What's everybody doing today?

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saw something sad and good at the same time today on the way to get the meat and shopping: I have been trying to not look at these poor sheep this old lady keeps on a weed patch next to her house next to the road for years. These poor sheep look horrible, they are not hair sheep but nobody sheers them ever, they have no proper pasture either, like I said just horrible weeds. I don't know how any of them stayed alive this far. I was always hoping she would just get rid of them, but there they are.
Well today we saw FIVE animal control trucks and a few other trucks there clearing out the entire property. I think they took the sheep. I don't generally like .gov interference but was very happy to see this. People should not have animals if they can't take care of them.
If I had known they would take care of it, I would have called the animal control on her years ago!! Next time I see something like that, I WILL
Did anyone ever think to toss some hay over the fence, or offer to buy the animals?
Did anyone ever think to toss some hay over the fence, or offer to buy the animals?
Then you end up feeding someone else's animals. And who wants to buy animals that are wormy and undernurrished? If you do and you take them to the sale then people associate you with poor animals! It's best they are removed by animal control, and that's hard to accomplish!
Dad has had several ‘spots’ removed by a dermatologist recently. One was cancerous, still on going. My grandfather had the same issues, farmers, too much sun. I had to take dad for another appointment this afternoon.

Last week during my 6 month checkup I questioned a couple ‘spots’ on my skin. They referred me to a derm clinic. The clinic called this morning to set up an apt for me. When the lady gave me the name of the doctor I laughed, said ‘I’ll be there after lunch’. Same doctor I was taking dad to see. 😁

So, when we got there the doc took care of both dad and I at the same time… same room… lol. They 'worked' me into the schedule. Mine were all benign, normal aging stuff, one spot was annoying so had that one frozen off.

Anyway, stopped at the market on the way home. No plans but tv this evening.
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Work, then first round of PT on my back. Started pouring down while was in there. By the time I left to head home there was spotty street flooding. Got home about 20 miles later and we had only about .05". Saw on the news later that various spot around E. Tennessee had as much as 3-5" in about an hour. Lots of flooding around the area. May have another round later and then another wave tomorrow.
All my weeks are starting to run together, Saturday my clothes drier got sick (I ordered parts to try a DIY repair). I'm trying to put together a presentation for an event in TN next week. I have a range day scheduled for Sunday morning, flying out to TN just after noon same day.
I did apply for that new job, no word yet... but, I'm still doing the work so I guess it doesn't matter.

I think I bought a new car yesterday, something to get the wife to the Dr's in bad weather, they didn't have what I wanted (neither did anyone else) so it will have to be ordered, but I shook hands on the deal and that makes it done in my book.

Today at work, in the leadership meeting (I'm acting) I noticed that I had been put in for an end of year bonus, I asked if they would let me split it among my team members instead... You would have thought I shot someone's dog... they were just stunned...

The wife isn't doing too well, everyone of her friends is either sick or has already kicked the bucket, she is really depressed about losing so many people over the last year..
All my weeks are starting to run together, Saturday my clothes drier got sick (I ordered parts to try a DIY repair). I'm trying to put together a presentation for an event in TN next week. I have a range day scheduled for Sunday morning, flying out to TN just after noon same day.
I did apply for that new job, no word yet... but, I'm still doing the work so I guess it doesn't matter.

I think I bought a new car yesterday, something to get the wife to the Dr's in bad weather, they didn't have what I wanted (neither did anyone else) so it will have to be ordered, but I shook hands on the deal and that makes it done in my book.

Today at work, in the leadership meeting (I'm acting) I noticed that I had been put in for an end of year bonus, I asked if they would let me split it among my team members instead... You would have thought I shot someone's dog... they were just stunned...

The wife isn't doing too well, everyone of her friends is either sick or has already kicked the bucket, she is really depressed about losing so many people over the last year..
PM on the way
Did anyone ever think to toss some hay over the fence, or offer to buy the animals?
I have no idea, I wouldn't have wanted those sheep. Plus no good deed goes unpunished. You never know what would happen if you did that. The sheep might have died from overeating and then the old lady would come after you, or you get into a car wreck pulling off the side of the main road with no space to park. Plus how long do you want to feed someone else's sheep? Not a good solution
What kind of car, Urban? Husband still gets into the front passenger seat of the truck. Doesn't like to get into the Challenger, too low and hard to get out of. I wheel chair him to the door of the truck and it takes a minute, but he can get in. I'm having a hard time lifting the big wheelchair to bring, even with little granddaughter's help, and the scooter is heavy, too, even tho we take out the batteries before lifting it...so am trying to talk him into a lift for these things so I can save my back and hip.
Drove the hr to the airport and picked up our daughter. Just finished round two of animal chores, and then went thru the freezers to get the meat for tomorrow's supper birthday party. Lots of chicken that I'll bake, two roasts that I'll slow cook, and husband wants rumaki, too. So I had to find the chicken livers I froze. Going to pickup takeout from the amish place in a minute.
Then you end up feeding someone else's animals. And who wants to buy animals that are wormy and undernurrished? If you do and you take them to the sale then people associate you with poor animals! It's best they are removed by animal control, and that's hard to accomplish!
yes that is all absolutely true, you said it better than I did :)
I have no idea, I wouldn't have wanted those sheep. Plus no good deed goes unpunished. You never know what would happen if you did that. The sheep might have died from overeating and then the old lady would come after you, or you get into a car wreck pulling off the side of the main road with no space to park. Plus how long do you want to feed someone else's sheep? Not a good solution
That makes sense. I'm feeding one of our neighbors cows right now. She got in with our cows last week and I haven't been able to cut her out yet. The owner will come up and get her this Fall when he starts gathering up his cows.
The wife isn't doing too well, everyone of her friends is either sick or has already kicked the bucket, she is really depressed about losing so many people over the last year..
Sorry for your wife's losses. I've gone through periods like that myself. Losing friends is especially hard--you're never given the sympathy that family gets but the hurt is just the same.
Went to work this morning for a half day then on to the hospital to see Dad. Home to take care of dog then back to the hospital. The pharmacist from our sister store in town sent one of her techs to our store so that I could leave early.

His cystoscopy is scheduled for Wednesday at 6pm. I'll work until 3 tomorrow then pop over to the hospital and wait while he has his procedure. He'll have to stay Thursday then should be able to be brought home Friday morning.

I'm tired.
@Amish Heart I understand about difficulty of loved ones trying to get into and out of vehicles. Please, your back is important with the many burdens placed upon you. As a caregiver, it is of utmost importance that you remain able to take care of him and the farm and your granddaughter. If it were me, I'd just go ahead and get what I needed to make it easier to lift that chair or load the scooter. It is not fair to you. Cars are weird, too low. Vans too high.
Wonky day or two: we had a spattering of rain yesterday. Last night I opened the windows since temperatures were about the same inside and out and we were heading into night. About midnight the pressure was so muggy that I couldn’t sleep. Evidently I got to sleep about the time Hubby woke up (2 am) so we are both tired. It’s supposed to be triple digits again end of the week 😕. Hoping to sleep tonight.
Then you end up feeding someone else's animals. And who wants to buy animals that are wormy and undernurrished? If you do and you take them to the sale then people associate you with poor animals! It's best they are removed by animal control, and that's hard to accomplish!
Are you sure there was someone living there? Sometimes people move or die, leaving the animals with no one to care for them.
It's now 2335 hours and I just got home from work. I showed up in Elkhorn, NE to my new gang at 0600 and the boss said, "There has been a big derailment in Glidden, Iowa. Everybody go back to your hotel, pack up your gear, and check out. Be in Glidden at 9am."

Glidden in about 45 minutes from home. I saw the derailment on social media the night before. Our train crews put 37 intermodal container cars on the ground on a high fill where the tracks are elevated about 20 feet above the surrounding terrain. When I got there it was surreal. There was merchandise everywhere. Children's books, Stove Top Stuffing, Adidas shoes, Jello pudding pops, extension cords...you name it and it was all over the ground. Some of those cars were torn open like tin cans. If you Google it there's some great drone pictures and video. Anyway, I was at the derailment from 0900 til 2240. In total I was on the clock from 0600 til 2240. I'm completely shot. I have to go back at 0700 tomorrow and then I'm betting I'll have to drive back to Elkhorn after work. This is going to be a rough week...
@Amish Heart I understand about difficulty of loved ones trying to get into and out of vehicles. Please, your back is important with the many burdens placed upon you. As a caregiver, it is of utmost importance that you remain able to take care of him and the farm and your granddaughter. If it were me, I'd just go ahead and get what I needed to make it easier to lift that chair or load the scooter. It is not fair to you. Cars are weird, too low. Vans too high.

What kind of car, Urban? Husband still gets into the front passenger seat of the truck. Doesn't like to get into the Challenger, too low and hard to get out of. I wheel chair him to the door of the truck and it takes a minute, but he can get in. I'm having a hard time lifting the big wheelchair to bring, even with little granddaughter's help, and the scooter is heavy, too, even tho we take out the batteries before lifting it...so am trying to talk him into a lift for these things so I can save my back and hip.
Drove the hr to the airport and picked up our daughter. Just finished round two of animal chores, and then went thru the freezers to get the meat for tomorrow's supper birthday party. Lots of chicken that I'll bake, two roasts that I'll slow cook, and husband wants rumaki, too. So I had to find the chicken livers I froze. Going to pickup takeout from the amish place in a minute.

Yes, it doesn't get easier, only harder with time. I've had to make all sorts of changes to meet my folk's mobility issues. Dad gets offended sometimes 'i don't need that!' is his usual response. I say "it's for my back not yours!" 🤣
Not a whole lot today aside from going to a local country town which is third largest next to Mount Gambier and Naracoorte for vegetable scraps to feed my flock of chooks and ducks ended up getting 2 big bags had a late one in town yesterday as I went to see if the dentist could fill in my back bottom 2nd molar on right hand side unfortunately it has to come out due to worry of nasty bugs potentially causing an infection if it were to be filled in so I've scheduled to have as much taken out as possible next week the head dentist is positive after that's done it will heal over
Are you sure there was someone living there? Sometimes people move or die, leaving the animals with no one to care for them.
yes, we sometimes saw and old white haired lady get into her car in the driveway, plus there were occasional feed bags laying around, so she did feed them sometimes , looked like farm bureau feed bags
but haven't seen her lately, so maybe she did die not sure , that is a possibility
Not a whole lot today aside from going to a local country town which is third largest next to Mount Gambier and Naracoorte for vegetable scraps to feed my flock of chooks and ducks ended up getting 2 big bags had a late one in town yesterday as I went to see if the dentist could fill in my back bottom 2nd molar on right hand side unfortunately it has to come out due to worry of nasty bugs potentially causing an infection if it were to be filled in so I've scheduled to have as much taken out as possible next week the head dentist is positive after that's done it will heal over
I read your post and thought hmmm wonder where those towns are, never heard of anything like that and then I saw you are in Australia LOL
maybe you can get a crown put on the tooth, I just had one done last month. They can take an x ray and see if the root is ok, and if it is they can put that on and should last a while
today work work work LOl what else

Tommyice: hope your dad gets better soon

Yesterday evening I finally made the crabapple jelly. 7 full pint jars made and canned, one large quart jar in the fridge. It jelled and tastes really good
Husband and son's friend helped cutting the apples

first thing this morning I am hearing baaaahhhhhhh, baaaahhhhh, goat screaming in the pasture behind the house, she was stuck in the fence. Probably not long, there was no poop on the ground. Plus I had a bad dream that woke me up. NOt starting good. My arm is still swelled up and itches from whatever bit me at the hay bale ( looked like a wasp sting, not a snake bite, actually 2 )
So my nightmare : I was at a party in our house, but it wasn't our house but some big mansion, and I was asking why are all these people here I don't know? Nobody could tell me, husband was nowhere to be found. Then my arm started having rash on it, like really big , something you see in a horror movie. I showed it to someone, and they couldn't see it!! Then I got it on my other arm and went to the bathroom and weird crap coming out of the walls. I ran out screaming and people came in, and nobody else could see it. That's when I woke up . My gosh, first nightmare I had in years. Just because of a insect bite

today: have to replace the blinker and brake light bulb in the Traverse, hope this doesn't turn into a major operation
it went out on the way yesterday
animal care then making lasagna
need to go talk to the neighbor to see if the water issue is resolved had no time yesterday. Ours seems to be fine, but she is at a higher elevation and first one to lose pressure if there is a problem
need to weedeat some cocklebur plants in the goat boy pasture
Coming home yesterday I noticed that our mailbox was laying in the road. The post rotted off and fell over. So this morning I'm going down and put in a new post.
It's a beautiful day here. Most of the smoke has cleared out. Yesterday's high was 67 degs. It'll probably be a little warmer today.
This weekend we're going up to get our granddaughter. She wants to come down and spend a couple weeks with us just by herself.