What's everybody doing today?

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Got so tickled at one of our farming friends...met him down at the store and he had about 10 or 12 large containers of baby powder in his hands, waiting to check out...he laughed when he saw us and said he "Powders the dickens out of his baler when he is baling and using mesh, keeps it from wadding up"....figure he must be doing oats....
@Sewingcreations15 Glad your hubby got his stiches out.. hope it goes smoothly for you in May.

@phideaux Good going with that 16inch bar on your saw. Most folks rarely need anything longer, how often do I cut down or up anything larger than 30inch in diameter? Almost never. That said I’d rather run a longer bar and chain that the saw calls for. 98% of the cutting I do is small stuff or just brush. A longer bar gets the tip of the saw away from my toes! I detest get my feet tangled in brush or cut limbs with the tip of the saw so close. It also gives me reach advantage when clearing a fence line… I’ll tolerate a saw on the verge of being overloaded in exchange for the lengh.

A quiet day here. It rained a little about daylight. Weatherman said a cloudy morning and then sun for the next 4 days. It’s afternoon now but every time I look out it has clouded over again. I waiting to take the peeps back down to the main pen.

It’s time for them to learn to roost from the older hens and how to be chickens. I still haven’t found my trap setters but I’ve been checking outside the pen, nothing has been sneaking around so I guess it’s okay (no tracks).

So, in a holding pattern before I take the peeps down to the pen…
I don't know, what am I doing? Drove to a place where it says on their website they will process your vehicle registration renewal. Of course I didn't call first, and surprise, they don't do it at that location, but had a nice drive by myself, half hour down and half hour back. Came home and did it online. Last time I did it online it didn't go through and I had to go to the court annex to retrieve my sticker. I think it will go this time because now it is gaah QUARANTINE.
I guess that is almost over though in most states.
Got a roast ready for crock pot and that is cooking. Beautiful day out.
Don't want to clean but it looks like that's what's on the schedule, by me. I do have chairs to work on and that's on the list too.
Went to big city of Paducah to scope out the shelter home situation.
I kid you not, it was too busy for me, we never got out of car but checked out the crowds at both Lowe's, Home Depot and both Walmarts, ALL parking lots packed, people by the thousands flowing in and out of the stores. The waiting line at one Walmart to get in, only one entrance, was all the way to next parking lot. According to my gun range , that line was 100 yards long.

We left Paducah, went to the Hot dog , Pizza place, decided on pizza, Chicago pizza , ( curb side only)called him from parking lot, he said 30 min, we went riding, came back , he brought them out, I said , don't you need help sweeping the floor , I hate eating in car.

Just us and him...nice comfy booth in back room.
I know him personally.

Great pizza.

Came home ,45 min ride.
Let Doogan run a little , before the rain started again.

Ok day.

Boxing, boxing, and more boxing. Got 1/3 of the man cave boxed. Husband wanted me to bring stuff in the bedroom on the bed, so he could look at it. He did that with two bed loads, then I gave up. Just boxing everything. We will never ever move if we have to discuss every object. So now the house is piled up with boxes, so time to order pod #1 soon and get some of it out of here.
Strawberry is worn out.
Grand daughter and her daddy were by today.
They left a bit ago.
This Granny is tired too,
Walked quite a bit today.
Correction, ran after grand daughter.
We played hide and seek, so cute to her her count.
Numbers all over the place.
I hid around corner of house, where I could see her but she couldn't see me.
She found Strawberry right away, course Strawberry was barking.
Then she found her dad.
But she had to look for Granny.
She started to cry because she lost Granny.
Granny got big hug when she "found" Granny.
Dishes are washed. Draining in the dish drainer.
Cut up about a 1/3 cup of cabbage for home made Curried Pork Stir Fry.
Got a load of laundry going.
Going to read forums for awhile.
Get this load of laundry in dryer.
Might start another load, might not.
Drinking a diet Pepsi, resting.
Worked a little on my second raised bed. Cut some lumber, assembled one end. Then it started raining. Wife and I set under the deck and watched it rain, saw four deer head into the woods, then come out later after the rain quit. Rolled out some chicken wire and cut enough to pout in the bottom of bed one. Got that installed then layered in all the cardboard I had on hand. Got the entire bottom covered. Then the rain came back. Just sitting on the couch listening to a STYX concert on You Tube. Having one fine evening.
Mo, that's sweet that you played hide & seek with your granddaughter.

My brain is still not working. Yesterday was a total waste. I woke up with lower abdominal pain that extended to my back and all the way down. Lying down made it worse. Then I started having bad coughing fits. Took Delsym & Mucinex. Started sneezing so I took low dose allergy meds, but before it could really digest I started coughing so hard I threw up. Got some more cough drops out. Took a naproxyn & waited for it to kick in. When it finally did I went back to sleeping. Mom woke me up sometime in the evening wanting food & was angry that I wasn't up to cooking. I reheated some leftover stroganoff but she was still cranky about it. Went back to sleep. She woke me again, not sure what time, because she meant to call my brother but hit the wrong number on the phone's intercom system. She apologized & let me go back to sleep. I just woke up & I'm tired but feeling better. As annoying as the coughing and throwing up was, it wasn't as bad as the bronchitis I had a couple years back where I was hallucinating.

Hope everyone else is doing better.
Z, Feel better soon, it's terrible not be able to sleep and to feel bad. Another day of rain and gloom forecast for today. Aleve, then some breakfast, Church TV at 1:00. I see lots of reading in the rocker today, then pizza for Sunday supper, it's a long standing tradition :)

It's this kinda day:

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Z, Feel better soon, it's terrible not be able to sleep and to feel bad. Another day of rain and gloom forecast for today. Aleve, then some breakfast, Church TV at 1:00. I see lots of reading in the rocker today, then pizza for Sunday supper, it's a long standing tradition :)

It's this kinda day:

View attachment 40709

Ecen the dogis tired of this lockdown.
Also Dadem good title for Z thanksa couple less letters for me to tpe on keyboard. A do liek his name though, liek my little great grandson Zane aka Tarzan.Last Zane I remember was Zane Grey theatre,

Our baby boy has a full soft & wavy head of hair and his Momma likes it. She takes him in to her salon once a month to get it trimmed up. Well thanks to the coronavirus it was starting to look like hippie hair, so I took him outside and used the trimmer on him. The ground looked like the floor of an Army barber shop in the late 1960's. Now he keeps rubbing his head while his Mom keep saying she misses his soft & wavy brown hair. I don't think I saw a barber until I was 13 and never saw one again after 17.

Otherwise today is just a normal Sunday: online church, family time, and rest/relaxation.
Just got another grocery delivery we ordered this morning same lady about 45 and a little extra weight but she is fast and efficient. She called said she was on the way and ask about a couple items she got the replacements and was on her way she was here in record time!We gave her a tip both times and she was very pleased. Almost no cash left so hope we didn't spoil her.
Wiped it down wirh bleach rag ;bleach is almost gone and can't find anymore, .
Sooooo many construction projects lined up! I have a LOT of machinery/equipment to repair, also. Overtime $$ at work has slowed down, so I am thankful for all the "side-hustles" that keep extra money coming in. I haven't had any problems getting the groceries I need.

Hi LinkT haven't seen you that I know of in years and that was the other site.
Thanks Dademoss. Love that picture.
I'm feeling better but still tired. After I posted last night, Mom asked me to put away the rice my brother cooked. He felt too sick to put it away. She said he'd been coughing a lot & his eyes were bloodshot & puffy. She was worried about him. So, I put the rice away & went back to bed. Woke up after 4pm & took my meds. Have to wait 45 min to eat. I realize I didn't eat at all yesterday but I don't feel hungry. Just sleepy. But I don't feel bad-- if that makes any sense. Princess has been trying to hint to me that she wants me to get up, but she is polite enough to not disturb me. She just cuddles me and gets hopeful, then moves somewhere else to lie down. She's racked out next to my feet right now.
Tomorrow I'll have to go to the post office & then to the store to get more hamburger meat & bread.
Saturday we spent the day tearing out the pool deck. We got rid of the pool years ago so now the deck has to go. At least some of it. Hopefully we'll be able to save a lot of the beams. They looked in pretty good shape. I'd like to use some of it for container gardening

Today was a regular sunday.
Listening to service on the radio
Made supper now just need to get hubby's lunch ready and the coffee pot set

I want to go to the local grocery store in the morning. Their shopping time is 6-7 am for us old people lol
I plan to go whether I get up in time for that either way
Not much today..dreary cloudy cold day.
We went to drive in church 11-12 o'clock.
Came home had good reheated left over Chicago pizza for lunch.

Spent most of the rest of the day with the hound dog.

Watching King Kong on tv.

Just had some home popped popcorn and ice tea.

Gotta plan for tomorrow..haha..plan ...never.
It's is Saturday tomorrow .

We could use a week of no rain...
Warm temps so I can replant the green beans and peas.

Y'all have a blessed evening and a happy tomorrow.

Chickens are sooo dumb, it’s funny sometimes. I knew it’d be a pain getting the peeps to sleep in the main coop their first night. After I got all of them into to the coop I pulled out my secret weapon. I have a battery powered camping lantern with a heavy base. I also have some red tape used for a cracked tail light. Since the peeps have slept under a red heat lamp most of their lives I stuck tail light tape on one side of the lantern. I set it on the ground outside the coop. Just like I planned the peeps gathered into a mass by the red light on a pile of dry wood shavings I’d put down. After it was good and dark I turned off the lantern and came home. They never made a sound, most were asleep.

Other than tricking silly chickens I didn’t do much today, rested and watched tv.
Zannej, hope you and your brother feel better soon!

Did 45 minutes of videos this morning and then watched Church on you tube.

Weeded in garden and then planted some extra seed potatoes that have been sitting for a few days.

Made oven dehydrated sweet potato slices for dog treats and then made Okra Cornmeal Cakes with frozen okra from last years garden.

Sat outside this afternoon with the neighbors--social distancing, of course. It was a beautiful day outside!
Spent part of the day outside with Strawberry and grand daughter.
Spent part of the day getting cabbage ready for dehydrator.
It's going now, 5 trays of cabbage.
Made a big pot of leftover curried pork chops vegetable soup in pressure cooker/canner.
Will eat on that for several days.
Will be cutting up more cabbage for portion size stir fry and freezing that, maybe.
Getting ready for bed, I'm exhausted.
Strawberry went to bed before son and grand daughter pulled out of parking lot.
Got most of the man cave boxed. Maybe another hour in there tomorrow and I'll be done with that room. Daughter that's been in Alaska came by for her car that she left here, and it was great to see her. Little granddaughter in trouble all day long. Not doing her simple chores, not going for her run. She ended up doing things, but with big dramatic tears. She had a talking to about helping out and responsibility. Too bad she was raised this long with the opposite. But her sibling went through the same thing when they first moved in with us.
Boy, I would put you to work, Patchouli. Over 20 yrs in about 3700 sq ft. Cleaning out and packing is a mess. Husband is calling to get our first pod, since we are starting to walk in a maze around here, just being wide enough for his walker. Youngest daughter is packing her apartment...moving to Arizona the first part of June.
Homeschooling starts in a couple of hours, still working on my coffee. Little granddaughter has two zoom meetings today, one for school, one for Heritage Girls. Grandson has a boy scout zoom meeting. I'll need to get to the post office for mail pickup for us and neighbor today. And husband ordered food from Sams that will be ready for pickup at 2. It'll be interesting to see what we end up getting. I am determined to finish the man cave today. Need to take down some blinds that are broken from the squirrel. Need to figure out how to pack a number of ham radio antennas. Need to pack reloading supplies that are really heavy. And need to clean the room, baseboards, carpets, touch up paint.
I like to be ready and to prepare early to get the hell out of here soon as I feel like it is safe or less change of getting hit by this mysterious crap if it is even real so we may all be running from some cooked up sceme to bring us all down or is it possibly real,who the heck knows.:dunno:

Either way I am packing up my tent, a few camping things like coleman stove, camp coffee pot and AC window unit, plus the little 'Cool Brezze' @Angie recommended.
Of ourse some food and clothes. Hubby could stay here till the cows we don't have come home,not me! He is more Home ON The Range type and I was born under a wondering star.
We may just ride to the beach 'less than 2 hours away' or go to Atlanta.

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