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and Good Night...!!!
I left home at 2pm for the 4 1/2 hour drive up to the job site in Wisconsin. I was driving the '09 Toyota I just bought last week. Now, it's 15 years old, but it's got really low miles so I didn't expect any troubles right away.

Not long after getting on I-35 North, the car started making a loud strange noise. Sounded like a wheel bearing, but a little different than any bearing I've ever had to fix, and it came on suddenly instead of starting quietly and slowly getting worse. I called the dealer where I bought it and told them I was making a detour to have their shop check it. When I got there the shop manager jumped in and we drove it. He agreed it didn't sound like a bearing normally sounds but he put it up on the hoist and sure enough the left front bearing was about ready to come apart. There was no noise at all until this afternoon. I just bought the car on Friday. The dealership owner, the sales manager, and the salesman I bought it from all came out to apologize for the inconvenience and the shop manager himself fixed the bearing. It was 53 minutes from the time he took the wheel off until the time I was back in the driver's seat and the dealership covered the cost even though it's a 15 year old car. That's service worth recommending.
@Tommyice i still have a working key or two. I called the dealer. Said $109 for the replacement but if they have to touch it to reprogram it … $190.
O’Reilly’s said they only replace the outer case and told me to go to dealer.
none of mine work, I just use the key, so you open the door and I have to put the key in the ignition or it will beep LOL
Not paying a few hundred $ to have them replaced...whatever
I left home at 2pm for the 4 1/2 hour drive up to the job site in Wisconsin. I was driving the '09 Toyota I just bought last week. Now, it's 15 years old, but it's got really low miles so I didn't expect any troubles right away.

Not long after getting on I-35 North, the car started making a loud strange noise. Sounded like a wheel bearing, but a little different than any bearing I've ever had to fix, and it came on suddenly instead of starting quietly and slowly getting worse. I called the dealer where I bought it and told them I was making a detour to have their shop check it. When I got there the shop manager jumped in and we drove it. He agreed it didn't sound like a bearing normally sounds but he put it up on the hoist and sure enough the left front bearing was about ready to come apart. There was no noise at all until this afternoon. I just bought the car on Friday. The dealership owner, the sales manager, and the salesman I bought it from all came out to apologize for the inconvenience and the shop manager himself fixed the bearing. It was 53 minutes from the time he took the wheel off until the time I was back in the driver's seat and the dealership covered the cost even though it's a 15 year old car. That's service worth recommending.
that almost qualifies as a miracle LOL
If that had been me, they would have told me " there is no warranty on something that old" " it will take a week until we have time to even look at it' " it will cost at least $1000".....
today going to the bank in the big town ( closest one) , do some shopping and debating on getting oil changed. I do know how to change oil, husband could even figure this one out too , he has done the tractor but I really REALLY hate working on cars. I would rather muck out the sheep barn, trim goat hoofs, bake a million loaves of bread or even clean the fridge than that....
But getting oil changed will either require us to drop vehicles off, and drive one hour each way to do it, then an hour each way to pick it up, or pay $100 at the drive through oil change.. still debating if it is worth around $40
it would still cost us probably $40 to do it ourselves with the oil cost now.

dropped lambs off yesterday, they barely qualified as "lambs" since they were just over a year already but they are Katahdins so we get away with it
I think they don't turn into mutton until they are about 2
Son got back with friend haven't seen him yet so hope he had no car problems

Otto barked like crazy in the middle of the night, so I got up and looked out and I could have sworn I saw something walking down our road but it was dark and I didn't have my glasses on, and by the time I got them and a flashlight, it was gone. Weird. This doesn't usually happen. We have too many dogs for deer to come close to the house ( or the neighbors ate them all havent seen any lately)
and there are a million rabbits so dogs would bark all day and night if that is what they were barking at. The other dogs barked too but Otto really insisted there was something out there
Those grandbabies do grow too fast. Little granddaughter will be a teenager already next month (Ugh). She says she wants to be a farmer. We'll see.
that was MY first career choice when I was a kid , I even had the farmers son picked out I wanted to marry ( a distant relative, like second cousin 😲 😲 :oops:)
wait till she IS a teenager, she will want to be an actress, a model, a rock star or go to some third world country to save the world
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none of mine work, I just use the key, so you open the door and I have to put the key in the ignition or it will beep LOL
Not paying a few hundred $ to have them replaced...whatever

Subaru in the big city just told me $734.00 for a new fob. I found one on line for a $100 and it will cost another $75 if I can't figure out how to program it myself. It's due to arrive Nov. 27 is the only draw back.
Just getting caught up here.
Came home early from work yesterday..got a nasty cold. Came home, watered garden, made sure critters were good, shower n slept.
Stayed home today. Fever came down this am to normal but still hacking up lung butter n just tired.
Planning on trying to go tomorrow but we'll see..
Today just resting
I'm up, dressed.
Been to Wal*Mart already.
Groceries are put away.
All before 1000 hours.
Got 6 half pints and 2 pints of cinnamon apple jelly pinging on the table now.
Got 5 pints and 1 half pint of apple raisin pie filling in the water bath canner now.
Kitchen is cleaned.
Dishes are done.
Working on needlepoint monkey quilt block for Christmas 2024 gifts.
Went last Thursday for full body scan to make sure my cancer hadn't came back.
Hopefully will get results this week before labs are drawn again this week.
I think I will treat myself out to lunch or dinner meal.
I'm getting tired.
Sipping coffee now.
Those grandbabies do grow too fast. Little granddaughter will be a teenager already next month (Ugh). She says she wants to be a farmer. We'll see.
When I was a kid.
I wanted to be in the Army.
And be Military Police.
Dang that's what I did.
Now I wouldn't mind having a little land, house.
Have a hobby farm.
Busy days!
Sunday was Church and that's it.
Yesterday, walked and then walked dogs.
Pruned back roses and fertilized.
Did laundry.
Electrician came to wire up generator. He inadvertently cut a wire for internet. We had providers come out and reconnect it and upgrade our ancient modem.

Today, walked first.
Took my friend to local grocery and then brought her to my house and tried to get her medical marijuana card. Ran into a problem at the end processing payment so we are still waiting for a call back about that.
May re-can a #10 can of cheese sauce.
I have a caregiver's workshop for VA that I need to address.
Internet has been spotty with the storms. Thanks for the well-wishes. I'm feeling better but still tired. Yesterday I went to pick up mail, put seafoam in the gas tank of the truck, filled up the tank, and refilled the wiper fluid reservoir (truck was nagging about it being low). I was an absolute clumsy monkey handling the jug of wiper fluid and people were staring at me. I got most of it into the reservoir. LOL.
Stopped at Walmart to get some stuff that had been out of stock that was back in.
Grabbed McDonalds breakfast for Mom (coffee & bacon egg & cheese biscuit). I had some rotisserie chicken because I got 2 of them and pulled all the meat off the bones.
The rest of the day was a bit of a blur. Thundered and rained so I napped. Other than feeding kitties and doggies, I didn't do much. Well, I watched some videos on how not to get screwed over at a car dealership.
I was looking at a particular vehicle but dealership said it sold yesterday and invited me to come look at their other inventory. I said "Nope. Not interested".
Got up early this morning and got myself a bowl of soup. Walked into the living room with it and Mom asked what kind of soup. I told her and she grabbed her lap tray and looked excited. I went and heated it up more bc she likes her soup hot and I like mine lukewarm. So I had salad for breakfast instead. I'm thinking of using some rotisserie chicken to make sandwiches.
I'm still sleepy but Mom has an appointment today at 3:15 and another appointment tomorrow at 2:45 (today's is the doctor, tomorrow is the NP). She's due for a canula change today. I started writing down when I do the infusion set changes so I wouldn't forget.
Everything is covered and on the table.
Water bath canner is washed, dried and put away.
Things are pinging.
I might be back later .
Right now I want to talk to someone else.
He kinda makes my heart flutter.
And with him, I'm not one of the guys like I have been with others in my past.
And he's not military.
See you later.
Took Mom for her doctor's appointment. We got bored so we were singing in the exam room while waiting. Apparently the doctor and staff heard us and the doctor commented that we'd been singing and that it was good. He gave Mom advice on what to eat when her sugar gets low and needs to come up more gradually. Then we went to the Mexican restaurant. Mom pointed at the menu and the waitress got her order right this time.

Just got home and will be taking a nap soon.
Got a call from the sheriff a few hours ago. Said one of our horses was out on the county road. Couldn't find the horse, but did find that all of our cows were out too. We tried driving them home. They got split up between 2 dry creek beds. Tried a couple more times then gave up for the night. They can't go too far. They're in a pasture of about 4×5 miles square. Got some help coming up tomorrow morning.
Did go shopping yesterday and all that. Aldi now has mostly self checkout also. It's ok if you only have a few things but doesn't work if you have a cart full. I am starting to think stores are trying to discourage people from buying a lot of stuff. Not sure why, don't they make more money the more they sell? Or are the still shortages?

Got home and cooked, and then it really started pouring rain. We put everyone in the barn including the soaking wet sheep. It's ok if they get wet but they could get sick if they are out in the pouring rain for days. Today we are supposed to get more rain. It's fine, the grass will grow and we will be able to get more hay in a few months most likely. The rain is needed. We still have a few hay bales from last year to use up

Then our Ranger broke, not running right. The engine started but it is running super slow only. I push on the gas, and it barely moves. So I guess it will have to go back to the repair shop again. This is thing is making me so mad. I think we bought a piece of crap that got built during covid and has had lots of problems. If I had known that I would have bought something else
Its a very useful vehicle for us when it is working, but mechanically it's a piece of crap. All of us complain about stuff made in China, but things don't seem to get made any better here either.

So today we will have a lot of barn cleaning to do plus take Ranger to shop.

Oh and caved in and got the oil changed at the jiffy lube yesterday on the Traverse. It cost $86
I remember paying $15.99 in Orlando at the jiffy lube for my Yukon which uses more oil and this was not THAT long ago ( maybe 20 years not 50)
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