What's everybody doing today?

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Took the wife out yesterday for BarB que. Her favorite.
She was wiped out when we got home , but enjoyed her bar-b-que.
I took the golf cart out for a spin , after fixing the flat tire, and took Doogan for his daily run.
Plugged the charger in to golf cart ...it buzzed and kicked it's breaker. Cart ran good , so doubt it's a battery. Suspect mice have caused a short somewhere. It never ends. I gotta move to town.

Daughter called , wants us over for lunch today , after church. If wife is up to it, will probably go.

Hope y'all have a great day.

Stay safe....holler ifin ya need me.

Today is Sunday, so we will be doing church and bible study, everything else will need to be worked in around that.

Yesterday I pulled 3 bags of weeds (a lot of that poke weed :( ), got all the shelves from the pantry washed, some will need replacing. I got the final pieces of drywall up including the end of the wall, put the corner guards on and got the first coat of mud on. Son put grout on the backsplash, he will need to clean it up a little today; if he ever gets home from his friends house... Today, I hope to do wiring in the attic, hang about 5 lights, and get the lawn mowed... The wife is focused on organizing the new pantry and she wants my work table removed so we can get the kitchen table out of the living room....
Isn't "tomorrow" the BEST day of the week ;)
Well, the kitchen is nearing completion and bow season starts on Friday :archery: :woo hoo::clapping: . Not that I'm looking forward to going out and sitting in a tree or anything :devil:. BUT, I am a man of my word, I said that I would finish by hunting season. The kitchen will either be done on Thursday or I will be done with the kitchen on thursday, either way work is gona stop...

Clarning the cabinets is what we need to do , yessterday I made a big pot of chicken,sausage rice and when reaching up to get an extra large stainless casarole pan it was covered with spider webs and dust where it was leaning up against the wall.So no more putting off taking EVERYTHING out of cabinets and thourough cleaning above and inside.
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Took the wife out yesterday for BarB que. Her favorite.
She was wiped out when we got home , but enjoyed her bar-b-que.
I took the golf cart out for a spin , after fixing the flat tire, and took Doogan for his daily run.
Plugged the charger in to golf cart ...it buzzed and kicked it's breaker. Cart ran good , so doubt it's a battery. Suspect mice have caused a short somewhere. It never ends. I gotta move to town.

Daughter called , wants us over for lunch today , after church. If wife is up to it, will probably go.

Hope y'all have a great day.

Stay safe....holler ifin ya need me.


Glad yall had a good day and hope you find a great way to go or to stay put. As if life ain't throwing enough hurddles we also have to make arrangements to possibly leave out homes that are work loads or set up to stay:huh::fun fun::thumbs:.
Glad yall had a good day and hope you find a great way to go or to stay put. As if life ain't throwing enough hurddles we also have to make arrangements to possibly leave out homes that are work loads or set up to stay:huh::fun fun::thumbs:.

Well I don't know how exactly, yet, to downsize enough where we are.
We hate to leave here, so maybe just get rid of everything we don't necessarily need.
But it's rained every week , almost everyday , so the perimeter jungle is taking over.

We went and looked at 2 nice houses in town yesterday, liked both...then found out they're both under contract.
I swear there are no houses around here for sale. I'm also seeing that everything listed is selling quick , 30 days.

Never thought we would have trouble moving to town.
Everybody says, our place would sell quick and high dollars.
Maybe it's cause interest rates are low 2.5% or less.

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Well I don't know how exactly, yet, to downsize enough where we are.
We hate to leave here, so maybe just get rid of everything we don't necessarily need.
But it's rained every week , almost everyday , so the perimeter jungle is taking over.

We went and looked at 2 nice houses in town yesterday, liked both...then found out they're both under contract.
I swear there are no houses around here for sale. I'm also seeing that everything listed is selling quick , 30 days.

Never thought we would have trouble moving to town.
Everybody say , our place would sell quick and high dollars.
Maybe it's cause interest rates are low 2.5% or less.


Us too Jim I was looking at the forest again this morning coming over our fence.:gardening:. Just a couple years ago we had attacked it with pruning shears and clippers,but it is gettting to where trees are coming through no way can we keep acting like human front end loaders.Then we have to pull all the limbs,brush out and cart it off. Ain't gonna happen!

2 years ago, all this did was make the forest more healthy, so now its even thicker now that we'er sicker:blow up:!

Strawberry has been walked earlier this morning.
She has snoozed in the sun for 30 minutes this morning.
I'm sipping on my second pot of coffee.
Got supper simmering in the crock pot.
If I hadn't packed my favorite cookbook might look up recipe for basic cake.
Or not.
Listening to the silence so far in the neighborhood.
Dab of dishes are done.
Kicked back and relaxing today.
Working on Christmas crochet blankets.
Strawberry has been walked earlier this morning.
She has snoozed in the sun for 30 minutes this morning.
I'm sipping on my second pot of coffee.
Got supper simmering in the crock pot.
If I hadn't packed my favorite cookbook might look up recipe for basic cake.
Or not.
Listening to the silence so far in the neighborhood.
Dab of dishes are done.
Kicked back and relaxing today.
Working on Christmas crochet blankets.

What is the name of the cookbook? Maybe someone else has it and can look the recipe up for you.
What is the name of the cookbook? Maybe someone else has it and can look the recipe up for you.
I honestly don't know.
I go by the food stained cover.
I have 1 or 2 cookbooks that are my go to cookbooks.
If it's stained that means I use it alot.
Unstained cook books basically got rid of already.
But thank you for thinking of me.:rolleyes::dunno::LOL:
Back from the lake, the kids had a blast and did a lot of swimming. I made fried chicken and macaroni salad that we had for lunch. Mom just called to see if we were home. Told her she missed a nice picnic, oh well. Favorite cousin called to make sure we come for supper in a few hours. Hadn't been planning on it before, because 7 of her kids and families were there, and had come in for the funeral, but only a few families there now, so she is insisting. So off we'll go in a few hours. It is hot and windy out. Will be hot again tomorrow, then it appears fall temps will start. I'll be glad to be done with the 100 degree weather.
Just trying to keep cool in this triple digit heat and smokey air. I am spending more time researching the fire than anything else. Normally I'd be bouncing around getting the odd chores done but with the El Dorado Fire just up the street to the Northeast I don't want to be caught with my pants down should we have to evacuate.

The wildlife from up the mountain has been escaping the fire by coming down into town. Deer were moving through the neighborhood just last night. This morning the praying mantis are hiding on our porch. The Quaker parrot flock has moved west and have not returned to their evening roost (our sycamore tree).

K is building me a pantry cart to fit in the space next to the fridge. It is for my heavy pantry items so they don't pull my rack off the the pantry door. He plans to make is as tall as the fridge, as deep as the fridge but 1/2 inch shy of the space next to it.

I better finish the laundry before our 3pm flex alert.
Paid my grandson to cut the other yard. He cuts it for $20. I have to load my mower on a trailer, hook up the trailer, drive across town, unload the mower, cut the grass, put the mower back on the trailer, drive back home, unload the mower and unhook the trailer. Giving him $20 just makes sense, and he is thrilled.
Dropping in to say hi.
Power is still out at my house from the hurricane. I have a hard time reading on the phone and even harder time typing. Might be awhile before we get power back. At a friend's house in the meantime.
Bacpacker That’s one of the surgeries my dad just had and he’s currently doing pretty good. They had to go in through his sternum due to a couple issues but it can also be done orthoscopically. I would inquire as to which method, risk factor, and prospect if she does nothing. I’m sure these are already things you’re (she’s) considering. Will certainly send up a prayer for you and your family. 🙏

They plan to use the TAVR valve and go thru her groin. If testing shows other wise they will go (I think) thru her carotid. She has decided to have the procedure done. Her valve is about 1.1 Cm, anything below 1 Cm is considered critical.
Thanks for the prayers
No summer breeze this evening...just a cool one, but I was warm, with five feral kittens laying around me...around my neck, in my lap, crawling up and down, playing on the cushions of the outside chairs...so sweet...
...hummers sipping the last drops as the sun goes down...the kittens running at a flock of doves that landed in the yard for seeds...friendly cars that always give us a wave as they pass by...and then the solar lights come on in the yard...all is quiet...all going into their nightly routine...such peace and quiet..soothing, as if the spirits want to whisper to you...the world is so noisy....hush...be quiet...listen softly
Well, the day went so so.... I got 2 sides of all the shelves for the cupboard painted, just the edges left. I cleaned out the coat closet to get to the attic. As I was climbing up I was thinking, when was the last time I was here?.... Then I remembered, it was when I was blowing in an extra 16" of insulation. It took me over 3 hours just to wire 3 little lights. I was wearing a mask, when I came down for a break I went to splash my face, it looked like I had washed with a used diaper... I still have 3 electrical things to do in the attic; I hope I can get them done faster tomorrow. At least now I have the moveable walkways (4-3' 2X4 with 18" wide 3/4" plywood planks) that can be used to crawl out to where I need to be. At the rate I'm going I may miss opening day :(
@UrbanHunter you will not have to miss opening day. You'll go out early of course and then there's the next day too. You got so much done in hopes of opening day. It would be a shame to miss it.

@Bacpacker that is excellent news about your mom deciding to move ahead with the surgery.

@GrannyG that sounds so peaceful.
@Amish Heart you've had a busy weekend. Hope you can take a breather tomorrow.
@Grimm I think I would move out of that state.
I'm glad the rest of yall got stuff done today.
@UrbanHunter you will not have to miss opening day. You'll go out early of course and then there's the next day too. You got so much done in hopes of opening day. It would be a shame to miss it.

@Bacpacker that is excellent news about your mom deciding to move ahead with the surgery.

@GrannyG that sounds so peaceful.
@Amish Heart you've had a busy weekend. Hope you can take a breather tomorrow.
@Grimm I think I would move out of that state.
I'm glad the rest of yall got stuff done today.

I wish we could get out of this state too!
Had a good meal and visit with daughter and grands Sunday. SIL is an idiot. I'll just leave that there.

Today is place order , pickup day, for groceries.

I will troubleshoot Golf cart problem , sometime today. I think. I hope.

Really need to spray a little Roundup today,
Johnson grass along highway, is blocking my view when leaving my driveway.

Wife is getting around very slow , but moving.
Still has to take a Percocet in morning.

PT and home care nurse coming today.

Gotta spruce up the house a bit. After all it is Labor Day.

Y'all be careful today, and enjoy the holiday.

So far the day is going well, got the drill locations for the 2 new ceiling boxes that will support the lights over the island, when we are through we will have 9 LED lights in the kitchen..... I am making plans to go into the attic soon... not looking forward to that. After last night I think I will go with long sleeves and a plastic bag over my head..... Long hair is not as "cool" as it was in the 70s.....
Didn't sleep. Got up and let the dogs out and took care of the cats. The cats are freaked out but they have what they need except the ability to sleep with us.

My back and hips hurt from 'sleeping' on the floor. My folks are remodeling their house so there is no furniture in any of the rooms except theirs. At least they didn't pull up the carpet in the bedrooms yet. The girls are in the room with us and they got the pull out bed but the dogs ended up sleeping on it and the girls on the floor with us.

I have a list of phone calls to make once everything opens up.

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