Prayers going out for everyone. Hard times abound right now it seems
My mom has no friends, doesn't listen to people, and has very little social skills.
I hate thris crap.Found out today that my daughter got sent home from school due to a Contact Trace Covid exposure. Basically, her entire math class is quarantined due to contact tracing to a student with a confirmed case. Actually, 1/3 of the school is quarantined now, due to about 5 confirmed cases including 1 teacher. So, she's doing Zoom classes, and I don't get to see her for two weeks...![]()
Going to be another long night at hospital.
Sitting with her in ER now.
Haven't even seen a doctor yet,just had a CT scan of stomach and lower back.
I didn't think she was going to make it here. She started hyperventilating and complaint her chest was hurting.
Almost passed out trying to get her into ER.
I tried to get her to come earlier today , but she just wouldn't. Well about 6;30 she finally gave in.
She's been on opiods for 6 weeks and had gone 5 days without a bowel movement. I forced a dose of miralax in her about 2pm .
Well the bumpy ride to hospital triggered it.
Just now as I was typing the doctor came in . Gave him the whole 6 weeks story.
He will go look at Scan results and let us know.
Going to be another long night at hospital.
Sitting with her in ER now.
Haven't even seen a doctor yet,just had a CT scan of stomach and lower back.
I didn't think she was going to make it here. She started hyperventilating and complaint her chest was hurting.
Almost passed out trying to get her into ER.
I tried to get her to come earlier today , but she just wouldn't. Well about 6;30 she finally gave in.
She's been on opiods for 6 weeks and had gone 5 days without a bowel movement. I forced a dose of miralax in her about 2pm .
Well the bumpy ride to hospital triggered it.
Just now as I was typing the doctor came in . Gave him the whole 6 weeks story.
He will go look at Scan results and let us know.
Saying so many prayers they will finally get to the bottom of this. I wish there was something we could do to help. Keep us posted as you can and know you both are so loved and we’re all sending healing thoughts and prayers
Prayers going up Jim
Say one for my mom today if you think of it. She having a arteriogram right now
DonePrayers going up Jim
Say one for my mom today if you think of it. She having a arteriogram right now
Mother went thru the procedure in good shape. No blockages at all. Was in recovery doing well then her BP dropped to 40s over 30s all at once. Ran my dad out of the room and Dr are trying to figure out what's going on. Please offer up another prayer for them. Talkin with my dad he is more upset than I can ever recall. Hospital won't let me in to be with him either.
That's good news there are no blockages . The bpJust got another update. Seems the bloothinners they gave her caused the BP drop. Sis talked to her and said shes very upset, but doing better. They are keeping her overnight to keep a close eye on her.
Jim I am so sorry you guys are going thru all this. Healthcare sure ain't what it used to be. I pray this gets her fixed up. Very glad she got hooked up with Dr Jesse. Finding one that will listen and pay attention is critical. Prayers continue my Brother
One thing that might help you feel more calm in the future if this happens again:She started hyperventilating and complaint her chest was hurting.
Almost passed out trying to get her into ER.
Well, they took her down to surgery at
Should be back in room about ,5 pm.
Waiting .
At least. I got y'all to read and chat with.