We started off the morning with our usual hot chocolates . Then we had a phone call from the neurosurgeon for DH for a phone consultation for his pending operation for his brain aneurysm.
We then got ready quickly as we were running short on time to get to DH's physiotherapy appointment and made it just in time. DH feels like he was prodded with a porcupine again as usual and is usually sore after each session as they work on his pressure points. They discussed his exercise regime to strengthen his muscles around his injured areas. She also approved of our firewood cutting and log rolling as a way for him to strengthen his muscles

After his session was finished we went for a walk to buy our 4 TB external hard drive for his PlayStation and also purchased a surge protector power board too for the home. Our area has regular brown outs and mini power outages so it saves all of our electrical appliances being wrecked.
Next stop was a quick stop into IGA where we picked up some good markdowns on a topside roast, blocks of chocolate and a jam and cream sponge roll and I also picked up some fruit as well.
As we were also driving past Woolworths we stopped in there and purchased a few little things we were running low on. Outside we ran into some friends we haven't seen for some time as they have been in quarantine due to the virus with both having immunity issues. Fantastic to catch up and chat at a distance and we have arranged to go over there for dinner and a catch up. We usually take a homemade dessert along with us for the meal.
We then drove home and I packed away all the groceries.
Out again as we were meeting with the property managers of a business we are cutting firewood at with permission. We passed all the biosecurity and security checks with the property manager and they took photos of our car number plate too in case someone asks what we are doing there so we have clearance . They gave us the rundown of the property and areas where we can and can't go and where there is water too. We shall text them with a time we are going to be there to commence firewood cutting tomorrow.
After we got home we rested for a while and got on the marinated top roast on to cook in the nutrioven and put on homegrown broad beans, turnips, sweet potato and silverbeet on to steam for our vegetables.