What's everybody doing today?

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Amish crew coming on Tuesday to put a new roof on the house and extend a eave out over the front porch. Looking forward to finally getting this done, I've been trying to get someone out to do it since March. The Amishman was the only one who promptly returned an estimate and patiently answered questions.
Not getting much done, been fighting a migraine that makes it hard to work on anything. But Daughter is here so I'm enjoying visiting with her, hanging out in the livingroom laughing at Murder She Wrote and MacGyver episodes.
Hooch I'm glad you still have a bit of bounce! Mine is completely gone, I can only thud now.
Amish, sorry to hear about Husband. Praying for him to do better and for you to have strength.
Amish crew coming on Tuesday to put a new roof on the house and extend a eave out over the front porch. Looking forward to finally getting this done, I've been trying to get someone out to do it since March. The Amishman was the only one who promptly returned an estimate and patiently answered questions.
Not getting much done, been fighting a migraine that makes it hard to work on anything. But Daughter is here so I'm enjoying visiting with her, hanging out in the livingroom laughing at Murder She Wrote and MacGyver episodes.
Hooch I'm glad you still have a bit of bounce! Mine is completely gone, I can only thud now.
Amish, sorry to hear about Husband. Praying for him to do better and for you to have strength.
I should have rolled..that bounce just might have been momentum ...lol..
Had a pig butchered, picked it up first this morning. The wife and I had breakfast out and I got a 3 hour nap. Damn nice day.

I need a nap after today! Thick smoke is rolling around the valley so outdoor activities have been sporadic. We started out with some chicken yard maintenance by adding wire in areas where some acrobatic chickens keep escaping. While doing that one flew over the new taller section. This prompted a chicken wrangling session with pin feathers being clipped on all the flight prone ladies. Husband and the youngest outfitted a second chimney sweep van for the upcoming season. We watched the BSU football game and ate some smoked ribs. And the cherry on top was the husband’s car got its super rare replacement ignition assembly and started up for the first time in three years. I might have won the wife of the year award finding the part. His 1983 Celica-Supra is once again his mistress. I may have lost the younger menfolk to her as well. They are all out helping clean her up and change fluids. At least the cat still loves me!
Boy am I wiped out. Got to bed late last night. Why? No clue. Had to call the ambulance for husband at about 2 am, he was doing not well at all. Heart and lungs, high fever. It takes awhile for them to get out here. Was in ER with him till they got him moved to a room. So came home around lunch, little granddaughter and I got the animals done, just had a sandwich, and am ready to nap a bit (ha ha) before we go back. I think they'll be keeping him there a few days
Please give him my best wishes.
This week I decided that I am too old for my old bow.. The arthritis in my shoulder and elbow just talk to me too much when I tried to draw it back, I was able to draw it a few times and hit the mark but it is just not fun anymore. So I decided to replace it with a new one with a lower draw weight. The new bow arrived last night. The new bow shoots faster and is a little lighter, but it requires new arrows (my old aluminum ones are just not up to snuff). This morning I spent much of the morning setting up the new bow, cutting arrows and then simple draw practice, much nicer and I can just stand there at full draw for several minutes with no problem.
It's so nice getting to sleep. I feel human again. Having my coffee.
Will get animal chores done, then off to hospital. I'll come back later in the afternoon, get a few things done, then little granddaughter can come back there with me and we can have dinner with him. He was on room air when I got there last night, and his fever was down, and heart rate was at a more normal high.
I'm sitting in the truck beside the tracks, waiting for the dispatcher to give us track authority, and looking at the 14 foot tall cannabis plants growing around here. This stuff is rope weed, but seeing these plants makes me wonder why we import the stuff from Latin America when we could grow it so well right here in the Midwest?
Woke up at 9 am ..checked on Cats and Dane...
sent Dane Girl for her business...back in ..fed her and freshwater
Now I eat cereals with mixed nuts + sour cream on top
Besides....its 54f and partly cloudy

Makes me think of my R.I.P. mother 🥰

That song is so beautiful and haunting at the same time.
Back from BJ’s and I’m about $400 lighter :oops: everything was a lot higher than it was last year.

Got the usual going into Autumn stuff plus extra onions to make and French onion soup. Noticed my pantry was down to 4 jars. Because of Dad‘s medical issues I don’t know when I’ll be able to get back upstate. I usually buy a winter worth of onions from the Amish farmer up there or steal them from my brother’s barn.
Church in a bit.
Today I'm meeting with my childhood friend, will check out her daughter's little ranch and cattle. Meeting my friend's family, second marriage, new to me kids, a new grandbaby. Our moms were friends, our brothers, our sisters. We used to run around together back east.
I've been getting caught up on a photography course, refreshing my mind and all the things.
@sonya123 I envy you your beach trip!!!
@Amish Heart sleep is sweet, right? I'm surprised Levi isn't helping with the chores.
@UrbanHunter is your new bow carbon fiber? And the arrows? Is that possible?
Got up, made breakfast, ate breakfast, and did the dishes. Now I am just sitting here in this soft puffy chair enjoying the lady's high speed internet. She is already throwing out some risqué and playful comments so I am pretty sure it won't be long before it will be time to "take a nap". Then I have to figure out what I will be cooking these people for dinner. Am I the only one who at least semi-plans out meals instead of just winging it day to day?
I'm sitting in the truck beside the tracks, waiting for the dispatcher to give us track authority, and looking at the 14 foot tall cannabis plants growing around here. This stuff is rope weed, but seeing these plants makes me wonder why we import the stuff from Latin America when we could grow it so well right here in the Midwest?
No seeds available from reputable retailers :p. And the feds still say no.
Got up, made breakfast, ate breakfast, and did the dishes. Now I am just sitting here in this soft puffy chair enjoying the lady's high speed internet. She is already throwing out some risqué and playful comments so I am pretty sure it won't be long before it will be time to "take a nap". Then I have to figure out what I will be cooking these people for dinner. Am I the only one who at least semi-plans out meals instead of just winging it day to day?
Semi-plan seems right, ground beef and Andouille sausage thawing for sometime dinner this week, after I work through the sloppy joes

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