What's everybody doing today?

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Haven’t been to Walmart in weeks 😁. Came home from work and got laundry going. Then started cleaning out in the summer kitchen and almost forgot to cook supper- oops. Made it and spuds were even tender so all is well. Tomorrow is Friday- yay! I think I get to drive to the powder coater over in Idaho so will be nice and quiet for a few hours which I like. Pretty time of year to drive.
@snappy1 are you sure H&R Block is even open yet? I haven't done my taxes yet. Might be a confusing mess this time but next year should be better, oh, except for having two jobs and making more. Ok, never mind, it will be not normal again next year. Good luck with your peas. It has gotten too hot here for peas.
@Meerkat Sorry about your old pooch. Our kitty drives me nuts when she starts licking her tummy, then everywhere else. Have not found a good solution.
Dademoss at least he and Mr. Meer know their priorities.
Weedy, I know a couple of other people who have the best luck at finding what they need that way, or at yard sales for next to nothing. My daughter-in-law finds the coolest stuff. I've started doing it too.
Peanut, soggy chicks. Weren't you concerned they might die?
zannej: checking my loved ones to see if they are still breathing is not my favorite pasttime but I understand on some levels. I know someone who is going through the same thing.
Mo, did anybody get the dead critter out of the yard? WHY DO THEY DO THIS? Oh, it's so that when their enemies approach, their enemies can't smell them because they smell like dead. There is no reason for it at this point, but here we are. lol
No insult intended if I missed your post, anyone. Wasn't trying to write a book.
@snappy1 are you sure H&R Block is even open yet? I haven't done my taxes yet. Might be a confusing mess this time but next year should be better, oh, except for having two jobs and making more. Ok, never mind, it will be not normal again next year. Good luck with your peas. It has gotten too hot here for peas.
@Meerkat Sorry about your old pooch. Our kitty drives me nuts when she starts licking her tummy, then everywhere else. Have not found a good solution.
Dademoss at least he and Mr. Meer know their priorities.
Weedy, I know a couple of other people who have the best luck at finding what they need that way, or at yard sales for next to nothing. My daughter-in-law finds the coolest stuff. I've started doing it too.
Peanut, soggy chicks. Weren't you concerned they might die?
zannej: checking my loved ones to see if they are still breathing is not my favorite pasttime but I understand on some levels. I know someone who is going through the same thing.
Mo, did anybody get the dead critter out of the yard? WHY DO THEY DO THIS? Oh, it's so that when their enemies approach, their enemies can't smell them because they smell like dead. There is no reason for it at this point, but here we are. lol
No insult intended if I missed your post, anyone. Wasn't trying to write a book.
Maintenance had to remove the dead critter from the back yard.
They were gagging when they removed it.
It wasn't there when Strawberry and I went out at 9 pm last night.
Nor was it there at 0900 hours this morning.
This happened about noon.
Maintenance had to remove the dead critter from the back yard.
They were gagging when they removed it.
It wasn't there when Strawberry and I went out at 9 pm last night.
Nor was it there at 0900 hours this morning.
This happened about noon.
Could have been a bird flying over that dropped it. Sometimes it’s funny when they drop things but dead smelly things- not as funny.
Weedy, I know a couple of other people who have the best luck at finding what they need that way, or at yard sales for next to nothing. My daughter-in-law finds the coolest stuff. I've started doing it too.

Peanut, soggy chicks. Weren't you concerned they might die?

I sort of have a knack for finding things I need like that, always have. It's how I was raised... to think out side of the box as it were.

If I had left the chicks in the main pen overnight in the storm hypothermia might have killed two or three. But... that's why I brought them to the house, put them in a 31cuft container with fresh dry wood chips and 2 heat lamps. In an hour they were dry, toasty warm and well fed... as snug as a bug in a rug.
Seems like some people are pretty lucky at finding stuff and cutting deals.
I thought they were more sensitive than that (the chicks) and would have croaked even though you brought them in. Trying to picture soggy chicks ...it's a pitiful image. Plus they're a little older now too.
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Surprised FaceTime from our oldest! Their apartment has a full refrigerator with freezer plus their laundry room has a full freezer. The country they live in has no food shortages and the freezer and refrigater they are keeping well stocked. Apartment building has a exercise room that only our oldest and spouse use plus a roof top swimming pool. They're doing good. Working from their apartment.
are you sure H&R Block is even open yet?

Yes, ma'am. They are open Mon. Wed. and Fri. I called this morning and set us for Monday. (At least in this area)

Walked this morning and short video--I do both because it gets me to between 7000 and 8000 steps before noon. I like to hit 10,000 a day and usually get to 12,000.

Already made rice to add to dog food, made salads for DH and I, and a green smoothie for me.

Will clean baths today and weed in front garden, maybe eBay.
Sunshine today, after raining all day yesterday.

Soggy everywhere.

Gotta see what projects call out to me today..

I need to sharpen my chain on the chainsaw.

1 cayene pepper plant lost the right for survival.

Since I made those wood Bee traps and hung them...not 1 bee has been sighted anywhere.

Should have did that years ago.

Doogan is calling , so guess we will go play.

Sipping coffee, so nice to have a hot cup of coffee.
Strawberry has been out taking care of her business this morning.
I've been sewing this morning.
Working on those unfinished projects some more.
Just about got twin size quilt top ready for the sashing strips.
Will have to clean off table so I can get those strips cut.
Talked to my middle sister in Texas this morning.
They're hanging tough right now.
Broke grand daughter's heart this morning.
Wouldn't let her come over cause I was sewing.
And mom can sleep at night instead of during the day like the rest of us people.
Crocheting on oldest grand daughter's blanket, sipping coffee,
Then will work on another block of the queen size quilt top this afternoon.
Some time today finish up the last 4 man size masks for a friend's husband.
For pick up on Sunday.
All in all good day so far.
Reading forums too,
Came home to find a card in the mail from our church home. Inside was a gift card for 3 larges pizzas, 1 order of bread sticks or a dessert, and a 2L of Soda from a local pizza place. One that offers crustless pizza! Inside it also offered family specific scripture, blessings, and words of hope. Apparently the church decided to bless those who attend services regularly (we don't have "members") and help support a variety of local businesses at the same time. They sent out gift cards to every family with kids based on the size of the family. Families with no kids at home, couples with no kids, and singles got a gift card to a couple different local places that deliver.

The church then did the same thing for everyone who attends the church across the street which does not have the resources we have. We are apparently also letting them use our tech and equipment to record their weekly sermons and helping them upload it to YouTube.
Very busy today.
Started the day with running and hunting Doogan.

Then I sharpened the chain on my chainsaw.
I was thinking about a project.
That giant Sycamore that we cut down about A month ago, never did finish that.
This tree is 40" dia , and all I have is a 16" saw.
So I tackled it anyway.

Got it all cut up and moved except one last piece about 10 ft long.
Need a bigger saw.

That's hard work.
I'm tired .

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Went to the post office to pick up our mail and our neighbors, went to Pharmacy for husband's stuff, went to UHaul for book boxes and more tape. Packed more boxes. The realtor sent a handyman by to look at some gutter repair. Our neighbors are going "camping" with their trailer. All the parks are closed, so don't know where they are going, but the kids will be taking care of their chicks, chickens, herd of dogs, and two horses.
Brain is not working enough to come up with individual replies. LOL. I hate going to Walmart (although I admit, I do sometimes wear my pajamas because they are comfortable-- but mine are always very covering-- usually fuzzy pants & a long shirt). I always try to give people a wide berth. When I see people wearing their masks wrong, I just shake my head and move away. Too many of them are doing it & I don't want to get close enough to explain it to them.

I made stronganoff for Mom for lunch. I sauteed the mushrooms this time & she liked it better. Did a little more cleaning. Cuddled with Princess. Last night Fippy was jealous because Princess climbed on Mom's lap so I called him over to sit on my lap so he wouldn't be left out of getting cuddles. Later on when I went to bed, Princess wanted more cuddles & so did the cat (Rupert). They actually snuggled together a bit. Princess is in her blanket & pillow nest right now.
Started getting a cough about 30 min ago. I can feel a tickle/itch in my chest that is annoying. Nose running and allergies haven't been as bad today though. I took delsym last night and mucinex this afternoon. It's not a bad or consistent cough. Just every once in awhile & annoying.

I've given up on getting the fancy shower that is not in stock anymore for Mom. Not only is it hard to get bc it's out of stock, but the grab bar would conflict with the shelves. There's another option where the grab bar would work fine though & it's less expensive (although it's still $300 higher than it was a few years back when I first started researching). They say they've improved the design and shipping methods to prevent breakage though. I'm waiting for Mom to be in a good enough mood for me to talk to her about it. She went back to bed in a huff bc the TV was malfunctioning. Remote for the dish would turn the TV on & off, but volume wouldn't work. Used the TV's remote but none of the functions except on & off would work. I could see the receiver light on the TV blinking when buttons were pushed though. Friend suggested hitting specific buttons (after I sent him a pic of the remote & description of the problem). Didn't work. He then suggested using the buttons on the actual TV. I turned the TV on to go try it and on a lark tried the volume-- it worked. Now the other functions are working again & I don't know why. TV was just being uncooperative.

I'm chatting with my sister in a messenger app. She's growing strawberries in her new garden. Not sure how well they grow out in New Mexico. I think later tonight I'm going to break down and stack up empty cardboard boxes we've got from deliveries that are cluttering the living room.
@phideaux what do you use sycamore wood for? I looked it up and it is good for making butcher block cutting boards, but is also very hard to cut. You already know this, I'm learning.
From woodworking network: "Contemporary uses for American sycamore include lumber and veneer, paneling, interior trim, furniture parts, slack cooperage and fuel. The wood is hard and almost impossible to split, so it has been used for butcher blocks for many years."
Doogan is loving life.
@Patchouli ,
I never used Sycamore for anything.i can see where it would be good for cutting board. It's tough.

It reminds me a lot of Poplar, it doesn't take any finishing , other than paint.

I do burn what small limbs I have , I will not split it .
It doesn't make good fires either, burns fast and no heat. Like paper.

The huge pieces of log I moved today were placed in a place in the bank of the creek that was being undercut. They will eventually decompose.

In a nut shell ...it's junk.

Been working all week. Finally got all the material ordered for our Fire Department job to install antennas and radios in the new facility. This week I have been trying to locate the last 2 parts I needed. Everyone seemed out of stock and was calling for a 8 week lead time to deliver. Kept looking and finally found one of them and ordered. The second one was looking like a no go. But today found a replacement part that is very close in KC. Went ahead and ordered them. Both are scheduled to arrive next week. We were hoping to start the tower install next week, but I think pushing back one week will be OK. I had told the project manager that it looked like 8 weeks to go earlier this week and he accepted that. He'll be happy with 2 weeks.
After work went by Lowes and picked up the rest of my lumber to do the second raised bed. Picked up a few more plants as well. Wife got some flowers, I got basil, marigolds and purple coneflowers to put in the raised beds as compainion planting.
Been working all week. Finally got all the material ordered for our Fire Department job to install antennas and radios in the new facility. This week I have been trying to locate the last 2 parts I needed. Everyone seemed out of stock and was calling for a 8 week lead time to deliver. Kept looking and finally found one of them and ordered. The second one was looking like a no go. But today found a replacement part that is very close in KC. Went ahead and ordered them. Both are scheduled to arrive next week. We were hoping to start the tower install next week, but I think pushing back one week will be OK. I had told the project manager that it looked like 8 weeks to go earlier this week and he accepted that. He'll be happy with 2 weeks.
After work went by Lowes and picked up the rest of my lumber to do the second raised bed. Picked up a few more plants as well. Wife got some flowers, I got basil, marigolds and purple coneflowers to put in the raised beds as compainion planting.
BacP looks like you and the wife have a job cut out for you, buts it good to be able to do it,huh? :thumbs:
Been rather busy with medical appointments and DH had his stitches taken out, I had a skin cancer biopsy and got the results back and it is a pre cancerous growth so they are going to be cutting that out in mid May along with one on the hand on the same left side.

We have caught up with grocery shopping and all the restrictions have been driving me nuts but recently they took a lot of them off so I topped up on tinned vegetables and fruit we have used.

Today as a mark of respect for our diggers being Anzac Day here we didn't start any work here until after lunch but did watch the service on TV and observed our minutes silence. Lest we forget. I am sure that DH missed marching in the Anzac Day March and catching up with fellow military friends locally today.

After lunch I sorted the tinned mangoes and lychees in the walk in pantry room into date format. DH cut down some of our moving boxes we moved our belongings with to this home to make some storage boxes for the lychees and they look so much better in proper sized boxes. While I was there I also did a stocktake of all the tinned fruit in there at the same time to see what we need to purchase.

DH vacuumed the whole home. He put on his new wider no more flat wheelbarrow tyre (it is a solid tyre with no inner tube) on the wheelbarrow and now we should have a wheelbarrow that is much more serviceable with a metal rim, easier to push and more stable with heavy loads in it.

While he was doing that I replanted some more dwarf bean seeds that didn't come up using some saved seeds we had from the gardens in our previous home. I weeded the whole garden bed before I planted. DH then cut back some of the tomato vines away from the capsicum plants and I weeded that whole garden too and while I was at it I ate a few ripe cherry tomatoes off the vines. Happy to say we have some large and small capsicums growing on our vines and they have lots of flowers on them :). I then watered in the newly planted bean seeds with saved rainwater as well as the capsicums.

I turned on the drip irrigation system to water the vegetable gardens for DH and he hand watered the potted fruit trees.

Tonight's dinner will be rump steak, eggs and steamed frozen mixed vegetables.
Rain again this morning.
Everything is soggy outside.

No plans for today.

May drive to the city ,Paducah, just to see what's happening.
Friend went yesterday and says things look normal , people running around like nothing has happened.

May go get one of those Chicago hot dogs thru the window.

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Been rather busy with medical appointments and DH had his stitches taken out, I had a skin cancer biopsy and got the results back and it is a pre cancerous growth so they are going to be cutting that out in mid May along with one on the hand on the same left side.

We have caught up with grocery shopping and all the restrictions have been driving me nuts but recently they took a lot of them off so I topped up on tinned vegetables and fruit we have used.

Today as a mark of respect for our diggers being Anzac Day here we didn't start any work here until after lunch but did watch the service on TV and observed our minutes silence. Lest we forget. I am sure that DH missed marching in the Anzac Day March and catching up with fellow military friends locally today.

After lunch I sorted the tinned mangoes and lychees in the walk in pantry room into date format. DH cut down some of our moving boxes we moved our belongings with to this home to make some storage boxes for the lychees and they look so much better in proper sized boxes. While I was there I also did a stocktake of all the tinned fruit in there at the same time to see what we need to purchase.

DH vacuumed the whole home. He put on his new wider no more flat wheelbarrow tyre (it is a solid tyre with no inner tube) on the wheelbarrow and now we should have a wheelbarrow that is much more serviceable with a metal rim, easier to push and more stable with heavy loads in it.

While he was doing that I replanted some more dwarf bean seeds that didn't come up using some saved seeds we had from the gardens in our previous home. I weeded the whole garden bed before I planted. DH then cut back some of the tomato vines away from the capsicum plants and I weeded that whole garden too and while I was at it I ate a few ripe cherry tomatoes off the vines. Happy to say we have some large and small capsicums growing on our vines and they have lots of flowers on them :). I then watered in the newly planted bean seeds with saved rainwater as well as the capsicums.

I turned on the drip irrigation system to water the vegetable gardens for DH and he hand watered the potted fruit trees.

Tonight's dinner will be rump steak, eggs and steamed frozen mixed vegetables.

Sewing, glad the hubby got his stitches out but sorry you got more skin cancer,its the curse of the paleskin I guess, I have a couple more too tha needs seeing to but no going to doctor anytim soon.:huggs:
Sipping coffee this rain free day.
I was blessed yesterday with free fruits and vegetables.
So will be working on that this afternoon.
I was blessed with 10 pounds of potatoes, 3 pounds of onions, oranges, 2 loaves of bread, 5 pounds of halos, 5 pounds of bananas,5-7 pound head of cabbage, 1 head of iceberg lettuce. Now what to do with the cabbage.
Haven't had cabbage rolls in while, nor cole slaw, maybe stir fry too.
Wonder if you can dehydrate it? Make saurkraut?

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