What's everybody doing today?

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Got up, worked out, did a few chores, cleaned up and went to the city for my coffee date with a 19 year old girl. Stopped by the law firm and talked more about the offer they extended. The pay is really good and it doesn't seem too dangerous or likely to land me in jail, so I said I would do a job or two to see if it's a good fit. I will work for him directly but also for a much larger law firm that already has in house investigators and outside security consultants. Pretty sure I will being doing the things they can't or won't do. Sounds interesting huh? My first assignment is next week and involves "requiring assets". So I may have been wrong about that ending up in jail part. Fortunately I already have a lawyer.
Girl problems, they wreck stuff make a mess and then play in it.


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I have a friend who sells invisible thongs,,,for the mud pit.

@Frodo, Now you knew better than to put her behind the wheel, as she was dragging you around she thought of every time you talked back or left the toilet seat up and she washed her backside unexpectedly.

Hope you get well soon this heat and humidity is surely not gonna help down river.
Our market was hopping today, Sonya....only there's only 5 sellers, including little granddaughter. She sold all the eggs, some tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers. Was happy enough. Another lady that does baked stuff had to run home to pull more cinnamon rolls out of her freezer because she sold out. I bought chive bread, some cookies that we ate sitting there, green beans, and a bucket of tomatoes (seconds) for the freezer.
Had a hold my beer moment today
My lawn mower is giving me fits,I could not figure it or So I asked a friend
Bring it over says he
So here I go, hooked a chain to the mower and hooked it to my Van
Rut Roo. Wife says she has never pulled anything before
No big deal,, just go slow and stay a constant speed,,
Oh jeeeez, constant to some is not the same meaning to others
To make a long story short .she all but stopped causing me tapas the tow car
Then sped up for some reason lawn mower flipped,sent me airborne

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I landed on my head then the mower landed on me, 3 staples in my head and 2 broken ribs
I feel like I was beaten with a stick then kicked around for 20 minutes
Dang Frodo! Soak in an Epsom salts bath and heal up quickly :huggs:
Made cheese this morning. It’s in the press. Got my sourdough mixed up and stretched and in the fridge until morning. Mowed the main part of the lawn last night when I came home from work. Today used the little mower to do around the side of the house and pulled a bunch of weeds and grass.
@Neb I just received the spray yesterday so haven’t had a chance to use it yet.
106* out there right now so just going out to move water. Supposed to cloud up and be muggy tonight 🥴
Its Friday and I feel ........exhausted
Even if I didnt do much today
Besides little things here and there

9 pm and I will try to see my bed soon

Too warm and humid outside today
and my car have no AC :rolleyes: I drive open window
So ...bye bye .. nite nite

Another exciting day in my current world!

A trip to the bank and to Target were the highlight of my day.

In spite of a decent nights sleep last night, I have been tired, achy, and sleepy all day.

The temp was 102* today ... fit for no one.

Looks like my back injury will have destroyed my summer completely. Haven't even been able to get in the pool!! Hopefully I will by the end of August.

On that note, everyone have a great night!
Got up, worked out and skipped everything else to grab coffee, fetch the laptop and head straight to the patio. 66 right now but is supposed to hit 96 later. Gotta get the fresh air time when I can. Have lots spinning on the noggin right now between the Lady, the job offer and the property developer. I am not a worrier just a strategist making sure my next moves on all fronts are in my best interest.
Busy morning already! Everything fed and watered, pool backwashed, Bear's pool scrubbed and ready for him later. Buddy is brushed and fly sprayed. He had a chipped back hoof, got it trimmed and prettied up! Heading to one small job today. Also doing laundry, trimming Bear's nails, and vacuuming!!
It's extremely smokey here this morning. Probably the worst that we've ever seen. The sun looked like a red ball when it was coming up. Today I'm going to work on the new meat chicken coop and then put gravel down for the fire pit area. Next week I'll go down south and pick up some lumber for the coop and the large blocks for the fire pit.
Yesterday it hit 94 degs here, heard it was 107 in town. I need to refill the water tank this morning so we can take a dip later today.

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