What's everybody doing today?

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38F here on barsoom this morning

not sure what happened last night...one minute i was taking a shower and was getting ready for bed...next thing i know i am waking up at 5a.m. naked as a jaybird in my bed....either i was tired from using that new scythe yesterday afternoon or i got abducted by aliens in night and dropped off this a.m. on their way out of town.

now there is one other thing i had not thought of but i sure hope not...that dang @Hooch has a Subaru teleporter and may have done some weird experiment on me too.....hmmmmm

ass kicking from a scythe...the shame of it all !!
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Subie out picking up boys again!! Without me..that dang car..
Well as long as your not hung over or got a hurting butt..maybe it was a good time..
I'll have a talk with Subie tho...
Maybe I outta take away the Lazer beams ..however I do have full coversge..

Know you taking dirty..transporters and scythe work..that's some tuff work ..I probably outta oil my blade..go wack a few thistles down..
Spent most of late night last night until late morning today battling a gnarly case of food poisoning mixed with a touch of stomach flu it got all too much with constant non stop dry heaving or vomiting so admitted myself to Mount Gambier hospital A&E only had to wait like 20 minutes in the waiting room before being shown to a treatment bay for observation

Unlike my food poisoning episode of 4 years ago this time around they didn't put a fluid IV line in my arm moreso gave me a cup of water to carefully sip whilst observing my blood pressure and heart rate whilst the nurse and A&E duty doctor were doing their rounds I got in some mini power naps at one point had a quick chuck which drained all my energy resulting the in nurse assigned to me dropping an anti nausea tablet onto my tongue

This helped in someway ease my queasiness/sick feeling then the duty doctor gave me a couple of sweetened biscuits to see if i could keep at least one of them down luckily enough my stomach kept it down so she was satisfied enough to discharge me now I'm 95 % better but nursing a dry/sore throat from the constant non stop spewing and was able to eat a microwave pasta meal for dinner to compensate for having no food in my stomach
Robert Stewart: hope you feel better soon!!
Amish: hope your dog feels better soon too

Today no trips planned and very happy about it. I get tired of going places and September seems to always be the month we have to go get many things and do many things
So animals care, cooking, and I want to take Otto for a hike up the mountain which I haven't done lately. Might clean the livingroom too
Taking a little break from hurricane prep to cuddle the kitties. Yasuke and Biscuits turned 7yrs old today. They are both sitting on my lap after I sang Happy Birthday to them.

Already went into town and got more buckets, some canned fruit, and stuff. Filled up the gas tank on the truck. Moved my wagon and some other stuff to the car port to keep them safe. Put stuff inside the shed near the pump house. Tried to pull the generator into the shed but it was too heavy for me to move.

Looks like they expect winds to be 60 to 70mph in my area.
Animal chores finally finished. Can't get in to see my rheumatologist for another month, so started the second round of steriods for the swelling and left a msg with the chiropractor. Need to drive husband in a bit to see a specialist in the really big city. That'll be the rest of the day.
Checked outta our room and waitin on time to see the dr. Woke up with my back and hip fired up again. Neverbgotbtobfinish PT, but it had been feelin better. Driving 3 hours in the wife's car didn't help. Got 3 more to do to get home.
Say a prayer the Dr visit goes well and we can get some answers. And we can get home in good shape
Checked outta our room and waitin on time to see the dr. Woke up with my back and hip fired up again. Neverbgotbtobfinish PT, but it had been feelin better. Driving 3 hours in the wife's car didn't help. Got 3 more to do to get home.
Say a prayer the Dr visit goes well and we can get some answers. And we can get home in good shape
Definitely praying!! Let us hear some good news when you are home!!
Today I'm cleaning crystal & moving it around. It's a banner day because I made a suggestion on putting it a bit more cramped together & I explained that we are not getting any more cabinets & my wife agreed. I probably won't post on this topic again because I'll be cleaning crystal for a month or two.
Elky, waking up nekkid in bed is usually a good thing. Hopefully the aliens didn't do a analysis probe. 🤣🤣🤣
I think the aliens be better than this bunch around here......lol......pearl,patchouli,hooch,tommyice,ladylocust,amish heart be hard to tell what they do to a fellow...if ladylocust involved i am sure it be colored fingernails...scandalous i tell ya....shanghaied by that bunch !

picking on you gals today !!
I think the aliens be better than this bunch around here......lol......pearl,patchouli,hooch,tommyice,ladylocust,amish heart be hard to tell what they do to a fellow...if ladylocust involved i am sure it be colored fingernails...scandalous i tell ya....shanghaied by that bunch !

picking on you gals today !!
And Pearl probly make you try on one of her bikinis
I think the aliens be better than this bunch around here......lol......pearl,patchouli,hooch,tommyice,ladylocust,amish heart be hard to tell what they do to a fellow...if ladylocust involved i am sure it be colored fingernails...scandalous i tell ya....shanghaied by that bunch !

picking on you gals today !!
I'm glad to see my name isn't on this list.
I am dusting off my handy dandy sassy broom getting ready for October season.
My sense of humor has been appearing more frequently and not just on here either.
This morning I seem to have the giggles.
Pretty sure it's Tequila lime related, but I am not hung over.
Life is too short not to have fun once in a while.
Let your hair down, and do something unexpected.
I have scheduled every free second of my life again. I have hopes for this one because every time I try to over study and write and work on productive things I don't give myself breaks, which I did this time. I also removed the consequences for failing which usually cause me to give up when I'm not perfect. Now I just have alarms on my phone, instead of a habit tracking app that shows how often I fail.
I'm glad to see my name isn't on this list.
ME TOO !!!

no way i want you on that list.....that be next level true interrogation waterboarding from you....especially if the men folks in your life been all naughty....aint no way i wanna spend 30 days in a broom closet naked on bread and water...probably be more like a cracker and a sippy cup and you tell me go ahead eat yaself pot gutted dog !!!....roflmao
I am dusting off my handy dandy sassy broom getting ready for October season.
My sense of humor has been appearing more frequently and not just on here either.
This morning I seem to have the giggles.
Pretty sure it's Tequila lime related, but I am not hung over.
Life is too short not to have fun once in a while.
Let your hair down, and do something unexpected.
I think you should be on the list..
ME TOO !!!

no way i want you on that list.....that be next level true interrogation waterboarding from you....especially if the men folks in your life been all naughty....aint no way i wanna spend 30 days in a broom closet naked on bread and water...probably be more like a cracker and a sippy cup and you tell me go ahead eat yaself pot gutted dog !!!....roflmao
Omg..lol... I don't think mo hates the boys..just ones who are jerks to her.

I'll be nice to ya tho..;)
I think you should be on the list..
thats it i am putting you on ignore feature....you are a first i tell ya !!

i can see all yall now pearl have buddy out there braying for sound torture,hooch trying to teleport me across the galaxy,bookworm waterboarding me and ladylocust fussing at her because water is messing up her nail job and patch beating me over the head with a bible with razor in her hand.....i think i am going to stay inside the force-field of barsoom.... i would look like a junkyard dog ...lol
ME TOO !!!

no way i want you on that list.....that be next level true interrogation waterboarding from you....especially if the men folks in your life been all naughty....aint no way i wanna spend 30 days in a broom closet naked on bread and water...probably be more like a
Omg..lol... I don't think mo hates the boys..just ones who are jerks to her.

I'll be nice to ya tho..;)

cracker and a sippy cup and you tell me go ahead eat yaself pot gutted dog !!!....roflmao
Oh, no no I like men.
I just don't like jack a*****, idiots little boys.(men).
Omg..lol... I don't think mo hates the boys..just ones who are jerks to her.

I'll be nice to ya tho..;)
i know she dont hate them...but she gets sideways though when they dont act right and wreak her kitchen and leave golly whopper messes and buy enough food for months instead of a week.....then she has to roll up in the place and start taking names and handing out demerits..

i dont blame her one bit..but just rather not be on the end of stick from her in this lifetime....lol
thats it i am putting you on ignore feature....you are a first i tell ya !!

i can see all yall now pearl have buddy out there braying for sound torture,hooch trying to teleport me across the galaxy,bookworm waterboarding me and ladylocust fussing at her because water is messing up her nail job and patch beating me over the head with a bible with razor in her hand.....i think i am going to stay inside the force-field of barsoom.... i would look like a junkyard dog ...lol
😆🤣...oh come on! Here I am being all nice ..guess I'll stick to the dirty talk..
Men are from Mars..barsoom right..
You just be glad I didn't take ya to Venus last night ..

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