made it back in one piece.
I spent the morning installing (mostly) a backup air conditioner, before it gets really hot here in the desert. Temps may hit 115 by next week. And the AC always goes out in July, at 7pm on a Friday, of a holiday weekend... So now we can just flip over to the backup and deal with fixing the main when we won't get overtime charges.

Now I'm recovering with turkey-avocado tacos and iced tea.

Then have to run over to my shop and get the rest of what I need to finish the install. And hopefully add some Freon to my Jeep too. It's always been ice cold, but now that it's warming up now so much. I gauged it and it's flipping around like it's still low. Hoping there isn't a leak. It's a 25 year old Jeep.
The wife and I drove down to the southern part of the state today for the western regional trappers convention. It's all desert down here, and I hate deserts. We just checked in to our hotel room. I guess there's a Mexican restaurant in town and a bar, not much else.
I ordered a custom fit tarp today to cover the small trailer that I bought for pulling camping and trapping stuff behind my Jeep.
I met up with a guy I did some contract work with who has been living in the UK for the last 7 years. He said he is cleaning up $ because the UK has become a complete ******** divided by the haves and have nots. The haves don't want the have nots anywhere near them and apparently the haves don't have to follow the laws as closely as they have nots. From the way it sounded inflation over there is way worse than it is here. He wants me to come work with him and shoot at gangsters driving e-scooters with machetes hidden down their pant legs. And that is actually what he said.
Wow last day of May tomorrow

I did grocery a part of it today
Maybe tomorrow a bit more ...
I will see ...I hate going in stores on a Friday :rolleyes:


Hope you sleep well...just like a log :p
Good night !

Been a long week even though just a 4 day week. Getting a bunch done at work. My crew got 5 antennas mounted in the rad area in one of the facilities we are putting BDAs in today. I expected just 2 or 3. Weve also got a bunch of other stuff done this week. I've got both my crews working this weekend, me too.
Got home last night and mowed about half I need to. Will finish up tomorrow night. Tonight had to take the wifes car and get a battery for it. Damn near $300. I knew batteries had went up, but wasn't expecting that much.
Yesterday on my way home called my mom and she told me they had called my sis to take dad to the Dr. He had been running a fever since Saturday and she didn't bother letting either of us know. Found out today that he must have had a 24 hr virus. THey found no infection or anything else. Glad of that for sure
When I was an hourly employee I worked all the OT I could get. And lived on straight time. My OT $$ were always invested. It helped get us to where we are today.
That's more or less what I do, and with my mileage expense money too. Like right now, I'm getting about $130 per round trip for mileage, every week. That all goes into savings for vehicle expenses/replacement. I don't use it for gas, insurance, etc, just for repairs and to buy vehicles with cash.

I used to take every weekend call and every holiday call I could get. Holidays are double time and a half for me. But I've reached a point in my life that I don't want all that any more. I'm not a young pup these days, and I just don't deal with the long work days as well as I used to. Things like floods and derailments mean working until the job is done, and if that means 36 hours, that's what I have to do. OT leaves a bad taste in my mouth nowadays...

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