What's everybody doing today?

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Yesterday was weekly house cleaning day and I deep cleaned the toilets and bathrooms and DH vacuumed and swept the whole house. We both did a load of washing each and some of the grey water from the washing machine was used to water the potplants at the side of the house all day rather than using any town water. In the evening we went to the pub and bought $4 in total of raffle tickets and 2 bought raffle tickets to aid the RSL club and 2 more to aid some of the local charities in town too. We drank iced water and spoke to a few of the locals which gets us out of the house and is a low cost outing for both of us.

Round 1 of this morning so far I have filled the water bottles beside the sinks, the hand washing water bucket and watered the pot plants at the side of the house with saved hand washing grey water from yesterday, some saved shower warm up water and a little town water. DH is tidying the back rumpus room and getting all the tools and garden sprays in their varying sheds as we have now sorted out places for a gardening shed, tools shed and large equipment sheds. We are currently sorting out our shoes into storage tubs to put in the bedroom.
cooked twice- done
vacuumed the whole house- done
dusted furniture-whole house- done
Cleaned off third of countertop- done
wiped down pantry door, kitchen cabinets- done
steam mopped the kitchen floor-done
steamed mopped the bathroom floor-done
cleaned off vanity-done
cleaned bathroom mirror-done
have nothing to do tomorrow.
So will crochet on Uncle's afghan after do Wal*Mart run for more yarn.
How do you stop Strawberry's excessive barking?
Neighbor has new puppy, it's crying, she's barking, I feel like crying.
Good news only 48 days till Spring and I am so ready for Spring.
Heard from one of my renters that another renter was attacked by a pit bull from across the street.....the police were also called, dog attacked her twice, and the second dog the family owned came at her as well....police came and dog tried to attack the officer, to which it was immediately dispatched.....the second one, the one that bit her, was caught and taken to a pound in another town, then to another town, were it was put down....she has a deep tear in her leg, plus her boot which she was wearing was even ripped from the dogs teeth.....I had to chase a dog away from my chickens this week only to learn it tried to get into one of my renters houses and he fired at it with a pellet gun to protect himself....people are just dumping dogs here as well....just a scary situation......the people that owned the pits are very upset that both of their dogs were dispatched...
Round 2 of today is that DH washed the dishes and cleaned the benches and I dried them and put them away. DH then did a bit of additional sweeping and vacuumed the rumpus room where he had cleaned up but left dirt on the carpets and also vacuumed the sliding door runners to get the dirt out of them. I then mopped all the floors as DH had cooked some honey soy fried chicken and there was grease all over the vinyl flooring and then also went out the back and mopped the outhouse toilet floor too. The used water I then poured on the lawn to water a bit more of it.

Seeing how dry it has been I also put the hose on one of the smaller mulberry trees to water it for the week and placed the grey water sullage hose and sprinkler at the base of another mulberry tree so it can be watered when the water pumps out next. We also rearranged the back undercover patio area and gave that a good sweep and DH sprayed yet another huge redback spider on the smoker and once it was dead he used the banister brush to go over the smoker with to get rid of all the cobwebs and grass sticking to it.

Tonight's dinner is tinned fruit and homemade magic mix chocolate pudding as it is a bit hot for cooking and we are not particularly hungry either.
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home early from work..everyone was hoping for stuff to break down and lo..it did! the head rig and new edger lost total power at the same time..then the trimmer broke again. No surprise with that one..the maintenance guys were told just to weld patch the horizontal I beam that had a dozen or more cracks in it last Friday. Ive been watching all week , seeing the timing of the chains get more and more off and everything wobble dance harder and harder. The waybar thing does a jig , the handrails on the catwalk shimmy to and fro.., the piping under the sorter chains have a swaying swing, a control panel to the first set of bins keeps a beat.
Im on top of the catwalk looking at the I beam earlier, watching it flex , thinking..this is kinda scarry and exciting standing here on the catwalk. One foot on and above a I beam next to the previously patched I beam, one foot on the catwalk. I can feel the push n pull action and energy especially when wood is on the chains and watch the bearings dip down ..together. The bearings are attached to the 12 500ish pound rolls and the one I beam. A chain and sprocket system is attached to the rolls and bearings and chains over the top...It is a lot of weight, energy and stresses.
Anyways, the millwrights stop by me as Im watching all the movement and state, "yep..it's flexing again" I say, " It's only been a week since the patch job too" His sarcastic reply, " It's ok, maintenance will keep a eye on it"
yikes..a few hours after that, the alarm codes kept going off on the chains, lumber kept craching in the bins and the millwright called it a night. Everyone was finishing up and practically running out the doors..
140 hours in one payperiod tends to make folks sprint for the exits when givin a chance...
I had just dumped 2 bins so I had to finish that.
Now Im happily starting my weekend, Its starting to snow outside, I have laundry started too yea!
Heard from one of my renters that another renter was attacked by a pit bull from across the street.....the police were also called, dog attacked her twice, and the second dog the family owned came at her as well....police came and dog tried to attack the officer, to which it was immediately dispatched.....the second one, the one that bit her, was caught and taken to a pound in another town, then to another town, were it was put down....she has a deep tear in her leg, plus her boot which she was wearing was even ripped from the dogs teeth.....I had to chase a dog away from my chickens this week only to learn it tried to get into one of my renters houses and he fired at it with a pellet gun to protect himself....people are just dumping dogs here as well....just a scary situation......the people that owned the pits are very upset that both of their dogs were dispatched...
What a horrible and scary situation. I can really understand how the owners of the pits were upset about their dogs being put down.
Pits can be sweet dogs, and then they can be the worst if they are not well socialized. Someone told me that German shepherds will bite quicker than a pit. I know from experience that Akita's and Chow's can be aggressive as well.
I would say the breed doesn't matter, but I spend lots of time around dogs at dog parks with my dog sitting business. The breed pretty much dictates the behavior, when accompanied with other factors. Without proper fencing and restraint, dogs can become a problem in rural areas especially.

All the dogs that are running loose should be rounded up and impounded. This has become a problem on reservations where dogs are allowed to roam, breed and become wild. People have been attacked and then there is a round-up and dogs are put-down on the spot. They go back to their nature. This is a real possibility in a SHTF situation where idiots will just release their dogs to run free and do what they will.

When I was a child, maybe 9 or 10, I had a pack of neighborhood dogs go after me. They were together in a neighbor's yard, laying down, and as I approached to walk by, growling and aggression began. I went to a neighbor's porch, but was followed by the dogs. I was rescued by another neighbor who was aware of what was going on. If not, I might have climbed onto the roof of the neighbor's house. I was on my way when I was rescued.
Done with Wal*Mart shopping.
Splurged a bit finished getting the rest of the yarn for Uncle's afghan.
2 more of each of the red, white and blue Super Saver Jumbo at $5.00 each.
Just have to roll into balls now, but will as I need them.
Maybe this will keep Estelle out of yarn a bit more.
Don't have her today.
Still stayed under budget with going to Wal*Mart so that's win- win situation.
Did morning chores, then cleaned out all the freezers. I have two fridges, so two small freezers on them, and then a large, deep chest freezer. Took everything out of all of them. They were packed. Then sorted and checked everything. Now I know where everything is and what I don't need. Son had put a few UFO meat bundles that were home butchered. He never labels stuff. Had to go to the grocery store, as I didn't find a beef roast. We are having a nacho bar tomorrow, with our adult kids coming, and I like shredded roast beef nachos. The grandson is not home yet from Boy Scout Klondike camping, but will be soon. Both the grandkids have Bowling tonight with the middle school and high school band students, so we'll be dropping them off at 7 and pickup at 10 tonight. Will probably grab dinner with husband out somewhere since we'll be out. Took yellow squash rounds out of dehydrator and filled it up with chopped hot peppers I had in the freezer (9 quart bags). I'll powder it all tomorrow when it's dry.
@GrannyG and @hiwall I too am not into having roaming vicious dogs and the owners should keep their animals controlled. Dogs and any animal for that matter will show signs of being vicious way before they bite people so the owners did know they had the ability to do so. A lot of the problem stems from owners of dogs not socialising the animals when they are pups which stops most of this behaviour.

However I will say some dogs are just born plain mean and usually you find it is a genetic trait passed down by their parents. Our next door neighbour got a dog and the father was manic and vicous and of course the son dog was the same. I remember at our previous house the dog would come into our yard and I always made a point of having something between me and it and a large gardening fork in my hand in case it attacked. I told the owner if it comes for me to bite me I would take evasive action and kill it.
pittbulls are not for everyone, unfortunetly a lot of the wrong type of people want the pitts. Ive known more aggressive chiwawas and jack russles than pitts..but the difference is when pitts get aggressive..they do damage and don't stop. Terriers are awesome beasties with good leadership, training and social skills..
Anyone ever own a Sher-Pei , a well bred one isn't all wrinkled to the max like you ususally see. They are or can be spooky and great guard dogs naturally..it is what they were breed for. I had a well bred female once and she rarely barked at anything..she would lay, stalk and wait out intruders. only her eyes would move then she would throw herself into attack mode at a opportunity. A few cats found her to be lethal..and one creepy homeless guy who tried to make friends with her over the fence. The same guy that tried to climb into my neighbors daughters window one night. My neighbor told me this same dude has been trying to be friends with my Sher-Pei, who would just sit stare and wait till the dumba$$ would try n pet her over the fence and she would then lunge at him. She also chased someone running from the cops through my yard and had him over the fence in a jiffy..She was only 55 pounds but a force..and smart. Babies and young kids, no threat..older the human..she dictated the boundries around my place. She was a good girl..
My pitt now..lol..not a guard dog at all..But I have gone above standard to make sure he was very well socialized in all sorts of situations. His nature is pretty passive with people as it should truly be for a pitt too..Im ok with that. The breed needs more postitive ones like him..that said, I feel that 90% of the problem is the human in charge causing the problems to begin with by not being a responsible or capable owner.
like tomorrow a lot of folks will see Dalmations in the bud commericals and they always get popular this time of year. Many end up in shelters because..a family thought they are cute..spotted doggies and get one for the fam..not understanding they are breed to guard. They are cute, athletic and require a owner who understands and respects their nature as a guard dog. Not the best family pets if this isn't respected..
anyways..cheers to a great weekend folks!
I spent part of the day trying to get rid of the fresh paint smell coming from underneath my kitchen sink. I thought I had this solved yesterday.

I let a box fan blow in for a couple of hours. Thankfully it was in the mid 60’s so I could open some windows. Late this afternoon I remembered the two boxes of baking soda I bought the other day. I covered two paper plates with b. soda and put those under the sink. It seems to be getting under control finally.
Spent the day working on my grapevines. I had neglected them for a couple years and had a bunch of honey suckle grow up in the vines. Got one row almost totaly cleaned out. Just a handful of roots left to dig out. Got the vines pruned and some new vines tied up to the hog panel on top to get them growing up top.
Once this is done, I'm moving on to do my row of muscandines. Need to finish the arbor and get the main vines up to the panels on top in that row.
pittbulls are not for everyone, unfortunetly a lot of the wrong type of people want the pitts. Ive known more aggressive chiwawas and jack russles than pitts..but the difference is when pitts get aggressive..they do damage and don't stop. Terriers are awesome beasties with good leadership, training and social skills..
Anyone ever own a Sher-Pei , a well bred one isn't all wrinkled to the max like you ususally see. They are or can be spooky and great guard dogs naturally..it is what they were breed for. I had a well bred female once and she rarely barked at anything..she would lay, stalk and wait out intruders. only her eyes would move then she would throw herself into attack mode at a opportunity. A few cats found her to be lethal..and one creepy homeless guy who tried to make friends with her over the fence. The same guy that tried to climb into my neighbors daughters window one night. My neighbor told me this same dude has been trying to be friends with my Sher-Pei, who would just sit stare and wait till the dumba$$ would try n pet her over the fence and she would then lunge at him. She also chased someone running from the cops through my yard and had him over the fence in a jiffy..She was only 55 pounds but a force..and smart. Babies and young kids, no threat..older the human..she dictated the boundries around my place. She was a good girl..
My pitt now..lol..not a guard dog at all..But I have gone above standard to make sure he was very well socialized in all sorts of situations. His nature is pretty passive with people as it should truly be for a pitt too..Im ok with that. The breed needs more postitive ones like him..that said, I feel that 90% of the problem is the human in charge causing the problems to begin with by not being a responsible or capable owner.
like tomorrow a lot of folks will see Dalmations in the bud commericals and they always get popular this time of year. Many end up in shelters because..a family thought they are cute..spotted doggies and get one for the fam..not understanding they are breed to guard. They are cute, athletic and require a owner who understands and respects their nature as a guard dog. Not the best family pets if this isn't respected..
anyways..cheers to a great weekend folks!

I had a friend that had a pair of Dalmatians. Beautiful but dumb as a box of rocks. There was a dog statue in the yard and the male kept trying to breed it and the female would try to fight it. They dug under a 1 foot decorative garden border fence. They were tall enough to step over.... One liked to bark at cars as they drove by. He got out one day and ran face first into a parked car, put a small dent in the bumper.
Started off the morning with doing some scripture study , then we both mellowed on the computer for a while and DH put on a loaf of bread in the bread making machine and had a sleep to rest his back. While he was napping I watered the pot plants at the side of the house and put on a loaf of fruit bread in the bread making machine.

This afternoon we made a batch of brownies from our homemade mix as well as a batch of coconut and choc chip biscuits to fill up the oven since we had it going. Just sliced up the fruit bread and we had a few slices and the rest of the slices went in the freezer so we can have a few slices when we want them. DH is about to water the pot plants again and we will then call it a night.
I always laugh when you water pot plants, Sewing. I know you mean potted plants. Here, pot plants means marijuana plants. I remember growing up in California...I was a young teen with a sister 10 yrs older. She was growing pot in a pot, and bringing a large plant to a friends. For some reason I was with her. She had a bad habit of putting things on top of the car, getting in, and driving off with whatever was still on the roof of the car. Until it wasn't. She did that with a pot plant.
Adult kids and grands coming over for football, visiting (most of us don't watch football), nacho bar, beer, and desserts. I need to go into work for a while this morning.
snow is blowing sideways today, took the dog on a little walk anyways. I got a fire going and doing chores now n then. My buddies are having a low key football party, just a few of us , all sorta neighbors here. I haven't hung out with them in a month or so due to my crazy schedule at work. All I want to do on cold weekends is get anything I need done and relax with a fire going. I figure since there will be good food and Hooch wants to see his girlfriends Dixie and Itchy, I guess it'd be nice to catch up with my buddies for a few. I could care less about football games..
Just chilling.
Strawberry and I have been outside the required numbers of times this morning.
No barking as of yet from Strawberry.
Neighbor brought her puppy up the other evening.
Have no clue what it is. But butt ugly.
Strawberry laid down let said puppy crawl all over her.
He curled up beside her slept for the first time since neighbor got him.
So I asked neighbor did she have old fashion alarm clock.
No she didn't, go figure. Did she have old fashion water bottle. Again, no she didn't.
So off we went in two vehicles to Wal-Mart so she could get new puppy supplies.
She got pee pads, old fashion alarm clock, old fashion water bottle.
Showed her how to set up kennel so puppy would sleep at night.
She came up while ago, said puppy slept all night first time since she got him.
Will said puppy make it, have no clue.
But think it's too young to be separated from mother.
So she got puppy formula when we were at Wal*Mart too.
Today showed neighbor how to watch Strawberry and puppy have to go outside and take care of business.
So out we go about 5 extra times, so puppy could get the hang of it.
Neighbor is very young, naïve.
I tell her Strawberry goes out about 30 minutes after eating each and every time.
Takes care of her business each and every time.
Other than that just crocheting on Uncle's afghan.
While out side this morning cleaned up yard from Strawberry's business.
So that job is done for the week.
Drooling over Baker Creek Heirloom Seed catalog. . . . .
65 degrees outside, so I opened the window :)(3 days ago the high 4 degrees) The winter hiatus of the chickens ended today too, the first egg of 2019 !! They are almost 6 years old, and slowing down with the egg laying, but they can sure take care of the bugs(and keep me company on the back deck)

Will said puppy make it, have no clue.
But think it's too young to be separated from mother.
I have seen this more than once, people wanting to take puppies from the mother way too young. On Judge Judy, someone took a puppy at about 5 days old. I have seen people selling and giving them away at just a few weeks old. I think it is crazy, but there is so much craziness in our world with ignorance everywhere.
pittbulls are not for everyone, unfortunetly a lot of the wrong type of people want the pitts.
This is the truth. The wrong type of people want them. I have seen a few attack other dogs while the owners usually stand and watch.

like tomorrow a lot of folks will see Dalmations in the bud commericals and they always get popular this time of year. Many end up in shelters because..a family thought they are cute..spotted doggies and get one for the fam..not understanding they are breed to guard. They are cute, athletic and require a owner who understands and respects their nature as a guard dog. Not the best family pets if this isn't respected.
I have seen that anytime there is a new Dalmation movie out, there are many people who will go out, get a dalmation and soon after, get rid of them. They are high energy dogs that require lots of attention.

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