What's everybody doing today?

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Tomorrow is gonna be busy , leaving at 9am for VA in Marion Illinois.(1 1/2hr)
Defibalater interagation , to try an figure out what rythym my heart was in when the tachycardia happened. I guess that will tell them more about what happened and what can prevent it.

Gotta stop at hospital on the way home for more lab work, with new meds .

Then go to Home Depot for flooring, new toilet, and paint for our main bathroom.

Hope I get to eat some where ,. Sometime during the day.

Then get on home.

Whewww...long day tomorrow.


Got it done.

@Meerkat ,
I've had my defibalater 6 years and the battery is still good for 6 more years.
They can pull info from it and tell everything my heart has done.

So last night at midnight I woke to dogs fighting. Got up figuring hubby forgot to tie the dog. Checked and he was tied so went back to bed - fell back to sleep after an hour and a half. :( This morning, I heard it again and figured someone had dogs that didn't get along. Hubby got up before me and went out and the turd dog had a raccoon cornered. He had been torturing it all night. He doesn't bite - even when attacked - so got the worst end of the deal. I soaked his face and paws with epsom salt water. Dummy head dog!
So last night at midnight I woke to dogs fighting. Got up figuring hubby forgot to tie the dog. Checked and he was tied so went back to bed - fell back to sleep after an hour and a half. :( This morning, I heard it again and figured someone had dogs that didn't get along. Hubby got up before me and went out and the turd dog had a raccoon cornered. He had been torturing it all night. He doesn't bite - even when attacked - so got the worst end of the deal. I soaked his face and paws with epsom salt water. Dummy head dog!

Takes a really good dog to whip a grown raccoon.

I've seen one whip the crap outta 3 good coon dogs.

Road trip to KCMO.
Should have stayed home.
Picked up some Little Golden Books for Christmas gifts for Grand daughters.
Buy 4 get 1 free.
Left calf and ankle has been swollen since I fell.
Big toe nail on left foot is black and blue.
Left heel is still sore too.
Walked 4956 steps so far today.
Hopefully will hit closer to 6000 today, but will wait and see.
I got a man in my house again!!
I was wide awake at 4 am this morning, but that was ok. . . I only had 30 minutes left to sleep so got an early start. . . of coarse coffee but then went out to start feeding all the critters. Large cow pastures, pigs, goats, chickens, the mama cow with her heifer calf in the front pasture and goats. Came into shower and headed for my hunny. I so missed having him here at home with me. Check in visitor hour started at 7 am, I was 10 minutes from that so stood in line to get checked in. The only text I got from hunny was that he wanted a coke, so I filled his Yetti with ice cold Root beer that I had to sneak in my crochet bag. . . thankful the lady checking me in didn't notice. or at least she didn't say anything.
. I was able to get there early enough for the doctor visit. He pulled the device down and hunny will have to do that a couple times a day, but have to admit it looked painful. Hunny got released about 820 this morning with a couple prescriptions that needed to get picked up. His pharmacy didn't open till 9 so had to do a little waiting before heading home but not bad at all. Hunny is a little slow moving and sore but slow and steady wins the race eventually. He went straight for the recliner to watch tv. I went out to the garden to do my picking then inside to make sure he had everything he needed then lay down for an hour. Only a few hours sleep last night. . .it wasn't enough and took a small nap in that hour. Ended up canning 7 1/2 lbs of tomatoes into rotels, cream corn after cutting the corn of the cobs and some roast I defrosted because I wanted a fuller canner since cream corn is 95 minutes. I ended with the rotels which was only 1 1/2 canners full . . at only 10 minutes per load.Then went out to feed all the outside critters again which hunny went along with ne (probably to supervise :) and finish dinner. Started a pot roast before I left then added in potatoes. Baked spaghetti squash with butter, salt . pepper and rosemary, and cream corn. .Still need to do some more pickng of dry beans this evening. . . .
And still, you walk! @MoBookworm1957 you're something else.
I cry over mousetraps and worrying the wrens will get caught in them
I have to move because every joint I have ever injury has Arthritis in them.
I'm not saying I'm not in pain, because I am.
I walk for exercise for me and Strawberry.
I walk because of the Arthritis.
I walk because I have 5k coming up soon.
I'm old school Army broad, I was taught to push through the pain.
Don't want to lose the ability to walk, play with grand daughters.
Some day there might be electric wheelchair in my future, but not as long as I can walk,move.
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Looks like I’ve missed a bit.
@Dani Happy Birthday 🎂. Hope you did something fun- you sure do deserve it 😁
@Terri9630 You didn’t get permission from me to be sick so no more of that. I won’t allow it 🙄. (Hope you’re feeling better.)
@phideaux If you could only find doctors that would give you the care you give the vette . . . 😁.
@MoBookworm1957 Do take care of yourself. 🌺
@Patchouli That’s sweet- we’ve had 2 mice in the traps in the last 2 days, will see if there’s a third tomorrow. They are cute in a field but not in my house!
@Terri9630 You didn’t get permission from me to be sick so no more of that. I won’t allow it 🙄. (Hope you’re feeling better.)

Sorry mom... 🤭 I am feeling a bit better after my first dose of the meds. Let me tell you, I LOVE anti nausea meds. I ate a whole piece of toast today and it stayed where it should. It was the best food in the world! I did loose 14lbs this week but that's ok. I don't miss it.
Wow! You lost 14 lbs the hard way, Terri. Hope the meds work!

Patchouli, the wrens will just fly away...it will be ok. Our son has a mouse hunting dog, and he is incredibly fast. I just run a hose in a hole, and he bites them once, turns and piles them up, and goes after another. I've seen him bite one and put his paw on another in waiting while he's piling. We've done over 40 kills easy at a time. If we lived closer, I'd let you borrow him.
A very busy day and catching up with kids on their trip. Espcially the one daughter who for fist time in a few ywers had 11 whole days without her 4 grands and especially the 3 she has custody over past 10 months.
First time our 3 kids took a cacation together in decades. They see each other often like Thankjgiving.Son lives in Texas and his sisters really love thei brother.They live in Ga so see each other all the time.
Today was first time we have been in a grocery store since March 3nd. It was good to be back among the living.
Went to Home Depot for mower had to have a lawn mower because tics love high grass and are really bad this year. Just getting in the van hubby got a tic off him.
Took forever to get mower and attachments. People are really strange acting now and uptight.
A couple about my age broke in line so I told them I'm next in line and stepped up in front of them, rude nuts :waiting:.I had been outside in hoy humid lot looking at mowers for over an hour wasn't in mood for BS. But it ended ok and Lawn mower barly fit in my van so we had to rearange bed,potty, cooler, storage drawers,etc,etc,etc, to move and so it was stacked to the ceiling.and floor was packed too,I had to ride home with legs almost over my head.But it was a fun trip.Got home and unloaded most of grocery, but mower we will have to back up utility trailer to van ,put down trailer ramp then roll mower onto trailer . Pulaway from van let ramp down and drive mower off trailer. No strain no pain.
What little I do go out, I am always amazed at how many people are not wearing masks and the people who seem clueless about distancing. I have had to speak up more than once to let someone know I was in line, social distancing. When I went to pick up the trailer tires today, the shop was busy and there were people standing all around. I asked a woman if she was next. Yesterday, when I dropped them off, I had to let a guy know it was my turn, even if I was sitting down. The shop guy went outside to deal with something and was gone for about 10 minutes. I sat down to wait (bad back).
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I went out and scouted medicine plants for a while then went and harvested a basket of heal all. Scouted more plants after supper then started making tinctures. I have one more jar to fill before bedtime. I've made these since Friday, below.

Sitting here this evening... rubbed the back of my head and found a tic. He'd already bitten me, barely. He came out with a tiny chuck of skin. I really hate tics. I started dosing with usnea... best thing going if I do get Lyme.

Heal 3 (8) sm.jpg
You always have a little thing of grape tomatoes on your table. I eat them all the time too.
I have had a tick once since moving here, even for all the walks and hikes out in the meadows, woods, etc. You really don't need to get Lyme disease on top of what you already have so hush.
You always have a little thing of grape tomatoes on your table. I eat them all the time too.

I despise tomatoes from a store. Tomatoes from a garden I can make a meal of, love them. The little grape tomatoes are the only ones I'll eat during the winter. Don't have to peel them, just dice them for a salad or a blt sometimes.

Do you use dried or fresh product for your tinctures? I use dried.

I only use fresh plants for tinctures, even then I prefer wild plants I hunt in the woods or fields. I do grow a few herbs because it's more practical, like lemon balm and I have my own elderberry bushes. In my experience wild plants are, for lack of a better word, more complete than the same herb grown in a pot. "Complete" isn't even the right word... "More natural" is closer to what I'm trying to describe.
Went to meeting this morning at 0830 hours.
Stopped on way home picked up normal CSA boxes.
Was not happy when I got out of car.
Strawberry was howling.
Second time I left her in 3 weeks and she howls herself hoarse.
Got busy dividing up 10 pounds of chicken nuggets into 24 portion size for me and grand daughter.
Divided up 5 pounds of Alaska Pollack into 8 meal size portions for me.
Got to do something with another 5 pounds of potatoes.
Still got 3 pounds of blueberries to divide up into smoothie portions, but resting now.
Got the biggest turkey breast I have ever seen roasting /baking in the oven now.
That baby must be 10 pounds, also got butternut squash baking in oven too.
Hot rolls are raising.
My left leg, ankle, foot are swollen.
But Strawberry and I walked little less than 2000 steps so far today.
Yesterday we walked 2.14 miles, day before was 2.35 miles.
We won't hit that today, but that's okay too.
Strawberry and I did it.
We finally got our mile in today.
Just one but we keep on walking till I can't walk anymore today.
Planning on having easy day tomorrow.
Resting that ankle, foot.
Going to be elevating and icing it off and on all day tomorrow.
Kinda think I might have broke something in my foot when I fell.
Landed on that ankle pretty hard.
I have to share something nice. Too much ick going on. Yesterday after work, I stopped down town to get my dad a gift card for his b-day. As I was going in, people were courteous and smiling! There were still a few in masks and of course those working were wearing masks (state mandate:mad: ) but people were smiling and speaking to one another and eating icecream cones etc. There weren't as many people as one would usually find on our main street understandably, but it was pleasant. And did I mention people were smiling? We are hoping to move to phase three soon. Tomorrow is the soonest that we could "apply" to move to phase 3. We meet the criteria so fingers crossed by next week we can move a little closer to normal functioning.
Until next we meet~ keep smiling 😁
For the last 5 years I've been looking for a good used recreational vehicle (RV). I believe I've finally found one! On my first trip to the Dealer I've checked it over with a microscope (figurative sneaking), it passed my look over. On my second trip the wife agreed to come a long AND it passed her inspection too!!!!!

So in preparation of negotiating the price I called my my 401K Administrator. Where on their website is the form for me to withdraw funds? Administrator couldn't find the form online either, but said I could do it over the phone. Wonderful! Let's do that and put a hold on tranfersing the funds. Employer? I've been retired for almost a year. Oh...my former employer has not notified my 401K Administrator of my retirement so I can to with draw funds.

I call the CFO for my former employer. He states he has notified them soon after I retired. He will cal them and get this straighten out. CFO is a good guy and has his head served on straight. Meanwhile the RV purchase is on hold, I'm not going to risk a non-refundable downpayment until the 401K thing is resolved.
Smoky here this morning. For those who don't know Arizona has many wildfires burning across the state. None are near me but some are big and the smoke drifts for many miles. One fire is 90,000 acres and still growing fast. Several other smaller fires of around 5000 acres.
So far this year 170,000 acres have burned.
Slow day today.
The new window AC is working great in my shop, so I will go there and work another day cleaning and straightening up.

That's where I do all my ammo reloading , but I just can't until I get everything in place and clean.

Will go to Coppertop for BBQ lunch today.

Need to trim some low hanging limbs all over the farm, but dang , ticks are worst I've ever seen this year.

Maybe later this fall.

Gotta work on my bush hog mower before September, I backed it up too hard against a tree and bent the 3 point frame a bit. That's gonna be a b####.

Y'all neednthang holler.

Did long video, then went for short walk. Hip is feeling better. Those long car rides are not good!

Trimmed some branches over sidewalks at Church this morning and may weed again. I got a great deal done yesterday in the weeding dept.

Going to make Caramelized Onion Jam with Balsamic Vinegar today. Doing something with the onions that were gifted last week.
Did long video, then went for short walk. Hip is feeling better. Those long car rides are not good!

Trimmed some branches over sidewalks at Church this morning and may weed again. I got a great deal done yesterday in the weeding dept.

Going to make Caramelized Onion Jam with Balsamic Vinegar today. Doing something with the onions that were gifted last week.
Drove 11 hrs. the other day and Monday get to drive about 9-10 hrs. Ugh! Most of the time it's not toooo bad. I sleep like a rock then stretch a lot the next day! Not excited about the Monday trip - over to Looneyville and back.

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