What's everybody doing today?

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When you are not going to get to go home early it is a bad day. When I was the smoothing gang foreman we worked 4 to 6 hours a day and got 8 hrs pay.

We came out early did our work, fueled and serviced, went to the house.

We kept the defects repaired so the rock and roll car never got a red letter and when we did a big project away from home, we refused to stay and got paid to drive since they headquartered our gang with 200 + miles of territory, a hump yard and a dark territory line that was 300 miles long class 1 to work on in extreme high temps.
If they'd give us the track before noon, we wouldn't have to work OT. We've only been in the area for two months now. You'd think that Corridor would have it figured out by now, he'll have a welding gang out there from Monday to Thursday every week and he'd work with us. But they won't give us a window until at least noon. Today was from 1300 to 1800 and we shot 12 welds. Our quota is 15 to hit our budget. We'd get it easy with 7 to 8 hours of track time...
Me, too. I wonder what happened.
Somebody said something about Promises Made and Not Being Kept and that they were Leaving...!!! Hope that will answer everyones ?'s and the discussion can bee Closed...?!? We don't Need No Stinkin Drama in Here OK...? "Carry On"...!
On the way to my doctor appointment I stopped at the thrift store in town. They had an old folding Colman oven. I bought it for $5.00 and plan to use on the wood stove in my wall tent.
This morning I smoked a big pile of habanaros that will be turned in to my famous hot sauce.
Eggcelent Catch You got there, Love going into those "Thrift Stores" and getting Really Good Deals like that one...!!! :thumbs:
Is your dispatcher in Omaha deeeeep voice,, @Spikedriver?

Used to call into the center for fowling from Kentucky Street to Cemetery Xover on Broadway in Memphis.

I just told them when we moved somewhere, you can set me up for a few hour window and give it to me, I will get done in a week or two, or you can keep me sitting in the hole and give me a few minutes a day and I will be here yelling for time for three months whichever you want to do, I will be here everyday till I finish either way.

HEHEHEH they usually wanted rid of me.
Almost a Year Ago I spied one of these :


in one of those "Thrift Stores" with a piece of masking tape with $6.00 written on it...!!! Opened it up and checked, everything was there...!! It's by the Front Door and I keep going in them stores looking for another one to put in the Carport by the Kitchen Door...! it is a Motion Sensor type... ☃️

👻 👻
Is your dispatcher in Omaha deeeeep voice,, @Spikedriver?

Used to call into the center for fowling from Kentucky Street to Cemetery Xover on Broadway in Memphis.

I just told them when we moved somewhere, you can set me up for a few hour window and give it to me, I will get done in a week or two, or you can keep me sitting in the hole and give me a few minutes a day and I will be here yelling for time for three months whichever you want to do, I will be here everyday till I finish either way.

HEHEHEH they usually wanted rid of me.
Wish it worked that way on my road, but the dispatchers have their orders and it usually has to go a lot higher than my manager to change their minds. Precision Scheduled Railroading procedures are such that trains always come first unless the track is impassable, at least if you're with a small gang like mine. Once you've got 50 guys on a gang, and it costs $100,000 a day for the gang just to exist, then the director has a lot more pull with the dispatchers. But once in a while it still has to go clear to the top before they'll give up the track. I've seen it go all the way to the VP of engineering before Omaha would back down. Of course, I try not to concern myself with it too much. I'm just a Class B machine operator, who doesn't even have a machine to run right now. I make my living with a sledgehammer and a claw bar and at quitting time I don't have to think about the railroad any more until the next morning if I don't want to...
I've been having to get up at 0330 for work this week. Luckily for only this week. I dont sleep solid enough for early mornings..I very much dislike it.
Last night we had a awesome thunderstorm from about 7ish till around 1030. I was lucky to get 3 hours sleep. I was hurting by first break, struggling to stay awake and be productive.
Caught a second wind after lunch, lasted till I got home and crashed good.
Now I gotta shut the coop n try to get to sleep again..
2 more days..2 more days..
Night all need to rest and sink into oblivion for a while been a long trying day.

Sleep well dream of your family all together and having a picnic on a warm bright spring day and all the good food and fun.

Night and a good day tomorrow
See you tomorrow!!
Trip to the little town for errands. Got lunch at the chinese buffet, it beats ffood. My chinese is better but they always have fried chicken on the line too, hey it is the south! 😁

Got groceries, then 30g of diesel for the tractors on the way out of town. Meant to get 50lbs if nitrogen for the garden but was halfway home when i remembered. Oh well, it'll be there next trip.
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made it back home, will update more later
house is still standing animals still alive, garden a mess, house a mess

flight back was a nightmare , my gosh. we almost diverted to Philadelphia because of a thunderstorm in DC but then he did a few loops and landed in DC anyway, just scary and we were late.
the security process in Dublin was a nightmare too , took us 3 hours ( the US fault, not Irelands) for some reason they do immigration and customs before you get on the plane to the US. If only they did at least SOME of this checking on the southern border that is wide open and anyone can just walk in without any id , and probably a truck full of all sorts of weapons and drugs and what not. Ridiculous! I think they checked our passports at least 7 times and took all the carry on luggage apart
surprised I didn't have to strip to my underwear ....
What public holiday is it, Mt Dragon?
Not sure what's up today. Daughter and little granddaughter were talking about going to the salt mines down the road. I have no desire to do that, so that can go. Otherwise, maybe to the amish store, post office, and little greenhouse across the road for some flowers for a planter. We're going to the amish restaurant for dinner tonight.
made it back home, will update more later
house is still standing animals still alive, garden a mess, house a mess

flight back was a nightmare , my gosh. we almost diverted to Philadelphia because of a thunderstorm in DC but then he did a few loops and landed in DC anyway, just scary and we were late.
the security process in Dublin was a nightmare too , took us 3 hours ( the US fault, not Irelands) for some reason they do immigration and customs before you get on the plane to the US. If only they did at least SOME of this checking on the southern border that is wide open and anyone can just walk in without any id , and probably a truck full of all sorts of weapons and drugs and what not. Ridiculous! I think they checked our passports at least 7 times and took all the carry on luggage apart
surprised I didn't have to strip to my underwear ....
WELCOME HOME!! Glad you got to go, glad you are back safely!! Bet Otto was happy to see you!! Best of luck adapting to the time difference!! 💗
@sonya123, Now it is Time to get back to Work...!!! 💐
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Temps in the 60'sF here so Outside is where Me will 🐝 ...!!!
Hubby is out of town until Saturday afternoon so I invited three other thrift store volunteers over for lunch after they close the store at 1300. So today I’m cleaning house and tidying up. I have trouble walking and hubby usually helps me but I’m in my own today. If it doesn’t rain today, I’ll have to water my plants and dragging the hose is difficult for me, too. So I better get off this forum and get going.
coffee (2), I am going to haul a wounded F 150 for my nephew to day that he bartered into, It should be fun.
Welcome home @sonya123 ! Glad you and the plane are in one piece and safely on the ground.

Yesterday was monthly stock up at Walmart and Aldi.

Today, walked first.
Headed out for a hearing aid doc appt. with DH 35 miles away. Didn't get out of our town when they called and cancelled-never got replacement hearing aid.
Went to a thrift shop locally. Bought a women's beach cruiser bike for $30. Needs air in the tires or new tires and a new horn. Everything else looks good.
Home now and don't know what will be on my list for this afternoon.

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