@snappy1 are you sure H&R Block is even open yet? I haven't done my taxes yet. Might be a confusing mess this time but next year should be better, oh, except for having two jobs and making more. Ok, never mind, it will be not normal again next year. Good luck with your peas. It has gotten too hot here for peas.
@Meerkat Sorry about your old pooch. Our kitty drives me nuts when she starts licking her tummy, then everywhere else. Have not found a good solution.
Dademoss at least he and Mr. Meer know their priorities.
Weedy, I know a couple of other people who have the best luck at finding what they need that way, or at yard sales for next to nothing. My daughter-in-law finds the coolest stuff. I've started doing it too.
Peanut, soggy chicks. Weren't you concerned they might die?
zannej: checking my loved ones to see if they are still breathing is not my favorite pasttime but I understand on some levels. I know someone who is going through the same thing.
Mo, did anybody get the dead critter out of the yard? WHY DO THEY DO THIS? Oh, it's so that when their enemies approach, their enemies can't smell them because they smell like dead. There is no reason for it at this point, but here we are. lol
No insult intended if I missed your post, anyone. Wasn't trying to write a book.