What's everybody doing today?

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Got up, worked out, cleaned up, paid some bills and I got a call from an old battle buddy of mine tell me he is giving me medical power of attorney over him. Apparently his wife is dying in hospice and his adult kids are "******* worthless". They refused to honor his wishes and so he went to his legal counsel and signed me up to be the guy who gets to pull the plug if it comes to that. Now I am supposed to sign some forms in front of a notary and send them back. He said "I thought, who would kill me if asked him too? Marsh!" I don't know if that's a compliment or if I am seen as a sociopath willing to dispatch human life without feeling or remorse. Guess maybe my old SFC was right and I am a natural born killer. Anyway I packed a day bag and am heading out for a date here shortly.
Good morning, H&CL! It's time to go to work! I've got a bunch of newly built track to spike down today. The fun never ends! Have a great day, everybody!
Must be some gal - we haven't heard much from ya 😁
Have fun at work!

We are getting rain! Real rain, not that little teaser stuff. Wahoo! Happy Dance :dancing: It's been about 3 months since any measurable rain. Garden will love it.
We braved Walmart, I had such a random list of stuff I had put off getting and it was time. Since company will be arriving next Wednesday, there were different things I wanted. I convinced husband to go in, too, and pick out stuff he wants, so he found lots of cookies and goldfish (ha), and some salmon. Usually he waits in the car. Finding a scooter in the store that is charged and not in use is a challenge, but I did, so he got to shop, too. Still trying to convince him that putting a scooter rack on the back of our truck would be easier, then he could bring his own. Got things put away and now out of steam till it's time to start dinner. Did get kale and more spinach seeded this morning. We had a good bit of rain with last night's crazy storm, so didn't have to water. Got the mammoth head sunflower stalks that were done pulled out and over to the burn pile.
Got up, showered, got my stuff together, then headed out to another round of chemo.

Arrived at 8:30, and left at 12:15. Almost 4 hours in the infusion room ... it was 100* out, but the infusion room was probably 68*. I had to use the seat heater for the first time in the 7 years there!

Drove home in a Benadryl haze, ate a bit, then fell asleep in my recliner. Another couple hours before the Benadryl wears off and I'll be wide awake.

Just has some veggies the wife cooked up, so that was good.
Today I took the wife to a wound care appointment. It was about 11AM and the temperature was about 85, inside the Drs Office it was about 78F, the wife has a hard time dealing with temperatures above 70F, anyway her oxygen numbers were low (88s resting, 70s when she tried to talk to them) and they wouldn't let us leave until they had called an ambulance.... I tried to explain to them that she didn't handle the heat at all, but they had to do the whole 9 yards... PIA. You know when you have been fighting END STATE CHF for 6 Years (they gave her 6-9 months then) it just pisses me off that they can't accept that it isn't getting any better. We finally got out of there (not going back, ever) and home, after she got to her chair and cooled off (68F) her numbers came back to mid 90s...

I'm too old for this stuff...
I’m wondering if this site needs a server up-grade…. The double post thing seems to be a new problem. I’m adding this to my list of things that make me say WTHeck

Its an old problem, goes back years, happens in the evening when the servers are busy. They are slow to respond some evenings. People get impatient and hit 'post' a second time. When it does respond the member has hit 'post' twice so it follows your instructions... a double post. Simple to avoid, don't hit post twice... requires patience in the evening. If you're sure you hit it once, just have to wait.


No fever, sniffles or cough, just exhaustion. Took me all afternoon to wash a few dishes, clean up a little and get the trash out. I have to stop and rest every few minutes. I already have cfs, this flu wiped me out.

Feel decent otherwise, mostly clear mind. Nothing planned but dvd's this evening.
Just read the posts about @Bacpacker, sorry to hear about the heart issues. When the wife was first diagnosed it was a real shocker. She didn't have a blockage, but she had a virus that attacked the heart itself... When they said no red meat it became serious.. o_O We struggled a bit but while looking a nutritional value of fish & meats I realized that venison was still in the running. I took the information that we had and showed it to the DR and they signed off on that as "acceptable". The salt was the other big thing to adjust to. I'm assuming that they have you on lasix to get your fluids down. We will keep you and yours in our prayers.

This link compares chicken and venison, you can use it when arguing for keeping it as your "red meat!".
I got the new coop framed today. Tomorrow morning I'll start building the trusses and frame in the chicken door. I'll probably take off around noon tomorrow and get some more materials. I'll have to take my Jeep and pull the small trailer. The serpentine belt on my truck needs to be replaced so I can't drive it. The wife is hosting a tea party with some of her friends tomorrow. I call it a hen party. So I need to be gone before the hens show up.
We had a lot of thunder, lightning and wind this afternoon, and not a drop of rain. High temp was maybe 70 degrees and it's cooling off fast.
It turned out hot today at work. I feel like a piece of steamed meat. After work I went right to a little joint called Mel's Diner and got a big azz breakfast for dinner. Eggs, bacon, grilled potatoes and biscuits and gravy. It was fantastic!

After all that food, I'm done in. Gotta be up at 0430 again tomorrow so I'm calling it a night. These 12 hour days are kicking my butt...
Must be some gal - we haven't heard much from ya 😁
Have fun at work!

We are getting rain! Real rain, not that little teaser stuff. Wahoo! Happy Dance :dancing: It's been about 3 months since any measurable rain. Garden will love it.
She really is "some gal". 😉
well got to slow down a bit today after the last 4 days...senior siblings helping senior elderly parents...what could go wrong...lol....we took loads and loads away...lol.....she and i got lots cleaned up and out and more organized now. 50 plus years of stuff.....and sales...lol...mom had filled my foot locker full of dishes,glass ware etc. we found 5 full sets in there to give away...gifted 3 young households a bunch,thrift store and dump. sister took some stuff home with her to gift 2 other households and a mtn of brand new shoes...she has some students can use shoes.

we had tons of stuff from both set of grandparents who are gone now and have been for awhile to deal with. i have my grandfathers casket flag and all of his ww2 stuff...i cant part with it.
Monday and Tuesday I couldn't stay awake for a full hour at a time. Wednesday I felt a little better and made a trip to Samsclub to get water and grabbed Chinese takeout (which usually lasts a few days). Yesterday I went to Walmart and got more stuff that they don't have at sams. i was able to stay awake for most of the day. Doctor's appointment Friday for followup on ear infection. The heat really saps my energy but I'm feeling better. I was able to cook on the stove for Mom-- hadn't felt up to that for awhile due to balance/coordination issues. Should change Mom's insulin canula sometime today.

Boo just came in and pounced on me. He's wet from being outside.

Hope everyone is doing OK.
Had a delivery of about ten ton of firewood yesterday evening. Ash, lovely and dry and cut well into decent sizes. Spent a few hours with sons barrowing before birthday donuts, this morning finished moving it (he could only get so close because of fencing) and stacking. There is nothing more satisfying then rows of stacked wood :D. The turf arrived last week, so the next thing is to get home heating oil, then I'm done. Might save up and buy some more wood though, once our friend takes the rest of his stuff we've been storing for nearly ten years :mad:.
I've trees to drop on our property, but husband is so busy it will be next year before we get to it. It's so autumny here, leaves are changing / dropping earlier this year, the summer we didn't quite get is over.
Off to work on a few more crafts- I've collected years of stuff and am working my way through it all.
Three day weekend. On my list is stopping by my doctor's office to have my Hep B titers checked. My late brother had Hepatitis C that progressed to liver cancer. He was coming home to be with us but insisted we all get that vaccine. This was 30 years ago and I can't remember if I had ever completed the series. Since I'll be giving immunizations at work I felt it prudent to check on that.

It is going to be sunny today so I'll be doing the final wash of the big wool spin I did last year. Once that is all done and dry, I'll start on the planned sweater jacket.

I'll also do some yard work. There are tomato plants in the garden that the heat decimated. They will get pulled and I might replant the area with carrots. The greenhouse cover is damaged but I'm pretty sure I've got a new one stored somewhere. Just need to locate it and replace it. If I'm really ambitious I'll mow the yard.
Will be doing the choring all morning, then lunch...
Probably stop in at the farmer's mkt, even tho little granddaughter is back at school and not selling. Stopping in at the amish grocery. And to our local meat place and order a cheese and meat large tray to pickup next week when all the company comes in. That'll be easy for lunch, and I'll make salads next Wednesday to go with it.
Would like to get the other two guest rooms cleaned, they're fairly good to go, but I know the windows and floors need doing. We'll see when I run out of steam.
@elkhound that sounds like a hard few days' work. And I know that kind of stuff isn't easy. I don't think you're supposed to get rid of the flag and his war stuff, are ya? I still have my dad's uniform, WWII, and his flag and my mom's. Sounds like you've helped a lot of people.
No i wont get rid of it...but at some point it will be gone..because i have no children....i have nieces and nephew but they never met him and my grandfather has been gone for a long time...mid 80's. I know i have seen casket flags in various places over the years in thrift stores and more as loved ones die and people even just dont know who that person was...its a sad thing..but even us how many have items going back to ww1....i tend to be a packrat and i have items my great great grandfather carried in civil war as a horse soldier...so a few items are safe till i am gone.

sis and i got rid of moms craft flowers years ago when she decided she was done.....it was half a pick up load of fake flowers,greenery,grasses,leaves and all such things...lol...she had it for decades...she is just getting to point just daily life is a struggle to do.

i have an outbuilding to purge....stuff has to go...building cant even function the way it is....full of outdoor gear....life is changing for my family...i plan on building a new tiny home if i can afford it. time is running out for me to get it done and enjoy it...i am starting into my senior years and i want to make them best i can and it involves downsizing a good bit...not even counting economic reasons for smaller more efficient housing.
No i wont get rid of it...but at some point it will be gone..because i have no children....i have nieces and nephew but they never met him and my grandfather has been gone for a long time...mid 80's. I know i have seen casket flags in various places over the years in thrift stores and more as loved ones die and people even just dont know who that person was...its a sad thing..but even us how many have items going back to ww1....i tend to be a packrat and i have items my great great grandfather carried in civil war as a horse soldier...so a few items are safe till i am gone.
I have my great great grandfather's saber he carried in the Civil War and when he was stationed out west in the Arizona territory. I am lucky I have cousin's interested in the family history and at one point I will either give to one of them or have it buried with me. He gave it to his favorite grandchild--my grandmother and she gave it to my brother who gave it to me when he moved upstate.

The flag--can you pass it on to a local VFW, American Legion post or some veteran organization or even an active military installation.

I'm with you on the downsizing for later years. I have trouble getting my dad to get rid of things, so I'm trying get rid of my things. It will be less to deal with when the time comes.
I have my great great grandfather's saber he carried in the Civil War and when he was stationed out west in the Arizona territory. I am lucky I have cousin's interested in the family history and at one point I will either give to one of them or have it buried with me. He gave it to his favorite grandchild--my grandmother and she gave it to my brother who gave it to me when he moved upstate.

The flag--can you pass it on to a local VFW, American Legion post or some veteran organization or even an active military installation.

I'm with you on the downsizing for later years. I have trouble getting my dad to get rid of things, so I'm trying get rid of my things. It will be less to deal with when the time comes.
theres a public park here he helped build before ww2 in the 30's as part of the CCC's. i may check with them to see if they would be interested when and if time comes. i have a couple of pictures of him working in camp as a young man.
Nothing super exciting for me today. I’m getting the gutters cleaned and doing some house cleaning, canning up some applesauce, and trying to figure out what I’m doing with the remainder of the apples. Probably apple butter, maybe pie filling, I don’t know.

Discovered that the husband’s problem isn’t a gluten problem. It’s a wheat problem. Gluten-free flour with GF wheat starch spikes his blood sugar 30 points. Back to the drawing board …

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