What's everybody doing today?

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Got up, worked out, cleaned up, paid some bills and I got a call from an old battle buddy of mine tell me he is giving me medical power of attorney over him. Apparently his wife is dying in hospice and his adult kids are "******* worthless". They refused to honor his wishes and so he went to his legal counsel and signed me up to be the guy who gets to pull the plug if it comes to that. Now I am supposed to sign some forms in front of a notary and send them back. He said "I thought, who would kill me if asked him too? Marsh!" I don't know if that's a compliment or if I am seen as a sociopath willing to dispatch human life without feeling or remorse. Guess maybe my old SFC was right and I am a natural born killer. Anyway I packed a day bag and am heading out for a date here shortly.
Or since maybe he has seen you in action, he knows you have the integrity and nuts to do what has to be done...he trusts you I'd say.
Just sayin
Got done most of what was on list today plus vacuumed the apartment and just did a little sewing on a quilt top I’ve been working on for years. I started by hand sewing the pieces together but I gave in and have been using the machine so I get it done before my eyes get too old to actually see what I’m doing. It’s solid colors on a black background.
Still improving, a little more strength each day. More cleaning, can’t see the hamper for the pile of clothes so I started laundry. I was putting sheets in the dryer and looked out the window, noticed the lower pasture. Remembered I told my cousin I’d bush hog about 20acres for him this week. Guess I’m behind on that too. Haven’t been to the grocery store in 10days, out of fresh greens, maybe tomorrow.

No plans tonight but tv.
Still improving, a little more strength each day. More cleaning, can’t see the hamper for the pile of clothes so I started laundry. I was putting sheets in the dryer and looked out the window, noticed the lower pasture. Remembered I told my cousin I’d bush hog about 20acres for him this week. Guess I’m behind on that too. Haven’t been to the grocery store in 10days, out of fresh greens, maybe tomorrow.

No plans tonight but tv.
Take it slow, no set backs!!😉
Just read the posts about @Bacpacker, sorry to hear about the heart issues. When the wife was first diagnosed it was a real shocker. She didn't have a blockage, but she had a virus that attacked the heart itself... When they said no red meat it became serious.. o_O We struggled a bit but while looking a nutritional value of fish & meats I realized that venison was still in the running. I took the information that we had and showed it to the DR and they signed off on that as "acceptable". The salt was the other big thing to adjust to. I'm assuming that they have you on lasix to get your fluids down. We will keep you and yours in our prayers.

This link compares chicken and venison, you can use it when arguing for keeping it as your "red meat!".
Salt limits was the big hitter for me. <2000mg per day. Limit red meat to lean cuts, which we normally do anyway. But just looking at a few labels we have around, 2 slices of bread=400mg. Gonna be a learning process. Lasix is one of the meds they prescribed. Thats a process too
Salt limits was the big hitter for me. <2000mg per day. Limit red meat to lean cuts, which we normally do anyway. But just looking at a few labels we have around, 2 slices of bread=400mg. Gonna be a learning process. Lasix is one of the meds they prescribed. Thats a process too
The changes keep you from surgery they are well worth it!!💗
Salt limits was the big hitter for me. <2000mg per day. Limit red meat to lean cuts, which we normally do anyway. But just looking at a few labels we have around, 2 slices of bread=400mg. Gonna be a learning process. Lasix is one of the meds they prescribed. Thats a process too
Husband has to do the same with salt, and lasix, too. He drinks alot of water and he's diabetic, so he does have to have his sodium and potassium checked monthly because he tends to flush too much from his system. I don't have a problem with salt, and miss it sometimes when I'm cooking, but learned to cook without it.
Husband has to do the same with salt, and lasix, too. He drinks alot of water and he's diabetic, so he does have to have his sodium and potassium checked monthly because he tends to flush too much from his system. I don't have a problem with salt, and miss it sometimes when I'm cooking, but learned to cook without it.
They've added potassium as well. I don't have a testing schedule right now, but expecting to get one. They did say I dont have any testing for the blood thinners.
Isn't it warforin (cumidin) you have to be tested for? If it's xarelto, you don't. Our daughter is on blood thinners for a blood clotting disorder but not xarelto, so she has to be tested. Husband on xarelto. He takes 20 mg potassium, too because of the lasix. And he does better when he doesn't guzzle tons of ice water, which he does. I know because the ice machine is running all the time, and he always tells me to bring him more.
Cloudy, calm, MUGGY to the maximum.. Temps 75-50F today.. Overnight thunder showers the last 3 or so nights.. Overnight rain predicted through Saturday night..

Nothing special going on this weekend.. Got 2 Maglite 3D cell flashlights ready to send back for warranty repair.. I called about ordering parts but they said ..just send them in and we will take care of it.. we will see... I keep a flashlight in every room of the house to help prevent breaking my neck or hip..
well got to slow down a bit today after the last 4 days...senior siblings helping senior elderly parents...what could go wrong...lol....we took loads and loads away...lol.....she and i got lots cleaned up and out and more organized now. 50 plus years of stuff.....and sales...lol...mom had filled my foot locker full of dishes,glass ware etc. we found 5 full sets in there to give away...gifted 3 young households a bunch,thrift store and dump. sister took some stuff home with her to gift 2 other households and a mtn of brand new shoes...she has some students can use shoes.

we had tons of stuff from both set of grandparents who are gone now and have been for awhile to deal with. i have my grandfathers casket flag and all of his ww2 stuff...i cant part with it.
Me thinks you should put a few things together with the flag. A picture or two. A short version of the family tree. And write down a few of your favorite memories about him. That way there is something for whomever receives it or finds it to connect with. Often when going through other people’s things, there is no connection which makes it easier to toss things. If there is something meaningful that person can relate to, the chance of them at least getting into hands that will appreciate it increases.

I have our family photos on my mom’s side back to the Civil War. (1850s I think were first photos available to general public: tin types and daguerreotypes etc.). They were in a barrel in my grandparents’ garage 🙄. I have figured out who many of them are and put them in albums. Much easier to pass along.
Salt limits was the big hitter for me. <2000mg per day. Limit red meat to lean cuts, which we normally do anyway. But just looking at a few labels we have around, 2 slices of bread=400mg. Gonna be a learning process. Lasix is one of the meds they prescribed. Thats a process too
Awhile ago I put myself on a low sodium diet ..strict for about 6 months.
I remember my morning toast was almost half my limit..one normal sammitch with cheeze, deli meat, bread and condiments blew it in one meal.
That was a big 😳...
I do like soup tho..I'd make a big pot of homemade veggie soup and eat in that alot.
Alot of homemade stuff after that and I actually got used to low sodium foods.
I remember after that crap I used to eat or snack on was too salty. My first handful of nacho cheeze doritos ..I ate like one chip..way too salty. Alot of crap I stopped eating after that. It was a blessing..
@Ekatarina The reason for your great heart, BP and conditioning is you don't have Humans surrounding you all th time, you have REAL friends!!!! Glad you are doing good.

I have been building a packet of branches from the AD 500s for all of our family for a few years. There are many thousands of hours invested in it.

My sisters daughter and her "friend" moved into our parents house and DESTROYED and trashed all knds of stuff including some family Photos and paperwork from the 18 and1900s So I lost so many opportunities to build a photographic and handwritten by (?) verified documented family tree. Please do me and yourselves a great favor and document everything you can about your heritage.
Salt limits was the big hitter for me. <2000mg per day. Limit red meat to lean cuts, which we normally do anyway. But just looking at a few labels we have around, 2 slices of bread=400mg. Gonna be a learning process. Lasix is one of the meds they prescribed. Thats a process too


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@Ekatarina The reason for your great heart, BP and conditioning is you don't have Humans surrounding you all th time, you have REAL friends!!!! Glad you are doing good.

I have been building a packet of branches from the AD 500s for all of our family for a few years. There are many thousands of hours invested in it.

My sisters daughter and her "friend" moved into our parents house and DESTROYED and trashed all knds of stuff including some family Photos and paperwork from the 18 and1900s So I lost so many opportunities to build a photographic and handwritten by (?) verified documented family tree. Please do me and yourselves a great favor and document everything you can about your heritage.
I think living with animals might help and working outside too ;)
It was a rough day at work. Started out OK, no rain for once, but then the sun came out early on and it got humid! I wasnt even doing the hard work. I was running that old spiker again. (@12icemaker it is a Harsco machine.) The temp hit 90 but it felt much hotter. Then we had machine breakdowns, arguments, frustrations, thrown sledgehammers and hard hats, a perplexed mechanic, a changed plan that would've been better if we didn't change it, and we barely got done what we needed to get done today. Just a regular day at work, I guess...

I just got back to the hotel and I feel like I've had my Azz kicked. All I want is a shower and sleep...
It was too hot to do much today so I rested. Changed Mom's cartridge and canula on her insulin pump.
Friend asked me to help him find building plans for a shed. I found some and it turns out they were the plans he liked and intended to link to me. Then he found a shed on wayfair. I found another shed that was cheaper and then I found a 12x24 shed and linked it saying "too bad this one is so expensive" and he loves it. Found it cheaper at home depot. Doesn't come with a floor or roof though so that would be extra.
We were discussing the best type of foundation for it and I mentioned it to my brother who mentioned what a jerk our mayor is and that he might need a permit. Even if its not in city ordinance, the mayor may try to get $$$ out of it. So, friend will check city hall on Monday.

Currently resting with kitties piled on me.
Already Friday !!
8.00 pm
Its too warm outside 74f ..I hate that so much
I will sip a Sam Adams around the AC and the fans
I really hope to sleep like a log

Dane Girl is very lazy these days ...her favorite sport is ..snooze 😊
She waits for Autumn and Winter to be active
Two (2) more weeks and its SEPTEMBER 🥰

I finally ate some left over of Italian Sicilian meat balls sauce and pastas
Wish you whenever Nighty Night

I did something today that I haven't done in a long time; I took a nap. A really nice nap in my recliner. The wife had her hen party today and she didn't want me underfoot. Now that the hens have left I can come back outside and work on the coop.
I ordered the serpentine belt for my truck today. I'll pick it up tomorrow when I go up to the lumber yard.
Isn't it warforin (cumidin) you have to be tested for? If it's xarelto, you don't. Our daughter is on blood thinners for a blood clotting disorder but not xarelto, so she has to be tested. Husband on xarelto. He takes 20 mg potassium, too because of the lasix. And he does better when he doesn't guzzle tons of ice water, which he does. I know because the ice machine is running all the time, and he always tells me to bring him more.
Mine is Elequis. Dr said no testing needed
Today was a pretty good one. A friend and I use the same financial advisor, so we went to see him and made a day of it. He helped me settle priorities. So I'm going to go ahead with the new roof on the house, and with buying a new mower. I've never bought any new equipment bigger than a skill saw, so this is a big deal for me.
After our meetings with him, we went to a restaurant with a reputation for incredible sandwiches. There's always a line to get in. I wasn't impressed with the outside, dirty, greasy sidewalk area with tons of cigarette butts and a sickly stench of smoke. But the line moved pretty quickly and the sandwiches were great! Their gig is a BLT with an entire pound of bacon on it. Everything was just right, the bacon was cooked thoroughly but not burnt, the tomatoes and lettuce tasted real, and the bread was incredible. Definitely worth it. I brought home enough leftover to make two more meals of it.
Then we decided to take the back way to a tile shop where I hoped to pick out tile for my kitchen counters - made it safely but ended up going through a very sketchy part of Saginaw. Then of course detoured back through that section to get past the expressway to visit a huge greenhouse we had only heard about, and brought home some perennials.
We were joking about not making it back out of the city; "can you explain why they were in that part of town, officer?" "We understand they were trying to avoid the Zilwaukee bridge...." LOL! Both of us saw the carnage as they were building that bridge, the spalling concrete, misaligned columns, etc., and neither of us ever crosses it if we can help it!
If you are not on Medicare and have commercial insurance, the manufacturer has a savings card for it. There is also a free trial card.
It’s not even for me, but that’s so nice of you to share that! The first time someone gave me some sort of prescription card for something I needed, I almost cried- I had no money. It was something for anyone through a certain drug company or something. I had no idea. Anyhoo, that you share those things is a blessing. 💕
Bear got in one of my orchards...well he actually got in 2 sections...broke a section of peach tree out and somehow got hotwire coming under driveway disconnected feeding an enclosed orchard and then got in it and hammered two pear trees full of pears. one tree is broke in half height wise too.....first time in 14 years of trees being planted that bear got in fence...i had them trees loaded before too....its part of it though to be in edge of the wilds.

i am tired from this week...mentally more so or maybe equal to physical portion. its all good..moving forward with changes of life. more purging happened late this evening so one less truck to deal with soon.

found out neighbor old farmer and korean vet is in VA Hospital in real bad shape...his heart is giving out on him down to 20% function...93 years old....he is in a lot of pain...i hope he goes fast now..i dont want him to suffer.
It’s not even for me, but that’s so nice of you to share that! The first time someone gave me some sort of prescription card for something I needed, I almost cried- I had no money. It was something for anyone through a certain drug company or something. I had no idea. Anyhoo, that you share those things is a blessing. 💕
Well, here’s another one. Xarelto has a trial card for a free 30 day supply that does not require insurance to work at all. Most of the manufacturer’s vouchers require commercial insurance to work. There a few that are good for cash paying customers. Another caveat, if you are on any government provided insurance—Medicare part D, Medicaid, or employee of a government—manufacturers vouchers won’t work.

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