What's everybody doing today?

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Backlash, I'm so sorry about your cat.
I checked on my pets twice today because I needed to grab some tools from the house and then needed a larger drill bit that I had to get from the workshop.
My friend now has undercabinet lights.
He's also got a flat tire so he has to get up early and get his tire fixed again.
I called my power company to get an estimate on when power will be back. They have no idea. I did see some trucks out in late afternoon several miles from my home. So they might be starting repairs out there. It started raining so they had to stop working.
I really hope we can go home soon. My mother talks negatively about my friend's fiance and the fiance can here her. Mom also mishears things and starts lecturing the girl. It really bothers the girl but she doesn't want to snap back at my mother and doesn't know how to deal with it.
My mom has no friends, doesn't listen to people, and has very little social skills.
Found out today that my daughter got sent home from school due to a Contact Trace Covid exposure. Basically, her entire math class is quarantined due to contact tracing to a student with a confirmed case. Actually, 1/3 of the school is quarantined now, due to about 5 confirmed cases including 1 teacher. So, she's doing Zoom classes, and I don't get to see her for two weeks...🤬
Going to be another long night at hospital.
Sitting with her in ER now.
Haven't even seen a doctor yet,just had a CT scan of stomach and lower back.
I didn't think she was going to make it here. She started hyperventilating and complaint her chest was hurting.

Almost passed out trying to get her into ER.

I tried to get her to come earlier today , but she just wouldn't. Well about 6;30 she finally gave in.
She's been on opiods for 6 weeks and had gone 5 days without a bowel movement. I forced a dose of miralax in her about 2pm .
Well the bumpy ride to hospital triggered it.

Just now as I was typing the doctor came in . Gave him the whole 6 weeks story.
He will go look at Scan results and let us know.

Found out today that my daughter got sent home from school due to a Contact Trace Covid exposure. Basically, her entire math class is quarantined due to contact tracing to a student with a confirmed case. Actually, 1/3 of the school is quarantined now, due to about 5 confirmed cases including 1 teacher. So, she's doing Zoom classes, and I don't get to see her for two weeks...🤬
I hate thris crap.
I ignore.
What ever happened to the scientific process of using a control and inituating a measurable change?

Power grab
Control the masses

I have my g-duaghters over once a week be they vectors of contagion or not.

@Neb this is what's really ridiculous...

They have a 15 minutes rule at my daughter's school. A child is not considered exposed to Covid, if closer than six feet for less than 15 minutes. So, if the kids spread out every 14 minutes, then come back together closer than six feet for another 14 minutes, over and over, they are not considered to be exposed.

I'm serious. No BS. This is what it's come to...
Going to be another long night at hospital.
Sitting with her in ER now.
Haven't even seen a doctor yet,just had a CT scan of stomach and lower back.
I didn't think she was going to make it here. She started hyperventilating and complaint her chest was hurting.

Almost passed out trying to get her into ER.

I tried to get her to come earlier today , but she just wouldn't. Well about 6;30 she finally gave in.
She's been on opiods for 6 weeks and had gone 5 days without a bowel movement. I forced a dose of miralax in her about 2pm .
Well the bumpy ride to hospital triggered it.

Just now as I was typing the doctor came in . Gave him the whole 6 weeks story.
He will go look at Scan results and let us know.


Saying so many prayers they will finally get to the bottom of this. I wish there was something we could do to help. Keep us posted as you can and know you both are so loved and we’re all sending healing thoughts and prayers
Bacpacker, hope you can get a break at work today. Halfway through the week.
Phideaux, it may be best to get the best hospital involved. Have you spoken to the hospitalist? I know y'all are weary. We all wish we could do something to help.
Keeping you and Brenda in prayer, positive, hopeful thoughts.
Going to be another long night at hospital.
Sitting with her in ER now.
Haven't even seen a doctor yet,just had a CT scan of stomach and lower back.
I didn't think she was going to make it here. She started hyperventilating and complaint her chest was hurting.

Almost passed out trying to get her into ER.

I tried to get her to come earlier today , but she just wouldn't. Well about 6;30 she finally gave in.
She's been on opiods for 6 weeks and had gone 5 days without a bowel movement. I forced a dose of miralax in her about 2pm .
Well the bumpy ride to hospital triggered it.

Just now as I was typing the doctor came in . Gave him the whole 6 weeks story.
He will go look at Scan results and let us know.


Hopefully 🙏 this will be the one that helps Brenda.We are with you in thoughts and prayers.
I had a wonderful day yesterday, a huge load off my mind. I went to town for the folks, med and a few groceries, topped off the fuel containers for this imaginary hurricane.

The past 4 months I’ve been hunting a particular medicinal plant, searched a dozen places it normally grows, no dice, a horrible year for it. I have access to about 30K acres over a 200sq mile area. I found 2 puny little plants this whole summer. I left them to grow as they didn’t meet my needs.

This particular plant is called “Boneset”. The reason I needed it? Most of the people who died of Covid actually died of a nasty kind of pulmonary fibrosis, pneumonia. Back in the spring herbalists I know used Boneset repeatedly to save lives. It stopped this pneumonia in its tracks. I wanted to make tincture from Boneset, to have on hand if anyone needs it.

Yesterday, on the way home, I decided to take a chance and search an area I haven’t been too in 6 or 7 years. There are 40 miles of dusty gravel roads that seem to go nowhere. I bet the people who live there get lost occasionally.

I found a boat load of boneset!!!!! Yea!!! Me and mine are set. I can now kick covids butt any time I need to. An interesting note on boneset... From the 1850's until the 1920's it was the most common household medicinal plant in the US. An amazing plant for anykind of flu. More importantly it was the go to treatment for Malaria, very effective... before Chloroquine came along.

It was a great day!!!

I also found another plant I’ve been searching for all summer… Double Yea!!! I wrote about it here… Rabbit Tobacco

Boneset 03 ( 6) sm.JPG
Rabbit tobacco (6) sm.JPG
Mother went thru the procedure in good shape. No blockages at all. Was in recovery doing well then her BP dropped to 40s over 30s all at once. Ran my dad out of the room and Dr are trying to figure out what's going on. Please offer up another prayer for them. Talkin with my dad he is more upset than I can ever recall. Hospital won't let me in to be with him either.
Surgery again this afternoon on T12 and L1.
Bless her heart she only has L2,3,5 left to fix.

Surgeon was just in and said that her vertebrae will be much stronger than her bones and should never have a problem .
He would like to go ahead and cement the ones that are left , but insurance won't justify it, cause they're not broke.

Long day today sitting and waiting.

I got a few hours sleep last night , but feel ok, just kinda tired.

I'm very happy with our neurosurgeon, but the hospital staff in ER. And on the floor is not so good.
@ patchouli, I met the hospitalist in ER last night, a lady , in her 40s, Dr Jesse. She really impressed me. Liked her a lot. Very thorough ,very accommodating, very smart.
Wish we could just deal with her . She ordered a tiny phentenol patch to prevent the roller coaster effects of pain meds.
Seems to be helping.

Y'all have a great day , I'll be watching.
If you need anything.

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Mother went thru the procedure in good shape. No blockages at all. Was in recovery doing well then her BP dropped to 40s over 30s all at once. Ran my dad out of the room and Dr are trying to figure out what's going on. Please offer up another prayer for them. Talkin with my dad he is more upset than I can ever recall. Hospital won't let me in to be with him either.

Probably gave her too much BP med. but it is a very good sign they didn't find or " come up with" a heart blockage. 🙏.
Just got another update. Seems the bloothinners they gave her caused the BP drop. Sis talked to her and said shes very upset, but doing better. They are keeping her overnight to keep a close eye on her.

Jim I am so sorry you guys are going thru all this. Healthcare sure ain't what it used to be. I pray this gets her fixed up. Very glad she got hooked up with Dr Jesse. Finding one that will listen and pay attention is critical. Prayers continue my Brother
Just got another update. Seems the bloothinners they gave her caused the BP drop. Sis talked to her and said shes very upset, but doing better. They are keeping her overnight to keep a close eye on her.

Jim I am so sorry you guys are going thru all this. Healthcare sure ain't what it used to be. I pray this gets her fixed up. Very glad she got hooked up with Dr Jesse. Finding one that will listen and pay attention is critical. Prayers continue my Brother
That's good news there are no blockages . The bp
Drop may be a blessing in disguise, that makes for an extra day in to watch her. Otherwise they kick you out same day. That happened to me with my knees.
She'll be ok.

She started hyperventilating and complaint her chest was hurting.

Almost passed out trying to get her into ER.
One thing that might help you feel more calm in the future if this happens again:

Hyperventilation, followed by pain is not quite as worrisome as pain, followed by hyperventilation. We don't want to generalize too much. Nothing can be predicted exactly. And you have to initially treat every complaint as serious until more evaluation and diagnostic tests can be done. But the above was one of the "rules of thumb" that we followed as ambulance paramedics.

Pain followed by hyperventilation - if not the result of trauma, treat as a P.E., until proven otherwise. Trauma -> pain -> hyperventilation is not so good either. May be a simple fractured rib, or something worse.

Hyperventilation followed by pain - doesn't point to any specific thing, but could be the result of fear -> anxiety -> hyperventilation -> pain, frequently observed if patient is a teenage female, less common in more mature patients, but still can happen. May still indicate something bad is happening, but the chest pain may or may not be significant to the actual problem. It may just be a secondary thing due to the fear -> anxiety -> hyperventilation chain. That chain could have been put into motion by something else bad however, so don't discount hyperventilation followed by pain totally.
Well, they took her down to surgery at
Should be back in room about ,5 pm.

Waiting .

At least. I got y'all to read and chat with.


Praying for you both Jim! Can’t send enough at this point. I’m so glad you are able to be there now. My FIL had a massive heart attack last week and mom couldn’t ride in the ambulance and couldn’t even enter the hospital. Sat in the parking lot all day in the heat and smoke for them to “forget” to update her. By the time we got word after multiple calls he had already had surgery and was in ICU. She wasn’t able to see him until he came out to go home. I’m so beyond over this fakedemic and all the crap CA has put in place. My heart just broke for mom. Was hard enough on the rest of us I can’t even imagine what she was going through. In true mom fashion she was solid as a rock around us but we all saw she wasn’t really.
Stay strong Jim. We know you won’t let them get away with anything and that brings piece of mind for me. We are here for you no matter what. Thank you for keeping us posted as it’s on my mind and I’m sure others say in and day out. :huggs:
This hospital is changing it rules weekly.
Regular visiting hour are 6-9 am and 5-9 pm.
But now I can stay all day if there's surgery.
Last night they made me wait in the parking lot at ER until they got her stable and settled in a ER room.
Then they call my phone to come in .once in you can't leave and come back at ER .

I'm in waiting lounge now. They just told me she was in surgery at 3:15. So that's only 35 minutes in pre-op.

After surgery , tommorow , I can only come regular visiting hours , unless she's going home , then I can come anytime and stay all day.

Fair , I think .

Only me , no others allowed.
