What's everybody doing today?

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Slept in this morning. Got up and watch Church where we go on the puter. Today was the final service our pastor was holding. At the end he had the new pastor (who is his son) come up and handed it over. The son was raised in the church and has been ordained 18 years. I sure hope he is as good as his father. It was a special service.
@Tank-Girl checking on you friend to find out if you are ok and safe from the flood waters up north.

Yes thank you.

We're a bit wet.
My lap top got fried during a lightening strike because I forgot to unplug it from the wall and it's taken time to get through security certificate issues with my tablet.
I'm on a hill so I'm fine and I have supplies.
I'm a survivor.
Good to see the massive drought broken at long last though.
Still looking for that silver lining.

usual sunday. Meals. Laundry. It got all the way up to 52 degrees today. It was nice sitting in the sun today. Hubby was checking on the generator and found a hose leaking big time. This is the second time. He fixed it...again and added coolant. Hopefully this time it will stay fixed
Not long now before I get the coffee pot ready to go and get hubby's lunch ready
Good night. Good morning. good day

Good to hear you are ok @Tank-Girl not good about the laptop though and glad the drought has broken for you all in Northern Qld not happening here as yet though but we did have 4mm of rain which was enough to top off our rain water tanks to full again. Great you are on a hill and have heaps of supplies like we do so if the worst comes to the worst we can both hunker down in our homes and ride it out. They say April or May it will break down here and then I am expecting floods.
Today DH cut the ropes for our 2 tarps for tiedowns and did some rope splicing for the first time and it turned out well and posted 2 eye masks I sold on eBay at the post office. While he did that I purchased some needed items for the house being fibre tap washers & o'rings and a 30 x 1 mt roll of fibreglass flyscreen at significantly lower prices than the local hardware stores here. Some of the window and door screens are starting to disintegrate and need replacing so we will have enough to replace the whole home flyscreens with some left over for perhaps the sheds to stop wasps getting in there too.

This afternoon I watered the potted plants being herbs (the legal sort :D ), fruit trees and ornamental flowers. I also spent some time in the sewing room and made 3 more 5 layer cotton eye masks and repaired a set of shorts by replacing the button and hand sewing a side seam on one of my dresses that had come apart in a small section.

Tonight's dinner was stir fry mince and vegetables and dessert was homemade magic mix chocolate pudding.

@Amish Heart yes should word things a little better pot plants were exactly that when I was growing up too. My sister had my Mum water them telling her they were tomatoes while she went on holidays. Ironically both my sisters were pot smokers and I always got the blame for what they did even though I didn't smoke pot or anything else :rolleyes: . Made me tougher though to know that regardless of what I did or didn't do I got the blame for it anyway :woo hoo:.
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Looking at my living room floor.
I see George the hedge hog dog toy.
I see Polly penguin dog toy.
I see Henry the flat squirrel dog toy.
I see two dog bones.
I also see where Strawberry got in donation box .
But what I don't see now is Strawberry.
So I will pick up dog toys again this morning.
Do up dab of dishes.
Go check on parents as they have been dog sitting my youngest sister's dog Lulu.
So she could go visit her first grand son in Texas.
Will roll up ball of white yarn and work on Uncle's afghan for a while before it's time to cook for the day.
Ate up all the leftovers yesterday so will have to cook today.
Mentally preparing myself for playdate with idiot cousin's grand daughters and Estelle on Friday.
Hopefully that will go better than it has been going as of late.
Those girls are moving to Fort Collins, Colorado in March for their dad's job.
You have to relocate for job, or have no job those were his options.
His wife said if you have no job, you have no family either.
I'll take girls and go back to California.
He's kinda work brittle.(lazy).
Her job will let relocate to Colorado or California.
Life is full of ultimatums sometimes.
After breakfast I loaded a load of laundry in the washer then made a run into town to drop off our taxes to our preparer.
Came back and put them in the dryer.
Did a load of dishes
paired up hubby's socks ( I hate that job lol) and put them away
Made cookies after lunch
I'm thawing some ground beef for supper
Its 60 degrees outside so after lunch the pups and I sat in the sun
So now until I start supper I'm just perusing the net and will probably read some
Dog toys all picked up again.
Dab of dishes done up
Thinking about reading a page turning book.
Or will lay down and rest.
Made Tax preparer appointment for the 26th of Feb. 2019 at 0900.
Then that little job will be done.
Just got to run sweeper in morning .
Sort laundry. might have 1 load of laundry.
Have a Dr. appointment on the 27th of Feb @ 0900 hours.
Then yearly physical the following week at 10 am on my dad's birthday.
The old fart will be 80 years old this year.
Work. Dinner is cooking. Arguing for the third time with granddaughter why she can't sign up for Marching Band in High School next year. So she bypassed me and went to my husband. No one wants to pay $300 to start, get her to school (5 miles) at 6 a.m. everyday, and give up Friday nights and Saturdays for games and practices. Not me. Telling her she can take regular band during school hours. Need to get dinner out and leave in an hour to bring her to American Heritage Girls meeting. I'll work on a pillowcase I'm embroidering while I wait the 1 1/2 hour on her.
Congregation voted the son in as Senior Pastor or Denominational Officers approved?

He has been the pastor at the churches second campus, which has been mainly geared for the younger crowd. The church had a search committee and when his name came up the vote was unanimous. He has preached at different times in the main service and did a good job. I pray he is the right person for the position.
Started off the morning with DH watering the potted plants at the side of the house and then he finished splicing rope ties for the new tarp we purchased and a few tiedowns as well.

While DH did that I paid all of the bills and put money into accounts to pay future bills with (we divide all the bills into fortnightly increments and bank it). I then made 2 bread bags for my eBay store and paid a bill for our property amalgamation of the 2 blocks which the plan has now gone to the solicitor for him to register it.

DH just washed up the dishes, cleaned the benches and I wiped them and put them away. Tonight's dinner is pan seared whiting fillets and steamed garden vegetables and dessert is homemade magic mix chocolate pudding.
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4" of snow (covering a half inch of ice on the roads) means I'm working from home today...

Reading forums, drinking coffee.
Need some fresh fruit, run to bank for oldest son.
Strawberry has already been out several times.
She's now snoozing beside me in recliner.
Trying to talk myself into going outside.
Need to start car, check mail, check on parents, run errands.
But when cold air hits me in face and behind, don't want to do nothing.
Have to eat sometime today.
Cook tomorrow. Still trying to get in mental stage for Friday's playdate at my house.
Been getting some cleaning done. Have the stove off and the windows open because its 65 degrees outside. Did do some sitting outside. Boy, between the quiet and sunshine I was nodding off on the bench! Pups are passed out in the sun

I should do some more laundry but...eh. maybe tomorrow when its raining. I plan on sitting on the porch and reading here directly. Its too nice to be inside
Brother had quadruple by-pass surgery monday. He is doing well. His wife is a nurse,both retired,. Now he has rehab to get thru. SIL said doctors said had he waited 10 minutes to get to hospital he would have died.
Thank goodness he's recovering well.
And how about the nephew who hurt his hands so badly, @timmie ?
Started off the day with cutting out 2 bread bags and sewing them up for my eBay shop and then listed them. The trouble with the sewing was that the sewing machine needle splintered half way through making a bread bag and speared sideways straight into my finger, ouch I did see white spots and blood was everywhere. DH quickly got some damp tissues to remove the blood and dressed it with a good sized bandaid and some antiseptic cream. Fortunately the ick missed the bread bag and I continued on it later this afternoon once my finger had stopped throbbing :) .

DH watered the potted plants and sat down and played his PlayStation games and relaxed.

Pretty easy day today where we decided both not to do too much.

Tonight's dinner will be homemade pancakes, cream and or butter, and homemade strawberry jam or orange and lemon marmalade.

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