If there is a court order for her to stay away, report her. She is endangering everyone.
I agree. I think it is for the best of all dogs.If there is a court order for her to stay away, report her. She is endangering everyone.
Got notice of my appointment for the High Risk Perioperative Clinic on the 7th of this month.
I'm nervous as heck.
It also means that I may well be getting my op when the SHTF.
I'll be in brace for over 9 weeks.
That's a long time to be out of action during a critical time when even a sound person
would struggle.
I've got a ton still left to do and get sorted and there's very little time left.
As you all know I am trying to stay busy and get things cleaned out before next knee replacement.
Among other things.
Tried every way but that way today.
So in the morning will try again. Dang.
I now see light at the end of sewing room tunnel.
The whole room vacuumed, furniture dusted.
Pretty tired tonight, hopefully I will finally sleep.
Been a couple of days without restful sleep.
Round 2 of today is that we have dated, packed away the groceries and filled up the 10lt storage tubs with flour, rolled oats and raw sugar and put them in the moving room stacked with the other 10lt storage containers. We also got the two loads of washing off the clothes line and have that in the bedroom ready to be folded up.
The cat has now investigated the movements of our moving by checking out the room with all the boxes in it yet again and continues to do so each time we make a change. She has calmed down a bit and is not so edgy as we think being a stray that her previous owner may have died or moved without her. We keep reassuring her and showing her things as we do it. Just fed her for the afternoon so she is happy now.
Just ordered another RACQ e-gift card which gives us 5% off everything as we annhilated the last one with purchasing things for our new home.
Tonight's dinner is oysters, sour cream and or cheese and DH will no doubt throw some BBQ sauce on is oysters.
I have no love for our State Police. I know a Trooper and tried and tried to talk him into moving to Santa Fe to take over but noooooo. Its to hot and not snowy enough!!I had a very early morning door pounding around 6am, when it was still dark. I was making breakfast for husband, and he was in the shower. I thought they were going to pound our front door down. I wasn't going to open the door, but did kinda look out a window and saw a bunch of people there. I turned on the porch light and yelled, "who is it?" Someone yelled back in a low voice, "Me!". So, I thought, ok, it's a home invasion. I've practiced this scenario. Remind myself where everyone is...husband in shower, grandkids still in their bedrooms. Get my gun, call 911, tell husband to get out of the shower. Worried about my son who is in the trailer in the driveway, that he would hear the commotion and come running out. I glanced out another window and saw no cars in the driveway. Just lots of people on my porch. Then they pounded again really, really hard and I yelled, "You're going to have to tell me who you are, right now!" Then one guy yelled, "We're the State Police, Mamm". So I really looked out the window closest to the door and saw six state police there. Now why on earth would one of them yell, "Me", the first time? I opened the door a little bit and found out that they were looking for our wayward son who is in California, and has been for the last 8 years, and was only here 8 years ago because he was extradited from California, and then let go, and then went back to California. He's wanted for non payment of child support. *******. We have the kids. So, these state police come around a couple of times a year, usually middle of the night, and then attempt to bang my door down. I told them to look our son up on NICS and they will see that he is probably in jail in California right now. It is beyond me why officers don't look up the person they're after, inside on banging doors in, in the early morning hours, DO NOT identify themselves and still expect me to open the door, and waste 6 men's time to do this, when they've been coming around twice a year for at least 6 years now. One time they pushed their way in our house and searched it. I know to put my foot behind the door and only open it a little bit now. Moving out of this state can't happen soon enough. Rant done.
...It is beyond me why officers don't look up the person they're after...