What's everybody doing today?

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Round 2 of yesterday is that we went to the RSL club and had a few sarsparillas each and had a good time speaking to the locals. Boy in a small country town they know everything about everyone and upon asking us we gave the minimal information possible :D . Did tell the ladies I was talking to about the discount supermarket e-vouchers to save them on grocery costs which they were very interested in. Not bagging anyone that drinks alcohol here as we don't but 2 people for about 3 hours ran up a $60 bar tab that they paid for. I was thinking that that is just under 1/5 th of a fortnight's home loan repayment for us :eek:. Alcohol sure must have gotten expensive since I last drunk it years ago or people drink a lot.

Round 1 of this morning is we decided to do more work in the back triple bay shed with leanto and moved all the fuel jerry cans from the metal shed down to that one as it is cooler and more ventilated, the rotary hoe, palm frond shredder and branch shredder down there too. We have more room in the metal 2 bay shed now and DH put up 2 of the $9.99 garage shelving units we purchased in there for more storage area. We also moved all of the gardening pots, garden stakes and compost bins up to the shed under the tank stand as we are turning that into our gardening shed.

While DH was putting the shelving together I picked up all the bark from the firewood that dropped all over the place and put it in the bin, swept and cleaned out the outside outhouse toilet, trimmed a shrub that was growing over the side garden path and put the prunings in the bin. I also emptied out the recycling and normal bins and put on a loaf of bread in the bread making machine. Just had lunch and sitting down for a bit before we do more this afternoon.
Round 2 of today is DH washed the dishes and cleaned the benches and I dried them and put them away. DH just watered all of the ornamental flowers, herbs and fruit trees in pots. I have just put on a load of washing in the washing machine and shortly will hang it on the line. While I was putting on the load I noticed the grey water tank was pumping out it's water and moved the sprinkler a few times around the yard to water a few more areas of lawn in the back yard.

Tonight's dinner was bacon and egg sandwiches.
:great:There is no way I could find one of those around here. I have been looking and will keep looking. How many pressure canners do you have? I have 3.

4 now. The guy said he is being trasfered to Hawaii and can only take necessities. He had 2 tables full of stuff but I behaved myself and only bought the canner. (And I only had $26 on me)
2 loads of laundry washed, dried, put away-done
Trash out-done
Banking- on the way to do now
Chili-delishous yummy
Sorry about spelling errors.
Spelling like it sounds today.
Wind is fierce today.
17 mph NW
It's a whooping 23*but feels like 17* with wind.
All have to do tomorrow is vacuum the whole house.
Providing the wind and Strawberry cooperate?
Putting 1/2cup of distilled white vinegar in toilet tank for it's monthly cleaning.
Timmie, hope your brother is better.
Everybody stay safe, warm.
This fine day, afternoon, evening, and night.
Glad to hear that your brother is doing much better @timmie ! I did a short exercise video this morning, took eBay photos and pressure cooked chicken legs in a ginger/ Asian sauce (low sodium). Other than that, I have been being sick with some type of upper respiratory infection. Just been cold all day and looking forward to getting in bed with the heated throw over me! We are supposed to get an inch of snow in the early morning which doesn't happen often here. Staying home!
Started off the morning with chipping a mote around the 3 mulberry and mandarin ? fruit trees to hold water when we water it as we are in drought, we added well composted cow and horse manure to the mote to fertilise them and watered it in with a bit of town water. We have directed the grey water hose to around one of the trees and will rotate it around so all of them are watered through the week.

DH then mowed the area above the sullage pit and we used those grass clippings to mulch around the other 2 mulberry trees. Hopefully they will pep up a bit now with water after having no care for 18 months. We also cleared out more out more gardening equipment out of the meat shed and put it in the gardening shed under the tanks.

Had a swim in our tank pool this afternoon and relaxed for the afternoon and I brought in the dry load of clean washing from the clothes line that I did last night. Tonight's dinner will be smoked oysters, sour cream and crackers for a bit of a break from cooking.
Whole house vacuum-done
Move Estelle's pink kitchen into sewing room-done
Take apart baby swing-done
Clean off coffee table-done
Put plant back in living room-done
Breakfast and lunch are over.
Will have supper before date night.
Thinking of nap in my bed, but Strawberry is finally comfortable.
Hate the thoughts of moving her.
Nope, nap in recliner it is.
Have to cook tomorrow going to bitter cold.
Staying in, maybe Taco soup if I have any taco meat left.
I'll think of something to eat.
I picked up my new car yesterday. Well, it's new to me - it's a 2015. I wasn't really ready to buy, but it's exactly what I wanted, a touring model with a 6 speed manual transmission and leather seats. I could have gotten by without the upgraded stuff, but since I regularly spend 10 hours or more in the car I figured, why not get the upgrades too?

I was kind of sad to see my big old Buick go, but now I have 2 vehicles less than 6 years old. My SUV has 101k on it and this car has 44k. Maybe I won't have to worry so much about repairs for a few years? Hope it works out that way...
..And that's why I live where I live. No copperheads, no rattlers, no cottonmouths, no coral snakes, no fire ants, no gators, no bears, no scorpions. Mosquitoes are the worst thing we got, and they're bad enough...

Where are you? The moon? Wait, there are mosquitos on the moon..... I'm not going! Ill stick to the desert.
Where are you? The moon? Wait, there are mosquitos on the moon..... I'm not going! Ill stick to the desert.
@Terri9630 North Central Iowa isn't quite the moon. But all those undesirable critters are very rare or non-existent here...We just have the skeeters, flies, ticks, and a few bitey spiders to deal with.
We got all the saltine crackers vacuum sealed . Since the weather was supposed to be bad today [it wasn't] I talked hubby into going to the grocery store to get the ritz crackers, ham and rice-a-roni for me. He bought saltines.:LOL: Oh well , maybe they will run them again soon. He did get the ham and rice-a=roni right. Guess 2 out of 3 ain't bad.
-12 in Des Moines, @Spikedriver .
43 here.
I will stay here for now with snakes, scorpions, high summer time temps, everything Texas.
It's going to get worse in Iowa. We may set historical records for low temps and windchills. Nearly all schools are cancelled, businesses are closing, essential services are being suspended. Even the libraries and post offices are shutting down.
It's going to get worse in Iowa. We may set historical records for low temps and windchills. Nearly all schools are cancelled, businesses are closing, essential services are being suspended. Even the libraries and post offices are shutting down.
Missouri too.
Especially where I live.
The say to cover face, use mask if you have to be outside.

Each year more people are bitten by copperheads than any other species in the US. Cottonmouths are aggressive but don't strike blind. Rattlers are even more hesitant to strike.

Copperheads strike blind at any thing that startles them. In the last 18 years I've been bitten 4 times by copperheads, no worries, each time I was wearing "snake gaiters". I was aware of my surroundings and knew I was in prime copperhead territory.

Where I live copperheads are every where. For every 25 copperheads I see I might see 1 cottonmouth. For every 25 cottonmouths I see I might see one rattle snake... I haven't seen a rattlesnake in 10 years.

Oh... in the warm months in the south... copperheads love to lay under wild blackberry vines! Watch out if you go pick some.

Another way to look at it... where you have fruit you have insects, where you have insects and fruit you have field mice, where there are field mice... you have copperheads!
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