Happy Gettin Hitched Day Jim and your lovely bride
Happy belated Anniversary Jim and Mrs. Jim.Well , I apologize to all of you for not mentioning how important yesterday was.
What with doctor visit , house touring , mowing for 3 hours, and going thru new oxygen setup in house.
Y'all do help keep me somewhat from going insane , if that's possible, crazy maybe, but not insane.
Yesterday was our 54th wedding anniversary. I love her so much more today than yesterday.
We are one.
Can't possibly imagine being without her.
Then there's today... September 11th..such a sad day. Take a moment to remember.
Had a busy day today. Got the new rectifier for the Golf cart charger. Got that put in and...voila , charger working again.
Did another 2 hours mowing. Hot and dusty.
Changed my labs appointment , cause it was same day as kidney specialist appt.
Called the guy and told him I'll pass on the house , because of the yard full of dogs behind it.
Home care nurse was here, spent 1/2 hr with her.
Posted on FB my Doogan for re-home,
I would only let him go to good home, OMG, a great guy from church called and wants him to play with his 10 year old grandson that has Downs syndrome, known him for 25 years, has a small farm with pond . About 15 miles away. That's soooo great. He's coming for him Sunday.
Neighbor , up the road was looking for kitty's. Guess what, he now has 2, couldn't get him to take a couple more.
Went to our favorite eating place and picked up supper , it's only 16 miles away. Got my Friday night fish dinner.
Be listing a few guns for sale in local classifieds tomorrow. I have over 200 , now's the time to downsize.
That might keep me busy for a while.
Then I'll be listing the John Deere X500 garden tractor. I'll be keeping the John Deere GX 355, diesel .
Btw, wife had her best day in a month. The oxygen and steroid shot seems to help, I just hope it's not temporary.
Sounds liek an well deserved better day for you two.
Glad you checcked around about the house, wise deccision. I know a couple people who wished they had did more asking around before they bought the place.
Glad you found Dugan a good home, but sorry he has to go. Sometimes animals just get too much for us to handle, so sure your making right decision.
I hope so.
I love that pup, and it's not fair to him, that we are so tied up with hospitals , and doctors, and I'm taking care of my wife .
He needs attention.
I am going to do as little as possible. The smoke is so thick you can't see over 1/4 of a mile. Our air quality is rated as unhealthy and everyone is advised to stay indoors and limit activity. So that's what I am going to do.
Need to make a drive to Olympia either today or tomorrow, but leaning towards today.
Really want to get a hair cut too, if any place is open.I'm tired of self inflicted buzz cuts.
Gonna cook up some Chicken Scalopini for dinner later tonight.
Also need to start packing my bag for the hospital.
That's about it. Wife and I pretty much took care of everything else we needed to do before my surgery.
Several people have been arrested in CA, OR, and WA for starting wildfires. Not much in the news about it. The arson is on-going.An ANTIFA idiot was arrested for starting a fire in the Seattle area. That makes one wonder how much of that is happening.
The FBI and fire officials have said there is no evidence the fires are being set by radicals from the left or right.
I don't know. Some stuff is used for various purposes, not just resale. A h.s. kid in my area donated a sports shirt, maybe Rugby, with his name on the back. He went to Africa and quite by accident, or serendipity, saw some kid there wearing it. I think worn jeans get made into insulation. Shipping containers get filled and shipped to poor countries all over the world.@Sparky_D may you have a quick recovery and things go perfect!
@backlash it is one thing to see videos from professional photographers and news stations, but to see the photos taken by regular people who actually live in the firey locations is heartbreaking. Stay safe.
I had a lot of plans today (about time!). Didn't know the post office closed at 11:30. Had a package to send.
Thought about going to a new to me gardening business, and need to get some jeans and shoes, drop a load at Goodwill (I think they throw away more of what I give because my stuff isn't new), oh, and fix the toilet.
Might stop by to see the grand children.
No, seriously, @Weedygarden there's a trash bin right there and I've seen them
Toilet will have to be repaired by someone else. The shut off knob doesn't shut off water flow. The flapper isn't seating in place until about 10 minutes after the flush.
Still many things to do...
Comes right out of the anarchist play book. I don’t expect it to actually be in the media after all that hasn’t been reported in the last few months especially. I’m so sick of watching Newsom spew his lies though. They are showing that non stop.Several people have been arrested in CA, OR, and WA for starting wildfires. Not much in the news about it. The arson is on-going.