What's everybody doing today?

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I don't believe it!!😉
i was good this morning...went down hill from there...i think need a nap...i think i need a hike...i think i need some....good food...maybe caffeine...or something....i think a nap....i keep on like i am i am going to put myself in time out by 3p.m. for rotten behavior.

look what i done caveman painting...2 million years from now they will find this post on a back up server and some scientist will tell others how i wrote about eating something bad and throwing up my food and then died 80 years later...lol
Got up, worked out, cleaned up, sat in a court room for a few hours then provided an escort, ran out to the storage garage just to check on things, stopped at a store and came home. I have a few things to do yet but decided I should check and make sure you people were all still here and hadn't been abducted by the NSA yet.
Got up, worked out, cleaned up, sat in a court room for a few hours then provided an escort, ran out to the storage garage just to check on things, stopped at a store and came home. I have a few things to do yet but decided I should check and make sure you people were all still here and hadn't been abducted by the NSA yet.
We were wondering if you ran off to Vegas😃! Glad you checked in, the stories may have gotten out of hand!🤣
Filled a cart at Aldi, and stopped and bought some porch mums. Took husband to the doc for his labs for his appt tomorrow. Grouchy must be in the air, because he was grouchy, too, until I went thru the Scooters drive thru and got him a berry smoothie. Picked up his prescriptions. Levi gets home before little granddaughter and helped put groceries away, and fix a shelf I had overloaded in the basement. He's out helping with chores right now, so I think he wants dinner, too, but did get an after school snack going when he got here. OJ and cheese and crackers. Aldi was very quiet today, I was surprised. But maybe the strike wouldn't be announced till tomorrow, and tomorrow is also the 1st, so I expect they'd be crazier then. No great deals today, and they were out of roasts, and I wanted four or five of them. Running low.
well...i musta needed a nap....i passed out listening to audio book....i may go to bed early...like right now even...maybe dream about bulldozers,road building,skidding timber,fishing and such.
I am pretty proud of my Irishman today.
He stuck to his guns and told Estelle "NO".
Course she cried and tried to get him to change his mind.
She wants to go with us on an Adult date Saturday night.
I had already told her "NO' one day last week.
So she thought she could con him into her letting go with us.
But he told her no and stuck with it.
I was worried for about 5 minutes.
I sent him a text and told him if you back down"You're fair game".
She won't believe anything you say hence forth.
So she got a firm "NO" you can't go.
But an apple, plum, frozen candy cane , and a dollar makes life better when you're 7 years old.
Not quite sure why she got a dollar but that's between them.
Estelle's world is upside down right now.
Granny is dating the Irishman.
Nana (the other grandma) is dating someone from her work.
Aunt Sissy is dating some one new too.
Her support system is still there, just different now.
And she's not the youngest anymore either.
She has a 2 little brothers now and 1 big sister.
Her little brothers are at each parents house.
1 at her mom's house and 1 at her dad's house.
Woke up with a bad tummy ache. Felt nauseous. Took Pepto and rolled to my left side. Cats started jumping on me after awhile. I called the doctor's office to ask about the reminder calls on Friday. They do robocalls to do appointment reminders and there were two appointments. One was for my brother but turns out doctor had something come up and couldn't come in that morning. Bro will have to reschedule. I also rescheduled my appointment for next week.

Itsy kept bugging me so I got up and fed kitties, then crawled back into bed. Felt better around 2:30pm but still run down. Got food for Mom and napped a bit and then went to pick up friend to bring him over to do some yard work. He cleared about half the trash pile out front and cut down the small tree near the air conditioner. I helped a little. It was a lightweight tree and I was able to haul half of it to the burn pile. My gorilla cart got a workout. Got friend some food and put gas in his car when we got back into town.

Still feeling run down even though I didn't do too much. About to take another nap before I make dinner.
Monday September 30th 2024
Yup the last day of September

Tomorrow will be the First Day of October 2024
The Halloween month 👻

Nice day out I was working outside most of the day
Mow ... cleaned ...cut and tied some branches etc

Took time with Dane Girl too outside
She did love it ...sunny and cool 🐶
She likes to stand in the middle of the yard
Then when she hear or see something ..I did not even saw
She does her deep bark..
I say thats ok.. Then she stops and slowly wags her tail
Everybody are fed and now snoozes

Did make fire in woodstove in basement

Anyway...a quiet busy day but my back is sore a bit now
My bed will probably call me early tonight

Sleep well 🥱😴

Well I did it. I just turned the little heater on near my feet. It was only supposed to go down to 40 last night, but it was 34 when I woke up. Well when I got up. Woke before midnight and didn’t get back to sleep until after 3 AM 😒. Not a bad Monday but don’t feel like I accomplished a whole lot.
Got the heat shield finished around the wood stove in the fur shed today.

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