Resting! I have been crawling around and re-caulking baseboards and filling nail dents to get ready to re-paint them. My living room and my bedroom needed touch ups. But this older body is fussing and stiff and needs to quit for a few days.
Glad you're safe, Hooch. Hope you get the time off!got off work a tad early tonight..
today to millright: " the trim saw/ sorter" rythym" is "off" , has been off , kinda herkey jerky since the new drives were put in 2 weeks ago and getting worse daily..weird vibration..I know it sounds funny but, something isn't right.."
Millright looks at me kinda
"Well...yea..the timing is screwed up and the new drives I don't thing were worth it..something is wrong and I hope it doesn't break on our shift tonight. "
Me: " sideways smirk, I have my 80 hours and we still have 4 days left..Im cool if we do .."
The sorter in our mill is about 2 stories above, wood travels through the trim saw, out the sorter toward the sorting bins where all the wood gets "sorted" into all the bundles of say..all the 16 foot 2x6 get put in a "bin" (holding area) until the bin is full and I call it down to my machine to stack it in nice layers of wood to send it to the drying kilns..
My stacking maching is about 10 feet off the ground or so..The full bins of various lengths and dimentions of wood are held in the sorting bins, once full I call the full bins to me to be stacked..they fall down onto chains and travel down and up to my machine. My machine is lower than the sorting bins , which get to about 3 stories high at the tippy top, but the travel of the wood goes through the trim saw, past the sorter chains under me, to the sorting bins and back to me..and Im over, just to the side of the trim saw. So I get a view of the wood coming out of the trim saw as it passes to the sorting chains to the bins...
Tonight, lots of bin crashes..where wood doesn't settle into the designated bins and instead "crashes" jumbled, screwed up on the chains, sometimes falling off the chains 3 stories down to the floor..bang, boom, and once tonight a 16 foot 2x6 board almost hit me as I was walking under the sorter area to the control panel opposite my station to make room for more wood. A unit of stacked wood caught its fall instead of my shoulder n head but being it was inches away got my blood moving regardless...
For hours , it was stop and go on the trim saw sorting chains, lumber not getting to the correct was all screwy and messed up..
Finally, one of the maintenance guys just stood by the transition area between the trimsaw backtable and sorter chains to the bins and watched. this area is above my workstation about 30 feet out and above my view..
he is looking and watching the area..where earlier I had told the other guy ..the rythym is all wrong..and soon he shuts the operation down..
he and the other guys start inspecting the turns out..the new drives were tearing apart the support I beams and frame supporting the mulit thousand pound machine located 2 stories above ground level..he said he is surprised the back table and beginning of the sorter chains didn't break and fall to the ground. Metal fatigue and cracks all over the main support frames..The main cat walk is in this too..
So, I go up there after all my stuff is shut down, they give me the scoop and I look at the millwright and say, "remember eairler tonight I mentioned the rythym was off and you looked at me like I was"
Him, "Yea, I knew something wasn't right too, dang it!" "these drives were basically tearing the machine apart the last two weeks!"
Kinda like the last week Ive been complaining the incline motor kept cutting out the chains on me with a firework show and my electrical panel shutting off..They cant find anything wrong with the motor so use it till it finally breaks..Im thinking ..I really don't like the electrical issues, sparks n such..It took me a day to figure out the electrical conduit 3 feet away from the motor that kept crapping out and throwing the panel switch off jiggled loose from a elbow in the pipe, the pipe was cutting the wires and exposing them to metal. every now and then it would jiggle right and boom, flash sparklies would crackle and a 480 motor would trip. I found the problem yesterday to that one too..It was under a frame not far from the motor and I had a piece of lumber get wedged in it ..
I wont deny If we don't work next week due to all the issues I will be a happy girl..
this is true..we all knew after the new drives were put in, there was going to be some fine tuning to get it all going right. But everyday, no matter what they were doing it just kept getting worse. This week is the first week a maintenance guy was assigned to night shift due to staffing issues. The millwrights fix things to keep the mill running until the maintenance guys can properly address issues. Problem is we have at best only 3 guys tending to all the mill issues on a shift. Things are breaking constantly so they are run ragged and have little time to really stop and have time to figure stuff out before something else is breaking. Where the issue was , is not around close to the main part of the mill. My station is off at the end of the production line away in the back 40 and so unless there are issues, no one hangs out. Me and the other stacker operator see and hear/feel it all shift along with our machine.Once you have been working machinery for a while you just know when it isn't working properly @Hooch and usually the bosses never believe you when you tell them either.
I worked in building hardware and used to cut all the timber for the builders who would come in. We had one huge drop saw and the thing was mightily dangerous and used to jump sideways by a good distance. Keeping your hands clear and well away from the thing was your best course of action. This thing was responsible for cutting many a limb off and usually I trained people on this abomination of a thing.
I do too!!Glad you're safe, Hooch. Hope you get the time off!![]()
You must be in the mountains. The front range had snow a couple days ago, but the snow is mostly gone now. I raked leaves in my yard today, but there is snow in the shadows.We're up in Colorado visiting our kids. Cold and snowy here.
Those are blood oxygen levels, Timmie. Most people are in the upper 90s to 100. Anything under 90 is reason to be addressed and anything lower than 88 consistent is time for oxygen adm and testing to find the reason why it is so low.oldest brother hospitalized. said he couldn't breathe. he had flash pulmonary something. his level was 48 when ne got to the hosptal, it is now 98. I don'tknow what all that means ,except had it been a few minutes later we would have lost him. This brother was always like a second dad to us kids even though he is only 8 years older than me.
You will probably sleep really well tonight! You have been on the go.So the crockpot started with Hawaiian ribs. Cooked two whole chickens, took the meat off and froze it. Made husband breakfast and lunch. Changed bedding. Did 4 loads of wash and it's hanging to dry. Did animals (twice), cooked rice for the animals. Emptied dehydrator of chopped bell peppers, and filled it with mixed vegetables. Cleaned our bedroom. Made husbands lunch for work for tomorrow. Went to work for 45 minutes. Folded three loads of laundry from yesterday and put it away. Swept. Leaving now to take granddaughter jean shopping. This should be fun. I don't allow skinny jeans or low cut ones or tight ones or super expensive ones.
Oh I forgot! I got an All American 915 for $25 st the flea market this morning.
Prayers going out for your family.Brother had a heart attack and still has a lot of fluid . They are giving him lasik for that. They also had to do a trach so he could breathe. He is stable but in serious condition.