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@Terri9630 Wish you luck with the pup! When a week old it's tough to get one to a month old... after that they do well.

Drove to the big town and sat with dad a few hours. I knew it's been hard getting him to eat. I saw some nanner puddin' at the grocery store this afternoon and bought some... Yep, he ate a few bites. I know he loves nanner puddin'.

Stopped at the big box store to check on my new stove... Delivery date to the store has been pushed back until 05Feb... (grumble, grumble, snarl!). Heck, I could build one from scratch in 30 days even if the instructions were in Korean! If there is the tiniest scratch on it when it arrives they can build me another one... After this long it'd better be perfect.

They actually had a special on n95 masks so bought 12 more. That puts me at 40 new ones since last night. I grabbed another pack of nitrile gloves. I bought a new tarp for the chicken coop. The old tarp got shredded by high winds the day of the tornado warnings when I drove home sick from the hospital (11th).

Hang in there @Bacpacker This carp settled in my chest also. I put a call in to the "Sage of Lookout Mtn" today... see if he has a herbal trick or two to clear up my lungs (he always has a trick or two).
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@LadyLocust love to come over and help deep clean your home too but still got the other half of the kitchen to do, the storage room and the sewing room to deep clean and damp dust to get rid of the archeological dig drought dust :D . Then we have the other 3/4's of the outside windows, 3 rooms with inside windows to clean and the house to pressure clean on the outside too and then we are done. Going to be doing it gradually as I worked in the heat the day before yesterday and think I got a bit of heat stress as I didn't have the air conditioner on.

Good luck with the pup @Terri9630 hope you can nurse it through.
@Terri9630 Wish you luck with the pup! When a week old it's tough to get one to a month old... after that they do well.

Good luck with the pup @Terri9630 hope you can nurse it through.

The pup wanted nothing to do with the formula so I ran over to my vets house (he's the next block over) and he said to mix it a 1/4 goats milk 3/4 formula for tonight and tomorrow to see if she drinks. Worked like a charm. She sucked down 2 oz and fell asleep.
The pup wanted nothing to do with the formula so I ran over to my vets house (he's the next block over) and he said to mix it a 1/4 goats milk 3/4 formula for tonight and tomorrow to see if she drinks. Worked like a charm. She sucked down 2 oz and fell asleep.
We got our dog when she was probably only 5 or 6 weeks old. I had to sleep with her in the recliner for a few nights, keeping her warm, until she got used to sleeping alone. Good luck with your pup.
We got our dog when she was probably only 5 or 6 weeks old. I had to sleep with her in the recliner for a few nights, keeping her warm, until she got used to sleeping alone. Good luck with your pup.

Thanks. She's asleep on my chest right now and every time she so much as squeaks the other 3 come running. I swear, the kids mastiff would be a great momma, if he was a she. He fusses over every kid and baby animal we've had on the property.
Thanks. She's asleep on my chest right now and every time she so much as squeaks the other 3 come running. I swear, the kids mastiff would be a great momma, if he was a she. He fusses over every kid and baby animal we've had on the property.
Exactly, that's exactly how pupper and I slept. Kept her warm. I sure didn't sleep much. You've got some rough weeks ahead of you. I hope she pulls through!!!!
Another drizzly ,wet , cold day in West KY.

Ribs are much better today..
After a nights rest.

Wife will go to women's Bible study, then she wants to go to Snobby Lobby.
Then Golden Corral for lunch.
I think I'm up to that.

I really need some warm weather.

Got so much tinkering, fiddle fartin, and lolly gagging to do.

Good luck with that pup @Terri9630 .

Thanks Jim. She had me up 4 times last night to eat. She is currently sitting between my neck and the couch cishion, burried in my hair. She seems to like my neck/shoulder for a napping place..... Fat little thing.

If she is eating good,
Kept warm,
She will be fine.
I have raised pups from birth...lots of work.

Well it's official!
Made it through another week of Physical Therapy.
Man, that knee is tight.
Sitting in recliner with ice.
Eating walnuts and Plums, drinking coffee.
After brief rest will get busy cooking for the weekend.
With rest periods between each chore.
Might try my hand at making granola.
Think I might have everything but honey.
A little depressed right now. Looks like the mortgage company will win. It will just cost us too much to pull a new flood cert or fight it. If we refinanced- which would cost-, the same thing could happen again. This will take a little "letting go". If they raise it too much, they can foreclose and I know things could be worse. So we will see what and how much they add to our payment - probably in March.

In other news, I cleaned the bathrooms, while mad and am glad that's done! And so far no stress eating!
Sorry for the bad news @snappy1 :( Maybe you'll get a break out of the blue...

The hospital pulled dad's sitters today with no explanation... My niece was there trying to figure it all out, no word which means bad news with her. I'm going down tonight prepared to stay all night with dad. The new cot, a blanket and pillow is already in the truck. The cooler is ready to pack, just have to get a shower and change and I'm ready for to stay until Sunday if need be.

Got the new tarp on the chicken coop, snug and secure. I topped off their food and water so they are good until Sunday. I don't know if I'll be able to go to grandma's funeral. I'll have nice clothes in the truck in case I can leave the hospital then go back... I put a pack of n95 filters in the truck also so I'm set there as well. Maybe someone can relieve me for the funeral. Wish I had headphones for my smart phone so I can listen to music and read at night... I checked at wally's yesterday but was unsure what to buy. I'll figure it out...

Edit to add... HA! Just remembered I have a set of the Bose noise cancel headphones with my computer cables... Listening to music through them now, a perfect match for my smart phone! They sound pretty darn good!
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Been sick all afternoon and evening
Resting in bed with laptop.

Be careful... don't wait too long to see a doctor.
Lots of really bad crud going around.

@Peanut , praying for best for your dad, and don't run yourself down , and get sick .
Then you can't help at all.

Be careful.

If you "massage" above the tail, it simulates mama's licking and helps move things along so to speak.

That's what we are doing. The vet showed us how to do it, she's just not happy about it. She's a very pushy and opinionated little thing. Probably why she has survived so far.
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Got snowed out at work today. They sent us back to the hotel because I-80 was going to be closed between Laramie and Cheyenne. Waiting to see if we're going to be able to get to work tomorrow.

The wind was horrible today. The gusts were over 60 mph. My hard hat blew off and went to parts unknown. I never did find it. It's probably in Colorado by now...:rolleyes:
Shoveled some of that awful snow today, mainly where it slid off the house roof. Should all melt in a couple days.
It's supposed to be almost 60 here tomorrow.
I'm wondering if this is true in other areas or just here. We notice that the projected forecast is always warmer than the actual temperature. We were chatting about it and are suspicious that it might be further manipulation trying to convince the masses of all the global warming hubbub.
Yep, the last day of January and the following day are predicted to be in the 60s here. No rain slated for Friday so I will likely go to the rage and get some recoil therapy. Saturday is supposed to have some rain in the afternoon so it will likely hit here in the morning. That means I will be forced to work in the shop.. oh darn. ;)

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