What's everybody doing today?

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Emptied the dehydrator of the first five trays of cabbage.
Got 4 more trays going of cabbage now.
Had breakfast, had lunch.
Been outside walking with Strawberry by my side.
We had been outside practice walking on lead for 30 minutes when she saw a cat.
Hadn't made a sound until then.
Tried it again at 2 pm today.
Again outside without a sound till she saw a cat.
This time it was 37.5 minutes, but she only barked for 5-10 minutes.
So we came back inside, she's asleep on the love seat.
She slept on the sidewalk this morning about 10 minutes .
Drank a pot of coffee this morning, second on just finished it.
Switched to diet Sierra Mist.
Dusted out floors, picked up grand daughter's toys when I found them under the coffee table.
Been working on queen size quilt block this morning.
All in all quite day.
Soup for supper.
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@Meerkat what did you hear about that made you suddenly want to pack it up?

Got home, had lunch, forgot to take my break at work.
Have a really bad case of hiccups, noisy! Windy here. Hot.
Time to check the forecast and mix the soil.

Patch its not sudden it has been brewing for awhile now.I have not been out of this house for a get away trip since Sep17th 2019 over 7 months.I usually go somewhere every 3 no more than 4 months.Time to get away fro awhile.
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First thing I did today was top off my battery pack.
Took 2 gallons of distilled water. They were all a little low, but still under liquid.
Then I did some mowing and wife did some mowing.

Then I had quick lunch .

Then let the hound dog out, and we went poke hunting. We checked the blackberries progress since I mowed them down last year.

Found some interesting plants. Posted in my Homestead Plant thread.

But heck take a look at the blackberries.

They were 7' tall last year , going crazy.
They're about knee-high already.

That's a long time to be in, Meer. Although we went out today and I waited in a long store line outside for Sams to pickup our online order. Most people were in masks, although there were a number of moms with small children with no masks, kids running all through the aisles. Annoyed me. Loaded up food, and got that put away. Exhausting to go to the store anymore. Ridiculous. Romanian came by and bought 15 laying hens and all my eggs. He's setting up because he knows we are moving. Neighbors saw him loading, and came by and bought 4 chickens, thinking we'd be out. But we're not. Have a herd of little white bantams...just called a friend and will give him all. Still have 20 or so hens, number of roosters, and a few turkeys to get rid of. Probably bring some babies with us. Pod will be arriving Wednesday. Got the rest of the junk boxed in the mancave, but haven't cleaned it yet. Running out of steam today.
Had a full day today. Made some shoe racks to put in the hall closet to get shoes off the floor. Then I went for a short hike in the hills behind our house. When I got home wife wanted me to spade up an area for her to plant some extra strawberry plants (she thinned the raised bed). On the last spot I broke the handle on our spading fork (it was likely as old as me). Then I found a piece of oak wood and made a new handle for the fork which was a pretty big job.
, I meant haven't gone on a trip

My last trip was over a year ago and before that was when we stopped rv'ing which was 2011, I think. And I love to travel but with DH's health now, just can't. Good thing we did more than our share before he got sick!

Would love to go somewhere every few months! Glad you can get away!
Worked from here. Made progress on getting the tower job started. All the parts are ordered and suppose to deliver this week. Tomorrow I've got to go in and do a couple of safety walk downs, one for the tower job, the other for some new water probes we are installing in another facility. While I'm there gonna start sorting thru the materials that has arrived for the tower work to see what is still missing.
After I finished up with work I went out and hook my little trailer to the tractor and took the chain saw. Cut up 3 old trees I had took down and drug into the bottom. I keep a pile of firewood there for when we have folks over and want to have a bonfire. Anyway some of it had been there a few years and had started rotting. Got that cut and loaded and took it up to layer in the bottom of my 1st raised bed. Doing a small Hultekulture set up in those beds. I had enough wood left to do at least half of the second bed, once I get it assembled. Still got some more old trees to cut up to finish it off. Hopefully will get the 2nd bed assembled, chicken wire put down, and wood layed in after work tomorrow.
I gotta say though, I hit my limit tonight. I knew I haven't got built back up after being sick all winter. But I've been pushing trying to get the gardens and raised beds going, I thought I had built myself up some. Nope, not even close. By the time I stopped my knees were shaking, just had zero energy. Just sat down for a while before going in the house. Hopefully that will build on so I can do a little more tomorrow. Today kicked my butt.
@Bacpacker do you think you might have had the c virus?
Snappy, I'm glad you were able to travel before this too. We traveled around a bit but it was necessity.
The more talk about symptoms goes on, yes I do. At least some form of it. The new stuff they put out yesterday was talking about loss of sense of taste or smell. The whole time I was sick nothing had any flavor that we ate. Told the wife that all along. Reasons I dont think so, wife never caught it from Me nor anyone I work with, and I never had a fever.
It was unlike anything I've ever had.
Yes, but maybe your wife had such a mild case of it...After hearing what quite a few people I know have been through, I think a lot more have had it than was realized. One family I know had sore throats, cough, fevers, felt BAD, tested negative for flu and strept throat. I knew someone else who struggled with the cough after being sick with same symptoms. I had some issues as well back in early March.
As they said, it mutates which would mean everyone would be affected differently. Scary stuff. Sorry you're still feeling it somewhat.
Our garage door opener is 25 years old. Big Box has a replacement on sale. Figuring its better to replace it when it suits me, the weather is cooperative and I'm physically able. Drove into the big city and bought it!

Forgot my annual January replacement of batteries! While I was in the city bought Lithium AA, AAA and CR2032 batteries. This time I'll make a spread sheet on what device takes what type of battery.
My last trip was over a year ago and before that was when we stopped rv'ing which was 2011, I think. And I love to travel but with DH's health now, just can't. Good thing we did more than our share before he got sick!

Would love to go somewhere every few months! Glad you can get away!

Sorry about your hubby and no travel, while chrcking out my van arrangement yesterday a thought came into my head[ one hubby would not like at all]
Worked from here. Made progress on getting the tower job started. All the parts are ordered and suppose to deliver this week. Tomorrow I've got to go in and do a couple of safety walk downs, one for the tower job, the other for some new water probes we are installing in another facility. While I'm there gonna start sorting thru the materials that has arrived for the tower work to see what is still missing.
After I finished up with work I went out and hook my little trailer to the tractor and took the chain saw. Cut up 3 old trees I had took down and drug into the bottom. I keep a pile of firewood there for when we have folks over and want to have a bonfire. Anyway some of it had been there a few years and had started rotting. Got that cut and loaded and took it up to layer in the bottom of my 1st raised bed. Doing a small Hultekulture set up in those beds. I had enough wood left to do at least half of the second bed, once I get it assembled. Still got some more old trees to cut up to finish it off. Hopefully will get the 2nd bed assembled, chicken wire put down, and wood layed in after work tomorrow.
I gotta say though, I hit my limit tonight. I knew I haven't got built back up after being sick all winter. But I've been pushing trying to get the gardens and raised beds going, I thought I had built myself up some. Nope, not even close. By the time I stopped my knees were shaking, just had zero energy. Just sat down for a while before going in the house. Hopefully that will build on so I can do a little more tomorrow. Today kicked my butt.

BacP sorry you had a set back with that mean ol probelm you had. Hubby had one liek that a couple years ago. Hope you can shake that cra once and for all soon.:huggs:.
Glad to know your still working on the huglekulture thing. Its been so dry here for past couple yeas we haven't planted much.

We hosed down the the porch,did some housewok, and not sure what I'll do next.Hubby make order oil for truck,he has not been feeling good either.
The more talk about symptoms goes on, yes I do. At least some form of it. The new stuff they put out yesterday was talking about loss of sense of taste or smell. The whole time I was sick nothing had any flavor that we ate. Told the wife that all along. Reasons I dont think so, wife never caught it from Me nor anyone I work with, and I never had a fever.
It was unlike anything I've ever had.

Well if that is it, and the next phrase comes our like predicted by ome maybe you'll be immune.But it is strange that nobody around you has gotten it,huh?
Yes, but maybe your wife had such a mild case of it...After hearing what quite a few people I know have been through, I think a lot more have had it than was realized. One family I know had sore throats, cough, fevers, felt BAD, tested negative for flu and strept throat. I knew someone else who struggled with the cough after being sick with same symptoms. I had some issues as well back in early March.
As they said, it mutates which would mean everyone would be affected differently. Scary stuff. Sorry you're still feeling it somewhat.

The hwole thing about it is scary,even worse is the crackpots advising us about it, they need to all be fired.
Last night someone hit a tree and it fell over the road (up the street) and downed power lines. Power was out from 945 pm til 805 am. Big dog kept barking as he could hear more with out the fan on for noise damping. Not much sleep and walked this morning before coffee. Mistake! I was exhausted when I got home.

Looked for watermelon starts at local hardware store since mine aren't coming up well. No plants. Got oranges and bananas at local grocery and came home.

Raked and weeded in front garden. Still need to call cable company and get them to lower bill again. They keep raising it. $20 in two months. That's crazy.

Still need to sweep house and then relax for awhile.
@phideaux If you can, might try to find a local w/ beef. Beef prices are in the tank and ranchers are worried. Usually the middle man who makes the money anyways. I usually get beef for $3 per lb. that's steaks, HB, roasts and all. It might be less this year. I usually find out first part of May.

It's been a little stressful over here. Without going into a horribly long tale, we've been deemed "essential" so have been working. We pay our bills. Clients (and we have pretty good clients) have not been paying. We were looking at having to send the guys home this week - they all have families with small children. Our largest outstanding invoice was paid this morning:) God is good!
Hubby was recently insulted and accused of threatening the lives of his loved ones - for working. With the question of "How much are your loved ones lives worth in dollars?" His response was "priceless," and the question posed, "How many lives are you willing to destroy when nobody is forcing you to leave your home?" People are acting like it's air-born. I've seen people in masks alone in their car, mowing their lawn, riding their bike (all of these alone- nobody near.) Ignorance must indeed be bliss but should not be forced upon those of us with a morsel of knowledge of anatomy, immunology, and general health. Everyone of us has strep, e-coli, etc. on our skin right now, and that's not a bad thing. I might add, bathing in toxic synthetic chemicals is as bad or worse as the virus.
Anyhoo, thank y'all for letting me share. Hope you each have a blessed day.
Slept late as I didn't sleep well last night
Got that big pork roast in the slow cooker. Just fit! lol
Dogs killed a groundhog and ate it. Nothing left but the fur and it's head by the time we could get rid of it.
Hubby came home early ( 2pm) which was nice. He sat and read one of his military magazines and a catalog
I did some cleaning
Some reading
Supper is done
Now just have to make hubby's lunch and set the coffee pot
Hopefully I'll sleep better than last night
Sipped coffee off and on all day.
Worked with Strawberry some more today.
She was outside not quite 45 minutes this morning.
If you think I took this upon myself to do.
You would be wrong.
One of the gentlemen who trains service dogs in my area is instructing Strawberry and me..
He comes three days a week to help me train(keep) her.
I just cried buckets one day when he came by to check on us.
We are both being retrained to break our bad habits.
Just about got another queen size quilt block done.
Crocheted on grand daughter's Christmas blanket too.
Listening to the silence, it's wonderful.
Going to call a farmer I usually buy meat from to see what his prices are .
I can get a small meat bundle right now.
Then will start saving for larger meat bundle for October.
Well if that is it, and the next phrase comes our like predicted by ome maybe you'll be immune.But it is strange that nobody around you has gotten it,huh?

I must have misrepresnted last night. Sorry about that. Whatever I had hasn't came back. I just haven't got my stamina/strength built back up yet and pushed too hard yesterday. Slept good last night though.
Went to the lab today and looked into a couple jobs we've got coming up. Found out the tower didn't have a safety climbing system built in as it should have. Gonna have to go an alternate route with it instead to get to the top. If plans go thru and weather holds we are gonna start that job Monday. Stopped by the store on the way home and bought a bunch of beef and pork for the freezer. Got some other stuff we wanted as well.
Got home and ate supper then went out and put the ends of my second bed together and got the first layer of sides on it. I'll finish it off tomorrow and get the wood in the bottom. Then I'll be ready to lad them with compost.
Thanks for the well-wishes. I'm feeling better. Took my brother to the doctor yesterday. Dropped him off there while I went to the post office. The doctor said it was allergies causing some inflammation for him so he gave him some medicine & wrote a prescription. We went to the grocery store to grab some stuff & came home. I decided to get some instant jello mix stuff. Found some Godiva dark chocolate stuff for Mom that she really liked. She wasn't feeling well last night & we couldn't find her Mountain Dew (which she takes when she has low blood sugar. I gave her some pudding and other stuff. My brother went to pick up his rx this morning at the casino & some thunderstorms hit & lulled me to sleep until afternoon. I slept through a power outage. My brother woke me up because the internet wasn't working. The router could no longer detect the modem. I tried messing with the settings but nothing worked. It keeps wanting me to put in a password for the ISP even though I told it the ISP doesn't have a password. I thought maybe it was the modem so we plugged a computer directly to it & it worked. Went to the store to grab Mt Dew, an ethernet cable (cat6), and a cheap router just in case. Ethernet cable didn't do the trick so we swapped out routers. It seems to be working fine now.
After we got back it had stopped raining so I stood outside & watched the sky a bit. The clouds were moving fast and changing shape. I started sneezing so I went back inside.
I've got 3 cats on me now. One of them decided to get my attention by gently stroking my face with his paw-- like he was petting me. He was careful to keep his claws in. Sweet little kitty- at least to people. He's a little ********* to other cats.
I must have misrepresnted last night. Sorry about that. Whatever I had hasn't came back. I just haven't got my stamina/strength built back up yet and pushed too hard yesterday. Slept good last night though.
Went to the lab today and looked into a couple jobs we've got coming up. Found out the tower didn't have a safety climbing system built in as it should have. Gonna have to go an alternate route with it instead to get to the top. If plans go thru and weather holds we are gonna start that job Monday. Stopped by the store on the way home and bought a bunch of beef and pork for the freezer. Got some other stuff we wanted as well.
Got home and ate supper then went out and put the ends of my second bed together and got the first layer of sides on it. I'll finish it off tomorrow and get the wood in the bottom. Then I'll be ready to lad them with compost.

Not much sleep this week so it was probably more my wording than you mis-reading .
I'm sore today.
Back and shoulders.

I got all the firewood moved to the woodshed.

Recovering today.

Raining anyway..means mud.

May go for a ride in the country..oh ..wait I'm already in the country.
May go riding in town.

May just sit on my donkey all day.

Y'all stay safe..have a great day.

Got back from working 8 days in Wisconsin last evening. Grabbed a few groceries and crashed out at 9pm. Slept in until 8am. So far this morning I've done nothing except eat some very bland, high protein health food cereal and pick up my car from the shop. Today will be cleaning, washing clothes, and exercising outside if the wind ever goes down.

@zannej I busted out laughing when I read about your cat. I've never heard anybody call their cat a D-bag before... :LOL:
UPS dropped off my newest "headsup" gear. Ambient WS-2902B Weather Station.

When I ordered the WS, I cemented a galvanized fence post in the ground to mount it on.

Mounted the wind vane, the wind cups and twist on the rain gauge funnel. Install two AA batteries.

Outside unit comminution (Line of sight) to the inside console. Test inside before mounting outside - Passed.

Two "U" bolts and four nuts fastens the outside unit to the fence post. Tighten the nuts insuring unit is level and pointed North.

Move the inside console to my comms room in the basement and...YES it can communicate to the outside unit!!!!

Connect inside console to my WiFi. Now I can get my weather from my smart phone. Also receive hi/low alarms too.

WS will help with my Skywarn duties (secondary) and for SHTF (primary).

Current wind is 9.6 MPH from the SW.

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