What's everybody doing today?

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But I am pretty sure that PM, I got where someone called me everything but a white woman.
I'll have to remember that one when I'm mad at someone ... "You're everything but a white women!" (bonus points if you're saying this to an actual white woman) That should stun them into confused silence for a moment. 😆

(I know this is not what you meant, but I like it as a showstopper line anyway!)
The Paulaner Hefe-Weizen I like to drink with food. It's excellent then. It is not my favorite, merely OK, when drinking it stand-alone without food. It's OK in the stand-alone role, just not quite what I'm usually looking for. It's a wheat beer.

The Carlsberg is right up there with the Grolsh (a bit more expensive - maybe a dollar per six-pack). Carlsberg has a regular pilsner and one called "Elephant". The elephant stuff has a higher alcohol concentration. I think that makes it taste slightly better, but maybe that's just my imagination. It's not so much more alcohol that you're going to get plastered though. I think regular Carlsberg might be 5% and the elephant is 8%? Something like that.

Mama's Little Yella Pils is good too. It's a Bohemian pilsner, so more bitter than some other pilsners. Definitely more bitter than a Grolsh or a Carlsberg (or a Stella). It is less bitter than the standard/original Bohemian pilsner - "Pilsner Urquel". But similar. Pilsner Urquel is as bitter as I can personally go, although I do like it on occasion. Mama's is a step back from that bitter threshold. Me? - you will never see me drinking an IPA. Way too bitter!

Kona is like a a Mexican beer in quality IMHO - Modela, Dos XX, Corona, etc. Not terrible or anything, just not really memorable (to me).
here is my favorite


and no , you can't buy that in the US as far as I know

Hey its Thursday 8.38 pm

Think about it ..3 more months for November 👍

Today ...I did not much ..did not work outside
I think it will be a bit cooler next week..cant wait :rolleyes:

My award is 2 shots of Vodka tonight 😛
I deserve it

I think tomorrow I will go not far ...
just to the little Dollarstore at 20 minutes from my place

Wish you guys some COOL temperature
And great starry night

The feline girl with no name 😘...I found one !!!! *Dolce*

@joel Sonny turned 36 Today also, Never married has had dozens of "relationships" trusts no girl enough to jump the broom so when it gets close to the point of Embarkation, He catches the other train out of town unless they are willing to just ride as they are.

He works for a Railroad also, but does sound for a lot of people he could work for my Nephews BIL doing massive stuff, but it would mean he would have to quit the RR, the bands and venues that call him all the time and be on the road doing month long setups and teardowns with 100 other people.
Had a hold my beer moment today
My lawn mower is giving me fits,I could not figure it or So I asked a friend
Bring it over says he
So here I go, hooked a chain to the mower and hooked it to my Van
Rut Roo. Wife says she has never pulled anything before
No big deal,, just go slow and stay a constant speed,,
Oh jeeeez, constant to some is not the same meaning to others
To make a long story short .she all but stopped causing me tapas the tow car
Then sped up for some reason lawn mower flipped,sent me airborne


I landed on my head then the mower landed on me, 3 staples in my head and 2 broken ribs
I feel like I was beaten with a stick then kicked around for 20 minutes


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Canning is finished on the table.
Canner is washed dried and put away.
Dishes are done.
Laundry is put away..
Will be apple jelly tomorrow too.
Will be reading report tomorrow.
My figures don't match the reports.
Apple jelly or Apple butter?
Garsh darn it @Frodo you gotta stay at Bag End. You can’t go off riding the horse like that. What condition is it in now? And how does your friend feel about coming to you at this point?
Sorry about the ribs!!!
It is sitting on the side of the road , I can get it tomorrow
The way I feel right now i am going to need to be pretty well zombied to be able get it
Worky worky!! Also need to run through Walmart!! Don't want to do that on Friday, I usually try to go Sunday morning after I clean my building, it's quiet in there at that time. I'm going to see my friend who just moved to assisted living Sunday, she is finally settling in! Doing laundry and vacuuming when I get home! Pool time later, going to be a hot one!!
George did give me news about the lawnmower ...he said
*This is Sh*t to repair would cost $200.
I told him : * Ship it to scrap !!!*

He did laugh he said : I agree with it !!!
So he will send it for scrap 😛
NO !!!!!, you are missing a really good drinking toys
Apple jelly or Apple butter?
Apple butter probably with the apples.
Apple jelly with the peels, cores bits and pieces.
Already got some apple butter in the pantry.
Also got Red Hot cinnamon (candy) apple jelly in pantry.
Now just making plain Jane apple jelly.
Ouch !
Might out to listen when wife says she's never done something before.
Just a thought.
The way I feel right now i am going to need to be pretty well zombied to be able get it
I hope you heal up soon!

Yesterday, I helped change the marquis at Church and then went all over town putting up flyers for our 198th anniversary of our Church. It was a busy day!

Today, we have walked, watered and deadheaded flowers at Church. Ran by local bank.
Getting ready to can 4 (or 5) bean salad and then take it easy for awhile.
Good Morning to the world of Homesteading, Country living.
It's a wonderful day so far.
I'm up, dressed.
Sipping my first cup of coffee of the day.
Slept in for the first time in a very long time.(years actually)
Just getting up at 1000 hours.
My normal day starts at 0600.
And my normal day ends about 2200 hours.
Or later.
Music is playing.
And no I have not talked to cranky in Texas this morning.
But I am in a very good mood regardless.
Reasoning I got more than 4 hours of deep refreshing sleep.
And I figure I have about 5000 more stitches on this monkey block.
I will post over other thread later.
Later gators.
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I hope you heal up soon!

Yesterday, I helped change the marquis at Church and then went all over town putting up flyers for our 198th anniversary of our Church. It was a busy day!

Today, we have walked, watered and deadheaded flowers at Church. Ran by local bank.
Getting ready to can 4 (or 5) bean salad and then take it easy for awhile.
Recipe for your 4 or 5 bean salad.
And thank you.

Four Bean Salad
3 cups vinegar
2½ cups sugar
1 tbsp mustard seed
1 tsp celery seed
4 tsp salt
1¼ cups water
5 cups green beans, 1½ inch slices
5 cups yellow beans 1½ inch slices.
2 cups celery, 3/4 inch pieces.
1 large onion, sliced thinly
1 red bell pepper, diced
2 cups kidney beans, cooked, drained
2 cups chickpeas, cooked, drained
bay leaves, optional
Make the picking solution by combining in a large pot everything from the vinegar down to and including the water. Set aside.
Prep the green beans, yellow beans, celery, onion and bell pepper. You can combine all in a large pot. Set aside.
Put a large kettle or pot of water on to boil.
Put the brine on a low burner to start simmering.
Pour the water that you boiled over the veggies in their pot. Bring the veggie pot to a boil over medium high heat, then add the kidney and garbanzo beans and reduce to a gentler boil for 5 minutes.
Drain the veggies.
Fill sterilized jars, leaving ½ inch headspace. Add a bay leaf and pour the hot brine over beans. Check for air pockets using a nonmatlic tool. Wipe rims and screw on lids.
WB for 15 minutes.

This is from my Facebook group S..N.U.G. and is Amber May's recipe.
Gobbling down some lunch and then we'll go to farmer's mkt and help little granddaughter set up. She's selling cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, 3 types of peppers, eggs, and some beaded flower things she makes. We'll stay for a little while, then go into the bigger town and pick up prescriptions and grab an ice cream cone. Daughter is still with us till tomorrow. I'll pick up little granddaughter later.

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