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I can't speak to the legality but for my rental property, I would insist the tenant pays for the DW and installation by my chosen contractor.

The tenant would get the DW. My property value goes up and control the quality of the work.

Win, win, win.

Re: DWs

The Princess has repeatedly stated "Dishwashers are wonderful things."

My brother has insisted no DWs or garbage disposals! He maintains our stuff and had seen too many cases of idiots destroying them.

Ben insists The Princess take care of the DW. Cleaning and fixing DWs is nasty work.🤮

I had a dishwasher and only used it at Christmas or Thanksgiving. I don’t have one now and don’t want one. I would rather have the cupboard space.
Here is what a few days in the junk pile accomplished. the winch tower etc, All from stuff I had around, If someone decides you have too much junk, let them know they don't really have an opinion.
now your quota is going to be 19 , the bean counters youknow
That's funny, but it's also true. We were set up for success today. 13 of the welds were really easy situations, simply dropping in short sticks of new rail or just "Pop and Drop" which means unbolting an existing joint, (the Pop) and setting the welding head over the joint, (the Drop). Only one spot was really difficult, where we had to remove a guard rail. All those welds were in a half mile section of track so there wasn't much down time for travel.

Our director knows the scoop about all that. To average 15 welds a day is actually a pretty aggressive goal. We've covered 22 miles of track to only get 12 welds before. Weather plays a factor as does the dispatcher. We can't weld in heavy rain, and we usually can't weld in high wind due to the fire risk. I doubt I'll be on this gang much longer because the boss wants to eliminate my job so he can add another welder to the consist. That's life on the rails. I'll just find a different gang to go to. I'm kind of itching to learn a new position so I'm kind of looking forward to it...
Great news on your continued health progress!

I am curious about the script for a dishwasher. I have never heard of such a situation. Is this for an under the counter one or one of those countertop ones that hook up to the sink.? A few of us in my family own a building our grandparents left us that has four apartments. None of them have dishwasher or washing machines. Actually, none of them have room for either of those appliances without doing major remodeling work. In your state, can the landlord be compelled to make that type of modification? In New Jersey they can’t. If the tenant gets state assistance with their rent, the state can ask for some modifications, such as grab bars and showers grates on second-story windows (to prevent children from falling), but they’re not able to compel us to make complete remodeling and structural changes. We have the right of refusal for that.
It will be a portable, like my washing machine and dryer.
Fed-Ex brought my washing machine and dryer because they were less than 50 pounds each.
I can get one of those counter top dishwashers, but I would rather have one one wheels.
It hooks up to kitchen sink.
If I could find a portable dishwasher on wheels less than 31.5 inches tall.
Then it fit in the spot they took their dishwasher out of.
I pay a water bill for my apartment just like normal people would.
I live in a handicap accessible apartment in Public Housing for a few more months hopefully.
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Well I wasted a text box, so we may as well see the amazing all day battery base

who knew the step off of an old travel trailer would fit so nice, and save me cutting up something more valuable. the all thread and nuts are new , but they were here , the rust and crap must have come off of the old cable that was on the winch (too ratty for loading)
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I don't think I have ever seen a live scorpion, not sure they have them in Florida, definitely not here. LOL a cockroach in the house in Florida would make me freak out ( hate those things and they dont even bite) , can't imagine a scorpion LOL
I discovered that cockroaches can bite and its incredibly annoying. The ones in my house have bitten me a few times. It's apparently rare for them to do it, but I have that kind of luck.
Do you need some blueprints? I have a design using a simple, modified toilet set up. all PVC.
I'd love to see the blueprints!
I had a dishwasher and only used it at Christmas or Thanksgiving. I don’t have one now and don’t want one. I would rather have the cupboard space.
I've always hated dishwashers. We've always had such lousy ones that I always had to wash the dishes by hand and then have to load them into the dishwasher, wait for them to get sprayed with hot water and then put them away when they were dry-- and sometimes I'd have to re-rinse them and put them away. So the dishwasher was always extra steps and work and Mom always criticized how I loaded it or how the dishes turned out without actually teaching me how to do things properly. The one we have now is a freestanding one that is like an island and has a thing that extends out to hook to the kitchen faucet. I use it as a drying rack and storage. It hasn't been used in years.

Took Mom into town and then up to Alexandria to go to Samsclub and some other places. Ate at the Chinese place and got some stuff for my friend and his wife. Friend had been looking for one of those pillow/cushion things that help you sit up in bed to read or whatever. I found one for under $20 and got it for him. Also got them some frozen twice baked potatoes. Got home and Mom was hungry again so I heated food up. A few minutes later she wanted more food. Then she wanted food again another hour later. The night before she woke me up at 2:30am because she was hungry.

Fed kitties and have been researching how to change to a different type of switch for my well system to fill the cistern.

Also watched a few videos of the cutest little turtle riding mini skateboards to follow a cat around.
What I need to do may conflict with what I actually get done today! The weather will play a large part. I'm trailing growing potatoes outside in tubs; last night I moved them into the poly because it was so cold. I'll get more seedlings transplanted, and need to start putting down winter produce, most of the focus will be filling the skip I've ordered. Very annoyed to see they have a list of things I can't put in-tires for instance. I have bike tires that I wanted rid of; I use car tires around the place so that is ok. Hope to get painting outside also.
I discovered that cockroaches can bite and its incredibly annoying. The ones in my house have bitten me a few times. It's apparently rare for them to do it, but I have that kind of luck.

I'd love to see the blueprints!

I've always hated dishwashers. We've always had such lousy ones that I always had to wash the dishes by hand and then have to load them into the dishwasher, wait for them to get sprayed with hot water and then put them away when they were dry-- and sometimes I'd have to re-rinse them and put them away. So the dishwasher was always extra steps and work and Mom always criticized how I loaded it or how the dishes turned out without actually teaching me how to do things properly. The one we have now is a freestanding one that is like an island and has a thing that extends out to hook to the kitchen faucet. I use it as a drying rack and storage. It hasn't been used in years.

you have these things in your house and they bite you? In florida you could open the door to the backyard at night and they would fly right in and hit you in the head, nasty things . We had a pest control service spraying the house twice a year inside and out. One thing we don't need here and I am very happy about not having them

oh and I don't have a dishwasher but do miss it. We had one that worked in Florida now we don't have enough water pressure to run one most likely , but I got used to doing them by hand
So still sick and husband is now sick too. I guess son will have to take care of the animals today , I can probably help some
I am so tired of this, debating if I should go to the doctor but then he probably can't do anything about it anyway.

Really regretting the trip now, but if I had not gone I probably would have regretted that too. But in hindsight, I regret it. I could have used that money for other stuff, we wouldn't all be sick and we would have been selling at the market. Now we probably won't be able to this weekend either and have lots of stuff to sell. Sometimes life really sucks. No good deed goes unpunished, ever.
It will be a portable, like my washing machine and dryer.
Fed-Ex brought my washing machine and dryer because they were less than 50 pounds each.
I can get one of those counter top dishwashers, but I would rather have one one wheels.
It hooks up to kitchen sink.
If I could find a portable dishwasher on wheels less than 31.5 inches tall.
Then it fit in the spot they took their dishwasher out of.
I pay a water bill for my apartment just like normal people would.
I live in a handicap accessible apartment in Public Housing for a few more months hopefully.
One of my tenants uses one of those countertop models (that apartment is blessed with more counter space than the other two) and she loves it. She didn't think it would do the job, but it does. I was going to get one for my father's house but his kitchen faucet is one with the pull out hose sprayer and the hose for the appliance is not compatible.

If you pay for the water, I don't see what the issue would be for the landlord. In our place the 85 year old plumbing would require to much to set up each apartment with their own meter. That is something that will be the next owner's problem.
I'd love to see the blueprints!
I'll post them in the water thread. we had the exact set up on our chemical tanks where I used to work.
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Storms last night knocked out power for about 15hrs. First time in 2yrs it’s been off for more than 2-3hrs. Because of their age my folks electrical needs have changed radically recently. Also, my household electronic gear has all been upgraded in the last 6months. More to follow...

So, all my storm preps and upgrades got a good check overnight. Results were mixed but I know where I stand now. Still more to do but isn’t there always…
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Got up this morning and our water was off, went online and the forum was out, my first thought was:
OMG! This is the SHTF event everybody has been wailing about!!! gaah
Well, the forum came back up, and the city is just fixing a leak :rolleyes:.
Got my new brush mower put together today, and got the clutch and steering brakes broken in. Cleaned out the old corral/feedlot. Made a large pile of manure that I'll spread around the small pasture near the house. We decided not to use our garden area any more, so I'm going to move the fence line in that area. I've got two more fences that I'm going to move and add a couple more gates. I decided to rebuild the the old corral and feed lot to make it easier to load out cattle from. I've got some welding to do on the new trailer, and weld on a couple hooks on the tractor back blade.
Got up this morning and our water was off, went online and the forum was out, my first thought was:
OMG! This is the SHTF event everybody has been wailing about!!! gaah
Well, the forum came back up, and the city is just fixing a leak :rolleyes:.
Well, the water is back on, so I can take my tinfoil hat off 🤕.
I noticed that our water pressure had been 'kinda-low' the last several weeks, and we now have great pressure! :thumbs:
well crap
just got back from the ER ( well I did good this time, took me 4 years of not going there....)
Took care of the animals this morning, started feeling really bad. Got back to house and passed out
When I came too I had some chest pain and breathing problems
So husband who is sick also took me to the ER. Turns out I have both covid and the flu, and severely dehydrated that is probably why I passed out
Someone asked what event you want undone a few weeks ago on thread, mine would be DO NOT FLY TO EUROPE
well crap
just got back from the ER ( well I did good this time, took me 4 years of not going there....)
Took care of the animals this morning, started feeling really bad. Got back to house and passed out
When I came too I had some chest pain and breathing problems
So husband who is sick also took me to the ER. Turns out I have both covid and the flu, and severely dehydrated that is probably why I passed out
Someone asked what event you want undone a few weeks ago on thread, mine would be DO NOT FLY TO EUROPE
Get better soon, sorry you are dealing with all that!! 🙁🩷

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