it's 22 degrees outside and we have both stoves started again since it is supposed to stay below freezing all day
we have finally resolved the problem of son's waterlines freezing every winter. It causes huge problems because his water is heated through the wood stove also like ours ( if the water in the tank boils , the valve pops and boiling water and steam comes out but it's not really a safe situation) . We just drained the entire thing for winter, now he can at least have heat without problem. He has a bucket for flushing his toilet, and a gallon jug for making coffee and he takes showers at the house. He doesn't do dishes anyway, I do them so problem solved.
Debating if any of the animals are going out today, probably the sheep for a little while, they mind the cold least. The goat have access to the pasture from the barn so they can decide if they want out or not. They did not go out yesterday at all, but it was snowing. I saw a few stand at the door looking but didn't see them actually outside. Only the dog was out
Little goat boys are definitely staying in. We have now trained them to ride on the back of the Ranger, all 4 of them LOL. It's easier to transport them from their house to the pasture way at the other end of the property on that, than trying to get them to walk all that way. The big ones did it during the summer, but these guys are still small ( 50 lbs maybe)