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Jim, prayer headed up for you and yours. May it all be resolved with a good outcome, sooner than later.

My own parents are having their own troubles. We're reaching the point where they may not be physically able to stay on the farm much longer. Mom can't get around, always at risk of falling. Pops is 85 and becoming frail, he just doesn't have the physical strength to cope with keeping up a 5 acre yard and his trees and beloved blueberries, and dealing with winter, and helping mom get around. Then the well went bad recently, and yesterday the detached garage burned down and took all of his tools, his 1 year old Hustler mower, and all of his equipment for caring for the acreage with it. Dad isn't even out of the rehab facility from his brain bleed surgery yet. We're starting to wonder what else can happen.

When it rains, it pours...

Spike as usual all here are in our prayers and although nto really religious we do beleive God hears our prayers.
Jim, I hope your wife gets better soon.

Haven't been getting much sleep. Couch is uncomfortable and friend's baby still cries all night.

Friend is exhausted. Between work and the baby he's being run ragged by his grandfather. Old man woke him up after he finally got to sleep. Old man wakes us up hollering for our friend at all hours.

I was sick last night and throughout the day. Think it was something I ate. I also have kidney stones acting up again.

Really hope we get power back soon. I miss my own bed.
I did go look thru the inside of that little brick house this morning.

Roughly figured to get it to where we would be happy would cost around $40,000. That's not really bad....but a lot of aggravation and headaches.

Now I think the deal breaker is the neighbor to left and behind has 7 dogs that NEVER stopped barking for the hour I was there.
Asked around and sure enough they never ceases.
That's a deal breaker.

Doctor was in

She's ordering oxygen to be delivered to house this afternoon.

She's gonna give her a steroid shot to try and help with pain.
Refilled Percocet.

If no better by Monday going for CT scan , again.

This one might sound “off” but does she have a fever or has she? (Real question- does she have an infection brewing somewhere with all she’s had done?”
Oh Spike - wow! That’s rough. Might be time to explore the options.
Bacpacker - still thinking of your mom.
Grim - oy! Stay safe. This might sound funny but when we had chances of dry lightening, I had a hose with a sprinkler on top of the house and would turn it on. From inside sounded like rain but kept stuff wet (and kept yard watered etc). I know water is an issue down there though. If you get stuck head north, I’ll feed ya.
Mo - I think Strawberry might not be happy that you put those plants in her spot.
If Snappy hasn’t seen your question yet- fire cider I know of is to boost your immune system and is made with an apple juice base but has hot elements added- Snap if that’s wrong, please say so. I think there are multiple recipes.
My bay window is full of plants again.
But least they won't freeze now.
Many of my potted herbs are on one side of my stairs on the stairway. I was trying to figure out how to best get them some light, while keeping them warm. I have been thinking I need a wire shelf with lights for the winter for all of my herbs. I wish I had deep window sills.
I ended up taking 7 doz and an 18 carton of eggs to town. I sold out in 2 stops. When I was leaving a friend’s house last week, I saw his neighbor, an elderly lady, sitting on her porch. I sold her a doz eggs. Today she bought 2 doz.

The lady at my favorite produce stand bought 4. My buddy took the rest. I had to stop at WM today, my least favorite place. I stopped at TSC for chicken feed on the way out of town. I started talking to a young lady in the check out line. She had chicken feed also. I tried to sell her a few of my hens, no dice. When it was my turn to pay I told the girl at the register I wanted to return 6 of the chicks I bought there in the spring. Explaining that they had all lived and I had to many eggs. She thought I was serious for a moment, it was funny.

On the way to town I saw an old guy setting some watermelons out on the ground in front of a gas station. On the way home I stopped to get one. He was actually getting ready to leave, said “I had a complaint, a lot of white meat in my melons” (this happens when melons get to much rain). I took a chance, bought one melon for $3. He insisted I take more in case that one was bad… I got 4 for $3. The first one I cut was bad. He may have gotten the best of that deal. I felt for the old guy, been there, done that, sitting on the side of the road with a pickup load of fruit to sell and nothing goes right. Oh well, at least he got a little gas money from me.

I did go look thru the inside of that little brick house this morning.

Roughly figured to get it to where we would be happy would cost around $40,000. That's not really bad....but a lot of aggravation and headaches.

Now I think the deal breaker is the neighbor to left and behind has 7 dogs that NEVER stopped barking for the hour I was there.
Asked around and sure enough they never ceases.
That's a deal breaker.

The home I stayed at over the weekend, with the nasty neighbor? New couple had no idea what they were moving next to. I wonder how often it happens when there is a problem neighbor and buyers could be told, but are not? At least with the dogs, it was apparent without anyone disclosing that to you. All those dogs are probably not in an area where there are limitations on the number of pets a person can have. Here, you are limited to three animals. Of course, there are people who have more, and it is okay, until there is a problem, such as constant barking. And that makes the one neighbor with all the barking dogs a deficit to all of his neighbors.
This one might sound “off” but does she have a fever or has she? (Real question- does she have an infection brewing somewhere with all she’s had done?”
Oh Spike - wow! That’s rough. Might be time to explore the options.
Bacpacker - still thinking of your mom.
Grim - oy! Stay safe. This might sound funny but when we had chances of dry lightening, I had a hose with a sprinkler on top of the house and would turn it on. From inside sounded like rain but kept stuff wet (and kept yard watered etc). I know water is an issue down there though. If you get stuck head north, I’ll feed ya.
Mo - I think Strawberry might not be happy that you put those plants in her spot.
If Snappy hasn’t seen your question yet- fire cider I know of is to boost your immune system and is made with an apple juice base but has hot elements added- Snap if that’s wrong, please say so. I think there are multiple recipes.
Strawberry isn't happy they're at her look out spot.
But they are poisonous to her too.
They will be there till I can figure something else out.
Many of my potted herbs are on one side of my stairs on the stairway. I was trying to figure out how to best get them some light, while keeping them warm. I have been thinking I need a wire shelf with lights for the winter for all of my herbs. I wish I had deep window sills.

I don't know about inside but we put outside string Christmas lights under our seedlings in greenhouse and even in 13 degree [ yes we can get down to 5 sometimes here in north florida] our seedlings did great. Those heated grow pads cost alot of money. Xmas lights are used outside in all kinds of weather wrapped arund peoples homes so I would use them. They were on a metal cabinet with plant tray on top. If inside they would be in our bedroom though.
The wife is down today.... She has "those days" every week or so.... She misses a dose of her meds, doesn't sleep, then doesn't use her oxygen right, then acts like a drunken kid with the crys..... It'll take a couple days to get her back to level.... Have to stay within ear shot of her because strange thing happen....

I will try to be productive doing quiet jobs (she is sleeping now) like cleaning up and painting.... But for the next couple of days we will be living off my cookin....
I guess it's a good thing I decided to finish up the Kitchen instead of going hunting this morning.......
I don't know about inside but we put outside string Christmas lights under our seedlings in greenhouse and even in 13 degree [ yes we can get down to 5 sometimes here in north florida] our seedlings did great. Those heated grow pads cost alot of money. Xmas lights are used outside in all kinds of weather wrapped arund peoples homes so I would use them. They were on a metal cabinet with plant tray on top. If inside they would be in our bedroom though.
What a neat idea! Here in Idaho, we don't usually feel safe putting plants in the ground until after Mother's Day, which really eats into our growing season (for example, the day before yesterday, the water froze in the chickens' water dish).

My main goal for today (besides doing the chickens) is to go to Home Depot and start pricing lumber, corrugated aluminum sheeting, and corrugated polycarbonate. I already have a cutting list for my raised beds and will just be looking at the polycarbonate sheeting for my greenhouse -- for which I don't have plans yet -- which will be attached to the south side of my 20' shipping container/workshop. I want to have them all done by the end of April, so I can get a jump-start on my planting season.

Meanwhile, Dawn is cleaning out the remaining crops (except root crops) from the garden and laying down new plastic sheeting where the raised beds are going to be.

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Well , I apologize to all of you for not mentioning how important yesterday was.

What with doctor visit , house touring , mowing for 3 hours, and going thru new oxygen setup in house.

Y'all do help keep me somewhat from going insane , if that's possible, crazy maybe, but not insane.

Yesterday was our 54th wedding anniversary. I love her so much more today than yesterday.

We are one.

Can't possibly imagine being without her.

Then there's today... September 11th..such a sad day. Take a moment to remember.

What a neat idea! Here in Idaho, we don't usually feel safe putting plants in the ground until after Mother's Day, which really eats into our growing season (for example, the day before yesterday, the water froze in the chickens' water dish).

My main goal for today (besides doing the chickens) is to go to Home Depot and start pricing lumber, corrugated aluminum sheeting, and corrugated polycarbonate. I already have a cutting list for my raised beds and will just be looking at the polycarbonate sheeting for my greenhouse -- for which I don't have plans yet -- which will be attached to the south side of my 20' shipping container/workshop. I want to have them all done by the end of April, so I can get a jump-start on my planting season.

Meanwhile, Dawn is cleaning out the remaining crops (except root crops) from the garden and laying down new plastic sheeting where the raised beds are going to be.

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Thank you Duncan. they did work good for us also I used kerosine lamps to keep raised bed broccoli from freezeing.I find some good uses for gardening in the household items. I made a pvc and poly hoop over bed. Then put in lanturn between plants every 5 ft. Hubby was busy with boat so I had time to think.PhotoBucket stole all my pictures I had of all my gardening 4 or 5 yr.s ago when we were ral productive.

Shop4Omni Red Hurricane Kerosene Oil Lantern Emergency Hanging Light/Lamp - 12 Inches
Well , I apologize to all of you for not mentioning how important yesterday was.

What with doctor visit , house touring , mowing for 3 hours, and going thru new oxygen setup in house.

Y'all do help keep me somewhat from going insane , if that's possible, crazy maybe, but not insane.

Yesterday was our 54th wedding anniversary. I love her so much more today than yesterday.

We are one.

Can't possibly imagine being without her.

Then there's today... September 11th..such a sad day. Take a moment to remember.

Happy belated Anniversary to you both.:great::presents:.
Happy Anniversary Jim & lovely Brenda ❤️ Wishing you many more happy years to come!

Headed to the big city today for year two of turning over our highly sought after long awaited deer tags. I really needed this trip and hopefully meat. Can’t trust the PO so hand deliver them. Last year we turned our tags in September and It took the state until February to issue our preferences points back. Wonder how long this years will take. Have to get out of town before dark. Who knows what “protests” will be like.
Well , I apologize to all of you for not mentioning how important yesterday was.

What with doctor visit , house touring , mowing for 3 hours, and going thru new oxygen setup in house.

Y'all do help keep me somewhat from going insane , if that's possible, crazy maybe, but not insane.

Yesterday was our 54th wedding anniversary. I love her so much more today than yesterday.

We are one.

Can't possibly imagine being without her.

Then there's today... September 11th..such a sad day. Take a moment to remember.

Belated Happy Anniversary to both of you!