What's everybody doing today?

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Started off the morning with helping DH cleaning out the gutters with the gutter tool & I helped as we disconnected 1 pipe to wash out the gutter and then I put it back on. The rest of the house DH did with the blower vac which did a great job of getting rid of it all. I also watered all of the ornamental, fruit and berry trees at the side of the home and got on DH's load of washing and he hung it out on the clothes line.

Tonight's dinner will be homemade bacon, eggs and homegown silver beet quiche made with free eggs given to us by a friend.
View attachment 10228 I picked up my new car yesterday. Well, it's new to me - it's a 2015. I wasn't really ready to buy, but it's exactly what I wanted, a touring model with a 6 speed manual transmission and leather seats. I could have gotten by without the upgraded stuff, but since I regularly spend 10 hours or more in the car I figured, why not get the upgrades too?

I was kind of sad to see my big old Buick go, but now I have 2 vehicles less than 6 years old. My SUV has 101k on it and this car has 44k. Maybe I won't have to worry so much about repairs for a few years? Hope it works out that way...
butt warmers too?? its a perdy ride ..
Sorry to hear that @Amish Heart :( .

I am rather hard on animals (dogs) that kill farm animals or birds on my properties as once they kill they have what I and other farmers call "the taste of blood" , and will keep doing it unfortunately. Just me but I had that situation with a dog I owned who killed all but 2 chickens while I was out and I put it down immediately I got home.

Turns out the whole towns dogs (bar 1 or 2) had turned on their chickens the same day and everyone had to put down their dogs apart from a very few.
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Sorry to hear that Amish Heart.
Hard decision to take care of that kind of business.
But usually if they kill once they will again.
Had a family member that had two many dogs in her yard.
The whole pack turned on the old, weakest ones.
Ended up killing 3 before I got the call.
I lived down the road from there.
I took out 4 that were attacking the fourth dog.
Sheriff's department and I took care of business promptly.
No way would I have went into the yard without being armed.
Still to this day, I go there armed.
I haven't been doing a lot. Its cold and its winter. I clean what needs cleaned and I make the meals and I read and listen to the radio because tv really does suck. I keep trying to get the hubby to get rid of it but he won't.
Today since its so cold I brought in 2 extra bags of pellets for the stove. Wind chill temps are going to be 10-20 below zero here tonight and tomorrow gusts up to 50 mph.
I had to walk to the gate at the end of the driveway to get a package left by the UPS guy and it was so cold it hurt my upper chest to breathe ( and I was bundled up). I was only out long enough to go to the gate and make sure the dogs had water and the straw was piled up for them. about 5 mins really.
I had to breathe inside my shirt ( warm air) when I got in the house to make my chest feel better.
It is nasty outside
I would put the killer dogs (our own) down, but family won't allow it. One of them is pretty old. I put them away in the laundry room without their supper for awhile and tended to the three that are left. They are injured, wouldn't eat, seem to be in shock. Don't know if they'll last the night, we'll see. Not fun to come home to today. We had our bi annual surprise state inspection at the school today. Pretty fast, under 3 hrs. Just have 1 emergency light out is all. Not a big deal.
Bought a bunch of "seconds" produce today at our Kroger Store. 5 quarts of pears are now in the freezer, the dehydrator is loaded with zucchini slices and apples. I have two more rounds of apples to do. Bought a huge spiral ham for 79 cents a lb. And chicken quarters for 50 cents a lb. Am out of freezer space at home, so I'll package everything up tomorrow and bring it to the school freezer. Couldn't pass up a good deal.
Am glad to be home before dark today, but tomorrow I'll be working late again.
58° here. Y'all can keep the green grass, trees flowing water and all that beauty. I'll stick to my desert and warm temps. I don't know how people can survive in those temps.

Just in case your resolve for warm temperatures wanes, look at this and you will like the SW even more :)

Screen Shot 2019-01-30 at 10.33.46 PM.png
58° here. Y'all can keep the green grass, trees flowing water and all that beauty. I'll stick to my desert and warm temps. I don't know how people can survive in those temps.
The Norwegians have a saying - "There's no such thing as bad weather. There's only bad clothing."

Tonite it's -17° at 9PM here. It will reach -20 or -21 by daybreak. How do we survive? Warm clothes are paramount, we plan our activities, and we stay inside unless it's absolutely necessary to go out. But the most important thing is the ability to "shut up and suck it up". Those who can't suck it up, and can't stop complaining, are always miserable. It's your mindset that allows you to thrive...
Today I had some time finally to do some sewing for my internet shop and made 2 large bread bags to suit large homemade bread loaves made in a bread making machine. It felt good to get back to doing a bit of sewing again.

While I did that DH sorted out the rest of the meat shed, cleaned all the shelves off and put everything neatly on shelves in there and dealt with all of the redback spiders in there by spraying them. It appears they are even larger than we have seen before and they breed them big out here :eek: . At least we have no crocs or sharks just good old kangaroos, Eastern Brown snakes (venemous) and mosquitoes. The kangaroos tend to keep their distance out here and we have seen a number of them on the property so so far so good.

Tonight's dinner was the other half of our homemade bacon and silverbeet quiche.
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Just getting up.
Sitting here drinking coffee.
Dressed, sitting here drinking coffee, enjoying the coffee and silence, enjoying my time.
Before Strawberry gets up and demands her time.
In and out at 0900,1100,1400,1600,1800,2000 hours.
Non military person time 9,11,2,4,6,8 .
Then bed time for her.
But she demands her time for snuggles, play, catch, seeing what I'm doing.
If she can get her nose in cabinet with me.
She wiggles her whole body in the cabinet with me.
Which means no cabinets get cleaned out.
And if Estelle is here too. No room for Granny in that cabinet at all.
Should have named them both Nosey Nellie. lol. . lol..
If I should happen to have Estelle today , will just crochet and play.
If not will sew, redo dinosaur quilt top, clean out bathroom cabinet.
Still have water dripping so pipes don't freeze.
Checking dates on medical supplies and making sure first aid kits are supplied.
My home version of first aid kit is in big old metal tackle box.
heavy enough to throw in back of vehicle and go.
But light enough I can lift it with arm that goes numb.
Everybody stay warm, dry.
No cleaning out cabinets today I have Estelle.
An update on the geese,they're both home and have tucked away in the building until this cold spell passes which should be tonight. A couple of days after they left my neighbor's 1 of them showed up. Then a day or 2 after that the other 1 showed up but since I didn't let the others out that day because of the weather and he didn't see them by the building,he wasn't cooperating with me when I tried to run him into the cage attached to the building that they go through to go in and out. He wound up flying out of sight in the field behind the house. The following morning he was by the pond again though,so I let the others out just long enough to get them all back together then I put them in the building since this cold weather was hitting that afternoon.
Recently, employees I normal supervise are now bypassing me and going direct to the Owner. Owner has never understood (or cared) about chain of command management. That is until Owner's decisions go down hill then it's a supervisor's fault. Owner tells me nothing has change contrary to what he's telling others. Making my decision a whole lot easier.
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Teri , do you have the berkey water filtration and which one ? I ask you since you seem to hqave as many people in your home as I do , or at least close.

No. We have a sediment filter but that's it. We have really clean, good tasting water here and test it every year. At the mtn place we don't have any filters so run it through a britta filter for now.
After Monday, I will be offline for approx. 10 days.
Nothing health wise is wrong with me.
Any more than normal.
Laptop is going in for some repairs.
Cracked the screen.
Some little lady and an old lady had a tussle for the laptop today.
Laptop screen got broken.
She was tap dancing on Granny's laptop.
Her behind got smacked, my laptop got cracked.
Trying real hard to find humor, but having hard time.
I have finals in 15 days.
Already contacted professors, will be taking my finals at the library.
Thankfully the laptop was still under warranty.

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