What's everybody doing today?

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@phideaux How are you and the beautiful mrs doing today?
Smoke rolled in last night pretty thick again. Sure am thankful for the masks we now have. Moon was an eerie red last night. We have a week of under 100* and then it’s going back up over 100*. Going to take advantage of the under 100* and get caught up on cattle work. Got so much tractor work done yesterday. Really takes a load off.
Calves are happy the creep feeder is filled again. I wasn’t about to hand bucket 250# barrels of feed into their feeder. So first thing when the tractor got home was filled feeders and top of supplements.
Hope everyone has a great day and all my friends who are injured and or sick are feeling better. Hugs to everyone! 🤗
Not much today.
We are just going to set around and relax. Been another rough week.
Wife got up naseus this morning.
Gonna be a nasty day ,hot and humid, as it rained all day yesterday.
Probly work on the cross draw holster some more today, cause I get bored.
Watching Andy and Barney for a while.

Have had a headache be for about a week .

Y'all have a great day ...and think ... Christmas.


Our posts crossed. I’m sorry to hear this. Do you have any papaya tablets? Maybe she can take those for the nausea? Always helps me.
Sorry to hear about your headache. That’s miserable. Just one more thing right now 🙁
Christmas..... I’m ready for it but not. Been trying to figure out what I’m making for everyone on the list and drawing a blank this year. To hard to get supplies at this point. But it’s coming fast!
What are you making your holster out of?
K is working so the girls and I are on our own. They are helping with their laundry and cleaning their rooms. I am going through boxes and clearing off my dining room table. I was just stacking pantry food storage on it when this pandemic bs started and I never put it away. I have been using things off the table but not really doing anything about the clutter. Who would be coming over for dinner when we are suppose to social distance. :rolleyes:

K wants to get a new handgun for the collection. We have long guns currently since I sold off my black powder guns when Roo was born (I used them for faire). I talked him into 2 new handguns. He agreed if we got a new gun safe and had the cash for all of this. I have a stash of cash just for guns and ammo. He was surprised by that. I had to remind him I come from a family that hunted to put food on the table when I was young. That and micro farmed. So he is looking around for what he wants before we buy.

I am working to reduce our use of one time items in the kitchen. I started in March to replace things we used once and threw out with reusable replacements to cut back on our waste of the shopping budget. The budget is staying the same but the funds used for ziplocks and the like will be put back in for food and preps. So far we are on our last box of ziploc bags. I have glass storage containers and stashers silicone bags as replacements. So far so good.
@Amish Heart I have seen a lot of people here over the years put goats, bottle calves and even piglets in their car trunk. I couldn’t imagine the mess by the time they got home. Even seen them put them inside the car.

I took the grandkids to a stockyard and saw a little baby bull being kicked around by the workers, bought it for $6 and put it in the backseat floor with a couple grnd to get it home, no mess at all. Guess they were starving him. He never got his mothers milk so he cost me about $400 to try and save him. He lived long enough o gain about 200 lb.s. Then died .
Goat in the trunk? I've seen it before. I heard a story about a LEO stopping a vehicle once that was bouncing around. Seems there was a sheep in the trunk, on the way to be slaughtered and eaten for some Middle Eastern celebration. Driver told trooper, "No English." Trooper said, "Jail." All of a sudden driver understood English.

My first and last goat was brought home jumped in back windowsheild area for the ride home. We use to lay in tha windshield area too,lots of room back there.
@Double R , no papaya, she is taking Zofran.
She had a really good day yesterday. No such luck today.
I went to check salt level in water softener, and found that it was off.
Think it is all part of that lightning strike last Saturday.

Tried to fix it .
The 24v transformer adapter is dead.

Run over to local Ace to see if they had one , nope.
Hope the control circuit is ok.
Gotta order the xfmr on Monday, $32 .

Then it was lunch time, had homemade Veggie soup and sandwich.

I made the holster out of leather. Nothing fancy , quick ,easy, just functional. I'm lefty , this is about a 30 deg can't for lefty crossdraw.

I'm going to put a wrap stitch all the around edges.

Kept me from getting bored. First time I've done any leather in over 5 years.

I need to do some ammo reloading., But it's not in the house.

Ahaaa, you're a southpaw! @phideaux
Took daughter to work, went to the store for some odds and ends, fresh produce.
Put stuff away, brushed the dog, gave her a bath. When we took her for shots a few weeks ago, the one vet tech GUY had to sneak up behind her to grab her, and two guys held on to her while a female vet tech gave her the shots. They weren't very happy with me and said I'd have to make sure she was sedated next time and that she needs to always wear a muzzle when away from the house. Immediately after the shots, the male tech put her down and she turned around and covered him with licks. BEST FRIENDS.

She always did fine with shots at the vet's office but we've been doing the cheaper clinic where you drive to a feed store and they're doing it on the parking lot. She hates that. HATES IT. And she did try to bite the female tech first go round, even though I had put the muzzle on her TIGHT.
She's got problems. Will not shake off the water while still in the tub, waits until she's out of the tub. I have tried blowing in her face, her ears, turning her ears inside out, refuses to shake the water off.
Doesn't mind taking a walk in the morning but evening might mean fireworks (still freaked from July 4) so she refuses to go for a walk then.
Ahaaa, you're a southpaw! @phideaux
Took daughter to work, went to the store for some odds and ends, fresh produce.
Put stuff away, brushed the dog, gave her a bath. When we took her for shots a few weeks ago, the one vet tech GUY had to sneak up behind her to grab her, and two guys held on to her while a female vet tech gave her the shots. They weren't very happy with me and said I'd have to make sure she was sedated next time and that she needs to always wear a muzzle when away from the house. Immediately after the shots, the male tech put her down and she turned around and covered him with licks. BEST FRIENDS.

She always did fine with shots at the vet's office but we've been doing the cheaper clinic where you drive to a feed store and they're doing it on the parking lot. She hates that. HATES IT. And she did try to bite the female tech first go round, even though I had put the muzzle on her TIGHT.
She's got problems. Will not shake off the water while still in the tub, waits until she's out of the tub. I have tried blowing in her face, her ears, turning her ears inside out, refuses to shake the water off.
Doesn't mind taking a walk in the morning but evening might mean fireworks (still freaked from July 4) so she refuses to go for a walk then.

Our dogs won't shake either in the shower I think its deliberate to wet us. I evn demonstrated how to shake,they just looked at me like I was having a fit.
YES, me too. She shook early on, right after I got her wet and had started soaping her up.

I finally put water out for the birds. Goldfinches, a robin, and a cardinal so far. I'm surprised there aren't more. The clear bottled solution for hummingbirds was sold out and I guess I'll have to start making my own solution for that. They'll be around until mid-October. It keeps me busy to fuss over the animals and plants.
My son and his wife came over and helped me get the windows and doors taped up for the third time and we painted three of the four outside walls today. It went fast with all three of us working. It looks good in blue with white trim. I already pulled the masking of the windows and door so it looks finished except the one lonely side ... I'll do that tomorrow and then touch up some oopsies on the trim. Right now I have tools to put away and a mess to clean up.
Had to work today with a crew of 5 blended from 3 different groups. Things went grat, we got 75% of it done today. The guys are gonna finish up tomorrow. Everyone worked well together and some guys did this while others did that. Good bunch of guys. Other than a union steward causing trouble today went well. Well other than trying to pass 3/8" coax thru 2 blocks walls seperated by no more than a foot that we didn't expect. Got that accoumplished with only about an hour lost time. Got it all treated for firestop too.
Wife wasn't happy I was gone all day, but she canned 5 more jars of maters. Got 17 out of a bushel.
Well yesterday went Okay..... It would be clear, go outside to start working and rain would start (I was beginning to think it was the neighbor with a hose). Finally, got to do a little outside, was able to cut the ends and back of the island. It was HOT and MUGGY, I was soaked from my head to my socks by the time I put the tools away. In the house I was able to finish the island base and attach it to the floor. The wife make a batch of venison stew in the instant pot, it was great! In the evening I assembled the Island sides and back. Carried that over to the island and installed it, fit like a tight glove. I got them anchored and had time to install the 3 cabinets inside, they just fit. I ran out of the screws that I was using to tie everything together. Made a run to the lumber store, was able to get the screws, the butcher block finish, and the other things from the list of needs to finish job. Got home by 9, gave the wife a back adjustment and then realized that I hurt everywhere, called it a night. This morning I woke up with a head ach like I got my head stuck in a vise and someone is trying to pull my teeth out through my ears…. May not be the best day to be around people.
Back in ER with wife .
For 4th time since 8/7.
Been downhill since the stone crusher on Thursday.
They just can't get her fixed right.

Getting ready to lawyer up for hospital malpractice.

My best friend , Doc , said he would help.

This is ridiculous.

Prayers appreciated.


You and the wife are in our thoughts and prayers.
Built a new garden bed and filled it with saffron crocus yesterday. Lots of space for a small yield, but worth it if it takes, and the bulbs will multiply over time. Today, meeting a friend of mine in the morning to train the dogs and then probably just playing in the garden and doing some transplanting in between laundry loads and getting ready for another week of work.
K wants to get a new handgun for the collection. We have long guns currently since I sold off my black powder guns when Roo was born (I used them for faire). I talked him into 2 new handguns. He agreed if we got a new gun safe

Aren't gun prices at a premium right now? I read yesterday or day before that 5 million people purchased guns this year. A month ago I noticed the display case at the local gun shop was mostly empty. The prices of what they did have seemed high. I'm not in the market, just curious.
It is an absolute beautiful day out today.
Harvested green beans, tomatoes and more sweet peppers early this morning.
Made our breakfasts
While hubby was feeding the dogs and charging the gate opener I was attacking the wisteria that was trying to grow across the driveway and gate.
Its been too hot and humid to deal with it but its gone now. Gate looks completely different now lol
Completely filled up the bucket of the bobcat. Hubby took it down into the woods to get rid of it all. Also added some of the green bean plants that were finished so I pulled those.
I'm inside now because I had to get hubby's laundry going and its almost lunchtime so I need to make a salad
Still have to snap some beans for supper which I will be doing out on the porch. Its too darn nice to be inside.
Also have to cut up a cantaloupe for hubby's lunch this week.
Hubby is mowing the field and then plans to mow the yard.
The pups are passed out in their playpen in the sun just enjoying life lol
Have to run to walmart tomorrow in the rain for some storage supplies. Large and small containers are on the list.
Everyone take care and get well
Glad they found the embolism and the fracture. But I though they had just done fracture repair? Sometimes you gotta get mean to get their attention and make them listen.
Prayers going up for you guys
Yes Aug 7th repairs T9 and T10.
That's what started all this. Pneumonia, colon infection, aortic aneurysm,
Now a new fracture ?? I wonder....how new, and left lung blood clot.

They will most likely do surgery tomorrow on the L4.

4 surgeries in 3 weeks.


Which reminds me, I need to call a few people today and see how they're getting along in their recovery.
Sometimes the drugs used for one condition cause problems in other areas and it turns into a nasty circle or problems.
Praying for your wife and you, Jim. And hoping the hands that take care of her are experienced and healing.
The 2020 figures to date add up to almost 23 million background checks. The real kicker is that 5 million of those are for folks who bought their first gun in the first 7 months of the year. I think that is the greatest help the right to keep and bear arms has seen in the century.
These folks found out how hard it is to buy a gun and revealed the lies that it is "easier to get a gun than check out a library book."
The lies the left has told for years are now understood by 5 million more people - 70% of whom were women.

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