What's everybody doing today?

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Not really convinced that the big high thru put mills are going to stay functional in the long run, especially if the decision make doesn't spend at least half the shift on the mill, and not on the head saw.
Well...If things happen in the world that continue to be not good..it might not.
5 mills this year out west bit the dust..
Operating costs , bad decisions, lack of full shifts or back up people might not be good.
I just need it to work a tad longer for my purpose but if it all went kaput..I'd be OK.
I'm resourceful..
Friday August 30th 2024

I have to see a Dr this coming week I really do
At least this is normal = 117-62-54

I think I carry too heavy things I always do.
So much pain to
neck, sternum, ribs, scapula, lower trapezius and back 🥺
And difficulty to yawn

Anyway soon very soon September 2024

Sleep well 🥰

You gots alot of Pain in Your Heart Sweetie, I can Sense it...! Take Care and Remember with Gladness...!! :heart:
I know...that's why I sometimes just let **** go. Watching lumber fly 30 feet across the ceiling and land somewhere it doesn't belong is always a good reminder to not let my guard down there.
You haven’t lived until you saw a coworker picked-up by his safety harnesses and slung around by an industrial kiln. Good times, lol.

Edit: He was miraculously unharmed. The kiln dryer set him on his feet in a safer location.
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Fairly relaxing day today aside from it blowing a gale all day until now but with more on the way tomorrow evening until early Monday morning possibly a risk of power outages due to potential destructive gusts of 125 km/h but its a wait and see situation for tomorrow

Managed to get out into the front yard despite it blowing a gale and chop up a tree that came down late night Thursday/early Friday morning as result of blustery winds we had late this week my initial plan was to purchase a sharper axe from Bunnings yesterday arvo before heading to work but after an assessment decided that something more sharper was needed so purchased an Ozito brand pruner chainsaw

Despite the bar/chain being smaller than what I'm usually accustomed to it did the job quite nicely aside from that not a whole lot else apart from the second stitch which has been sitting at my dental surgery site from 3 weeks back also finally came out yesterday arvo so now I don't have an annoying feel of something left over in the already healed gum
That is why I will never work in factory maintenance again.

Right now driving to work is dangerous enough. lol
I work in an industry where everything we do can injure or kill. Typically we lose several employees a year. I know of a couple fatalities this year. 15,000 tons of freight moving at 60mph isn't very forgiving when it comes into contact with a human being.

It's good to remind people not to take shortcuts with their safety. Even something as simple as cutting the grass can be dangerous. Stay safe out there, everybody...
Drinking coffee, waiting to get up the gumption to get dressed, go outside and mow the lawn. Going to cloudy an in the lower 80’s today.

Thought of something else I plan on doing. Picking marigold flower heads, stringing them up like chilis and hanging them to dry to store for winter dyeing projects.

Found pokeweed in the yard yesterday. I always thought that was a more southerly plant. Anyway, hopefully I’ll be able get some berries to put away for dye project too.
Got up, made some coffee, talked to the lady for 20 minutes or so, grabbed my L shaped computer, came out to the patio and was hit with a beautiful cool morning, looked at the websites for 10 or so places for rent that the lady sent me, came to the forum, and here I sit continuing to peruse, entertain, absorb wisdom, wonder what's wrong with a few of you and receive entertainment in return. ;)
Now I have a rental cabin to go look at and have the same guy I bartered with for a couple gun safes coming out to my place. He eagerly wants to buy my "2A shipping container" and have it moved out to his place about 18-20 miles away. I don't like showing it to people but don't think it's very likely I will be able to move into a rental unit and keep it. I can always make another one and would do a few things differently.
Up early for week of nights...but I didn't stay up too lately at night.

We have had some beautiful fall type weather . The next two days will be in the 90's tho during the day..50's at night. Kinda weird..but whatever..

Anywho..going to get a jump on walking the pups while it's cool out..then at 100 take my cute utility trailer in to get new tires. After that it will be too hit to be outside so I will get another rug ready to make.

I just ate **** in my driveway tripping over a walnut.. a fracking walnut!!


Then I got up real quick to look n see if anyone saw me...

I'm sure my neighbors half a mile away were watching...lol...

..still going on my hike...


If a chestnut could get a cop to start shooting I guess a walnut could attack someone in a driveway. 😜
I just ate **** in my driveway tripping over a walnut.. a fracking walnut!!


Then I got up real quick to look n see if anyone saw me...

I'm sure my neighbors half a mile away were watching...lol...

..still going on my hike...

ankles ok i hope,
Walked early and got rained on anyway.
Walked dogs and got sprinkled on.
Cleaned baths, dusted and swept house.
Washed sheets and blankets- replaced.
Have burgers, hot dogs, bacon, macaroni and cheese and chicken thawing.
Will marinate the chicken in buttermilk to grill tomorrow.
I hope everyone has a relaxing Holiday!
Spending the weekend at a home that was purchased for more than a million last year, with a couple Corgis to entertain by tossing balls for them, letting them in and out. The back yard is steep with densely planted trees and bushes. It's lovely, and there is always construction and upgrading going on here. The dogs are watching squirrels chase each other around trees. I have to be careful not to let them out in the dark because of racoons and foxes and they are tuned into activity in the yard.

Considering working out in the large workout room. I may get Indian buffet takeout so I can have a few meals from it, rather than messing up their kitchen.

I've spent more than half of August away from my home, caring for other's animals and homes.

It's good to remind people not to take shortcuts with their safety. Even something as simple as cutting the grass can be dangerous. Stay safe out there, everybody...
I read the owners manual for the lawn tractor. It advised that people over 60 were prone to accidents and should not operate the tractor.

Guess who got out of mowing the lawn at the rental property. :rolleyes:

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I read the owners manual for the lawn tractor. It advised that people over 60 were prone to accidents and should not operate the tractor.

Guess who got out of mowing the lawn at the rental property. :rolleyes:

My goodness that is ageist i feel very ......... nope still a legend (at least in my own mind)
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Boy am I wiped out. Got to bed late last night. Why? No clue. Had to call the ambulance for husband at about 2 am, he was doing not well at all. Heart and lungs, high fever. It takes awhile for them to get out here. Was in ER with him till they got him moved to a room. So came home around lunch, little granddaughter and I got the animals done, just had a sandwich, and am ready to nap a bit (ha ha) before we go back. I think they'll be keeping him there a few days
Boy am I wiped out. Got to bed late last night. Why? No clue. Had to call the ambulance for husband at about 2 am, he was doing not well at all. Heart and lungs, high fever. It takes awhile for them to get out here. Was in ER with him till they got him moved to a room. So came home around lunch, little granddaughter and I got the animals done, just had a sandwich, and am ready to nap a bit (ha ha) before we go back. I think they'll be keeping him there a few days
I hope you BOTH recover fast. And from what you said I bet they will keep him a few days. Don't run yourself ragged.
I'm sure I'll be a tad sore later but I still bounce a tad..

I'm recovering from yesterday. We got everything ready for the new freezer yesterday. While waiting for it to arrive I filled a garbage can with leaves, sticks & such. It arrived & the two guys were great & had it set up in maybe 15 minutes. The only problem was the door handle on it was broke (I had seen the reviews & the door handle was a common problem). They are going to call me today with "options" on the handle. So we transferred food into the new freezer. It's a lot bigger than the old one & I really like it. So after we finished with that I had to shift it about 4 inches so we could put a little display cabinet where it normally goes. By that time my wife was tired to I took over. I cleaned everything that went into the cabinet & then was going to put it in. Picture this, a very narrow space between the freezer & my couch. I "carefully" put 2 overstuffed pillows on the floor so I could get down on my knees without pain. A hand on the couch, fingers on the freezer & I bent down. As I dropped, I realized that I had grabbed the couch cushion, not the wood. I swiveled sideways & both knees hit the floor. That room has a sandpaper like texture on the tiles (one of our little ones had trouble walking so the texture helped). I skinned up one knee but not to bad, oh well. Today I realized that the other knee is just a little swollen. Not bad when walking but it doesn't like to be bent. I found that out getting into (& out of) the car. So, the 2 pictures that I was going to hang back up will go up tomorrow. I'm going to take it easy today.
Oh I'm fine..lol..

I'm sure I'll be a tad sore later but I still bounce a tad..not much but enough I guess..

Walnuts are wicked! Posted recently, worst bicycle wreck I ever had. Late fall, a cold night, coasting downhill with my hands in my jacket pockets. Forgot about the walnut tree at the bottom of the hill. I limped for a week, road rash everywhere. Worst part, had to buy my roommate a new bicycle! 🤣

Making tinctures today and watching it rain at the moment. Bad dry spell, pastures looking rough. 2nd shower in 2 days, glad to have it. Another good rain and we might get another cutting of hay.

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