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One rug I still have to sew the ends but it's mostly done..


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so my mouth feels ok today but I think I am sick again, just like son ( who is finally better) . Maybe the stress of the dentist was too much, or having my mouth open for that long. I sort of feel like I have the flu now, but no temp. Just body aches, tired, coughing, sore throat

traveling is dangerous :(

we have to take some animals to the meat processing today. Another trip. I guess I have to either send husband on his own and write a list of what cuts to order or take a advil or something and come along
I still have plants to get into the ground too . We did some of the peppers but I have some cucumbers and tomatoes I still have in starter pots that need to go into the garden, plus have to plant some more green beans since this is now twice they either didn't come up or got eaten while I was gone. I will start them in little pots this time. Green beans are a huge sales item at the market, I almost never have any left regardless of how many I take
Its from the recycled air on the plane- it also dries out eyes, throats etc. Take some painkillers, or make a hot whiskey, go to bed. Sleep it off. someone said earlier, you've been exposed to all kind of new bugs, give yourself time to recover.
dropped the oil out of my $50.00 lawn mower, not sure it has ever been changed. I bought it for the quick adjust height wheels and the rear bagger, so what ever life I get out of the engine is a bonus, My main push mower is a premium engine on a low buck no option deck. As in unbolt the wheels to change height. And it looks like the rough cut will need a run too.
Writing down our best practices so I can make infogpraphics later for work to print out and laminate.

Smoking a J after work.

Working on my aim.

When I get paid I'm subscribing to like 3 different things to help me build a webcomic.
I get MM for my pain and PTSD

The latter being part of why I can't fulfill my lifelong dream of being in the military, (in addition to the ADD, ADHD, and Aspergers/Mild autism, and such)
Say what, sonny child? What would happen if you didn’t?

Home for lunch.
@Pearl c’mon you’ll have to go out and shoot a game of pool with me on a crappy little table or we can go into the city and for regulation size tables. 😄
I turned that kid into a sharpshooter with a pellet gun. LOL
He's a natural!

Anyway, I had plans, but my battery is dead after a month of sitting so screw it. I'll get back to it eventually.
Say what, sonny child? What would happen if you didn’t?

Home for lunch.
@Pearl c’mon you’ll have to go out and shoot a game of pool with me on a crappy little table or we can go into the city and for regulation size tables. 😄
Only pool I play is the water filled kind! 😉
Cold is finally breaking up, so felt good enough to scoop cat boxes and sweep at the cat shelter :p

Put the new sticker on the trailer plate, and sprayed some straying weeds with roundup.

Now that the Subaru Baja is fixed, AGAIN, I can check the trailer lights and start hauling outside crap up to the new house, when it's not raining.
When I aim I enter the zone and it's the only thing on my mind. I get red mist easily. My adrenaline pumps, but since there's no other thoughts to cloud, it just takes over and I aim.
I turned that kid into a sharpshooter with a pellet gun. LOL
He's a natural!

Anyway, I had plans, but my battery is dead after a month of sitting so screw it. I'll get back to it eventually.
He had me blindfolded at night shooting pellets at a can. I eventually could hit it.
Sounds like you need antibiotics, now. Feel better, Sonya. Yikes.
its down to 100.3 g
I am just goinug to leave it alone at this point and sleep, and drink lots of water. Plus I took half a gummi that helped.

I hope husband doesn't get it, so now son and me are back and poor husband still has to do everything....
there is a crapload of dishes in the sink.
I assume you are already taking Tylenol for the fever? You'd be surprised how many people answer "no" when asked this question. My rule of thumb is at 104, call your doctor. At 105, head for the emergency room. Once an adult tops about 105.5, they are moving into the danger zone. Cooling pads can help when you're still on your own at home - areas: forehead, neck, armpits, groin, and kidneys.
Actually I am very allergic to Tylenol. So I didn't take anything. In my past experience it is better to just do nothing and let your body fight it off. That's what son did and he is better today
But not sure about covid. If I start having breathing problems I will go to the doctor
Its from the recycled air on the plane- it also dries out eyes, throats etc. Take some painkillers, or make a hot whiskey, go to bed. Sleep it off. someone said earlier, you've been exposed to all kind of new bugs, give yourself time to recover.
I was fine until I went to the dentist yesterday, thought it was gone but either I picked up a new bug from plane or son, or the first one was not all gone yet
yuck, now it is pouring and the sheep are getting soaked . They will just have to deal with it
I am so very stupid I did cut the top of my finger with the the tip of a tin can

And it was like a non stop bleeding...I did put it in cold water then
did put a big amount of corn starch then wrapped it up

I will check in few hours what it looks like :(
Sorry that happened. Bleeding is annoying. I have found that vicks type ointment is great on cuts, it is really helpful in the healing phase, keeps thing flexible
I am so very stupid I did cut the top of my finger with the the tip of a tin can

And it was like a non stop bleeding...I did put it in cold water then
did put a big amount of corn starch then wrapped it up

I will check in few hours what it looks like :(
Updates, let us know you are ok!
Sorry that happened. Bleeding is annoying. I have found that vicks type ointment is great on cuts, it is really helpful in the healing phase, keeps thing flexible
Dust a goody powder on top of it and bandage it up. Aspirin works better, but you have to crush it.
it kills germs, cauterizes capillaries, and numbs pain.

Stings like a b***h though.
Today was interesting to say the least.
Went to see Primary Care for lab results......?
A1C was 5.8
Potassium was 4.2
Not a Diabetic
Cholesterol was 202
Triglyceride was 97
HDL was 51
LDL was 132
WBC was 5.18
RBC was 3.98
HGB was 11.0
HCT was 34.5
MCV was 86.7
Primary care Doctor was happy.
Platelet Count was 238
Primary Care Doctor was very Happy.
Now if you ask me what all that stuff means, I have no clue.
I'm not medically inclined.
Primary care Doctor was very pleased.
As of right now I am four months Cancer Free.
Oh, yeah ..... I gained 8 pounds in a year, bummer.
Considering everything my body has been through this last year, I am good with 8 pounds.
PC Doctor sent me home with new diet type information,; my Army reference book is 15 years old.
So he gave me new reference book.
Carb counting and meal planning. just to use as a reference book.
My Cancer Doctor got sent the Labs results, he was over the moon happy.
He figured it would be a battle to get my numbers up where they needed to be.
Will be monitored on blood work.
Haven't done much since I got home from Doctor's appointment.
Got a new prescription, not sure how the apartment complex manger is going to take it.
I now have a prescription to have a dishwasher in my apartment.
My PC Doctor and Cancer Doctor thought that would be a reasonable request while I continue to heal.
Of course I have to buy it, but that's okay too.
Today was interesting to say the least.
Went to see Primary Care for lab results......?
A1C was 5.8
Potassium was 4.2
Not a Diabetic
Cholesterol was 202
Triglyceride was 97
HDL was 51
LDL was 132
WBC was 5.18
RBC was 3.98
HGB was 11.0
HCT was 34.5
MCV was 86.7
Primary care Doctor was happy.
Platelet Count was 238
Primary Care Doctor was very Happy.
Now if you ask me what all that stuff means, I have no clue.
I'm not medically inclined.
Primary care Doctor was very pleased.
As of right now I am four months Cancer Free.
Oh, yeah ..... I gained 8 pounds in a year, bummer.
Considering everything my body has been through this last year, I am good with 8 pounds.
PC Doctor sent me home with new diet type information,; my Army reference book is 15 years old.
So he gave me new reference book.
Carb counting and meal planning. just to use as a reference book.
My Cancer Doctor got sent the Labs results, he was over the moon happy.
He figured it would be a battle to get my numbers up where they needed to be.
Will be monitored on blood work.
Haven't done much since I got home from Doctor's appointment.
Got a new prescription, not sure how the apartment complex manger is going to take it.
I now have a prescription to have a dishwasher in my apartment.
My PC Doctor and Cancer Doctor thought that would be a reasonable request while I continue to heal.
Of course I have to buy it, but that's okay too.
Congrats on the good numbers!

What why how did you get the dishwasher script?

Sonya, I hope you get feeling better soon. Hope it's nothing viral. If its viral then antibiotics won't work and the only thing for it is rest and hydration.

Mo, glad your labs were good and that your primary care doctor is happy. Hope you're feeling well.

My plans for the day were fouled by the thunderstorm. Plus my coordination was off today. I tripped over a dog bed and fell earlier-- landed partway on the couch and wasn't hurt, but it was annoying.

When the rain let up I went to check on stuff in the pump house. The lever for the belt-driven pump that fills the cistern was jammed and didn't trigger it to fill. Jet pump started short-cycling super fast, sparks under the cover and I smelled something burning. Will have to see if water works once the cistern fills more. I really need a different method of detecting the water level to run that belt-driven pump. I tried planning it out before but then got distracted by life.