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Wednesday November 20th 2024
8.45 pm
Still early ...I thought it was 10 pm 😯

Spent lot of time with furies 🐶🐱
Did cat litters phew lol

34f tonight
Miss Ruben wants cuddles 🐈‍⬛ :)
Tomorrow have couple errands at least its close to my place

I will stay up and check the news ..and check the forum

Wish you all to sleep very well ...cozy cozy in the warm 🥰

with these short daylight hours it sure seems later in the evening when it's 6PM and dark.
I just had the stand alone on demand water heater show up so I am figuring out what plumbing parts I need tomorrow to get it going.

I saw a person on facebook looking for a chicken to replace her little girls pet chicken that got whacked by a predator... I offered one of my hens I am retiring and she didn't respond but today someone else with a young family and only one chicken did and now they have two more cold hardy sturdy hens.
A number of years ago, I heard about this phenomenon that goes on with men and women. Women vent and men want to fix the problem. Women don't necessarily want them to fix it, they just want to vent and to let off steam.
It works both ways- hubby is the venter also the family who is like my second family, he was the venter and she the fix it. But I know it goes the other way a lot too.
Worked around the house this morning. Looked into some stuff for work. THen had Rehab this afternoon. That went pretty good. Then on my way home I got a call from the Heart Failure Clinic. They had got the results from my echo today. Results were much improved from the last one.
So glad to hear you are improving!! That was quite a scare at first!! 💗
A nice quiet day (hopefully)!! Two small cleaning jobs. I'll probably start cleaning the big storage shed, got the feed/gardening shed done yesterday! But I might put that off a couple of weeks, looks like a lot colder weather around the first of December. Colder weather=less of a chance of encountering poisonous spiders! Who knows what I'll get into this afternoon!!?!
The snow turned to heavy rain with high winds overnight, temps at 34 degs. It's rare to get any rain this time of year. The roads are a slushy mess. I'm packing up to drive up north to get my grandson. It's likely that I'll run in to a lot of snow going over the mountians. I've got a hotel for tonight and will meet our daughter tomorrow for lunch, then drive home.
Almost without exception the boys would try and fix the toy,
I would definitely be the exception. I can't even participate when my Church ladies are standing around whining about something. I want to fix it and move on.

This morning, I will walk and then walk dogs.
Will frost some mini cupcakes to deliver to Catholic Church workers when I pick up our free lunch. I've never seen anyone give back to them, so I do. Then deliver three meals to shut ins.
Have our last Bible study in this series tonight, so will take some cupcakes to that, also.
I need to get off my butt and get going....regular morning stuff to do, then outside animal chores, and it's below freezing yet (just), and after lunch a trip to the bigger town for husband's infectious disease appt and banddage changes on his picc line. Also an Atwoods stop for feed while we're near there, and a pharmacy pick up. Hopefully get some more room cleaning upstairs done, first company comes in two days. Got the big bedroom and the family room upstairs clean yesterday. I'm thinking takeout for dinner from the amish place, haven't done that in a long while. Thursday night is bison night.
How to see Time fly :

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Haircut this morning and I gotta give her a couple of moon pies as part of her tip, then some errands and a conservative group meets at 1800 hours....that's 6:00PM civilian time and if you're a liberal, it's when the big hand is 12 and the little hand is on 6. 😁
How about Zulu , and why don't we just use Zulu??
This image shows the issue I am trying to fix.


That crack in the wall was just a hairline crack when we bought the place 35-40 years ago. At that time I put a small mark on the wall at the end of the crack to see if it was growing. See image below.



Today I removed the pillar that wasn't doing it's job due to the board under the pillar rotting out. Replaced it with a flooring jack.


The top end of the jack is now supporting the sagging beam.


My shoulder said defer the lifting the beam for now. Need to break out the big pipe wrench.

Trip to town, got flood light bulbs, a 2x6 and hangers, and a one inch hole drill. Think I've found a good way to re-wire the stairway lighting without opening walls clad in 1" v-joint pine boards. Depends on where or if nogging boards were used in the wall. Don't think there were any but my memory is cloudy after 50yrs.

Just got home, gonna rest a bit, might hang the 2x6's, might not.
Got up, worked out, cleaned up, went to work, tracked down a rich douche bag and a rich scum bag [2 different people] and served them with papers after the a few different process servers failed to do so, got tossed out of a private club in the process by a couple security officers wearing suits who were weirdly careful not to touch me, crossed off a few more tasks the lady assigned to me, went to the gun shop and bought a couple guns and some accessories that were deeply discounted for 'black Friday', filled up Charlene and delicately checked her fluids, came home, saw my Challenger buddy driving an al wheel drive Subaru, gave him a confused look, he gave me a sad look, I decided he needed my support in this difficult time so I nodded and parked, I secretly judged him as I walked inside, and now I am drinking root beer and exploring the internet as I wait to cook dinner.
Lord. It was a busy, but good day. I took today off (and didn't tell Mr. TC) so I could get stuff done before we head out tomorrow for a few days.

On the tractor by 0730, moving shavings and hay. Cleaned the chicken coop and set up extra feeders and waterers while we are gone.

Set up food and water containers and showed the neighbor kiddo (and her mom) how to feed/water the rabbits, Bunnie and Clyde. (Uno, the baby, is alive and thriving.)

Then I packed up a crate and travel bag and drove down toward Houston (ewwwww) to deliver one of the dogs to my daughter to keep while we are gone. Back to the house to pack another doggie bag for the one we will drop off for boarding on our way out of town.

Then it was all the walking stuff out to the camper. (Anyone else ever had to put a fitted sheet on a queen size bed in a camper bedroom? IYKYK)

Found the "camper crate" and packed up stuff for the two dogs we take with us. Now ALL the dogs know what's happening and are pacing the floor.. lol

The house looks like a bomb went off in it .. as I "stage" more stuff to go to the camper.

I'm tired.
Got up, worked out, cleaned up, went to work, tracked down a rich ****** bag and a rich scum bag [2 different people] and served them with papers after the a few different process servers failed to do so, got tossed out of a private club in the process by a couple security officers wearing suits who were weirdly careful not to touch me, crossed off a few more tasks the **** assigned to me, went to the gun shop and bought a couple guns and some accessories that were deeply discounted for 'black Friday', filled up Charlene and delicately checked her fluids, came home, saw my Challenger buddy driving an al wheel drive Subaru, gave him a confused look, he gave me a sad look, I decided he needed my support in this difficult time so I nodded and parked, I secretly judged him as I walked inside, and now I am drinking root beer and exploring the internet as I wait to cook dinner.
It's a sad day when you have to give up a Challenger and drive a Subie, especially if it's not a WRX :p

Had to jump start Lori's Subie, she let it sit all summer without starting it, because it doesn't have AC anymore. Today, it's 30 degrees and she wanted the heated seats, but no joy with a flat battery,

NOW, she gets to go buy a battery, and take the old back for the core deposit, and Drive the car with AC but no heated seats.
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I tried to start the farm truck yesterday and it needs a new battery. Had it jumped last winter and it's lasted till then, but it's time. Need to call the mechanic guy in our town and have him bring one over and put it in the truck. He makes house calls.
Lots of errands all afternoon...infectious disease doc, picc line bandage change, that took forever, so ended up doing husband's infusion in the parking lot at Atwoods. Bought about 500 lbs of feed and some rocky road because it looked good, pharmacy pickup, dinner pickup at the good barbeque place, and lastly to the lab for husband's blood to be drawn. But they decided to close an hr early because the doc had to leave. So...I guess I bring him back into town tomorrow for lab work. Found out our neighbor has the crud and alot more that attended church there Sunday have it, too, so no visitors for husband till it clears out a bit. We have an ice cream social on Sunday at another neighbors so hoping it's all finished by then. New Mexico company coming in the day before, so I'll be bringing them, too. No cooking tonight hooray!! Will be having some excellent pulled pork and sides in a bit.
Having a relaxing morning inside whilst the cats are having a run outside their enclosure before it gets too hot outside got in contact with my insurers total loss claims dept as they left a direct contact number in an email asking if I had received the Blood Alcohol certificate yet still nothing in my mail box

Got straight to the point of making it clear in a nice and professional manner that once total loss claims dept takes receipt of of my blood alcohol certificate to expedite/approve the claim give other party regardless if said person has insurance or not give them whatever the required amount needed to repair or replace in addition to giving me my payout amount hopefully the claim will be resolved early or mid next week that way both parties will walk away satisfied

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