What's everybody doing today?

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Jim Now that’s a post we like to see. Glad she’s feeling better. Telling her I said she still shouldn’t over do it 😉. If it’s from me, you won’t be nagging.
Y’All sleep well in peace and safety.

I told her
I said "see , it's not just me"
I stay after her pretty hard to quit trying to do too much, like make the bed,changing sheets, feeding the cats, doing the 2 forks and spoons in the sink....she's feeling a little better ( steroid, and oxygen ) and getting antsy.

I'll be waiting for my friend to come for Doogan today. That's not gonna be any fun , watching him leave.

Waiting for my grandson to bring my truck back in one piece.

I think I have found a buyer for my John Deere X500. Will be taking pics and discussing( negotiating) that today.

Y'all just have a blessed Sunday.

(CNN)The blame game over the Oregon wildfires is playing out across social media, and Facebook says it's stepping in to tackle some of the false claims circulating on its platform.
Law enforcement agencies have been flooded with calls about online rumors that members of Antifa, an anti-fascist, often far-left-wing movement, were arrested for setting fires across the state.
"Reports that extremists are setting wildfires in Oregon are untrue," the FBI Portland said in a tweet Friday.
Since the FBI and other law enforcement agencies confirmed the claims are false, Facebook spokesman Andy Stone said the platform will work to remove the rumors.

Who knows?
I told her
I said "see , it's not just me"
I stay after her pretty hard to quit trying to do too much, like make the bed,changing sheets, feeding the cats, doing the 2 forks and spoons in the sink....she's feeling a little better ( steroid, and oxygen ) and getting antsy.

I'll be waiting for my friend to come for Doogan today. That's not gonna be any fun , watching him leave.

Waiting for my grandson to bring my truck back in one piece.

I think I have found a buyer for my John Deere X500. Will be taking pics and discussing( negotiating) that today.

Y'all just have a blessed Sunday.


Its probaly not only feeling better without so much pain but also the steroids jacking her up. So glad she is doing better though for whatever reason.
Its always that finale goodbye that gets you, when we loaded up the horse and donk its like they knew what was going on. Neither of them wanted to load.The man said" oh no that donkey is going to be problem". I told him, no she will not and that a donkey has to think about the situation for a couple minutes. Rosie then jumped right into the trailor. He was amazed shook his head and said " thats eomething else".
Just severe lower back pain
Are you sure the kidney stones are all gone?
esterday was our 54th wedding anniversary
Happy Belated Anniversary!
Also need to start packing my bag for the hospital.
I am praying for a quick and complete recovery!
She will have to get a touchscreen which she’s not excited about since she has tremors.
DH has severe hand tremors and he does ok with the touchscreen phone. He does use the talk to text and "hey google" for questions.

Sorry it took me so long. Got busy and haven't been here since Thursday morning.

Friday, we went to an Estate Sale a few blocks away. Got almost 3 cases of mason jars for $6. Some new with lids! Went up and helped set up at Church for a few hours. Having a meal after a funeral on Saturday which I could not attend as I was helping another friend all day.
Went back to the estate sale early Saturday morning for a couple more items - figurines for DH's Christmas, then off to help friend.
This morning, did video, Church, walked dogs, weeded garden, set up DH's meds for 2 weeks and finally getting back here! Yay!
Tomorrow I have regular check up with my doc at 8 AM. Not sure what I'll do next.
DH has severe hand tremors and he does ok with the touchscreen phone. He does use the talk to text and "hey google" for questions.

Sorry it took me so long. Got busy and haven't been here since Thursday morning.

Friday, we went to an Estate Sale a few blocks away. Got almost 3 cases of mason jars for $6. Some new with lids! Went up and helped set up at Church for a few hours. Having a meal after a funeral on Saturday which I could not attend as I was helping another friend all day.
Went back to the estate sale early Saturday morning for a couple more items - figurines for DH's Christmas, then off to help friend.
This morning, did video, Church, walked dogs, weeded garden, set up DH's meds for 2 weeks and finally getting back here! Yay!
Tomorrow I have regular check up with my doc at 8 AM. Not sure what I'll do next.

Good to see you back Snap.
Went to the hospital to get my second pre-op Covid test (first one last week came back negative), then stopped by the store to get some pork chops and carrots for dinner tonight.
Grabbed a couple special treats for when I get home later in the week too.
Filled up with gas to insure we had a full tank for the week.
Now getting ready to cook lunch, then later cook dinner.
I hope so. I love that pup, and it's not fair to him, that we are so tied up with hospitals , and doctors, and I'm taking care of my wife . He needs attention. Jim
Last spring we gave away our seven goats. We started out with two, then got two more, found an "orphan", and then Lucy had twins (which she wouldn't feed). We were also putting in our big garden with the 8 big beds, raising more layers plus six Cornish Cross meat birds (never again!) and still taking one course each at the local JuCo. Bottle feeding the two little ones just got to be too much.

I put an ad in Craig's List and within three hours, a guy from another small town came by and told me he had a four acre parcel with two one-acre pastures, and a bunch of goats already. I was really excited and sold them all.

A week later Dawn and I came by his place and saw the goats. Their farm was like something out of Better Homes and Gardens, the goats were brushed and playing with the other goats. Jim, it's good that we can take care of our pets even while releasing them to know that their new home will be as good as ours!
CNN & FBI are both proven liars.
I have no idea what is true but the last thing I would do would is believe either of those sources.
So all the fires in the west are just started by Mother Nature? I just don't think so.
I mean no disrespect to you Duncan.
I can't argue the point about liars; every media outlet I can think of cares more about their agenda than telling the truth. Same for all law enforcement and probably all business, too! Fox and CNN are exemplars of this: half of the stuff I see on those stations (and I watch them both) are lies, often diametrically opposed to the other station's lies.

I usually listen to the beeb and have a subscription to WSJ. Most of the stuff I read/see on those two stations is pretty straight.

But the bottom line is that we have totry and use our own god-given smarts to see which are the lies and which are the truth. Most of my relatives on Dawn's side are screaming liberals, and they believe everything they see on CNN because it's what they want to see -- and they won't watch anything else. Similarly, on my side of the fence, both my brother and sister are hard-core Republicans and they want to see only Fox stuff, so they won't get flustered by watching another station.
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All I seem to be doing lately is roaring at on-line suppliers who want to rip me off.

I'm an absolute sweetheart right up until the point I'm not and then ........things will go quiet *cue Jaws music* and then BAM!!
I see no reason why I should put up with nonsense.
Same here! Monday I get to deal with another one who apparently claims no $ back on a return (there was a nice piece of paper in the package saying so) just in store credit. Trying to decide if attempting to sell these items locally (plate carriers) to recoup most of the cost back or not. Can’t believe a company does this anymore. Had I known I wouldn’t have purchased from them to begin with. I really don’t know what to do.
DH has severe hand tremors and he does ok with the touchscreen phone. He does use the talk to text and "hey google" for questions.

Sorry it took me so long. Got busy and haven't been here since Thursday morning.

Friday, we went to an Estate Sale a few blocks away. Got almost 3 cases of mason jars for $6. Some new with lids! Went up and helped set up at Church for a few hours. Having a meal after a funeral on Saturday which I could not attend as I was helping another friend all day.
Went back to the estate sale early Saturday morning for a couple more items - figurines for DH's Christmas, then off to help friend.
This morning, did video, Church, walked dogs, weeded garden, set up DH's meds for 2 weeks and finally getting back here! Yay!
Tomorrow I have regular check up with my doc at 8 AM. Not sure what I'll do next.

Thank you snappy1 for the information.
Had grand daughter today.
0630 hours to 1839 hours makes for very long day.
And she had no nap, except 15 minutes before it was time to pick up her daddy today.
We went for car ride, thankfully she finally went to sleep.
Strawberry is sleeping beside me.
Got the shampoo Grimm told me about yesterday.
Will use it on Monday or Tuesday.
Too tired tonight.
Still have to finish putting my place back together.
Fixed son's truck.
So hopefully I will get to use my car all week.
Got to go to laundry mat Tuesday.
Pretty tired tonight.
I’m still a going- this morning we went up the mountain. I mowed while hubby picked green beans and blackberries. Then we picked plums- purple and I picked old fashioned plums. At least 2 dozen piles of scat and one of the bear tore up the old fashion plum tree. Must have been a big bugger as it was one of the 2 main branches. Also picked a few apples, pears and carrots. On the way home we picked some elderberries. Got home cleaned green beans, blanched and on the dehydrator. Picked more tomatoes and got them canned. Blackberries are in the freezer. Corn from yesterday is in the canner as I type. Plums have to wait until tomorrow. Elderberries are in the fridge will also have to wait until tomorrow. As soon as I turn the corn off, I’ll go take my shower.
Stopped and saw the folks. Dad gained another pound which is great. He got way too thin. We’re still smothered in smoke.
Had grand daughter today.
0630 hours to 1839 hours makes for very long day.
And she had no nap, except 15 minutes before it was time to pick up her daddy today.
We went for car ride, thankfully she finally went to sleep.
Strawberry is sleeping beside me.
Got the shampoo Grimm told me about yesterday.
Will use it on Monday or Tuesday.
Too tired tonight.
Still have to finish putting my place back together.
Fixed son's truck.
So hopefully I will get to use my car all week.
Got to go to laundry mat Tuesday.
Pretty tired tonight.
P.S. We made it all day with only 1 accident in new training pants.
Strawberry thought we was playing new game.
Go figure.
I’m still a going- this morning we went up the mountain. I mowed while hubby picked green beans and blackberries. Then we picked plums- purple and I picked old fashioned plums. At least 2 dozen piles of scat and one of the bear tore up the old fashion plum tree. Must have been a big bugger as it was one of the 2 main branches. Also picked a few apples, pears and carrots. On the way home we picked some elderberries. Got home cleaned green beans, blanched and on the dehydrator. Picked more tomatoes and got them canned. Blackberries are in the freezer. Corn from yesterday is in the canner as I type. Plums have to wait until tomorrow. Elderberries are in the fridge will also have to wait until tomorrow. As soon as I turn the corn off, I’ll go take my shower.
Stopped and saw the folks. Dad gained another pound which is great. He got way too thin. We’re still smothered in smoke.

Glad you got so much done but sad about the smoke.
Duncan, I'm glad you found a good home for your goats.
I miss my pets even though I visit them every day. Went later so it was cooler today and was able to stay longer. Fippy still misses my mom, but it's too difficult to get her over there. Cats have knocked down a bunch of things, torn open boxes, and made a mess. Dogs contributed too, I'm sure. Will need to clean it all up when the lights are back on.
My friend I'm staying with is stressed to the max. His grandfather ruined the carpet and mattress in the great granddaughter's room. He also caused the toilet to clog and overflow. The sewage water got under the vinyl plank floor.
Got distracted partway through this post by the old man just got back and I had to cook for mom.
Dug up some of the vet papers for 3 of the older cats. Still can't find anything on the oldest but we have had her since she was 8 weeks and I can tell you everything about her. Bailey is 14 years old so I am not too worried about much except her getting ill. I have an appointment at the vaccine clinic for 10 year old Alice to get her shots in October. Then I will get the others done. Once they all have their one year shots they can get their 3 year shots the next year. I don't think they will all survive to get a second set of 3 year shots. Bailey may not see a second set for sure. She'd be 18 if she does. I haven't seen a lot of cats live that long.

K mowed the lawn today and the girls helped me pick up the branches and sticks off the grass. I trimmed them all to useable sizes for the fireplace. Good to get some fresher air now that the winds have blown the smoke and ash the other direction.

Gathered more things to update the family's 72 hour kits. Juju has just about outgrown her current size so I got some cheap Wally-mart sweats for her bag in the next size. Roo is still the same size but she could hit a growth spurt anytime now.

Tomorrow is a field trip with our school co-op. The girls are excited!
Hey Grimm, it's nice to see that someone is still doing 72 hour kits. We use to have "field trips" to the park where we would have lunch or dinner out of the 72 hour kits. It taught the kids how to use the supplies we set aside for them, it also taught us what everyone liked and didn't like. Then we would wash everything up, replace that stuff we had used and place them back in their go stations. Clothes are alway an issue with the go bags as are seasonal requirements, kids grow so fast and summer duds just don't work in January...

Yesterday I spent the day on the range, was done by 3 but standing out in the sun can really take it out of you. On the way home I stopped and shot the archery equipment, this morning my joints are talking about it...
Got three text on my way to work. One from boss that hes still out. I gotta cover. One from a buddy of mine at work, hes taking vacation, I gotta cover for him. On top of Peckerhead telling me Friday hes taking this week off, so I'm covering for him as well. Guess I dont need to worry about my own work.
Guess this could have went in the rant thread.
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Waiting for the ATT wireless stores to wake up. iPhone shows 100% battery life then a few minutes later iPhone shuts down. If I leave it connected to the power cord it doesn't shut down. Hopefully the local store has a knowledgable tech to swap batteries. I'd rather not drive into the big city to have it done.

Loading the RV for the weekend. The normal competition on Saturday and a new one on Sunday. Sunday's I've never been to, learned yesterday that access maybe a problem for my RV's 9' 10" height.

Driving the mule into town for lawn mower gas. Then mow lawns today or tomorrow, depends on what I learned form ATT about my iphone
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Wife and I are off to her RA clinic visit today.
I just don't know how she's going to tolerate everything today.

I'll be helping getting her in the building , I don't know if they will let me in. This corona crap has got to stop.

After , maybe we can get some lunch, depends on how she feels.

All I seem to be doing lately is roaring at on-line suppliers who want to rip me off.

I'm an absolute sweetheart right up until the point I'm not and then ........things will go quiet *cue Jaws music* and then BAM!!
I see no reason why I should put up with nonsense.
In all of my years of online selling (half.com, now defunct, Amazon, Etsy, Teachers Pay Teacher), I've had a couple rip off artists make purchases and then ask for a refund. The difference for me, is how much they paid, and what they are complaining about. Someone complained that a book they purchased for $3 was rolled up by the mail carrier and now wouldn't lay flat and it was intended as a gift that they now couldn't use. I refunded her money to keep my 100% rating, which I have had ever since. Since then, I have always put a label on both larger sides, "Do not fold or roll this package." This could have been the truth, or a way for this person to get a free book, knowing that if the package isn't labeled, they can say it was folded and therefore ruined. I have no idea, but the refund to keep my rating was worth it.

I have designed a few educational materials and sell some of them on Teachers Pay Teachers. With COVID, teachers were making up packs of materials to send to parents of students. One person told me that the numbers were missing on a math product and asked if they could get a refund. I downloaded the product, and the numbers were not missing. I told her that the numbers were there. She had printed it out, and told me that. I figured she was trying to get free products, AND that her school would reimburse her for every thing she had receipts for and she did have a receipt for this purchase. So she posted that this product was incomplete, no numbers on the materials. Customers are able to be pretty anonymous with user names, etc., so how much of this has she done? I don't know. My response to her negative comment? "Are you the person who printed out this material and then wanted a refund? I just downloaded the material to check your complaint and the numbers are there." Shortly after I posted the comment, someone else purchased the same product.
Correction on the day"
I am still tired.
But just going with the flow.
I have had a shower, hair is washed twice.
Clean clothes,peroxide foot where cut is.
Dishes are done.
Might cook something extra, might not.
Drank a pot of coffee already.
Made second pot up.
Strawberry has been walked.
She has laid in the sun for a bit.
Laundry has been sorted, it will go in car tomorrow morning.
Crocheting on oldest grand daughter's blanket.
She's getting impatient for it.
Too bad, life is sad when you're 3.
It's for Christmas.
Thinking about lunch, then deep cleaning bathroom.
Everybody have a good day.
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Cooked lunch, cleaned up some and getting mind off present choas with past choas.Washig clothes and if it cools off will be working in Greenhoue if storms aren't bad.
Need to call friend been a few days.Family circus is off tight wire but still performing acts but all is well thank God ,talked to daughter which is busy with job and grandkids off and on.
We had our co-op field trip today. We were home in time for lunch then we went to the school room to do today's classwork. Juju started a unit on apples in the preschool curriculum. She is excited about reading books with me. I normally don't have her sit in my lap but she really wanted to so we snuggled and read APPLES.

I had ordered some more #10 cans of fruit and some of them arrived today. I decided to move the food storage cans from under the stairs to under our bed. K is going to make a wood under bed frame to hide the cans from plain sight. The bedskirt will hide the wood but if you lift the skirt up you won't see the food we have stashed there. ;)

I am prewashing some fabric to make a 'birthday' mask for Juju. The fabric is a colorful swiss dot on a white background. Tomorrow is her birthday and I have a t-shirt and crown for her to wear. The mask is for when we go out to get her birthday treat from Barnes and Noble (free as a kids club member) and when she picks out a toy from Target. I have presents for her but we have always let the girls pick out a small toy from the store on their birthday.
Went with husband to foot doctor appt, then we went to Kroger for a few things. Brought in a dozen boxes from the big storage building to sort through. Husband wanted his blood pressure cuff, and with luck, I am amazed I found the box it was in. The building is still stacked a mile high to go through. Little granddaughter's teacher stopped by to bring a tree stump for her to paint and to bring back to school. It'll be her sitting stump when they're gathering outside.

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