What's everybody doing today?

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It makes me sad that people are blaming the assassination attempt on gays, transgenders, all democrats. I’m not like that. It was a demented, mentally ill individual. Just like we can’t blame the gun/rifle, we can’t blame a whole group of people for one persons action. Let’s try to not cause so much division amongst ourselves. I’m not thrilled with Biden OR Trump. But I’m not going to blame anyone but the shooter for this horrific action.
It makes me sad that people are blaming the assassination attempt on gays, transgenders, all democrats. I’m not like that. It was a demented, mentally ill individual. Just like we can’t blame the gun/rifle, we can’t blame a whole group of people for one persons action. Let’s try to not cause so much division amongst ourselves. I’m not thrilled with Biden OR Trump. But I’m not going to blame anyone but the shooter for this horrific action.
Trump Derangement Syndrome is a demented mental illness in my mind's eye.

Trump Derangement Syndrome is a demented mental illness in my mind's eye.

I don’t know why so many are hellbent on causing such hate and division amongst us all. I wish people would quit all the name calling and finger pointing. Saying such negative, broad painting accusations is opening us to division and leaving us wide open for civil war or an attack from a foreign entity. Saying that Biden is disappointed that Trump wasn’t killed is very inflammatory and a very irresponsible comment. I seriously doubt Biden wants Trump killed.
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So you think what you are posting about the dims is a reflection of their reality?

Everyone has a right to their opinion, so I leave it there.

As for every dim voter, they put the garbage in office and will vote for satan of he wears a D, I know this because one I know told me so the other day he is voting for biden no matter what, and he hopes Trump rots in jail for doing nothing, I know he rest of them well enough to know he spoke for them as well because I heard it in bidens first election.

So I have a reason for my statement and it holds true I will respond as In kind.

I hate no one but accept no attempt to shirk responsibility for the actions of those you support and hire to work for you, THEY are YOUR responsibility.
I think I made up a few new curse words last night..
It felt like my finger was on fire for a few hours and the two fingers next to it hurt too..musta pierced a nerve.
Now it just throbs . Cold water n ice help but I do need to let it fester n try to pop it out or dig it out.

So I just found out the town south of me is getting their power shut off fir a few hours today . High winds n extreme firedanger expected supposly..
Tomorrow we're supposed to get 100 +Heat, high winds n dry 🌩
Long day in ER, but finally home. Husband told them he was not going to be admitted, so they gave him 3 IV bags of different antibiotics, CT scan, Xray, a sputum test, and a number of blood tests. Then released him on the condition he rests up, and sees the infectious disease doc tomorrow. Looks like his pseudomonas popped up again. So she may put him on more IV antibiotics, but we'll see tomorrow. At least he is good for tonight, and is home.
Did too much today, now my foot hurts
But laundry done , walnuts sprayed, bedstuff washed and put back on
plus I had to build berms around the tomato plants and put some lime on the dirt, so water can stay there better and not just run off when we water, the tomatoes are starting to rot on the bottom , so not enough calcium and water or both. we will see if what I did works

Lunch turned out great, I think goat ribs are better than pork ribs ( and I do like pork ribs) , made a whole large roasting pan full and all gone
Long day in ER, but finally home. Husband told them he was not going to be admitted, so they gave him 3 IV bags of different antibiotics, CT scan, Xray, a sputum test, and a number of blood tests. Then released him on the condition he rests up, and sees the infectious disease doc tomorrow. Looks like his pseudomonas popped up again. So she may put him on more IV antibiotics, but we'll see tomorrow. At least he is good for tonight, and is home.
I’m sorry for your husbands difficulties. May he get better very soon.
Went down south to do some shopping and pick up some materials.
The wife decided that she wants a pathway from our deck to the fire pit area. I'm going to make a frame out of 6×6 timbers and put bricks in the frame. Been chiseling out the hard packed dirt and the concrete on one side of the post.
Sometime in the next week or two we have a crew coming out to clear about 60 acres of ground around the house. They're going to take out every tree that's 6" and smaller and delimb the remaining trees. Plus they have a machine that will chew up the brush. We'll see how this works out, may have them do another 60 acres next year.
Sunday is gone
Another week starting tomorrow
Hopefully a better one ...
July 15th will be

I did not much today except wash my hair
and critters care
Right now 71f outside

Hope your fans and AC working good 👍
You need it in the warmth of the South

Hope you had a good day all together guys
Sleep tight and sweet dreams 🤫😴

zannej: I remember Richard Simmons too, I think I had one of his workout tapes ( on VHS tape that's how long that was...)
I would have thought he would live to 100

Today we have so much stuff to do I don't know where to start
weeds ( specifically baby walnut trees in the pasture) need to be sprayed. I wished this could be prevented but we just don't have the time to go and pick all these walnuts out of the pasture every year. ( it's very steep and there are about 10 walnut trees). Cutting down the walnut trees is problematic also, they are sort of a wind break for the house ( all in a row at the top of the pasture) and they would either fall on the fence or the house if cut down so we would have to pay someone a lot of money to do it. I hate black walnut trees, why on earth the previous owner kept them there I have no idea. They also prevent other things from growing when larger

there are some more lambs with poopy butts that need to be dewormed and medicated ( just a few we missed the first time) so we have to try to get them in the barn again

laundry needs to be done

plus regular chores

Hope everyone else has a more relaxing Sunday!
He'd recently announced that he'd had skin cancer. He'd also mentioned that he had knee surgery and struggled with depression afterward and that he wanted to retire from the public eye, but he did do a rare interview not long before he died. I still remember as a kid I would get up early and turn on the tube TV to watch his program. I learned the words "inhale" and "exhale" from his program. I loved his Sweatin' to the Oldies videos. I met one of his cousins who talked about what a strange child he was and how he liked to pull pranks.
I feel you on the not knowing where to start thing. I have so much to do and really am not sure where to start. I need to do laundry, but I need to clear some stuff in the hallway to be able to get to the laundry-- old broken microwave and some other stuff are in the way right now. Need to get some yardwork done and all sorts of stuff.
Looks like I'll be taking husband into ER pretty soon here. He has had a bad night. We'll see what else the day brings. Little granddaughter's mom will be showing up to visit her this afternoon. Was supposed to go to favorite cousin's for supper, but will cancel that. Going to be super hot today.

Long day in ER, but finally home. Husband told them he was not going to be admitted, so they gave him 3 IV bags of different antibiotics, CT scan, Xray, a sputum test, and a number of blood tests. Then released him on the condition he rests up, and sees the infectious disease doc tomorrow. Looks like his pseudomonas popped up again. So she may put him on more IV antibiotics, but we'll see tomorrow. At least he is good for tonight, and is home.
Yikes. I hope he'll be OK. ER visits are NOT fun. Please give your husband some hugs from me.

Saturday night (early Sunday morning I guess), my Mom went to sneak some ice cream from the freezer and ended up falling on her face on the way back in to the living room. She landed outside the living room door. She said she hit her head/face but isn't sure if it was on the door or the floor. I heard the thunk and then her screaming. I came out to find her in Muslim prayer position. Fortunately, my brother had just gotten home, although he hadn't made it into the house when she fell. So as soon as he came through the door I called to him that she fell. He stepped over her into the living room (she'd pushed the door open). I pulled up a dining chair behind her. He managed to get her up into the chair. She sat there a few minutes explaining what happened and we made sure she was OK before she asked for her ice cream and she got up from the chair and went to her desk and ate her ice cream. She stayed up all night. I wasn't able to sleep and kept checking on her. Her knees are bruised up, but she's otherwise OK. I made her some breakfast and then we both went to sleep a little after noon. It was raining and thundering all day. She racked out until about midnight. I checked on her a few times throughout the day to make sure she was still lucid and not having any signs of concussion. She finally got up after midnight and wanted food.

I'm still tired because I didn't sleep restfully. Going to try to get more sleep soon.
I could have sworn I posted on this thread but it is not there, must have got lost in the net somewhere...
Took care of animals, sheep are in a pasture without much fencing, wonder if they will stay in ( next to son's house, needs mowing)
Pulled bolted lettuce out of the garden and weeds so I can reseed with broccoli and cabbage

Called meat processor and they are actually NOT busy! This is a first, wonder if the economy is slowing down. Owner told me this is the way it used to be before covid, not many people would process animals in summer, so he had to lay people off and then later he didn't have enough people to do all the animals people wanted done in fall. We are running low on lamb so I am taking 2 next week
Called dentist to confirm son's appointment tomorrow since they only sent a text for mine. $380 for check up , cleaning and x rays..wow that sucks
But I don't want to go to a terrible dentist or let my teeth rot either....
Husband left to get sawdust. We don't need any right now but will when it starts raining again and we have to go when they cut pine. ( oak is not good for the animals)

About to make lunch
@Amish Heart , I hope your DH's pseudomonas is a minor case (if that is possible)! Seems too soon!

Yesterday was Church and that was all.

Bo and I walked earlier.
Walked dogs.
Laundry is halfway done.
Made chocolate milk for DH and made his tea.
Printed off a few recipes to make and can this month.
Cook bell peppers and onions that didn't get done, yesterday.
Not sure what else.
You & misses feeling any better? Did they figure out what is going on with her?
Spent the weekend writing resumes and applying for job announcements. I can't believe that I am even considering changing jobs at this age, but sometimes life pushes us into awkward positions....
May it turn out to be a blessing in disguise 🙏

Have been on the run for at least the past week. Hubby's mom fell, broke her arm so we rearranged the week in order for me to be there with her Fri. Returned home late Fri. night and had to wake up at quarter to 3 Sat morning in order to make it all work out. Yesterday, didn't make it to church - played catch up. On a brighter note, I was finally able to get a sourdough starter going and made my first two loaves of bread. Not perfect yet but good flavor. (I needed to score it deeper and maybe use lighter flour.) Otherwise, all is well - just trying to keep up with the heat and now smoke from fires.
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Sounds like most everyone is pedaling as fast as they can and still having to push hard downhill to keep up.

Got one of the respiratory things going around there are a few cases of covid around, did the test, it is negative check again in three days just for safety, O2 is 96-98 so it is ok.

Outflow is in yellow about to green, inflow is at 75% second breath so it is because I am not completely getting the old air out Typical Bronchitis BS.

Still have a lot to do and feel like crap gonna stay up and moving to move the air.

Hope everyone is well and getting what they want to get done - done!!!!!

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