What's everybody doing today?

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Started off the day with cutting out 2 bread bags and sewing them up for my eBay shop and then listed them. The trouble with the sewing was that the sewing machine needle splintered half way through making a bread bag and speared sideways straight into my finger, ouch I did see white spots and blood was everywhere. DH quickly got some damp tissues to remove the blood and dressed it with a good sized bandaid and some antiseptic cream. Fortunately the ick missed the bread bag and I continued on it later this afternoon once my finger had stopped throbbing :) .

DH watered the potted plants and sat down and played his PlayStation games and relaxed.

Pretty easy day today where we decided both not to do too much.

Tonight's dinner will be homemade pancakes, cream and or butter, and homemade strawberry jam or orange and lemon marmalade.
Started off the day with cutting out 2 bread bags and sewing them up for my eBay shop and then listed them. The trouble with the sewing was that the sewing machine needle splintered half way through making a bread bag and speared sideways straight into my finger, ouch I did see white spots and blood was everywhere. DH quickly got some damp tissues to remove the blood and dressed it with a good sized bandaid and some antiseptic cream. Fortunately the ick missed the bread bag and I continued on it later this afternoon once my finger had stopped throbbing :) .

Sewingcreations 15,
That hurt.
Drinking coffee, reading forums, laptop didn't get sent out today.
Still backing up files and pictures.
Lots and lots of pictures of Estelle.
Also no mail service around here for now.
Beings I not expecting medicine, don't really care
Got roast in crockpot, going to attempt my version of Arby's Roast beef Au Jus.
Strawberry slipped and slide across sidewalk this morning to take care of business.
She made a nest on my bed, hunkered down sleeping.
Might sew this afternoon, or read a book.
State Patrol says " If you don't have to be out, stay home".
when I was a kid ( a long long time ago lol) I used to put peanut butter and jelly on my pancakes instead of butter and King syrup. Daddy would always say: "If I knew you wanted a sandwich I would've made you one". lol
Now I make one pancake and put a fried egg on top. Funny how our taste changes as we get older

I like peanut butter on my pancakes, don't know about the jelly though....
I took today off.
I originally had the afternoon off for a dentist apt. However , I had a opportunity to take the full day off and jumped on it. Whew hew! I haven't had a under 50 hour work week in more than a month.
Its pretty chilly outside , so other than feeding the critters , Im not real motivated to go on a run like I planned. But I might go to the hot springs this afternoon. :)
Went to my doc appt. this morning. Lab fellow got my vein with the first stick this time, instead of 8. Actually got generic ambien for sleep, the weakest dose and I may cut that in half to start with. I just have to start getting more than 3 or 4 hours a night. She thinks it could be my thyroid which is why I got blood checked again. Even low dose cut in half, I will only take it a couple of times a week at the most.--That is, if it helps, cause nothing else has. Also found out that I lost 20 pounds from 11-21-18 to now. So over the Holidays, I did good! 73 pounds gone and probably less than 20 to go. Then maintain and tone up. Two more goals!

Got RX filled on way home and got eggs at local grocery. Did an eBay refund for jeans that did not fit and hope to watch some tv later.
Cool rainy day here. Did a little clean up. Nothing on tv so I read some and listened to the radio. Also read the net to see how much the liberal/communist/lefties are freaking out over the SOTU. lol
My order of my cologne came today so I'm good for another year on that.
I have another order that may come tomorrow, we'll wait and see
Today is bright sunshine and cold. Around 25 but no wind so it's tolerable.
I decided to get prepared for the forecast snow. Supposed to get 5 to 8 inches of snow Saturday followed by several more days of snow.
I took the teeth off my front-end loader so I can move snow better. Filled the tractor with diesel and let it run for about 1/2 hour.
Warmed up the motor home engine and ran the propane heater.

Great job on the weight loss.
I'm down almost 60 pounds and it has really made a difference.
My wife has got me drinking Sleepytime tea before bed. I also take 10mg of melatonin and if I have old guy pains I take a couple of Tylenol.
I'm falling asleep faster, staying asleep longer and feel better when I get up.
Got a dr. appt. tomorrow.Either flu or bronchitis. Hubby and daughter are going with me so hey can do some shopping since I really don't feel like it and besides I don't want to give it to anyone else. Rooster #1 in pot with some rice.
Been cutting out 1 inch squares of fabric most of the afternoon.
So far got approx. 75 2 patches done up.
Got approx. (45) 4 patches done up will work on "pop" of color tomorrow.
Then will start putting together quilt top.
Had Estelle this afternoon.
Went to parents house to check on them.
Nobody has been out there several days.
Put ice melt so nobody bust kester including me.
Son just took Estelle, weather is suppose to be worse tomorrow.
Got water dripping so pipes don't freeze.
While out went to store for parents, they were low on cat food.
Dad caught, fixed those 4 feral cats last year.
2 of the cats have disappeared.
Your grandson better get ready we should have doozy of storm before March.
What we are getting now will be moving toward the east coast by the weekend.
Also made breakfast muffins for the week.
Might make up more for the freezer this week too.
Yikes! Get better. Don't know what weather you're having, but it's really cold and windy up north here. Went grocery shopping and got the specials. Need to feed the animals, do more laundry, make dinner, stuff like that.

Warm and sunny one minute and cold and rainy the next. Almost 80 the other day, 45 with a cold 35mph wind today. Lots of people out sick. Doc said stay home until Friday the 8th. Told boss if they don't have a sub I'd come in and he said see you Monday.
Thank you everyone finger is holding together and surprisingly not hurting too much but I am a pretty fast healer usually.

@Patchouli I use a 90/14 needle in my sewing machine so it is pretty sturdy and thick to go through multiple layers. Never had a needle shatter like that before so that is a first and it must have had a hairline fracture in it somewhere or was very blunt.
Today we went into town as DH had a paid gardening job to do, a doctors appointment to go to to get his pain medications for the month and had to review our wills and sign them. Once he did the gardening job we raced around to return some window rollers that the hardware store ordered but were the wrong size, picked up a aerosol of puncture seal for the ride on lawnmower and picked up another 20 mt of sullage hose and joiners.

Off then to the solicitors office where we signed our wills and paid for part of the work done by the solicitor to amalgamate the two blocks of land here. Then to the doctors where DH got his scripts and we filled them. Around we went to the cabinet makers and dropped off one of our doors to see if they can find something to fit to make the doors roll and filled DH's car with fuel as it was really cheap. It appears they are a very odd runner in them so here is hoping this works or other than that we will hinge the doors and cut them down for the 3 cupboards instead in the rumpus room.

Back home where we unloaded the car, took the rideon lawnmower off the trailer and put away the car.
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Strawberry slipped and slide to take care of business.
She barely got off sidewalk to take care of her business.
Wind kept trying to blow her over.
But she finally got done.
She snuggled down beside me in the recliner.
Drinking coffee, roast in the crockpot.
Will add noodles about noon.
Comfort food is needed today.
Going to be sewing while I can.
I had bought a very pretty red cowl neck sweater on deep discount ( $5!!! :clapping: ) and I washed it today with woolite. I only do my sweaters with it so I've had this bottle for a long time lol It didn't seem to "run" so thats a bonus.
Played with the pups outside. Bandit had his kong toy and Bella had her rubber ring for me to throw for them. Of course they had to steal each others toys and argue over it lol
Did dishes
Had to pair up my socks today ( geesh I hate that chore lol)
I don't mind cleaning toilets I don't mind washing windows but pairing up socks just.....:rolleyes:
Having an afternoon snack and number 4 of my 5 16oz glasses of water I have every day
Have to pop down to the road and get the mail in about an hour or so.
Then make supper
Then get hubby's lunch ready and the coffee pot ready for tomorrow
Got the message that the package I was expecting today is too large for the mailbox. Well duh, it has a wool-blend Pea Coat in it. lol I'll have to run into town and pick it up tomorrow
Went to the salvage store for pumpkin to add to dog's food (and of course, a few other things). Hit one thrift store and got a pair of capri's and a pair of shorts (both jean). Stopped at doctor's to make a 2 month appt. as they had to lower my thyroid meds again today YAY!!! And then to Walmart for aloe juice for little dog with ulcer. Also, lettuce and grapes. Then to drug store for prescription and glad to be home now!
Had to pair up my socks today ( geesh I hate that chore lol)
I don't mind cleaning toilets I don't mind washing windows but pairing up socks just..
When my daughter was at home, there were endless amounts of unmatched socks left and that pile just kept growing. Socks for me is a very different story. I match them as soon as they come out of the dryer and it is rare for their to be an unmatched one. My clothing comes off and goes into the hamper and from the hamper to the washer. Daughter has ADD and order is one of the issues of her form of ADD. Interestingly, she likes an orderly house, but unfolded laundry is a common thing to find at her place. I fold it whenever I see it. That may actually be part of the problem.
The temp was around 80 f so I did more work on my front door. There are two small windows in the door. What ever they used to seal the glass gave up the ghost decades ago. Every time I shut the door the glass would rattle. Lately it began to irritate me.

I bought some window glaze and a new putty knife. It turns out there weren’t two windows but a single pane of glass. The frame had 10 screws holding it in. It wasn’t that big a job, took less than an hour, no more rattle!

Go 3 loads of laundry done, got all my cleaners and other items back under the kitchen sink after the repairs and got them better organized. A productive day all in all.
I drove 45 miles one way to renew my Concealed Pistol License. My wife even got her permit. I am amazed at how easy the process is in Washington.
Fill out a short form, pay $48 and you are good for 5 years. Only thing that would be better is a Constitutional Carry law, no permit required. That will never happen here because the democrats control the state and they want more gun control. I went today because we are forecast to get a bunch of snow starting tomorrow.

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