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I was working an out of state job back when the economy had crashed. It was a dirt haul and I had several truckers working for me. Most of them ate breakfast at the same restaurant as I did every morning they had the best hashbrowns and every morning I would get a double order. You know truckers everyone has a handle, they dubbed me hashbrown been that ever since.
Years ago A friend & I would go to waffle House after the bars closed, I was his DD.
I would order three hashbrowns with onions, sometimes chopped ham, coffee.
But My handle was Logger, because someone said I looked like a pupwood logger, never knew if he was being nice or mean..
Finishing setup of my new (to me) laptop today. It always takes a bit to install apps and get a new computer configured just the way you want it. I think I just might have finished all the final polishing (I'm fine tuning screen brightness, keyboard lighting, screensaver and power saver timings, etc.) There's probably something I forgot, but that will turn up later as I use the laptop (if I ever do - I bought it mostly as a toy and to take on trips).

I found a fantastic use for a neat application named SyncThing. I would recommend people look into this (free) app if they're not familiar with it. It copies files between a bunch of computers to keep things in sync, and does this in a peer-to-peer manner that doesn't require a central server. Anyway, I just made a common "shared" folder on the machines so from any computer, I could just copy a file into "shared" and it would appear over on the new laptop. This was incredibly handy for moving things like SSH keys and "authorized_keys" files, OpenVPN certificates, etc. I even used SyncThing to do a one-time sync of my web browser profile and then the laptop had all my bookmarks, passwords, and extensions (with all their collected data and configuration) instantly available. Super handy to be able to easily move files this way.

Here's a pretty good YouTube video on how to set up SyncThing. It's kind of geared towards users that are technically competent and already know what syncing is, know what localhost is - things like that - but it's usable for anyone. I like this video because the guy gets right into it and doesn't waste time blabbering on about basic stuff that most people watching the video will already know.

Trying to get a lawn mower tire changed, made me madder than I have been in a long time.

I bought a set of new tires for the front because they have to be aired up each time I use the mower, need to cut the grass BAD, so the ones I bought are much stiffer so the second side is so far impossible to put on with a couple of screwdrivers and something to walk around the wheel with the wheel has an edge that will not let you clamp a vice grip on it to lock the thing in position as you walk around the tire. I was mad enough to say some words I have not used in a while, am going for the 4000 ford and the 5 foot Woods bushhog to cut the grass today and then do something else for a mower, like burn this one and run over it with a dozer then just buy a new one.
@12icemaker I’m still waiting for my lawn mower battery. Haven’t been cited for tall grass yet. Maybe they’re picking on another neighborhood.
@MoBookworm1957 sounds like things are going good.
@gloryroad56 sounds like you’re doing better but is that six weeks up?
@Spikedriver your schedule and job switches, all the traveling, out in the heat, stay safe.
It’s been one crazy ass 24 hours. I am not even sure where to start. Yesterday I had a meeting with the law firm I use who wants me to do some dirty work for them, I got a text from a certain flight attendant who wants to meet up for a sure thing on Saturday when I am supposed to be on a date with someone else and I had a nice dinner with the Lady that took an unexpected turn. This morning I got a text from the Lady’s daughter wanting to meet up tomorrow and when reviewing my video surveillance from yesterday I saw a newer BMW SUV drive by my place 2 times in a 10 minutes span pausing a couple minutes right outside my gate and just sitting in the road. While waiting for data to come back on the plate the SUV returned, only this time they got out and buzzed at the walk in gate. ******* property developer wanting to talk. Told him to pound sand. He left a card. Turns out he's legit but I don't really care other than making sure the border jumper didn't put a hit out on me.
It’s been one crazy ass 24 hours. I am not even sure where to start. Yesterday I had a meeting with the law firm I use who wants me to do some dirty work for them, I got a text from a certain flight attendant who wants to meet up for a sure thing on Saturday when I am supposed to be on a date with someone else and I had a nice dinner with the Lady that took an unexpected turn. This morning I got a text from the Lady’s daughter wanting to meet up tomorrow and when reviewing my video surveillance from yesterday I saw a newer BMW SUV drive by my place 2 times in a 10 minutes span pausing a couple minutes right outside my gate and just sitting in the road. While waiting for data to come back on the plate the SUV returned, only this time they got out and buzzed at the walk in gate. ******* property developer wanting to talk. Told him to pound sand. He left a card. Turns out he's legit but I don't really care other than making sure the border jumper didn't put a hit out on me.

lol I think you are in the wrong thread...
So which one are you going out with Saturday?
I'm back in Elkhorn NE, sweating in the sun. I found out that I'm not going to be doing what my job title says I'm supposed to be doing. They've got me running an old single sided spike driver. It's OK, but I'm going to demand the higher pay rate for running it. It doesn't even have a sun shade on it, and I'm about to be a lobster.

Other than that, the day has gone well. After work I'll go find a hotel and then go hit up Anytime Fitness and Walmart. Have a good evening, everybody!
Trying to get a lawn mower tire changed, made me madder than I have been in a long time.

I bought a set of new tires for the front because they have to be aired up each time I use the mower, need to cut the grass BAD, so the ones I bought are much stiffer so the second side is so far impossible to put on with a couple of screwdrivers and something to walk around the wheel with the wheel has an edge that will not let you clamp a vice grip on it to lock the thing in position as you walk around the tire. I was mad enough to say some words I have not used in a while, am going for the 4000 ford and the 5 foot Woods bushhog to cut the grass today and then do something else for a mower, like burn this one and run over it with a dozer then just buy a new one.
So to make you feel better~
Once upon a time Ma and the woman who is like my second Ma were chatting. Ma2 said something about how it really wasn't the words they were using that helped someone feel better when they were having a rough time, but the tone. She said they should at least use a pleasant word like "peaches." They were joking and laughed and the Pa's heard about it and laughed mocking it with "peachy" comments for the next few days. Well, Pa had to work some cattle, and it didn't go so smoothly to say the least. When he came home, Ma asked how it went. He exploded, "Just Peachy! The Peachin' cattle were peachin' all over and wouldn't go through the peachy gate. Then the peachy truck. . . ." I think you get the picture. Ma laughed so hard then when we got home and heard second hand, we were laughing too. Pa laughs now but he was irate at the time and trying not to use such fowl language.
So, sounds like you've had a peachy day 😂
Made a shopping run after lunch. Realized that stock around here had gotten low ... down to one Kona. So now - ha! - back to a great selection. I think I'm in heaven. Several of my favorites. I still have that last Kona in the house now, to use as a distractor/redirector if someone comes over that I don't particularly like. "Hey, have you tried this Hawaiian beer yet?!" Really, it's not terrible ... just nowhere close to the others pictured.

Oh, Grolsch. Good beer. Pauline ain't bad either
The Paulaner Hefe-Weizen I like to drink with food. It's excellent then. It is not my favorite, merely OK, when drinking it stand-alone without food. It's OK in the stand-alone role, just not quite what I'm usually looking for. It's a wheat beer.

The Carlsberg is right up there with the Grolsh (a bit more expensive - maybe a dollar per six-pack). Carlsberg has a regular pilsner and one called "Elephant". The elephant stuff has a higher alcohol concentration. I think that makes it taste slightly better, but maybe that's just my imagination. It's not so much more alcohol that you're going to get plastered though. I think regular Carlsberg might be 5% and the elephant is 8%? Something like that.

Mama's Little Yella Pils is good too. It's a Bohemian pilsner, so more bitter than some other pilsners. Definitely more bitter than a Grolsh or a Carlsberg (or a Stella). It is less bitter than the standard/original Bohemian pilsner - "Pilsner Urquel". But similar. Pilsner Urquel is as bitter as I can personally go, although I do like it on occasion. Mama's is a step back from that bitter threshold. Me? - you will never see me drinking an IPA. Way too bitter!

Kona is like a a Mexican beer in quality IMHO - Modela, Dos XX, Corona, etc. Not terrible or anything, just not really memorable (to me).
I have been doing a little Beam the last few days, Never was much for beer, BUT on a really hot day, we used to go to a little store in Pickwick Tennessee named Big Jim's I had a BIG LOWBOY cooler for those who know what they were, Still have it actually faded from blue to nearly white.

I would hold two cases of 12oz cans with three layers of crushed Ice so we would put down a layer of ice/ a layer of cans/ a layer of ice/ a layer of cans/ last layer of ice with a sprinkling of salt.
Open the can and ice formed in the top of the beer.

Go to the lake get a place away from the rest of the people I had some old quilts and two blonde girls that I took most of the time for tanning.

Lotta things went on back then HEHEHEHE.

Store Is still there but not like then.

@12icemaker I’m still waiting for my lawn mower battery. Haven’t been cited for tall grass yet. Maybe they’re picking on another neighborhood.
@MoBookworm1957 sounds like things are going good.
@gloryroad56 sounds like you’re doing better but is that six weeks up?
@Spikedriver your schedule and job switches, all the traveling, out in the heat, stay safe.
I'm having fun, giggling.
Not really sure he's particularly happy at the moment.
Hence why I try to keep my military life, real life, professional life separate.
But sometimes they collide brutally like now.
He'll be back in my area of Missouri next Thursday.
He'll be back in his area of Missouri Tuesday mid afternoon.
Hopefully hel'll be in a better mood.
Otherwise who knows where this will go.
I wasn't looking when he was introduced by mutal friend.
And I am still friends with mutal friend.
My introduction was pretty much like it is here.
I am brutally honest, point blank, blunt and don't take crap from or off anybody.
Army Veteran.
Cuts down on crap.
But I am pretty sure that PM, I got where someone called me everything but a white woman.
Says differently.

On person's opinion doesn't mean ****. Hell, 1,000 people's opinion doesn't mean ****. You are who you are and if they don't like it, **** 'em. Unless they are moderators, then you get banned.
On person's opinion doesn't mean ****. Hell, 1,000 people's opinion doesn't mean ****. You are who you are and if they don't like it, **** 'em. Unless they are moderators, then you get banned.
Thank you.
They did try to get me banned.
That was the first time and only time I turned someone in to the Moderators.
And I wan't the only one they were hassling.
Which they took care of promptly.
I am point blank, honest and blunt.
Army Veteran

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